Dark Light Chaser Chapter 196


Chapter 196 Legacy

Gao Bin has been living in the laboratory since he was seven years old.

In those days, the weirdness was still raging, and there were simply not enough people in the army to select qualified people.

The Asian Union had to select people with special physique from all walks of life.

But adults have complete three views and their own plot against.

Especially after mastering strange powers, people's desires will be infinitely magnified by those things.

They won't sacrifice themselves, run and be weird just because you say a word or two.

Instead, it can become one of the sources of confusion.

For the sake of long-term development and to screen out more qualified special physiques, one after another orphanages have sprung up all over the Asian Union.

At that time, Gao Bin was discovered special physique and Innate Ability.

Before he was 20 years old, he would lie on the test bed or laboratory chair almost every day, passively feeling the people or things brought by the researcher.

Then retell what you saw.

Every time the ability is used, those in white coats will say to Gao Bin:

'Your ability is a gift from God', 'Don't waste your ability' , 'You are a different kind of apostle, the hope of all mankind'.

As a child, Gao Bin didn't know what a mission was or what a hope was.

He only knew that it would be very painful to sense those things with his own abilities.

But those people still forced him to do it.

At that time, Xiao Gaobin once doubted whether he had made a mistake to be punished like this.

In order to avoid punishment, Gao Bin once behaved very well-behaved and obedient.

But the more obedient and obedient he is, the more people he has to supervise.

With the super sense again and again, Gao Bin, who has read countless people's memories, gradually understood why those white coats did this.

These are all to gain information and save more people.

In a flash, seven or eight years have passed.

Gao Bin has come to the most rebellious age in his life.

With the constant super sense of strange people or things, the negative emotions accumulated in his heart have reached the limit.

Why me?

What shit savior, what shit talent.

These people are just exchanging their own sacrifices for the happiness of others!

Why do I keep suffering? Why do I have talent, but must be used by others?

Every day I talk about being good for me, but do I have the right to choose?

You hypocrites!

Gao Bin broke out for the first time, but he did not break out of the laboratory as he did in the movie.

It was regarded as too high spiritual erosion and was ruthlessly suppressed by the security personnel.

There is a saying that is good.

Your defiance is never a bang, it's just a whimper.

The fusion warrior responsible for security helped Gao Bin to end the rebellious period ahead of schedule with a slap, enabling him to successfully graduate from secondary school.

Later, Gao Bin became much calmer, and the researchers in the laboratory occasionally listened to his tool man's request.

But...just listen.

The demand for freedom was once again dismissed by false Dakong's clichés such as 'for mankind', 'for the Asian Union' and 'God's gift' as a child.

Those researchers only taught Gao Bin all kinds of knowledge, but never instilled any ideas into him.

Except, of course, heroic devotion.

But even if they don't teach, Gao Bin can learn by himself by watching other people's memories.

A few years passed in a flash.

Twenty-year-old Gao Bin can no longer endure this kind of torture. At the same time, he also knows that he has absolutely no ability to escape.

So Gao Bin chose a very extreme way - suicide.

Every day is either on the test bench or in the white bedroom.

He would rather die than live this life again.

This time, the top was taken aback by his decision.

People from the Countermeasures Bureau also learned through this incident what happened to this young man who has been living in the laboratory since he was a child.

Thirteen years later, Gao Bin walked out of the laboratory and saw the sun for the first time.

This suicide gave Gao Bin limited freedom—he joined the Countermeasures Bureau.

The slow-paced life in the Countermeasure Bureau gradually healed Gao Bin's inner wounds.

Maybe the overwhelming majority yearn for an extraordinary life, but some people just yearn for an ordinary life.

Gao Bin is like that.

The joy of knowing the fish?

He angered the leaders of the bureau more than once.

A special talent? Haven't experienced an ordinary life?

I just don't want it, can you please stop imposing the idea of you believe oneself infallible on my head?

Gao Bin has been so persecuting Lai Lai, it will naturally make people unhappy.

One time, he broke the defense and found a spiritual fusion warrior for him to construct a virtual life.

That's what the leaders thought at the time.

