Dark Light Chaser Chapter 153


Chapter 153 Hospice

On the second day, An Sien took the check to the bank to cash it.

Looking at the balance in the text message on her phone, she let go of her dangling heart.

These past few months, An Sien was like a race against a wolf in stone ankle cuffs.

The stress at work and the rush of medical expenses made her breathless.

The check for 150,000 yuan was a key to her, a key that could help her untie the shackles and smash the wolf to death with the shackles.

An Sien looked up at the sky, she had never felt so comfortable.

It felt like being locked in a closet for three full hours, and the moment I opened the closet, I came to an endless prairie.

But...for some reason, she was in a good mood, but she couldn't be happy.

An Sien shook her head and forced herself to get on the bus to the hospital.

Qianhua General Hospital.

An Sien's mother lives here.

She's not living in an intensive care unit or inpatient unit, though, but in a single-family building on the edge of the hospital.

Almost every few days here, several doctors come out with carts covered with white cloths.


This is a special inpatient building for terminally ill patients in the weeks or even months before their death.

Most here are patients with advanced malignant tumors and a few other terminally ill patients.

The people who stayed here were basically sentenced to death in medicine, and there was no cure. They could only watch Death God come step by step.

The main difference between this and the inpatient department is that there will be professional nurses to take care of the patient carefully to relieve pain, and will use the method of psychological counseling to relieve the patient's fear, anxiety, anxiety and other emotions.

We also have professional nutritionists in terms of diet, which can satisfy the patient's appetite to a certain extent.

If the patient still has a sense of taste.

Hospice facilities are well-staffed but rarely full.

Because the cost here is too expensive, I have to pay about 20,000 to 30,000 hospitalization fees every month.

The family members of the patients treat the patients with advanced cancer, if they are willing to treat them, even if they go bankrupt, they will have to cure them to the end, and win the miracle of illusory.

Most people who are willing to accept the consequences of death and want to spend the last part of their lives will choose to go home.

Only those who don't have the time or mind to take care of their families come here.

After paying the monthly fee at the front desk, An Sien took the elevator to the third floor.

In everyone's imagination, this kind of building full of terminally ill patients must be lifeless, and the air is almost frozen.

However, the environment here is actually more lively than the ordinary inpatient department.

When passing through some open rooms, there were still laughter coming from inside, and even in some of the hidden doors, there were vague words such as 'Three Generations One', 'Bomb', 'Touch' and so on.

The hallway was filled with a happy atmosphere, and it was completely impossible to see that this was a gathering place for a group of dying people.

An Sien came to the end of the corridor, stood at the door of the ward, took out the mirror and adjusted his expression.

After waiting for a youthful smile on the face of the person in the mirror, she took a deep breath and gently opened the door and walked in.

As soon as the door closes, all noise is shut out.

The nurse who was cleaning the room saw An Sien calling to the side: "Auntie An, your Sien is here."

An Sien moved towards the nurse and thanked the nurse with a smile .

She came to the hospital bed and sat down and called, "Mom."

There was a thin woman with dry skin lying on the bed. There was a trace of tears, as if he hadn't woken up yet.

Hearing An Sien's call, she opened her eyes with difficulty: "Why are you here again? It's not good to ask for leave every three days at the company just after going to work."

An Sien said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm not a normal 9-to-5 job, I can go wherever I want when I don't have a role, everyone is like this."

An Si En's real work, of course, impossible to tell her mother, so she lied that she was recommended by her mentor to be a female supporting actress in a film and television company.

Because of the large number of roles, the salary is also very impressive.

At first, An Sien used various reasons to persuade mother to be hospitalized.

For example, there is usually no one to take care of her, and if something goes wrong, it will be too late to go to the hospital. No matter what it is, mother will not agree to come to such a ward with tens of thousands of people a month.

He even refused to cooperate with treatment at one point.

It wasn't until An Sien's face turned black that her career was on the rise, and her mother agreed to come here to spend the last time of her life in case someone in the family died.

