Dark Light Chaser Chapter 14


Chapter 14 Confession

The reason why Shi Feng and Wang Zi mother went to wake him up was to observe what he saw own first reaction.

When Wang Zi heard the police coming, her legs trembled subconsciously. Let's not talk about this for a while, maybe it was just a convulsion.

He immediately chose to look away after seeing strangers. This is one of the manifestations of inferiority. Coupled with his mother's statement, Shi Feng preliminarily judged that Wang Zi is an introvert and an impulsive person. criminals.

When a person is depressed and has a negative attitude, the pupil will shrink.

When going down the stairs, Shi Feng deliberately walked in front and showed his gun to observe Wang Zi's eyes. Generally, teenagers will show very interested eyes when they encounter guns when they are not committing crimes. Only criminals will show interest to the police. of gunmen panic because they know the gun might be aimed at them, and subconsciously fear.

At this time, Wang Zi, who was sitting in the car, lowered his head and tried his best to keep his eyes from straying to avoid revealing his faults. Students are only students after all, not everyone is as calm as Ai Liang and knows how to control facial expressions. .

Although Wang Zi thinks that his face is expressionless now, in fact, Shi Feng's inner panic has long been taken into his eyes, his brows are raised upwards, there are shallow folds on his forehead, and his lips are slightly pursed and pulled back. Stretching, muscle shaking in the mandible, tight leg muscles, white fingertips, etc., these are all signs of fear, and it can be said that there are many weak spots.

According to Shi Feng watching his chat record with Gao Jiajia yesterday, Wang Zi is not so introverted that he will become fearful when encountering strangers, otherwise he will not take the initiative to drive away the scavengers who harass Gao Jiajia, It's obvious that there is a ghost in my heart.

While Shi Feng and the others were escorting Wang Zi, Xia Qinian also came to Shi Feng's office.

"Brother Nian, you'd better hurry up, Team Shi will be back at some point." Wang Xun stood in front of Shi Feng's office with a folder and pretended to have something to report, waiting for Shi Feng to come back. .

Xia Qinian whispered: "I see, don't rush."

The layout of the office is very simple, with a desk, a couch, two chairs, a bookshelf and a filing cabinet , apart from this nothing else, not even a water dispenser.

Xia Qinian's Uncle is the former Captain of the Criminal Police Team after all. He used to run here a lot when he was a child. He still remembers the arrangement of documents, and he quickly found the dossier from ten years ago, but The content inside was unexpected.

Wang Xun, who was at the door, saw Shi Feng's car coming back, and just about to knock on the door to remind him, he saw Xia Qinian gloomy face come out of the office and return to the interrogation room without saying a word.

Wang Xun didn't have time to pay attention to those details and hurried up to the second floor to return to the technical department. If Shi Feng saw him guarding the door of the office, he would have guessed what he was doing.

In the interrogation room.

Wang Zi was taken to the interrogation room to sit down and handcuffed to a chair. This attitude was not like asking about Gao Jiajia, but he was clearly being interrogated as a prisoner.

Shi Feng and Gao Bin each took the evidence box and the other took the record book and recording pen to sit down opposite him. Every movement and every sound they made was stimulating Wang. Azusa sensitive nerves.

Shi Feng did not speak, Gao Bin spoke on his behalf: "Do you know why you were brought to the Criminal Police Unit?"

Wang Zi remained silent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Gao Bin threw the next question: "What do you want to say about Gao Jiajia's death?"

Wang Zi remained silent.

This environment has been rehearsed countless times in his mind. His silence is not because he doesn't want to speak, but because he is so nervous that he can't speak.

In fact, it doesn't matter how many times you rehearse in your brain, imagination and reality are completely different. It's just like encountering a tiger in the imagination. In reality, if you encounter a tiger, you are sure that you are too frightened to move, and your legs are so soft that you can't walk.

The tone of black in the interrogation room, the stern tone with the sharp eyes of the detective on the opposite side, and the expression of 'Hurry up and admit it', all these are pulling Wang Zi's heartstrings, his heartbeat Faster and faster, his throat was trembling with the violent heartbeat.

Wang Zi spit out a sentence with difficulty: "I don't know."

All the pre-rehearsal and prepared answers were all disappeared, and his mind was blank at this time. It turned into a paste and couldn't concentrate at all, no matter how hard he tried to recall, he couldn't remember the answers he had prepared before.

In the past, the suspects who watched TV on TV would falter and say nothing when they arrived in the interrogation room. Wang Zi also laughed at them. It was only his turn to understand how much psychological pressure they were under. , those who face doesn't change in the face of interrogation lie detectors are either psychopaths or geniuses.

It doesn't matter to Gao Bin, there are a lot of people answering here that I don't know, he's used to listening. To deal with such people, as long as they break through their psychological defenses, they will say anything.

But this kind of work is usually not his job.

Shi Feng put down the pen and pushed the notebook in front of him. Although Gao Bin still had a serious look on his face, his heart was mourning.

"Where are you after school on Thursday, from nine to ten? The surveillance in the community shows that you didn't go home until ten." Shi Feng crossed his arms and stared at Wang Zi. s eyes.

Wang Zi's answer was that he was going to eat supper: "I'm going to eat"

Shi Feng interrupted as soon as he said the words: "The monitoring and I didn't see your silhouette in the surveillance of the snack bar, and the nearby snack car closes at around 9:30. Which snack car did you buy your supper from? Are there any classmates you know nearby who can testify for you?"

Shi Feng interrupted Wang Zi's speech to interrupt his train of thought and not give him time to formulate a reason. Many criminal suspects will make up their confessions before being interrogated. What their interrogators have to do is to ask some unexpected questions to disrupt their plans. The answers given in a hurry will inevitably reveal a weak spot.

