Dark Light Chaser Chapter 172


Chapter 172 Surrenders

The messenger did not give Shi Hongfang a good look.

"You shouldn't apologize to me, you should go and apologize to those victims."

Shi Hongfang didn't say a word and didn't answer.

A case like this happened in Qianhua City, no matter what, it has nothing to do with him.

Things have happened, any explanation is pale, and this is his dereliction of duty.

The messenger stared at Shi Hongfang for a few seconds, then suddenly asked, "Are you and Hu Yingshao in the same group?"

There was no beating around the bush, no temptation, and the question was straightforward.

Shi Hongfang shook his head: "No."

"Do you know what he did?"

Shi Hongfang sat on the sofa with a smile on his face. Helpless smile, like a sympathetic statue of Bodhisattva motionless, of course, including the mouth.

The messenger left without asking any further questions.

After a long time, Shi Hongfang put away his wry smile and took out his spare mobile phone expressionlessly.

Open the file management, the first, and only one folder name, is named after Hu Yingshao.

And the content inside is the black material videos that Tao Jun deleted before.

"still not enough..."

Shi Hongfang sighed, put away the phone and left the office.

As soon as he went out, he heard Liu Yuan reprimanding his subordinates in the corridor. Jin Ping'an and Cheng Lejia were both watching, seemingly at a loss.

"Let you keep an eye on the individual, Wang Youcai ran away, and Hu Yingshao also ran away! Wang Youcai ran away as soon as he came out of the community, don't you know who he met in the community?

You forgot everything taught in the police academy, right? You are the only one who graduated first in the Department of Investigation? It’s better than you to bring your dog here!”

Liu Yuan pointed at the two The police officer's head screamed.

"Old Liu, what's wrong? There is such a fire."

Shi Hongfang patted Liu Yuan's shoulder, interrupting the casting.

Liu Yuan is very good at choosing a training place, which is almost blocked at the door of Shi Hongfang's office.

Let him ignore it if he wants to.

"Team Shi, don't mention it! Let these two boys stare at Wang Youcai. As a result, they entered a community, and when they came out of a different door, they were lost. The idiots are recruited!"

Liu Yuanqi blushed and had a thick neck, just like Guan Yunchang.

The two unlucky bastards bowed their heads, not daring to look at Liu Yuan.

I'm mainly afraid of being sprayed with spittle stars.

"You two go back first, and submit a review of more than 4,000 words before twelve o'clock tonight."

Shi Hongfang sent the two police officers away before He said to Liu Yuan: "Don't blame them, Hu Yingshao's community is full of old leaders, and they can't get in."

"I know they can't get in, but if they can't get in, they have to think about others. methods, this is not the reason for their dereliction of duty!"

Liu Yuan shouted loudly.

"Forget it, they are still young. If everyone could apply the theoretical knowledge learned in the police academy, wouldn't there be great detectives everywhere?"

"This How can we forget it? Wang Youcai and his brothers are gone, and now even Hu Yingshao is gone. They finally caught the big fish, Tao Jun, but they all ran away. Isn't this guy caught in vain?"

Liu Yuan looked anxious as he paced back and forth in the corridor.

“…If they want to run away, they will definitely not go through regular channels. Just let the informant look at it. I will contact the traffic police and ask them to block the main road.”

Shi Hongfang gave a symbolic reassurance, then glanced out the window: "It's already past twelve o'clock, everyone, let's go to rest first, it's hard to find someone in the middle of the night, and we'll talk about it when it's dawn."

"But..." Liu Yuan wanted to dissuade him.

"It's nothing, it's an order, you can't let them stay up all night with you." Shi Hongfang pointed to Cheng Lejia and Jin Ping'an on the side.

"I haven't bought all the things in my house. I'll make do with it in the team's lounge these two days... Le Jia will bring me two clothes tomorrow, please."


Jin Ping'an declined the order to go home and sleep, mainly because he has not purchased new furniture since his home was smashed.

He recently lived in Cheng Lejia's apartment.

"Alright, I'll give you some daily necessities later."

Shi Hongfang did not embarrass Jin Ping'an, and after a few words of comfort, he left the detachment.

Jin Ping'an looked through the glass and watched Shi Hongfang's car pass through the gate and disappeared from sight, muttered: "Shi Captain...Is he really ignorant of all this?"

No one answered him, or no one wanted to answer the question.

Liu Yuan sighed and took Cheng Lejia to the parking lot.

Originally he wanted to take the Young Master home himself, but looking at the extended version of the high-level sedan and the sturdy bodyguards parked at the gate of the detachment, he naturally retracted this idea.


second day In the early morning, it was just dawn, and two or three people in the criminal police team were walking back and forth.

Tian Hao and Jiang Kaiji walked into the gym yawning, ready to wash their faces.

