Dark Light Chaser Chapter 181


Chapter 181 Sharing Information

I knew.

Tian Hao looked at the sky speechlessly.

Every time you find a sea hare to work, the other party will list a lot of dangers in a long-winded manner.

Talking about or for those two words - add money.

Of course, he's not the kind of ruthless that Yama's ass stabs if you pay more.

Before the Aplysia takes over a certain matter, it will investigate the cause, process, and threat level of the matter, all of which will be thoroughly investigated.

If Aplysia had been contacted a month ago to help investigate the kidnapping case, the other party would definitely have refused without the slightest hesitation.

But now it's different. With Gao Bin's platform, the case has taken a turn for the better.

It's not like before, even the lives of those involved are precarious.

"You can add money, but the conditions will also change."

Tian Hao patiently negotiated conditions with Haitu: "You don't need to inquire about the travel records of the RV. The identity information of all the car owners who have purchased RVs in Qianhua City will be retrieved, and by the way, I will check the source of the car purchase funds."

Tian Hao changed the conditions, and the phone immediately fell silent.

About half a minute later, the phone made a sour and strange sound: "...This is your purpose."

The sea hare's tone was like summer Like the sour fried rice that had been left in the sun for three days, I could feel the strange smell of resentment through my phone.

Tian Hao's indifferent expression: "Fifty percent of the remuneration, you can decide whether to do it or not."


Sea Rabbit bargained .

"Eighty percent."


"Seventy percent."

"Why are you haggling?! "

"The maximum offer is 80%, you can say whether you want it or not."

Tian Hao killed the price in one bite, and 1.8 times the reward is already quite a lot.

"Give me two days... Do you have any clues about the model? If so, I will send you the information tomorrow."

"Yes, it has been sent to you. Get on your phone, but you'd better hurry."

Tian Hao shunted the messenger's recording into text, edited and edited it, and sent it to Haitu.

There was a crackle's keyboard sound from the mobile phone: "80% of the reward, don't go back on it, I'll check it right away."

"Of course, it's the old rules, money will come back I'll hit your card."

Tian Hao promised, anyway, Liu Yuan was in charge of the reimbursement after the event, which made him a headache, so he agreed first.

After negotiating the direction of the investigation, Tian Hao was ready to return to the warehouse, just when the courier came out of the warehouse.

Tian Hao hurriedly stopped him: "Wait, where are you going?"

"Of course we'll investigate."

The messenger didn't look back 's answer.

"Then I will send you the investigation materials here later."

Tian Hao did not deliberately keep the messenger, compared with tying the messenger to their side, This solo action is obviously more appropriate.

However, the messenger stopped when he heard these words.

"Would you like to share the intelligence network with me?"

The courier asked back: "Aren't you afraid that people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will trouble you?"

Bounty Hunter After all, it is a hired helper.

In principle, it is strictly prohibited for the police to provide information to the low-credibility Bounty Hunter.

The system takes time to perfect little by little, and any system will have loopholes at the beginning of its establishment.

For example, when the Bounty Hunter system was first established in the United States, the crime rate of the whole society increased instead of decreasing.

The economic level, people's living standard, and public security situation will be directly set back five years.

In fact, the founders of this system are not natives of the United States, but the European Union.

In those days the United States was able to become independent from the Asian League and the European Union, not necessarily without the consideration of a new policy test field.

It is said to be independent, but the mayors, administrators, and members of many cities in the United States rely on the support of the two major political systems to secure their positions.

Whenever the Asian Union and the European Union want to promulgate any new laws and regulations, they will conduct social experiments in the United States in advance.

So even after independence, the actual voice of the two political systems in the United States has not been reduced much.

The details are similar to the control of a colony on the equatorial continent by a certain "you can never beat me until I surrender" white flag nation.

The specific content is understood.

The Asian Union originally thought that it would be able to sit back and relax by drawing on the experience of the United States and establishing the Bounty Hunter credit score system.

Those who perfect the system still underestimate the ability to cheat and exploit the loopholes below.

Early-Stage established in the Bounty Hunter system of the Asian Union, Bounty Hunters only need a certain degree of credibility to share the police's public intelligence network.

This regulation was originally intended to encourage win-win cooperation between the two parties, but it was targeted by some old clever ghosts.

Some people sign up for Bounty Hunter and work with the local black zone.

The underworld forces provide criminals, or join forces with Bounty Hunter to fight another force, provide Bounty Hunter with "shua points" channels, and quickly increase the credit points of the parties.