"I" Wang Zi didn't know whether the police checked the surveillance or not, and for a while I didn't know what to say.

"The next question, is the red string in your hand sent by Gao Jiajia?"

Unlike the previous questions that need to judge the organizational language, this question only needs to be answered yes or not.

"Yes." Wang Zi answered very quickly this time. He hadn't stated clearly in the previous questions. The suspicions of the two of them were definitely growing. He tried to restore a little credibility.

After answering, Gao Bin's gaze changed towards Wang Zi, as if he had already been sentenced to death.

Because his answer means that Shi Feng has completely mastered Wang Zi's mental activities.

Sure enough, the little child's psychology is still too tender. What are you doing to fight against the Shi team?

Gao Bin shook his head and continued to write hard.

"What were you doing between twelve o'clock last night and this morning?" Shi Feng delivered a fatal blow.

Gao Jiajia just died one day, Wang Zi thought it was impossible for the police to directly identify him as the murderer, let alone staring at him in the middle of the night. According to Wang Zi's conjecture, it would take two or three days for the police to suspect his head and send someone to monitor him. It would be perfectly fine to deal with the tools for committing crimes during this time.

His mind went blank again.

Is the murderer identified as me at first and watched over me? This is impossible!

The suspicion of glasses! His suspicion is obviously bigger than mine! why! Why would they know I was out in the early hours! It's only been a few hours since I threw the gloves away, and it's too late to adjust the monitoring! And I didn't even go through the front door! They must be cheating on me!

"I'm sleeping." Wang Zi answered in a low voice. He desperately suppressed his breathing to prevent himself from expressing nervousness. His spirit had been oppressed to the extreme and his mind was in chaos.

Shi Feng saw that the time had come, and he took out the evidence directly from the evidence box: "The forensic doctor at the autopsy extracted two kinds of fibers from Gao Jiajia's nails, one is white fiber and the other is white fiber. Red fiber, please take off the red rope on your hand, we need to compare."

Wang Zi stared straight at the faint red fluff expression in the evidence bag and was completely stunned.

"And we found a pair of white cotton gauze gloves in a black garbage bag this morning at a recycling station. The scratches on the gloves matched Gao Jiajia's fingernails, and the garbage bag detected Fingerprints, please leave your fingerprints on this test paper, we need to compare."

Now this sentence is deceiving Wang Zi, the garbage bag was just received from Ai Liang this morning, There is no time to compare scratches, but fear has completely dominated his brain, and the two sentences 'We need to make comparisons' completely defeated Wang Zi's psychological defense.

Now that the police have the evidence, what's the point of him continuing to resist?

Wang Zi suddenly weeping bitter tears from his heart: "I killed people. Jiajia is sorry. I'm sorry wū wū wū wū ."

Looking at weeping on the table Wang Zi Gaobin of bitter tears not only has no sympathy, but even wants to laugh.

Why didn't you think there would be now when you murdered?

Since they all admitted that people killed themselves, Wang Zi did not intend to continue to conceal the motive and process of committing the crime.

From hearing that Gao Jiajia was about to confess to others that he was murdered because of anger, to how to cut off the monitoring power supply, how to put the blame on the school's scavenger glasses, and how to clean up the traces at the scene and arrange the clothes of the deceased, etc. It was clear to hear that Gao Bin was shocked.

It can be said that if Wang Zi hadn't been timid and omitted the process of cleaning the deceased's nails, destroying gloves and clothing, and holding the fluke that the police would not notice these details, even if he freely admitted that he was The murderer police also have no way to catch him.

"Who taught you these?"

Shi Feng's eyes suddenly sharpened, just based on Wang Zi's performance just now, Shi Feng can conclude that this is definitely not something he can think of The modus operandi that came out must have a mastermind behind it, and this mastermind is very dangerous.

"I read it from the novel." Wang Zi lowered his head. This was the most relaxing moment for him in two days. After admitting the crime and crying a lot, his heart also calmed down. .

Shi Feng continued to ask: "What is the name of the novel, what is the author's pseudonym? What is it about?" Speaking of this novel, it should be the original manuscript only the name of the work.

"I just read the story inside"

Wang Zi also regretted picking up that novel at this time, if it weren't for the strange appeal of the words and the protagonist it would be perfectly appropriate His life, things will not be the way they are now.

Shi Feng's heart is not much better than Wang Zi's. If it is true, then the author of the novel must be secretly observing Wang Zi's life and persuading him to take the road of murder. This kind of person is obvious. Is antisocial personality, extremely dangerous.

"The name of the novel?"


"When did you find this novel?"

"Two years ago when I was in the first year of the first year." Wang Zi replied obediently and honestly.


Now it's Shi Feng's turn to be shocked, so it's just a coincidence?

Wang Zi is just imitating the story in the novel? After all, no matter how powerful the author is, it is impossible to predict the future.

"What about the original manuscript of the novel? Did you throw it away?" Gao Bin asked Shi Feng in his place while he was silent.

"It burned yesterday."

There are criminal methods on it, of course Wang Zi will not stay.

"Burn? Why don't you know that your gloves are burnt and have to go to the recycling bin to throw them away?" Gao Bin obviously didn't believe Wang Zi's nonsense.

"The water in the house is half burned, and the toilet can't be flushed"

Gao Bin put his hands on his face and was completely speechless, co-authoring the key evidence that if the water was not cut off yesterday, they were a day late It's gone, is it the bad luck of the goods or their luck?

It is the first time that Shi Feng has encountered such a fool for so many years.

The two took Wang Zi to lock up after finishing the work, and notified his parents and the victim's family of his confession.

(end of this chapter)

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