Dark Light Chaser Chapter 164


Chapter 164 plot against and dumping the pot

"Why are you only talking about this now?!"

Wang Youcai was furious. He raised his glass, intending to hit Wang Youde on the head.

But at the moment before starting, remembering mother's dying instructions and holding back, he turned his hand and smashed the cup to the ground.

Wang Youde was taken aback by the sudden anger of his big brother.

The one-meter-nine man shrunk into a ball.

"I only found out about this not long ago, and Tao Jun just asked someone to smash his home, but he didn't do anything to him..."

Wang Youde explained in a low voice road.

"Just" smashed his home, and "just"?

Wang Youcai was hurt by the popular group of his subordinates: "Did I indulge you too much and make you feel like you're awesome? If he wants to investigate, you won't mention hundreds of thousands, just arrange two Do you have to fight with that guy?"

"But isn't he just a little criminal police consultant, and he's just grown up this year, so what's there to be afraid of..." Wang Youde whispered.

"How dare you talk back!"

Wang Youcai slapped Wang Youde on the forehead: "Your brain has been bitten by a dog? If he is just a criminal police consultant, I will tolerate it. To this point?"

Although Wang Youde was dissatisfied with the big brother's prudence, in order not to be beaten, he did not dare to show it: "Is he the illegalimate child of the big brother we cannot afford to offend?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!"

Wang Youcai gave him a fiercely look.

I still want to know, you ask me, who do I ask?

Wang Youcai took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down: "Jin Ping'an, do they know that Tao Jun did this?"

Wang Youde grimaced: "No Do you know...?"

"Do you know or not!" Wang Youcai moved towards Wang Youde roared.

His blood pressure rises again in the face of this idiot who can't speak clearly.

Wang Youde's character is completely opposite to the key immortals on the Internet.

To treat outsiders with a heavy punch, to treat big brother with a promise.

"I didn't know about it at first, but later Tao Jun asked someone to write a threatening letter, and someone followed the clues to find the door. I don't know if that Jin Ping'an knew about it..."


Wang Youde lowered his head and whispered.

"You guys have written threatening letters?! For fear that others won't know that you did this, right?!" Wang Youcai said with gnashing teeth.

"Brother, you calm down...we don't want to do this either. The police have been cold-handed for the time being. That Jin Ping'an is still investigating. It just so happened that President Hu came to pick up the goods. Tao Jun is going to teach that kid a lesson..."

"Are you listening to that old man or me?! He asked you to fuck you then went?!"

When it comes to Hu Yingshao, Wang Youcai is full of disgust. He doesn't like this damned old man who likes to grind ink with women's body fluids.

If it wasn't for his early rise, he couldn't let go of any help that could consolidate his position, and he would have kicked this damn pervert away long ago.

Now hearing that Hu Yingshao still instructed his subordinates to do things, causing him such a big trouble, Wang Youcai's heart moved to kill.

However, Hu Yingshao was also implicated in this kidnapping case, and Wang Youcai will not touch him for the time being, because he can at least attract some firepower when he is alive.

After the incident, he can take out the video of Hu Yingshao rubbing ink with body fluids and put all the blame on this damned old man.

Spend some more money to hire a few self-media, and use titles such as "Calligraphy Association Vice-President's real appearance in private", "Calligraphy? Scum!" and other similar titles to guide public opinion.

After all, the attractive spectacle of the public is the scandal of this kind of person. With just a little guidance, the police can be devastated.

At that time, I was looking for an opportunity to deal with him, which would not only give the police an explanation, but also facilitate their escape, and also give the public a chance to vent their emotions and criticize the powerful.

Look, what a perfect ending.

As for the truth? Who cares.

Wait for the police to close the case, and the ignorance of those ignorant people will almost be vented.

The voice of a few people can't make a big storm at all.

The coping method is already available, but Wang Youcai still can't calm down.

Because he hasn't found the video that Wang Sheng took away.

Wang Youcai began to get irritated when he thought of Wang Shenghe's video.

He both admires and hates this Uncle.

What I admire is Wang Sheng's tough guy character, which made people sleepless at that time, tortured him for more than 20 hours, this guy didn't say a word until he died.

Hate is to hate him for betraying himself. He clearly gave him money, power and status for the sake of his fellow villagers. In Jiuhua City, it can be said that the wind and the rain are like the wind.

But he had to meddle in his own business and use the power he gave him to secretly copy all the videos.

For the so-called justice?

It's really funny.

I don't even think about what my life was like before I came here after retiring.

Luxury car beauty, how can big fish and big meat be inferior to that bullshit sense of justice?

Wang Youcai despised Wang Sheng very much.