Let this kid experience the life of an ordinary person in all aspects, and he will cherish his abilities when he wakes up!

They firmly believe that no one can resist the temptation of power.

Almost everyone thinks that Gao Bin will soon hate ordinary life.

When he wakes up, he can have a good laugh.

Who knows that in the end, Gao Bin in the subconscious is willing to be an ordinary social animal in the dream.

The spiritual fusion warrior was completely blinded by Gao Bin's operation.

He racked his brains, no matter how he seduced Gao Bin and created various crises in his dreams, the other party was unwilling to accept any form of power and insisted on living an ordinary life of punching in at work and fishing for fish.

To the last psychic fusion warrior, who almost failed to even wake him up from The Sims.

People like Gao Bin, who carved the DNA of fishing into the bones, made the leaders of the Countermeasures Bureau completely speechless.

His special strategic significance makes the countermeasures neither allow him to fish, nor push him too tightly.

What else can I do, let's live together.

In order not to let Gao Bin act alone and keep catching fish, the people in the Countermeasures Bureau specially arranged for him a security (supervisor) escort (worker), that is, 007 workaholic Xia Qiyuan.

This is the origin of the two partners.

The best way to deal with a salted fish is to have a workaholic beside him.

Only under Xia Qiyuan's hands, Gao Bin is not so salty.

Xia Qiyuan, who is proficient in human nature, can always provoke Gao Bin's motivation to work.

"Alright, alright, don't talk to me about your dreams. Don't you think about dreams in your dreams? Get up and work quickly."

See you Xia Qiyuan Gao Bin was talking about his ideals again, and his eggs hurt for a while.

He knew that this guy just wanted to take a vacation again.

Xia Qiyuan took out what looked like a small flashlight and pressed it on Hu Yingshao's body.

Soon, a layer of frost formed on the surface of the corpse.

Xia Qiyuan stuffed Hu Yingshao's body into the body bag, carried it on his shoulders and said impatiently: "Stop pester and chirp, I solved the problem of the discipline, and I will directly apply for three months' belt for you. Paid leave."

"That's fine, don't go back on it."

When Gao Bin heard the vacation, he immediately had the motivation to act.


A few hours later, it was dawn.

Everyone in the Interpol team received news of Hu Yingshao's accidental death.

Here, Jin Ping'an was particularly shocked.

He was the first of all to arrive at the Criminal Police Force.


Jin Ping An slapped the table on the table and said angrily, "How could such a good-looking living person suddenly become paralyzed by his breathing system?"

"The results of this autopsy , which was jointly given by He Jian and Gao Jian, and the fabricated probability is almost zero." Shi Hongfang said with his arms in his arms.

After the two prosecutors took the body away, they gave this information soon after, along with a detailed autopsy report, and they don't know how they did it.

You should know that an autopsy will take at least a few hours, and a longer pathological examination is not impossible for a day or two.

And in just a few hours, they not only completed the autopsy, but also had the autopsy report ready.

To be honest, Shi Hongfang doubts the authenticity of this report.

But the body is already not in their place, so there is no way to conduct a second autopsy for verification.

Jin Ping'an picked up the autopsy report handed over by Shi Hongfang, but he couldn't understand it at all, so he put it down quickly.

Although I can't read it, it doesn't prevent me from thinking it has a problem!

"This is definitely a problem!" Jin Ping'an argued with the courage of one's convictions.

"After all, Hu Yingshao is old, and his personal habits are not good. On the day we caught him, he was still eating seafood. There was an accident...it's not an accident."

Shi Hongfang actually felt that this was very strange, but all kinds of data showed that Hu Yingshao died in an accident, and there was no possibility of homicide.

First of all, the room in the detention center is under 24-hour real-time monitoring. Before Hu Yingshao died, he had no contact with anyone, nor did he have any physical injuries.

He didn't even eat dinner, which indirectly ruled out the possibility of food poisoning.

And if there is poison, the autopsy will definitely be able to detect it.

Jin Ping'an's face was very ugly: "But the former fake Wang Sheng also died of respiratory paralysis!

The two people related to the case are the same kind of death. Law, there must be something wrong!

