Dark Light Chaser Chapter 158


Chapter 158 Video Video

An Sien was like a puppet, muddleheaded followed the doctor through the procedures, signed Consent for cremation of remains.

Maybe she didn't want her daughter to worry about the funeral after she died.

When An Sien's mother was admitted to the hospital, she had already prepared the necessary procedures for the funeral.

From the moment she died, everything started to work.

An Sien just needs to follow the doctor and sign the documents that need to be signed by the family members, and they will take care of the rest.

The mother and daughter without relatives and friends save the tedious mourning and hypocritical mourning, and the funeral is simple.

In just one afternoon, everything was taken care of.

An Sien, who had been running for eight or nine hours, was sitting in the taxi home with the urn in his hand.

The nurse next to her kept comforting her softly, but she didn't respond, she just kept sobbing while holding the urn.

As for tears.

It has drained.

The nurse answered the phone, and after hearing that another patient had died, he took An Sien to Zhenxing Road and left.

It was night after a long day of work.

An Sien walked on the road blankly holding the urn.

After a day of sun exposure, the road at night is still a little warm.

But An Sien exuded a cold and cold air all over his body, which was incompatible with the environment.

Pale skin, godless pupils, red eyes, a white dress stained with blood, and the urn in her hand.

It all looks weird to outsiders.

Even the gangsters who are keen to chat with beautiful women on weekdays choose to avoid it far away in front of this strange atmosphere.

An Sien followed her habit and instinct to go home.

After smelling the familiar smell at home, she spirit slowly recovers.

An Sien closed the door, hugged the urn tightly with both hands, and sat slowly on the ground with her back against the door panel.

She whispered in a hoarse voice: "Mom, we're home."

An Sien looked ahead with a smile: "How about making omelets at night? I It's been a long time since I've eaten the egg rolls you made..."

"You say something, don't ignore me, okay..."

An Sien chatted with The urn chatted.

The closed curtains blocked the outside light, and the dark house was like a different dimension isolated from the world, only An Sien's self-talk echoed in it.

I don't know how long it took.

An Sien stopped talking, just stared at the urn in a daze, as if she was gradually accepting the reality of mother's death.

In the dead of night, the cicada stopped chirping, and the only sound was her own breathing.

An Sien's phone lights up, she wants to talk to someone, but she has no friends.

Looking at the concise address book, An Sien called the messenger.

"What's wrong with me, that group of people It shouldn't be to find you, a person with a criminal record."

The cold voice of the messenger came from the phone .

An Sien covered her phone, cleared her throat, and said in a voice like before, "I can't call you if I'm okay, you are my benefactor."

"Benefactors? We are a cooperative relationship, you need money, I need information, that's all."

"However, my pay and return are not equal, just like Just stay there as usual, and get so much money for two messages to you."

"And...if it wasn't for you, I might be in that kind of place..."

An Sien didn't finish her sentence, but her message was clear.

Not only financial help, but the messenger also helped her get out of that devil's lair. If there is no messenger, her future will be desolate at a glance.

Although mother passed away, at least in the past few days, An Sien didn't worry about medical bills anymore, and was able to stay by her mother's side and walk with her through the last section of the road. Procedure.

This is also the blessing of the messenger.

The two have known each other for less than half a month, but An Sien really has a good impression of the man who saved him.

"I just stomped my Stinking Insect to death."

"I knew you would say that."

Anse En smiled: "No matter what you say, it's a fact that you saved me, but I have nothing to repay you... Why don't I go to your place to do errands for you?"

The other party quickly He gave a reply: "No, I don't need it."

"It's also... what nonsense I'm talking about."

An Sien quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, He said strange things... It would be shameless for a person like me to insist on getting close to you..."

In his eyes, he was definitely getting a favor, and he was going to get married. Enter a wealthy family and become a rogue of Phoenix's beautiful dream...

An Sien laughed at himself in his heart.

Even though the messenger didn't state her identity, she was definitely rich from her words and deeds, and she was just a pick-up lady, the difference between Heaven and Earth.

In society, any kindness from the weaker to the stronger will be seen as flattering.

Forcing the so-called repayment of gratitude will only make the other party think that they have nothing else to do.

An Sien's heart gradually cooled down.

Before graduating, An Sien wanted to pursue her dream and enter the entertainment industry.

I don't want to be famous and rich, just want to let myself and my mother live a stable and happy life.

