Dark Light Chaser Chapter 118


Chapter 118 Observation

"When you chat in peacetime, you reveal enough information."

Ye Qing's side had eaten the whole box of chicken wings, and Ai Liang's side only started to eat the third one.

"I usually chat... I don't seem to have mentioned the location or personal identity information, right?"

Ye Qing's tone was a little hesitant. Knowing that there are tens of thousands of them, she is not sure if she leaked the word one day.

But Ye Qing will never say anything about personal information.

"You don't necessarily need a specific store name to determine your identity."

Ai Liang put down his chopsticks and began to chant.

"The layout of the supermarket you complained about, the number of bus stops you took to and from get off work, the time the supermarket took to process expired food and frozen meat, and the attitude of getting along with other supermarket staff can all serve as clues."

"Of course I can't figure it out if I haven't seen each other, but if I've been to the supermarket where you are, I'll be more or less familiar."

"Even so, I can't think of it. Well, I was only twelve years old when I worked part-time in the supermarket four years ago!"

Ye Qing can understand what I said earlier, but generally speaking, shouldn't I be suspicious of other staff in the supermarket?

For example, Zhu Lan, Sister Li, etc., how could they suspect themselves?

Especially when the two met downstairs, Ye Qing once said that she was an orphan. Would an orphan in his early ten years use his cell phone to chat all day?

"At first I really didn't think of you as the summer solstice, but when you buy things with me, the interaction with other staff members is too similar to the character of the summer solstice."

"Just Because of this? Shouldn't I be treated as a part-time student during the summer vacation at this time?"

Ye Qing couldn't understand such a far-fetched reason.

"Of course it's more than that."

Ai Liang paused and continued: "It's mainly because of your hat that I'm sure you're an old employee here."

"The only people in the supermarket who wear the same white top and red brimmed cap are those Uncle Aunt and the cashier you call Sister Li at the front desk.

Judging from their proficiency at work, These people are obviously old employees.

And when I went to the supermarket for the first time yesterday, the cash register was not very skilled at the front desk, wearing a pure white peaked cap, which should be A method used to distinguish old employees from part-time employees."

"So you should have been working in the supermarket for a while, and your attitude when communicating with other people is very familiar. Getting up is the main reason why I suspect that you are the summer solstice."

After finishing the explanation, Ai Liang continued to bury his head in the rice and slowly tasted the honey chicken wings in the bowl.

And Ye Qing was dumbfounded.

From this moment on, she has the most simple and intuitive understanding of the so-called genius who can read and write at the age of one.

Ye Qing's whole person was dumbfounded, but she said blankly: "I should have told you this two or three years ago, do you still remember it now?"

"My memory is relatively good." Ai Liang modestly said.

"Since you already recognized it, why don't you just say it directly!"

Ye Qing said hu hu.

"Haven't you been vigilant about my identity since I invited you to dinner? I'm worried that if you say it directly, you will treat me as a stalker."

Ai Liang see Ye Qing, who wanted to ask her guilt, turned back calmly.

Ye Qing only then reacted. Since Ai Liang can even notice these details, has he also seen his vigilance?

Thinking of this, Ye Qing felt a little sorry, and she began to explain falteringly: "Well...this...you see, Qianhua Market is so chaotic, isn't it as it should be by rights to be more vigilant? ..."

"Girls should be more careful when they go out, after all I look so cute...hehe ☆"

Ye Qing slapped her forehead and blinked again with her right hand. Sticking out his tongue, trying to make a fool out of himself.

Ai Liang nodded lightly, then looked at her quietly.

The two stared at each other for thirty seconds.

"I know I'm cute, but if you keep staring at me like this, I'll be sorry too."

Ye Qing smiled slyly and chose to change the topic.

"Speaking of which, Aliang, your screen name is really Ancient One, just use a part of your own name."

Aliang is Ye Qing who told Ai Liang on the Internet 's name.

Although the two have not met before, they have known each other for five years, and they are still classmates of the same age.

So Ye Qing didn't feel uncomfortable when she got along with Ai Liang.

Even if Ai Liang is called by his first name, neither side has any sense of disobedience.

"I can take it casually. I rarely use chat software."

Ai Liang picked up his chopsticks again and nibbled at the warm chicken wings.

"Actually at first I thought you were a college student in your twenties, or an uncle in your thirties."

Now that everyone has identified each other.

Ye Qing no longer hid and tucked, and began to recall the conversation between the two on the chat software.

"After all, your words and sentences are too mature when you speak. You don't look like a teenager at all."

Ai Liang said without looking up: "Almost, in my initial reasoning, you are also a single eldest sister or unmarried Aunt between the ages of twenty-five and thirty." It hurts, I'm clearly a sixteen-year-old beautiful girl."

Ai Liang put down his chopsticks after nibbling on the last chicken wing: "Who would have thought that a sixteen-year-old beautiful girl would be thinking about firewood, rice, oil and salt every day. , electricity, and rent."

"That's true."

Ye Qing touched the chin with one hand in a contemplative manner: "Who let me live alone... so speaking of which isn't the same for you? I remember you cook by yourself too!"

However, Ye Qing seemed to think of something funny, and unfathomable mystery laughed out loud.

"Your reasoning is correct. In fact, I am chatting with you imitating the tone of our supermarket Boss. By the way, she is twenty-eight years old."

 … …


Zhu Lan, who was far away in the apartment, sneezed, rubbed her nose and said to herself, “Is the air conditioner on? Is it too low?"

Zhu Lan pressed the environmental protection 26 degrees, then turned over and changed her posture to catch the drama on the sofa.


On the balcony, Ai Liang and Ye Qing are like old friends who have known each other for many years in real life, chatting about trivial matters in life.

Ye Qing was the lecturer and Ai Liang was on the sidelines, occasionally interjecting.

However, this time the two chatted directly face-to-face. Without the barrier of the electronic board, Ai Liang could observe Ye Qing's emotions more clearly.

This kind of chat after dinner made Ai Liang feel a touch of warmth after a long absence.

When Ai Liang lived alone in that cold house, apart from the nanny, Ye Qing was the only friend he could talk to and the only person who cared about him.

Maybe Ye Qing's life experience is very similar to Ai Liang's previous life.

In addition, she is very clear about her past and will not hold any strange eyes on her own life experience.

Ai Liang felt very relaxed and comfortable when she was with Ye Qing.

It is indeed a good choice to come to Qianhua Market.

This is the first time in the past few days that Ai Liang came up with the idea that 'life in Qianhua City may not be bad'.

But it didn't take long for Ai Liang to dismiss the idea as a fart.

Because of the troublesome characters came to the door.

(end of this chapter)

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