But no matter how much you spurn it, it can't change the fact that Wang Sheng has his own handle.

Those videos that were kidnapped were like a time bomb in the chest that could kill itself at any time.

However, Wang Youcai put aside the troubles of the video temporarily, and it is the key to deal with the current problems first.

He asked Wang Youde, "What else have you done this month? Where did Jin Ping'an investigate? Tell me without a word!"

"I didn't do anything else... I just follow your request, staring at the kid's every move every day. He basically didn't find anything this month, and he was beaten every day."

Wang Youde obediently and honestly Name the results of this month's tracking.

When he saw the big brother's face was wrong, he noticed that some parts of the words were not clearly expressed, and quickly added: "It's not our hands! We were just watching him get beaten by hooligan. "

Wang Youcai frowned, feeling that things are not simple: "You said he has been beaten this month?"

Wang Youde said, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune: "Yeah, Not only was he beaten, but his bag had been robbed several times, so I knew that this kid was very annoying, and we didn't need to do anything about it."

"Why didn't you say this earlier!"

Wang Youcai suddenly felt dark in front of him, and a single thought remained in his heart, who the hell is plotting against me? !

At this moment, he thought of many things.

The most important of these was the previous bank robbery.

Because of the robbers' careful actions, complete weapons and equipment, and strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, they were finally silenced for unknown reasons.

At first glance, it seems that there is another hidden case, which has been stabbed to the top.

The police have also analyzed that the target of the robbers is likely to be Jin Ping'an.

As it happens, Jin Ping'an is investigating the disappearance case during this time.

Before the robbery, his subordinates were instructed by Hu Yingshao's old man to smash Jin Ping'an's house, and then wrote threatening letters to him.

The beatings and bag snatching actions in the month before the incident would probably all be counted on his head.

The police have reason to speculate that Jin Ping'an angered himself because he kept investigating the disappearance case, which led to the thought of killing a witness to silence them.

And then planned a robbery on the surface to bury the real purpose of killing Jin Ping'an.

This time he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

Wang Youcai fell on the sofa and raised his arms to cover his cheeks.

"Brother, what's the matter..."

Wang Youde was also panicked. It was the first time he saw his big brother so decadent.

"It's nothing, you go out first."

Wang Youcai said in a smooth tone.

Wang Youde also wanted to comfort his big brother: "But..."

"Get out!!!"

The chandelier in the office suddenly flashed, light and dark are intertwined.

The big brother who used to be very calm at all times, like an arctic ice sculpture, has disappeared.

It was replaced by a terrifying man with a hellish face that Wang Youde had never seen before.

In a trance, Wang Youde felt that the big brother's face was twisted into an indescribable mass, the teeth in his mouth became sharp and long, and the tips were flashing with cold light that made the skin tingling.

He continued to look up through the flickering light, but Wang Youcai's eyes full of rational light disappeared.

Under the dim yellow light, the red eyes glow with a breathtaking red light in the dark.

After a few seconds, the lights returned to normal, and Wang Youde was in a trance.

When he spirit slowly recovers looked towards Wang Youcai again, everything returned to normal.

Wang Youde looked at Wang Youcai with bloodshot eyes, and felt a little scared in his heart.

But he wasn't afraid of the weird hallucinations just now, but the two brothers came to Qianhua Market, and it was the first time he saw the big brother angry to such an extent.

Wang Youde quietly left the office without saying a word.

At this time, Wang Youcai was the only one left in the huge office.

He kept deducing Jin Ping'an's identity and who was going to frame him in his mind.

Wang Youcai also attended the voting meeting on the day that Jin Ping'an was kidnapped.

Except for voting, he remained silent the whole time.

At this point, the previous plan of blaming all the charges on Hu Yingshao no longer works.

Even if the kidnapping case can be blamed on Hu Yingshao, the robbery case still has to be taken care of by himself.

Now Wang Youcai is very reluctant to grab a submachine gun and shoot Hu Yingshao to tú tú.

If it wasn't for him, how could he possibly provoke Jin Ping'an, the unlucky thing.

As for the hands-on solution to Jin Ping An?

Although he doesn't know the identity of Jin Ping'an, he is not a fool.

Jin Ping'an intercepted two batches of Lame Wolf. Does Lame Wolf hate him?

Of course I hate it, but the lame wolf didn't do it.

Is the lame wolf not cruel enough?

No, the drug sellers are not like the Qinse industry. If the lame wolf is not cruel enough, it is impossible to control the entire Qianhua market in just a few years.

Then the lame wolf is not brave enough?

It's even more impossible, you don't have the guts enough to dare to kick the goods?

