Dark Light Chaser Chapter 198


Chapter 198 Dead

Out of the hospital.

The courier drives to the rental car store.

As for Jin Ping'an's invitation... well-meaning, but meaningless.

The courier arrives at the rental car dealership to return the car.

To be honest, the cost of renting a car is almost one-tenth of the commission money given by Jin Ping'an.

Changed to the general Bounty Hunter, and encountered such a troublesome commission.

It is considered conscientious to ask for three or four times the commission fee.

If you are a bit stingy, Jin Ping'an will also be reimbursed for miscellaneous expenses such as car rental and accommodation.

However, the messenger doesn't care about money.

"Thank you for your patronage and wish you a smooth journey."

After an hour of careful inspection, it was confirmed that the vehicle was free of damage and scratches.

The server will refund the deposit.

The courier took the citizen card and stuffed it into his pocket.

A citizen card is not only a proof of one's identity, it also has the function of storage and consumption of a bank card.

It's just that there is no series of banking services, which are equivalent to mobile payment methods instead of mobile phones, and there is no interest even if you deposit money in it.

However, most people will more or less save some money in their citizen cards as a means of daily consumption.

For example, when you go out and lose all your mobile wallet and other items, you can also report your citizen card number for fingerprint payment.

Most of the mobile payment methods in this world are in the hands of Yalian. This simple and convenient payment method is the mainstream of today's society.

Of course, there are also people who scan and pay by mobile APP, and these people go for APP benefits.

No matter how little interest is, it is still meat. If you deposit all your deposits in the APP, you can drink one or two more cups of milk tea every day.

No means of transportation.

The messenger walked down the street on foot, looking around the strange city he had recently become acquainted with.

Even in recent years, the security situation of Qianhua Market has been on a downward trend.

But compared with the past, it can still be called a paradise on earth.

Ten years ago, the law and order of Neihua City was when Night City saw sadness and Los Santos cried.

All kinds of criminals, as many as Arkham are ashamed of being inferior.

Ordinary people, except for a few main roads for commuting to get off work and grocery shopping, do not dare to go into the alleys.

After ten times, I can encounter illegal transactions at least three times, or fire and live, and accidentally die.

The police of Neihua City at that time, almost equivalent to the chef of the Human Race Tribe.

Either cook for that group of ogre, or become a meal, there is little other way to go.

The law and order in some areas was even maintained by the Bounty Hunter hired by the local government.

This is an unheard-of situation in the AFC.

Although Qianhua City was colonized by criminals from Neihua City, the overwhelming majority were restricted to the outer city of Jiuhua.

Most of the people wandering in the urban area are hooligans who are affected by bad atmosphere and become idle.

They have an impact on law and order, but not very much.

It's like a toad lying on a leather shoe, it doesn't bite, it's just plain disgusting.

The real influence is the tentacles developed by the people in Jiuhua Outer City.

It's just noon.

The commercial street is sparsely populated, and the citizens are either at Chafan or on their way to Chafan.

The courier turned down the roadside taxi driver's invitation to carry passengers and strolled slowly under the scorching sun.

After a long circle, he came to a public restroom in a park and stared at himself in the mirror without blinking.

'Shi Hongfang, the person you should apologize to is not me. '

The silhouette in the mirror twisted for a while, and the facial muscles slowly melted like wax figures in a fire.

'Jin Ping'an, the change in your mouth doesn't mean anything to the messenger either. '

The body in the mirror began to shrink, the skin became pale, and a brand new silhouette began to slowly emerge.


After two minutes, the body is completely set.

'The messenger is long dead. '

Ai Liang looked at his indifferent self in the mirror and looked the head.

He went to the toilet cubicle and opened the mortise lock with telekinesis.

On the toilet lid of the compartment, there is a satchel with a change of clothes inside.

Ai Liang took off his polo shirt and slacks, tucked them into the satchel along with the paper bag, then put on his T-shirt and shorts and walked out of the bathroom.

Ai Liang, who had regained his original identity, raised his hand and called a taxi.

Half an hour later, he opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

Ai Liang came to the desk and moved the desk away with telekinesis.

At the back of the solid wood desk, there is a lockable drawer, and inside the drawer is a safe.

There is no key in the lock, because the power of mind can open all the lock cylinders, there is no need for a key.

Ai Liang twisted the combination dial.

With a ka-cha, the safe was opened.

There are not valuable items such as cash checks, gold and silver jewelry, but the junk in the eyes of ordinary people.

But these things have special meaning to Ai Liang.

Ai Liang tore open the paper bag and took out the document contract, real estate deed and passbook inside.