After graduation, An Sien faced illness and reality.

I just want to make money to cure mother and prolong mother's lifespan as much as possible, so she gave up her dreams and dignity.

Mother passed away, An Sien's belief and support were gone, and the whole heart became fragmented.

The only thing left is the recently sprouted gratitude to the messenger.

Now, the messenger rejected her kindness, and the last flame in my heart began to shake.

The two fell into a long silence.

An Sien forcibly cheered up: "Sorry, I'm here to disturb you so late, I'll hang up first..."

"I don't care about your identity."

When An Sien was about to hang up the phone, the messenger spoke.

"I reject you because of my personal reasons, not because of your identity."

"I don't look down on you, on the contrary, I admire you, not everyone. Courage to take the initiative to enter the devil's lair and become a receptionist for the sake of your family."

The messenger did not care about the term at all, and said it very directly.

"I'm just... tied...even if I don't want to stay there, they won't let me go..."

An Sien's voice began to choked stand up.

She thought she was completely numb, but a word from the messenger made her eyes moist again.

"Whether you were forced to stay there or not, you should be very clear about the consequences of betraying them.

But you still need to heal mother without the The slightest hesitation chose to betray them.

This is really amazing, you don't have to feel inferior about it."

The courier's tone was as cold as ever, but An Sien felt it. A touch of warmth arrived.

"Thank you...Thank you..."

An Sien wiped away her tears: "My mother passed away today, and the money is not available, please tell me about the bank card. The card number, I'll give it back..."

"I said, that's a reward, maybe 150,000 is a huge sum in your eyes, but to me it's not worth mentioning."

The messenger immediately rejected An Sien's request to return the reward: "Is there anything else?"

"No more."

An Sien whispered said.

tone barely fell and the messenger hung up as usual without the slightest hesitation.

'Thank you...'

Listening to the beeping sound on the phone, An Sien thanked again in his heart, then slowly got up and turned on the light in the living room.

She put the urn on the table, went to the TV, and gently removed the photo of herself and her mother on the wall according to her dying words.

The frame was nothing special, but when she turned the frame over, she saw a passbook stuck with tape.

An Sien suddenly as if was struck by lightning .

She opened the passbook tremblingly, her name was written on the account, and the deposit amount was 42,628 yuan.

The account was established five years ago, which meant that mother started saving money secretly when An Sien was still in high school.


The passbook is dropped on the ground to form a small tent.


An Sien knelt on the floor and covered the passbook with both arms.

The tears that had dried up began to flow out again, slapping the outer skin of the passbook drop by drop.

An Sien kept asking why, but she actually knew the reason why mother did this.

"Wow aaahhhh..."

This time, she didn't suppress her voice any longer and burst into tears.

The mournful and desolate cries are especially heart-wrenching in this silent night.

While she was crying like a child, a memory card fell out of the gap in the passbook.

An Sien's eyes have been on the passbook, and naturally he will not miss this bauble.

She picked up the memory card, walked over to the TV and inserted the memory card into the card reader.

Press the remote control and the TV starts playing the video on the memory card.

The background in the video, An Sien is very familiar, is her mother's bedroom.

"...Should have already started filming?"

The video screen shook for a while, and then Ma An appeared on the screen, and she kept adjusting her sitting position so that she was facing the camera.

"Si En... Although it sounds like I'm cursing myself, when you see this video, I should already be not in this world."

" mother."

There was only a video in front of her, but seeing her mother again, An Sien couldn't help but let out a cry.

"You child's personality follows me. You seem to talk well, but you are actually stubborn."

An Ma was sighed in the video, with a helpless and wry smile on her face.

"When you go to college, you never ask me for a penny. It's good for a child to learn to be independent, but it also makes me a little lonely.

I occasionally Do you think the girl doesn't need me anymore?"

"No! I think you've been with me all the time!"

An Sien unconsciously came to the TV.

"You're probably talking about letting me stay with you, but if you're wrong... Hey, I'm already dead, so why bother."

Having said that, An Ma suddenly turned slightly red, and Fiercely coughed twice.

"Although I should have apologized to you when my illness was exposed in the future, but I haven't yet... I'm sorry Sien, I've kept it from you for so long."

An Si En stroking the mother on the TV screen: "Why didn't you tell me earlier..."

"To be honest, I was shocked when I went to the hospital for a checkup early last year, and I don't smoke, either. How can I have lung cancer? And it is stage III lung cancer at the first examination."