An Ma's skinny palm rested on the back of An Sien's hand, her tone was very slow: "Have a good rest when you have time, don't always run to me."

An Ma His voice was soft, as light as a dandelion being blown away by the wind.

She also wanted to be full of anger so that her daughter should not worry, but the powerlessness of her body prevented her from raising her voice, so that she became weak when speaking.

"I slept from last night until noon until noon, so don't worry about me."

An Sien smiled and wiped away the tears from the pathology for her mother.

An Ma smiled tiredly and scolded: "Who cares about you this girl, I just don't want you to always disturb my sleep."

"Who always complained about me before I don't even go home during the summer vacation."

An Sien unceremoniously took the short message from her mother.

An Ma said resolutely: "Are you a teenage girl going out to work, can I not worry?"

"Isn't she a girl now?"

An Sien gently picked up mother's palm and placed it on top of her head to act like a spoiled child.

An Sien gently stroked An Sien's head: "Okay, he's grown up, he still looks like a little child."

An Sien was laughed, without excuse .

The mother and daughter chatted like this for a while, and Ma An's spirit gradually improved, but when it was almost time for dinner, Ma An began to drive people away.

"I'm still alive and well, I'll go back quickly if I have nothing to do, don't always rely on me."

"It's been a long time since we ate together, why don't you..."

An Sien originally wanted to stay and have a meal, but the other party insisted on driving her away: "It's better not to, the meals here are all fixed and rationed, how can you share, hurry back. Go home."

An's mother reprimanded An Sien: "Also, even if the company doesn't arrange work, can't you go and help out? Do you know how to leave a good impression on people?

You have just joined the job not long ago, so don't take advantage of the fact that you have a good relationship with the crew, and wait until the filming is over and there is no income to see what you will do in the future."

"Okay, I know. Come on, I'll stop disturbing your rest in the future."

An Sien put on the satchel and whispered: "Next time, come over and tell the nutritionist in advance, and let him help me prepare one too. share."

After saying that, she turned and left.

As if the collusion was over, not long after An Sien left the ward, the nurse pushed a small cart into the ward.

Today's lunch was on the cart: a bowl of lean meat porridge, a plate of fish with the bones removed, a cup of soy milk, and a thinly sliced apple.

"Auntie An, you have a really good relationship with your daughter. She is the one who visits her family the most frequently."

The nurse cautiously helped Ma An up, and then Press the switch on the head of the bed to raise the pillow slowly.

"I don't want her to come here."

After An Sien left, Ma An returned to her powerless state.

She picked up the spoon and wanted to scoop a spoonful of porridge, but after a moment of shaking in her right hand, the spoon slipped between her fingers and fell on the folding table.

She tried again, with the same result.

The nurse stood by and looked at this stubborn woman: "I'll feed you."

This time, she didn't refuse, just when the nurse took the bowl Asked a question: "How long can I live?"

"...According to the general examination at admission, the cancer cells have spread from the lungs to the brain, which is the main reason for your increasing numbness , As for the remaining lifespan... there is less than one month left."

In stage four cancer, cancer cells transfer to the lungs to the brain, the most common way of metastasis.

Facing the nurse's answer, An Ma's expression was as usual.

Hiding the condition from the patient is to keep the patient from worrying, but these apply to curable conditions.

I have entered the hospice department, and I am surrounded by dying people. Even if my heart is big, I can realize that my time is limited.

What the doctors and nurses here do is to ease the fear and anxiety of the patients.

People who come here will be told how much lifespan they have left. The main responsibility of the Hospice Department is to enlighten these patients, so that they will not have psychological pressure and face death bravely.

So they will not hide the patient's remaining lifespan, but will try their best to let the patient leave with joy in the final journey of life.

"You didn't tell Si En, did you?" asked Ma An.


The nurse shook her head.

Generally speaking, doctors help family members hide the patient's condition, but in hospice, the reverse may also occur.

Some patients do not want their family members to care too much about themselves and deliberately conceal their illness.

