Dark Light Chaser Chapter 121


Chapter 121 Faith (Thanks to the Alliance Leader who secretly tipped Ye Da (quiet bb))

"So, you What do you want to say?"

Ai Liang asked back: "You came out to me just to talk to someone?"

"If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

Jin Ping'an looked at Ai Liang's back, took out two banknotes from his wallet, slapped them on the table, and hurriedly chased after him.

Ai Liang didn't stop because of his cry, so Jin Ping'an had to walk beside Ai Liang and talk.

"You broke their plan, and they will definitely attack you in the end. Why don't we join forces first."

Faced with Ai Liang who is going faster and faster, Jin Ping'an could only speed up his pace, so his tone of voice was a little hurried.

"I hope you can help me find the real masterminds and find those who are missing..."

"I refuse, I don't need you for my safety Mind your own business, if you hadn't involved me, I wouldn't have encountered these crap at all."

Ai Liang stood still under the street light.

Ai He patted the palm of Jin Ping'an on his shoulder, and said coldly, "I was held hostage by robbers in the bank. quagmire."

"I saved your life, and how did you repay me? You know there will be mortal danger in investigating something, but you still want to pull me together, don't you? A little bit of shame?"

"I...I just wanted to..." Jin Ping'an took a half step back with a struggling look on his face.

"What you think is your business, I have no reason, and I have no obligation to cooperate with your actions."

Ai Liang approached Jin Ping'an with an overwhelming imposing manner: "Don't use the banner of saving people, stand on the moral high ground and issue orders to others.

For the sake of one's own ideas, casually pulling irrelevant people into dangerous actions is just to satisfy oneself in the end. The so-called sense of justice is nothing more than a sense of justice.

It doesn't matter to you, but what will happen to those who are involved in the end, have you considered it?

The reality is not a fairy tale, there will be no A perfect happy ending, if the truth is still not revealed in the end, in the face of the enemy's revenge, can you protect those who were involved with you?"

Ai Liang's voice was not clear. Big, but for Jin Ping'an, it was a thunderbolt.

It was the first time anyone had said those words to him.

"Don't try to raise your arms, and there will be people of justice unconditionally helping you fight against the evil forces. This is reality, not a fairy tale world."

The reason why Ai Liang Said this remark because he felt that Jin Ping'an was very similar to himself. From him, Ai Liang saw a shadow of a hermit.

Ai Liang, who just received superpowers ten years ago, acts like him to satisfy his sense of justice.

But after listening to Jin Ping'an's statement, Ai Liang was a little disappointed.

Although the former hermit also acted to satisfy the sense of justice, he still knows the world of Dao Foundation and has the ability to investigate the truth by himself without involving innocent people.

And Jin Ping'an can't recognize himself a little bit. Without Vajra's hard work, he naively thought that when others heard the dark side, they would help him unconditionally.

This is just a hairless brat immersed in a detective game.

All in all, it is the society that suffers too little beatings.

After Ai Liang said these words, he turned and left.

"I understand what you're talking about!"

A broken voice came from behind.

The light of the street lamp is very strong, and it looks like a conical white cover from a distance.

Jin Ping'an stood directly under the street lamp with red eyes, while Ai Liang's body was buried in the shadow outside the light, he slowly turned sideways, the street lamp illuminated half of his indifferent face .

"I know I'm useless! I don't have the reasoning ability like Lao Tian, nor the information gathering ability like Le Jia's, and my physical fitness is also average. After running three kilometers, I can gasping for breath."

Jin Ping'an clenched his fists tightly and his tone trembled.

"I didn't want to accept the identity of a criminal police consultant, I just wanted to be an ordinary student obediently and honestly, and occasionally go to the detachment to help out."

"But I can't let it go. !"

Jin Ping'an raised his head, bloodshot eyes a little wet.

“I can’t turn a blind eye to the victims!”

“I know no one wants to meddle, especially about the black zone.”

"People can feel at ease and hand over the disappearance of those people to the police, but if the police are also constrained by various reasons and cannot immediately investigate, what should the victims do?"

"Oda and the others? I've been called up and I don't have time to investigate, what about me?"

"Because I'm young, I can keep silent and pretend not to know, and let the victims be mutilated by criminals in some corner. ?"

"While the victims were in hell, praying for someone to save them.

But no one cared about their lives, no one was there Acting for them, if you are the victim, can you accept it!"

Jin Ping'an stepped forward and grabbed Ai Liang's shoulders with both hands, making him face him.

"I saw your information in the police's information bank not long ago. You once guarded the downstairs of his house for one day and one night in order to monitor the murderer. If you really don't want to. Nosy people, why do you do this?"

"What I want to do has nothing to do with you, this is not the reason why you involved me."

Ai Liang whole Faces are in shadow.

Jin Ping'an's eyes, which had been stimulated by strong street lights for a long time, could not see Ai Liang's expression at this time.

"I know you shouldn't be involved, I know...but I can't help it..."

Jin Ping'an lowered his head, under the influence of alcohol, he Emotions began to spiral out of control.

“Lejia went overseas and couldn’t get in touch. Laotian, who promised to help me with the investigation, was urgently transferred to another area to handle the case.

Other members of the criminal police team made excuses and deliberately Avoiding me, even the contact person lost contact with me."

"I don't resent why they didn't help me, because they all have their own families and concerns, and what I'm doing now , like a moth chasing fire, but ah."

Jin Ping'an's snot and tears were mixed together, his hands on Ai Liang's shoulders slowly dropped, and his knees gradually bent until he knelt down. Falls in front of Ai Liang.

Jin Ping'an continued with a whimper: "But...I can't do anything. With my strength alone...I can't even fly to the fire..."

"I'm also desperate, I tried my best, that's why I found you I just met, please help me...help those victims...please..."

Around Quiet terrifying.

Not even the cicadas in the green belt are chirping.

The two were clearly on the road near the residential building, but they couldn't see a pedestrian or a car.

Only Jin Ping'an's sobbing sound echoed in Ai Liang's ears.

Ai Liang silently watched Jin Ping'an, who was kneeling on the ground.

Take back the foreword, you are nothing like the old me.

(end of this chapter)

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