When Bounty Hunter's reputation is high enough to share the public intelligence network, they will stop swiping points.

Let the Bounty Hunter in turn use the police's intelligence network to deliver benefits to the black zone.

For example, providing police updates at all times, closing stalls and running away before the crackdown comes, or providing scouting services for arrested underworld personnel.

However, there are still some proud and arrogant people, who are arrogant and disdain to engage in these roundabout activities.

They directly use the police channels to pull informants into the water, open underground casinos, and engage in smuggling goods.

In just one year, 40% of the informants of the Asian Union were pulled into the sea.

These informants are originally people who wander in the gray area and make a living.

Fortunately, this mess was discovered in time.

The Asian Union has added an assessment system to the credit system, once at 60 and again at 80.

At the same time, the regulations have been changed, from the original 50 points of credibility to at least 80 points of credibility, in order to be eligible to share the police intelligence network.

Generally speaking, those who have passed 60 points in the ability test in Bounty Hunter can directly join the public security system. Isn't it more comfortable to be a Bounty Hunter while eating public food?

Since then, it's almost equivalent to cutting off the Bounty Hunter and police intelligence-sharing network.

Over time, everyone has acquiesced that only Bounty Hunter will provide information to the police, but the police will not reveal any investigative clues to Bounty Hunter's unwritten rules.

"Now is not the time to care about that kind of thing, and there are not many people who can be trusted."

Tian Hao is not pedantic: "If you don't say it, I won't say it, anyway. No one else knows."

"Old Tian, it's settled... it's over..."

Jin Ping'an's echo came from the library.

By the time he ran out, the courier was just driving away.

"Isn't the messenger with us?"

Kim Ping An asked.

The two acted together only when they first met, and later investigations were conducted by the messenger alone.

This kind of employment made Jin Ping'an have no real feeling, and he really wanted to act with the messenger.

To tell the truth, he is very interested in the observation method of the messenger. Just relying on naked eyes and the intelligence from others' mouths can analyze a lot of things, which is better than his backtracking.

So Jin Pingan really wanted to learn from the messenger.

If you can learn it, and your own backtracking is coupled with that inhuman observation, what other cases can't be solved?

Fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Jin Ping'an didn't even think about it. With his brain dazed by doing two math problems, can he handle the large amount of information that his eyes see?

"What's the use of you following others?"

Tian Hao stopped Jin Ping'an in one sentence.

"You follow the messenger and it doesn't work, so why are you following others?

Besides, don't forget the messenger's experience, now he must have something he doesn't want people to see. On the other hand, didn't you block others in the past?"

Tian Hao came to the trunk, took out the forensic investigation box, and threw a pair of gloves to Jin Ping'an: "nonsense, what happened to Wu Ke's negotiation? Is it like this?"

"Captain Wu agreed, he opened for me and released the monitoring system permission, and now Lejia is using the software to find the surveillance video related to the RV."

Jin Ping'an put on his gloves: "And when you arrest someone, you can also call him to notify him, and he will send a squad to assist."

"Wu Ke gave you access to the monitoring system?!"

Tian Hao was dumbfounded. He wanted to give Jin Ping'an a lesson on the difficulty of connecting uncensored software to the public monitoring system, but who knew that this bald man would agree directly.

This is equivalent to nothing.

This is equivalent to a beggar walking up to the king and saying that he wants to play as a king for two days, and the king readily agrees.

Or to put it another way.

I went to the restaurant and ordered a pot of beef fried rice. I asked the chef to ask for only beef and no rice, and then the waiter brought you a pot of fried beef.

It's pretty simple.

"What's wrong?"

Jin Ping'an made an innocent expression: "It shouldn't be a bad thing..."

Tian Hao bypassed Jin Ping'an: "It's nothing, just go in and collect blood samples and see if there are other people's fingerprints."

Wu Ke has already agreed, and he said so much. what to do.

After all, the most important thing is to not allow outsiders to access the public monitoring system. The most important thing is to worry that someone will take advantage of this crime.

They connected the software to the system to assist in the investigation of the case, not to do something shameful.

As for Cheng Lejia's use of software to do bad things?

Don't be funny, Qianhua City doesn't know how many industries are under the name of Shengjia Group.

Take Jiuhuacheng as an example.

This tourism and commercial landmark area of Qianhua City was built by Shengjia Group.

Shengjia Group is the existence of Thousand Flowers Pizza Hut in the local area. If he wants to do bad things, he can be transformed into the next Hu Yingshao in minutes.