Perhaps this case is not over yet, there is still behind Hu Yingshao..."

"Ping An, you should know how powerful Hu Yingshao is. "

Shi Hongfang interrupted Jin Ping'an's speculation: "If you say there are people above him, do you know what that means?"

"But these two people died by coincidence." It's too much." Jin Ping'an said angrily.

"Nothing to blame."

Shi Hongfang said directly: "I have already investigated, and no one has maintained any special contact with Hu Yingshao."

When Jin Ping'an heard Shi Hongfang's assertion, he was at a loss for words.

He hesitated for a long time before expressing his true thoughts: "I...I just feel that Hu Yingshao died like this, it is too cheap for him."

"You still Do you want to lynch him?"

Shi Hongfang said angrily.

"If Hu Yingshao really has other backers, then leave the investigation to those two prosecutors, who are here for this."

Shi Hongfang recalled the scene of his first meeting with the prosecutor He: "The prosecutor named He Jun is very offensive. He is much more difficult to deal with than Gao Bin. I believe they will give us a satisfactory answer."

Jin Ping'an reluctantly accepted Shi Hongfang's statement.

But he still wanted to try his best: "Do you mind if I take a photo of the autopsy report?"

"It's optional." Shi Hongfang said.

Just then, there was a knock on the door of dong dong dong.

Before Shi Hongfang said please come in, the knocker pushed open the door and entered.

Jin Ping'an turned his head and looked towards the door: "The messenger? Why are you here?"

The visitor is none other than the messenger.

The messenger didn't speak, just glanced at Shi Hongfang.

The latter put the autopsy report into the file bag and handed it to Jin Ping'an: "Ping'an, then you can go outside and shoot first, and send it directly to the medical examiner's office."

The subtext of Shi Hongfang's move is that the messenger was called by me, so please avoid it first.

Although Jin Ping'an was stunned, he was not completely ignorant of words and expressions.

After Jin Ping'an left, the messenger came to sit on the sofa, and Shi Hongfang sat opposite him as before.

"Give me something," said the courier.

Shi Hongfang said helplessly with a bitter smile when he saw the messenger's expression of a giant Yu Qianli: "Amin, this time it's not about business, so don't keep your face straight."

The messenger sneered: "hehe, do you mean I want to greet you with a smile?"

Shi Hongfang suppressed the smile on his face as much as possible, showing a guilty look: "I am very sorry for what happened back then. ."

"It's not me who you should apologize to."

The messenger's words were still the same as last time.

"I... The people I'm sorry for are not only Xiaoya, but also you, and... I lived up to the expectations of many people back then." Pain and struggle appeared on Shi Hongfang's face.

"The things in the past cannot be changed, is it useful to say these now?"

Seeing the iceberg-like face of the messenger, Shi Hongfang felt even more guilty.

The messenger in those days was a very smiling person, but now, there is nothing on his face except cold and numb.

The atmosphere between the two began to stiffen.

"...Can you let me worship Xiaoya?" Shi Hongfang asked in a tentative tone.

The messenger said: "Some people are dead, and what you failed to protect in the past will not be heard no matter how much you regret or blame yourself now."

Shi Hongfang seems to have expected this result.

He decided not to dwell on this painful topic for both parties.

"This is the legacy left by An Sien. I have already handled the follow-up inheritance issues for you. You just need to sign."

Shi Hongfang handed it over A paper bag and a document: "From An Sien's standpoint, I think it's better for you to accept it. This is the other party's heart."

The messenger briefly read the content of the document, Pick up the pen and swipe to sign your name.

The crisp performance was beyond Shi Hongfang's expectations.

He thought that the messenger would struggle for a while, or entrust him to donate these inheritances to public welfare causes such as orphanages or relief stations.

The messenger put down the pen and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"No more." Shi Hongfang shook his head.

tone barely fell , the messenger directly picked up the paper bag and got up and left, without any hesitation.

Shi Hongfang raised his hand and pursed his lips, trying to say something.

But he looked at the messenger's back and couldn't say a word, he could only lower his arms weakly.

(end of this chapter)

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