An Ma clapped said with a smile: "Lung cancer at this stage is too troublesome to treat, and even if it is cured, it is not necessarily the case. It can be cured, so I just gave up."

"I don't know if God sees me as pitiful. After a year, except for occasional headaches, my body is not in any serious condition. The diagnosis is regarded as a misdiagnosis."

"Unfortunately this year, it finally started to happen... Although I can't see you in a wedding dress, I am satisfied to see you in a bachelor's uniform, the only one It's a pity that I won't be able to see my grandson and granddaughter in the future..."

An Ma began to talk about her daily routine, and she began to burst into tears as she spoke.

"Mingming... this is the third time I have re-recorded..."

An Ma wiped her tears with a tissue: "I wanted to finish the recording with a smile... you Just watch it, you are crying now anyway."

"I have done a lot of things that I regret in my life, such as marrying your father regardless of the family's objections, such as cutting off relations with my parents, For example, I haven't seen your grandparents until now."

"However, the only thing I am happy about is...Thank you for letting me give birth to you."

said Here, An Ma's mood also began to collapse.

An Sien cried bitterly while holding the TV: "wu wu wu...wu wu..."

"I'm sorry for letting you follow me through so many hard times, in the future... ...I will pass away in the future, will you continue to live with a smile?"

"The passbook is the last gift I leave you, promise me...don't keep it, spend it well , otherwise I will not be able to rest my mind..."

"You are a graduate of the University of Arts, and you will definitely live a happy life in the future. I hope you can try to forget this sadness... to embrace... ...only belongs to your new life."

After Ma An said this, she got up and closed the recording.

An Sien tried to squeeze out a poignant smile at the TV screen that had gone black.

Encouraged by mother for leaving this video of her last words.

An Sien, who was already desperate, changed in his heart.

The last swaying flame called hope was completely extinguished.


She sank deeper into despair...


second day.

An Sien changed into the most commonly used dress in college.

She wears a mesh shirt and shorts, and her face is painted with light makeup that highlights the vitality.

She looked at herself in the mirror with a satisfied smile.

No matter how you look at it, this is a young and energetic female college student.

An Sien took the bag and pointed at the urn on the table and said, "Mom, I'm going out, see you later."

An Sien called a taxi to come The criminal police team encountered Jin Ping'an who came to check the progress of the case as soon as he got out of the car.

"Sorry, Little Handsome Brother, may I ask Tian Hao, is Officer Tian here?"

An Sien stopped Jin Ping'an, folded his hands and asked softly.

Because of Cheng Lejia, the fairy-tale Prince-like best friend, no one has ever spoken to Jin Ping'an in this way, and the number of times he has communicated with women is almost zero.

He has been single since his mother's womb, and when he sees a beautiful elder sister like An Sien, he immediately blushes.

He stammered: "Old Tian... Tian, he was suspended... suspended."

"Suspended?" An Sien frowned lightly: "Then What about Officer Jiang Kaiji and Officer Mei Jianbo?"

"Are you looking for them?"

Shy but shy, but when An Sien asked about the three, Jin Ping'an instantly became full of vigilance.

An Sien took out an envelope from her bag and waved it: "It's nothing, I just want to ask them to help me forward this letter to someone called a messenger."

Jin Ping'an looked stunned: "The messenger? How did you know him?"

An Sien also showed a surprised expression: "Hey? You know the messenger too?"

Two People take out their cell phones at the same time.

""Check your phone number? "" ×2

Facing the synchronization of fascination, An Sien laughed first, and this smile made Jin Ping'an blushed again.

The two exchange mobile phones to check the starting number.

After confirming that it was correct, An Sien shoved the envelope directly into Jin Ping'an's hands.

"Since you know him, can you help me deliver this letter to the messenger? Please!"

An Sien bowed solemnly to Jin Ping'an.

Facing this situation, Jin Ping'an waved his hands again and again: "It's okay...it's okay, it's a trivial matter, but since you know the messenger, why don't you hand it over to him?"

"Well, I asked him out yesterday and was rejected."

An Sien was a little sorry: "Then please, bye bye."

After she finished speaking, she slipped away Running out of sight.

This chapter was already written at 9:00, but I was always dissatisfied, and it has been delayed until now... The result

I am still not satisfied _(`"∠ )__

(end of this chapter)

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