Everything here is based on the patient's will. If the patient wants to conceal their physical condition, they will try their best to help conceal it.

As long as the family members do not take the initiative to ask, they will notify the family members to come and see the patient for the last time when they estimate that there is about a week left in the lifespan.

"Then... can I inform Sien the day before I'm about to die?"

"We can't do this, a week is the limit we can predict. , the last week, the condition may deteriorate sharply at any time, and Young Lady An may not have time to come over to see you one last time."

The nurse refused An's request.

Maybe some people can survive for half a year after being sentenced to death, but there are also cases where the doctor's condition deteriorated suddenly and died on the same day as the doctor said that he could live for three months.

While feeding Ma An, the nurses enlightened her: "There are a lot of things that can only be said when we parted right away. If you have more time, you can also think about what else to say. "

"In the future, I will help you to visit other wards. It is not good for your health to stay in the room by yourself. It is better to play cards and chat with other patients."

"Thank you, no need, I'm not afraid of death."

An Ma's expression was desolate: "It's only less than a month...I just can't let go of Sien..."

Nursing worker comforted: "You can rest assured, Young Lady An has grown up and has a high-paying job. She will live happily in the future."

An Ma shook her head looked towards the window, with a bleak expression: "That's why I can't let her go."

"Si En has always been good at concealing his emotions, but...I am her mother, how could I not see her? Come out of her state...she should be forcing herself again..."

"You can only grow when you experience setbacks, and Young Lady An looks like the kind of person who grows stronger with more setbacks. You can't always look at her with the eyes of the past, you must have confidence in your daughter."

The nurse picked up a piece of fish and brought it to An's mother's mouth.

She looked at the lunch on the folding table in front of her and said nothing.


After An Sien left the hospice, the smile on her face began to fade slowly.

When he walked out of the hospital, his expressionless face was restored.

Looking at her shadow on the window, An Sien couldn't understand why she just couldn't be happy?

Obviously mother's medical expenses have already been settled, obviously he doesn't have to pick up the guests, and he can leave the devil's lair in a short time, why can't he be happy?

An Sien couldn't understand for a while.

She walked to the shopping street. She didn't come here to buy anything, she just wandered aimlessly.

An Sien stopped and walked along the way, until the milk tea in the hands of two seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls caught her attention.

I seem to have never had milk tea after graduation...

An Sien fell into memory.

After learning that mother was suffering from lung cancer, she looked towards her tutor and applied for an early graduation and started a part-time job.

She knows very well that she will not be able to earn medical expenses if she goes to a regular company to apply for a job for a while, so she has been developing in the part-time industry, and her first job is selling milk tea.

Selling milk tea during the day and picking up couriers at night, working day and night, barely enough to cover the cost of a course of treatment.

As the saying goes, the person who is full of Luo Qi is not a silkworm breeder. After selling milk tea for so long, An Sien himself did not drink a cup in order to save money.

Driven by an inexplicable consciousness, An Sien walked in the direction where the two girls came.

It didn't take long for her to find a milk tea shop and bought a cup of bubble tea after a long absence.

An Sien held the milk tea in both hands, and there was always an unknown emotion surging in her heart.

She came to a deserted park and sat down, drinking milk tea in small sips, but as she drank, tears flowed down.

When she drank the first sip of milk tea, An Sien understood the real reason for her sadness.

She was crying for what happened to her.

Originally, An Sien was still hesitating whether to sell her body to make money, but the tattooed man's actions made her shattered and completely sunk.

The week-long "training" before picking up customers completely killed An Sien, turning her into a numb marionette.

This half a month, she obliterated herself, mechanically speaking to the guests according to the trainer's request, repeating those provocative actions.

Those who have seen the light have a hard time enduring the darkness.

When she was in hell, she was surrounded by tragedies. An Sien didn't have any special thoughts, but when she jumped out of hell and looked back, the pain in her heart was awakened.

An Sien choked, chewing the pearls in the milk tea.

(end of this chapter)

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