There is only one reason, he has no way to start.

And judging from Song Jie's advice to Zhang Feng, 80% of Zhang Feng can't afford to offend this unlucky thing.

In terms of skills and qualifications, he can't compare to Zhang Feng, in terms of connections, he can't compare to Song Jie, and in terms of battle strength, he can't compare to the lame wolf, not to mention the cat's eyes that even lame wolves are afraid of.

The five underground bigwigs from all walks of life sat together, let alone overturning the entire Thousand Flower Market, as long as they were not VIP members of the Asian Federation, it would be no problem to pick just a few people to Shen Jiang.

But the real situation is that the real purpose of disposing of Jin Ping'an has to be covered up by robbing a bank.

In the case that everyone has already tied their hands, it is necessary to conduct a second vote to confirm whether to kill or let go.

If Wang Youcai still thinks that Jin Ping'an is just a small criminal police consultant at this time, then his brain is caught in the door.

A group of people can't do anything about Jin Ping'an when they get together, how confident he is to provoke this guy.

Wang Youcai thought hard about the whole sequence of events, trying to find a way to break the situation.

In the series of events that happened this month, it is obvious that someone deliberately provoked a conflict between himself and Jin Ping'an, and wanted to use his own hands to get rid of Jin Ping'an.

From the current situation, getting rid of him is indeed the easiest and most effective way.

But the risks hidden in this choice are too great, and no one knows what will happen when Kim Ping An dies.

And once you do this, you are being used as a tool for free, in the arms of secret mastermind.

To Wang Youcai, Jin Ping'an is now like an unknown black bar, it may be a piece of shit with the appearance of chocolate, or it may be chocolate with a shit smell.

Either way, the best way to deal with it is not to touch it.

Since it is not feasible to solve the problem of Jin Ping'an, it can only be dumped.

In this robbery on the surface, someone must come out to take the blame, and there are only two candidates to take the blame.

One is a lame wolf and the other is himself.

Wang Youcai's brain was spinning, he was thinking about who wanted to use his own hands to get rid of Jin Ping'an.

There are also two suspects at present, one is Song Jie and the other is a lame wolf.

After the voting ended, Song Jie almost semi-publicly admitted that the robbery was planned by himself, and the purpose was to get rid of Jin Ping'an.

From the fact that he suddenly changed the wind in the middle of the meeting and voted against it, it seemed that he was being coerced by someone, and his every move was under surveillance.

If that person is Jin Ping'an's umbrella, Song Jie, who has a 'conviction', would immediately use himself to carry out the plan of murdering a person with a borrowed knife.

Now it seems that the most likely one is the brainless lame wolf.

Although he may not be able to come up with this kind of murder a person with a borrowed knife, it doesn't mean that his subordinates can't come up with it.

Or maybe two people cooperate, Song Jie provides the method, and the lame wolf implements the plan.

Secret mastermind must be the two of them or one of the two, or else those hooligans who beat Jin Ping'an violently can still be hired by ghosts?

Wang Youcai gloomily said: "Song Jie, a lame wolf, has a wide network of contacts, a lot of ideas, high efficiency, ruthless strikes, and strong alliances, right?"

If the two really join forces If he gets up, then he can only admit defeat, but if there is only one party, he can try to touch it.

As for who to touch, do you even need to ask?

It must be a lame wolf.

Song Jie and him are both local forces, and Zhang Feng will definitely not sit idly by in the real fight. He is just a new giant who has just risen, and Song Jie and Zhang Feng are old friends, 80% of them will be sidelined .

For the lame wolves, there are more benefits. 'As long as you don't deal with the lame wolves, you will be my friend of Zhang Feng'. This is Zhang Feng's original words.

Besides, I am not fighting with others for martial power, I just need to use some small tricks to let the lame take the blame.

Even if the lame wolf can survive the incident and want to take revenge on himself, he still has Zhang Feng to help the platform, and the lame wolf of strength great injury can face both of them at the same time.

Do what you say.

Wang Youcai made a phone call, and he planned to ask the forensic doctor to add an autopsy report, and then do some tricks on the autopsy report.

Let the police think it's four addicts so that leads can be directed to the lame wolf.

What Wang Youcai didn't know was that he wasn't the first person who wanted the lame to take the blame.

Zhang Feng doesn't need to say much about the lame wolf. The purpose of Song Jie's voting is to let the lame wolf take the initiative to take the blame, and the person who called the robber driver, even more so. The chain of evidence pointing to the lame wolf had already been arranged.

Everyone is persecuting the lame wolf.

Maybe the lame wolf couldn't figure out why all the pots went to his head.

(end of this chapter)

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