The two of them spent the night in the criminal police team last night, and they didn't go to the sofa until around three or four in the morning.

After washing up, as soon as I returned to the team, as soon as I entered the corridor, I heard the sound of beating the table from Liu Yuan's office.

Tian Hao and Jiang Kaiji looked at each other and pushed away Liu Yuan's office.

"What's the matter, Lao Liu, you're sulking here early in the morning."

Jiang Kaiji asked while ordering takeout on his mobile phone.

"The fake Wang Sheng is dead."

Liu Yuan said with a dark face.

"The fake Wang Sheng...the one that Tao Jun was looking for?" Jiang Kaiji shivered and instantly woke up.

"How did he die?"

Tian Hao asked with a frown, "Isn't he locked up in the anti-drug team, does Hu Yingshao have the ability to put his hand in there?"


Liu Yuan couldn't tell the expression on his face. He insisted that it was like eating shredded potatoes and shredded ginger.

"The person died during the escort. Last night, Captain Shi went to the anti-drug team to ask for someone, and was about to hand over this witness. As a result, the fake Wang Sheng suddenly suffocated on the way."


"So blatant?"

To act directly during the escort, this is simply irrespective of the law and of natural morality, and does not take the criminal police team seriously.

Some things can be done behind the scenes, but if you just cast aside all considerations for face and put them on the table like this, no matter how powerful you are, it’s definitely not easy.

Tian Hao couldn't figure out why Hu Yingshao fought so much against a fake Wang Sheng.

He trembled with anger: "Who is the person in charge of the escort? I'd like to see who is so brave!"

Liu Yuan's eyes moved slightly: "The escort car is changed. Once, the fake Wang Sheng died of breathing difficulties when Mei Jianbai was in charge of the transport."

This time it was Jiang Kaiji's turn to be stunned: "This is impossible! Everyone knows who Lao Mei is! "

Liu Yuan took a deep breath and said: "This is also the reason why I was sulking, because Mei Jianbai was watching, but people still died on the way to escort."

Since there are people watching him, then the fake Wang Sheng is definitely not someone else suffocating him with brute force.

"Are there needles on the corpse?"

Tian Hao's first reaction was chronic poison. During this period, he changed the escort vehicle once. It is very likely that before Mei Jianbai received the person, He had been injected with lethal poison.

"The corpse has been sent to dissection, but I have asked the forensic doctor and I have not seen any injection holes such as needle eyes. As for the blood test results, it is not quite clear."

Liu Yuan fiddled with his mobile phone and sent a few autopsy photos.

The fake Wang Sheng was stripped naked, and if there was any problem, it would come out at a glance.

Jiang Kaiji came over, pointed to the photo and asked, "What are these erythema?"

"Those forensic doctors have confirmed that it is not a pinhole, but simply scratched by himself. ." Liu Yuan explained.

"Detain the bodies, don't let them send them to cremation, we'll go back and find someone to review them."

Tian Hao watched for a long time, except for the red spots and the Except for scratches, there were no bruises such as beatings or bindings on the body.

Fake Wang Sheng, a black household scavenger, is extremely vigilant. In the face of the huge desire to survive, he will never take the initiative to eat poison without persecution.

None of the three present had studied medicine in depth. Although they possessed some basic medical knowledge, they were definitely not up to the level of professional forensics.

So they can only put aside this matter temporarily. The most important thing at present is to find the whereabouts of Hu Yingshao and Wang Youcai.


A voice from outside the corridor approached the office from far to near: "Report, hu hu...report! Outside... "..."

"Report, report, report, you report a hammer, this is a criminal police force and not a bandit den, so hurry up!" Jiang Kaiji scolded angrily.

Because the person who came was his discipline.

"Someone is about to turn himself in!" Jiang Kaiji's recipe quickly simplified the content of the report.

"You watch the processing first, we are busy here."

Jiang Kaiji waved his hand impatiently, ready to send the discipline away first: "I feel like I can't ask, Just lock the person first, and I'll go to the trial in a while."

"He said his name is Hu Yingshao."

Facing the three pairs of sharp eyes, Jiang Kaiji disciple immediately Trembling with fright.


This trial was led by Shi Hongfang himself, and Tian Hao was responsible for recording the same as yesterday.

Jin Ping'an was getting up after hearing the news. Gao Bin and the messenger did not come to the criminal police team. This time outside the interrogation room, there were only Liu Yuan and Jiang Kaiji.

da da da, Jin Ping'an in slippers trotted all the way to the interrogation room.

Just as the interrogation has just begun.

Hu Yingshao looked haggard, with drooping eyelids, as if there were tears in his eyes.

"Do you have anything to refute about Tao Jun's confession?"