Although Cheng Lejia is the heir of the group, his wealthy family did not make him arrogant and domineering. Instead, he has a very gentle, friendly and sincere personality.

Let's not say anything else, just in terms of treating people, Cheng Lejia is much better than the rich second generation Tian Hao has seen.

Whether you are a roadside beggar or a corporate executive, Cheng Lejia treats everyone equally and treats Jin Ping'an, his best friend, almost as a biological brother.

Tian Hao doubted more than once whether Cheng Lejia had been reincarnated in the world of Saint.


It was night in a blink of an eye.

Tian Hao brought the collected blood back to the Criminal Police Force for analysis, but the number of victims was too large.

Analysis and alignment alone can take days.

This is still the result of sending some samples to the hospital for analysis.

Hu Yingshao has been released because the "crimes" he described by "surrendering himself" did not meet the detention requirements at all.

Seeing that the purpose of dispersing the police force has been achieved, they left in the afternoon.

Tian Hao and Jin Ping'an were sitting in the office area, watching the interrogation report at the desk in the Conference Hall, while listening to Jiang Kaiji complain.

"Ai, those four guys moved very fast, but they didn't know anything."

Jiang Kaiji leaned back on the back of the chair and held up an interrogation report: "Peace, Don't you have anything to say? The four of them are coming for you."

"It's not the first time, what can I say."

Jin Ping'an sighed , I have been beaten too much this month, and it has not been half a month since the last time I was kidnapped by robbers.

To tell the truth, he is almost immune to these, isn't it murder, anyway, there are only two results in the end, either in peace or safety.

Jiang Kaiji moved away from the report, showing half of his face in confusion and said: "You ruined Wang Youcai's industry, he is planning to split with you either the fish dies or the net, you are not afraid at all? "

"I'm afraid sometimes, but I won't compromise with him just because I'm afraid."

Jin Ping'an looked towards Jiang Kaiji: "You don't always tell me, Will compromising on such people only make them unsatisfied?"

After listening, Jiang Kaiji hid his face behind the report again.

He chose to skip this topic: "The four killers are quite interesting. After entering the interrogation room, I started to confess without asking anything.

Leader The killer is a wanted criminal on the run, so he can be punished for several crimes.

When he heard that the person he was going to shoot was the prosecutor sent from above, he almost fainted and begged me for a life sentence. , for fear that they will use him as a death sentence.

And the killer who was instantly brought down by the high prosecutor before he could respond at first.

He also asked me if I did not resist Whether the behavior can be commuted, such a brain circuit and tricky idea, it is a pity not to study the law and take the lawyer qualification certificate..."

Jiang Kaiji rambled and told the two about the interrogation process in a humorous way.

"Okay, be quiet for a while, if you're really in a hurry, go to visit the victim's family with Liu Yuan. You can have a good chat with them, don't stay here all the time chirp chirp twitter twitter ."

Tian Hao buried his head in the pile of documents, processing the collected intelligence, and circled the parts that might be related to the case.

In normal times, Tian Hao may still listen to two sentences, just listen to cross talk to relieve the pressure.

But now that I have discovered the key clue of the RV, I really don't have time to listen to his bbw. It is much more efficient to read the interrogation record directly than to hear the talk.

Jiang Kaiji slapped the report in his hand on the table with a gloomy face: "Fuck you, my head is so big looking at the pile of interrogation reports, I guess I have to work overtime and stay up all night tonight."

Jiang Kaiji held the interrogation report in his hand. It took him a whole day to finally interrogate all the members of the clubhouse.

But the trial alone is not the end of it. Just like Tian Hao's busy work now, he has to find out the confession that may play an important role in the progress of the case from the trial records.

As for Jin Ping'an, he is checking the surveillance video sent by Cheng Lejia.

Cheng Lejia's software is that the more information you enter, the more accurate your search will be.

But surveillance is not a living person after all, and many things that the messenger said cannot be analyzed by a software alone by video.

To be on the safe side, Cheng Lejia only entered the size and wheel model of the vehicle, which resulted in many similar trucks being recognized by the software.

Jin Ping An is adding those misrecognized truck license plates little by little to the shielding library of the software.

But when he just finished losing the license plate number and called up the next video, an RV entered Jin Ping'an's sight.

Sorry! _(`"∠)__

Yesterday, my mind was full of inspiration from another book. I was too absorbed in writing the outline and added settings. I accidentally forgot the time and simply asked for leave.

(end of this chapter)

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