Dark Light Chaser Chapter 130


Chapter 130 Friendly Conversation

The sound of footsteps bang bang bang came from the stairs, making the Boss busy counting money frowned.

After seeing the messenger, he put down the half-counted bills in his hand.

Picking up the machete scolded: "You are shameless, aren't you!"

Then he moved towards the stairs, intending to teach the messenger a lesson.

But just two steps away, he saw the black silenced pistol in the courier's hand, and the Boss' pupils shrank for a while.

You have to kill a witness to silence them if you blackmail you 20,000 yuan? Who are we the police and who are the underworld?

Although he is a rateless character who relies on the top of the mountain to gain a firm foothold, he has several points of courage to dare to open a tattoo parlor in the outer city of Jiuhua.

After seeing the pistol in the courier's hand, the Boss was not so frightened that he dropped the machete and raised his hands in a salute.

Instead, he picked up a glass from the table and smashed it at the door of the messenger.

While distracting him with a glass, Boss himself rushed up with a machete with an angry look on his face.

as the saying goes well, the gun is fast beyond seven paces.

Within seven paces, the gun is fast and accurate.

You say knives are fast?

Anyone who talks about which is faster, aside from the speed of individual neural responses, is playing a hooligan.

The messenger snapped two shots, one shot shattering the glass and the other hitting the boss in the thigh.

The Boss staggered in front of the messenger, hugging his thighs and making a shrill scream.

The bullets used by the messenger are rubber bullets, but don't think that rubber bullets can't kill people. If they hit the head at such a close distance, it is no different from lead bullets.

Normal bullets hit non-lethal parts. After training for a while, at most one bullet hole will be left, which will not affect future activities very much.

The rubber bullet hits the body at close range and is likely to leave semi-permanent wounds, such as a large bruise.

With this shot down, Boss would have to lie on the bed for more than two months even if his leg wasn't broken.

The messenger ignored the screaming Boss lying on the ground. He first threw the machete into the corner of the basement, then came to the edge of the sofa and packed the banknotes.

Jin Ping'an, who was originally guarding the stairs, rushed down after hearing the screams in the basement.

While tying the Boss with the hemp rope that came out of the cabinet, the messenger asked, "Why are you running down instead of blocking the door?"

Jin Ping'an smiled bitterly: " I didn't hear the screams, so I came down to take a look..."

peng peng peng!

"Boss? I just heard someone calling, are you alright!"


The faint shouts of the apprentices came from the entrance of the stairs.

The courier pointed the gun at the boss's head and gave him a 'you know what to say' look.

But the pain didn't frighten him, it inspired his ferocity.

The Boss glared at the courier viciously, his teeth rattling.

Seeing this, the courier reopened the pistol safety, turned the muzzle of the gun in a different direction, and pointed to the other head below him.

"It's all right! Busy you!"

The Boss screamed, the pain in his thighs making his voice tremble.

"What did you say?"

The soundproofing in the basement is very good, the voices from the top shouting to the bottom are the level of whispering in class, no If you listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

"It's fine! Go on your way!"

The Boss repeated the words again.

After saying this, there was no movement from above.

The Boss, who was tied to the chair, endured the pain and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Bounty Hunter with a legal gun, you can call me a messenger."

The courier stows the pistol and picks up the dropped cartridge case.


Boss's aching facial features almost shrank into a ball, but he still gritted his teeth and tried to find relevant memories.

But what do you think didn't expect?

"I'm from Nevada."

The messenger seemed to see what he was thinking, and took the initiative to explain. Of course, this sentence also meant intimidation.

As expected, Boss showed a look of horror when he heard the word Neihua.

A Bounty Hunter with a gun license, none is easy.

And in Neihua City, if you want to get a gun permit, you must assist the police in arresting at least 30 heinous criminals, and make outstanding contributions in the process of action.

This is also one of the conditions laid out by Neihua City on the surface.

As the world-renowned sin capital.

Only a small number of criminals who escaped from Neihua to Qianhua City can create a Jiuhua Outer City. It is conceivable to imagine the level of the real bosses with grass growing on their graves.

In contrast, the gun-wielding Bounty Hunter against those real bosses is more impossible and simple.

The guns have no eyes, and the people who catch thirty criminals in every day of the gun battle and still remain unscathed can be called the living War God.

There is no one who can be a Bounty Hunter with a gun in Neihua City.

Especially the messenger Bounty Hunter, who has no arms or legs, is a ruthless character among ruthless characters.

The messenger put the sketch on the Boss's face and asked, "Give you one more chance, have you seen this person."

"Yes! Yes! He's here. I have tattoos in my shop!"

Boss quickly replied.

The messenger nodded lightly, then held his left pinky with his hand.

The Boss felt a chill in his heart.

"Do you know him?" the messenger asked casually.

"I don't know... ah! Ah! Ah!"

With a bang, the Boss' pinky finger was directly broken by the messenger.

"I really don't know him!"

The Boss' tears of pain flowed out.

"Next question, tell me anything about him until I'm satisfied."

The messenger, still with the same indifferent expression, released his pinky finger and squeezed it again. The Boss' ring finger.

"Brother Huo brought him here two months ago to get a tattoo, and he asked me to tattoo a grimacing hawkmoth on my arm!"

Boss was afraid that the messenger would take it too late. His ring finger was also snapped off, and he spoke quickly: "I don't know him, but Brother Huo definitely knows him! Brother Huo brought him here!"

After he finished speaking, he looked with pleading eyes towards Messenger.

The messenger nodded un'ed, then snapped off his ring finger.

"Ugh Ahhhh!!!"

The Boss gritted his teeth and forcibly swallowed the scream.

Jin Ping'an, who was watching, subconsciously took a half step back.

He followed the police to see a lot of corpses in tragic state of death, breaking his fingers this method is nothing, the calm face of the messenger is the source of his fear.

Even though Jin Ping'an knew that this Boss was not a good person, he still felt a little scared when he looked towards the messenger.

This kind of person who tortures others, just like eating and drinking, is the most frightening person.

Only then did Jin Ping'an realize that the messenger might be different from what he imagined.

He has always regarded the messenger as a sacrificial Daoist who seeks the truth at all costs, and a companion who can entrust his funeral.

Now, he finally remembered something.

That is, the messenger is a Bounty Hunter in addition to being his own companion.

A Bounty Hunter with a gun license in Neihua City.

He may not be as kind as he thinks.

(end of this chapter)

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