Shi Hongfang briefly summarized the evidence of Tao Jun's confession yesterday, moved towards Hu Yingshao and asked.

"I helped Wang Youcai to get through the relationship."

Hu Yingshao wiped away her tears: "But I never let Tao Jun do that kind of thing! It's all slander! "

Looking at Hu Yingshao with snot and tears, Tian Hao didn't react at all, while Shi Hongfang pushed a pack of napkins over.

"Can you tell me the reason for your surrender?" Tian Hao asked blankly.

Hu Yingshao took out a tissue to dry her tears and snot, and looked directly at the two in front of her: "Actually, I have been tormented in my heart all these years, but I never had the courage to turn myself in until yesterday."

"Last night, Wang Youcai and his brother came to my house and wanted to use my relationship to settle some things.

I thought it was the same as before, but I needed to use my contacts to organize things. It was a dinner party, but they said they involved a murder case."

Hu Yingshao's expression was sad and remorse was revealed in her tone: "I absolutely didn't expect, they have the guts to be so big, it's a human life! "

Tian Hao nodded.

As expected of the master of Tao Jun, he is very skilled at pouring dirty water.

It's like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another, the same as the real thing.

No matter what Tian Hao thought, Hu Yingshao's speech continued.

"Wang Youcai said that there was an internal dispute between them three months ago. Tao Jun accidentally killed Wang Sheng of the security department and a young lady. Now the police are investigating the disappearance of the two of them. I took action to settle the matter."

"I refused outright, they threatened me with my indecent video and overturned my tea set, if my nurses hadn't heard the movement. , they are likely to use violence against me."

Tian Hao turned his face away to avoid the surveillance and couldn't help rolling his eyes: "Do you have any evidence to prove it?"

"Yes! Last night, my nurses also monitored the community, which can prove that they came, and I didn't clean up the tea set. There must be Wang Youcai's fingerprints on it."

Nonsense! They will definitely leave fingerprints when they go to your house. Who knows if the tea set was knocked over by you after Wang Youcai left?

Tian Hao did not say these words.

Because it was useless to say it, the other party would grab him and accuse him of deliberately targeting him during the interrogation.

Shi Hongfang asked: "Why did you help Wang Youcai to expand his network before?"

Mentioning this question, Hu Yingshao burst into tears again: "Hongfang, I was also forced to Helpless.

At the beginning, Wang Youde helped me catch the thief who stole my wallet. In order to repay him, I hired him as my life assistant.

It didn't take long before Wang Youde heard about this Afterwards, I thanked me for giving his idle younger brother a serious job, and he insisted on inviting me to dinner, but I then went.

As a result, an indecent video was filmed in the hotel. Leaving a handle, I pity my innocence and reputation, and I have no choice but to help him..."

"Then why are you turning yourself in now?" Tian Hao couldn't help interrupting Hu Yingshao's bitter scene. .

Pity your innocence and reputation?


Compared to shameless, this one is more heavyweight.

He finally understood why Tao Jun would help Hu Yingshao with affairs. These two people are like durian admiring stinky tofu, birds of a feather.

"Originally, he just wanted to use my relationship to match him and expand his contacts. Anyway, it didn't endanger the social order, and it wasn't the worst thing, so I've been forgiving again and again."

Old Xi Gu blew his snot: "But it involves human life, my conscience makes me unable to bear the coercion of the two, so I decided to take the initiative to expose all this!"

Shi Hongfang's expression was indifferent: "Why? Couldn't contact you at all last night? Do you have to wait until today to turn yourself in?"

Hu Yingshao kept shaking his head and sighed.

It took a while before he said, "Last night, I asked friends from the Calligraphy Association to help me open a room in the self-service hotel, and I plan to calm down by myself.

I wanted to escape the truth and pretended they hadn't come, but when I thought that human life was involved, I was condemned by my conscience, and I didn't sleep all night until dawn finally made up my mind to surrender. p>

"That's about you being in Wang Youcai's place..."

Before Shi Hongfang finished his words, Hu Yingshao stood up from the chair excitedly: "I'm almost old! How is it possible? Still capable of doing that kind of thing? This is all slander!"

"As far as I know, the current medical technology is quite developed." Tian Hao added casually beside him.

"cough cough, you...cough, hu hu, you...blood...cough cough cough..."

Hu Yingshao blushed and kept panting. He coughed, panting and panting, and he looked like he had difficulty breathing.

“Tian Hao.”

Shi Hongfang instructed Tian Hao not to say anything unrelated to the trial.

After gasping for two 3 minutes, Hu Yingshao slowly sat down on the chair: "Look at my old bones, look like I can eat anything?"

Tian Hao didn't say anything, just wished him an early ascension from the bottom of his heart.

(end of this chapter)

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