After he folded these things, he lightly tucked them into one of the compartments of the safe.

Ai Liang sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly looking at the contents.

Everything in it represents a certain trajectory of his life.

And more or less had a certain influence on Ai Liang's character.

The Hermit's phone and short blade, the courier's citizen card and a bloody warhead, Yue Qihua's game activation code, Yang Xingyue's daisy army card.

Now, there is another item in this box - An Sien's legacy.

Although Ai Liang didn't care about An Sien's life or death, her choice was almost the same as the messenger's choice a few years ago, which still touched Ai Liang's heart.

What Kim Ping An experienced was very similar to what the messenger experienced a few years ago.

However, the darkness faced by the messenger is far more terrifying than that faced by Jin Ping'an.

After experiencing that hopeless darkness, even the strong-willed messenger lost the desire to live.

Ai Liang sympathizes with the messengers, because they are all one kind of people, all of whom once had a heart for the light, but lost to the dark reality.

It's just that Ai Liang has the power to wield a knife to vent, but the messenger lost everything, including the will to live, and finally chose to self-destruct.

Jin Ping'an's choice gave Ai Liang an opportunity for change.

He originally planned to live an ordinary and ordinary daily life in Qianhua Market for a while.

Continuous decline in empathy and lack of empathy.

Ai Liang had to give up this plan.

From Jin Ping'an, he saw another kind of probability.

Since I have received too many negative emotions, I have become indifferent.

Does it make a difference if you take the initiative to contact positive emotions?

So the messenger was temporarily reborn.

When the messenger committed suicide, Ai Liang copied his memory and personality.

Even standing in front of the messenger's former best friend, the other party couldn't recognize that he was an impostor.

As long as you don't let others realize that Ai Liang and the messenger cannot have this problem at the same time, you don't have to worry about identity violence.

Ai Liang wanted to use this identity to do some kind deeds to see if he could restore his humanity.

And after the kidnapping case, Jin Ping'an's request for help also sounded the alarm for Ai Liang, making him realize that his humanity is constantly dissipating.

That's why messengers intervene in a series of events.

It turns out that this approach works.

Ai Liang's heart really touched for a short time when he saw An Sien's body.

Although he soon recovered his calm, at least he cared about the lives and deaths of others.

Ai Liang's series of actions are essentially or for himself.

However, there is a saying that is good, the argument doesn't matter.

If you pretend to be a gentleman for a lifetime, then you are a gentleman.

No matter what Ai Liang's starting point is, as long as the final outcome is good.

In the process, Jin Ping An attacked the underworld forces and maintained the security situation. After these incidents, Ai Liang regained his humanity bit by bit, and slowed down the speed of emotional disappearance through constant contact with people.

It's a win-win.

Children only care about the details, adults only look at the results.

Ai Liang slowly closed the safe. Before closing it completely, he thought about it and took out the courier's citizen card again.

Operations in Qianhua City must have an identity cover, and a messenger is a good choice.

It is an undeniable fact that the messenger has stains on his body, but aside from the incident seven years ago, he can be called a messenger of justice.

Otherwise you will not receive the Medal of Honor from the Asian Union.

Using the identity of a messenger to do good deeds makes sense in theory.

As for the messenger still being blocked by the Asian Union, this issue...

This is Qianhua, not Neihua.

And Qianhua City is the Shi family's site.

Shi Hongfang's family, unlike the Big Boss who hired the messenger at the beginning, was simply rich.

As the actual controller of Qianhua City, the Shi family occupies a pivotal position in the Asian Union Council.

After the messenger committed that kind of evil deeds, the Medal of Honor's death-exemption regulations were still in effect, thanks to Shi Hongfang's family.

With this messenger's old friend's family bearing on it, the AFC can at most give two innocuous warnings.

As long as things don't make too much of a fuss, and the news of the messenger's return is well known, the Asian Union will most likely choose to turn a blind eye and let the messenger be active.

And he can use Shi Hongfang's guilt towards the messenger and Jin Ping'an's trust to easily access the local intelligence network, one move, two gains.

This is far simpler than re-creating a new vest from scratch.

Ai Liang, after thinking about what to do in the next few years, tucked the safe back into his desk and put it back in place.

Next, he will move towards the unknown road and take the Second Step to regain his humanity.


The private room of a speakeasy.

Song Jie looked at the latest information sent by his subordinates, his face was as if he was being pointed at by a gun and ate three pounds of dung beetles.

The tension and fear made him nauseous.

This information is nothing but the news of Hu Yingshao's death.

However, what was different from the past was that this time, his intelligence network not only failed to obtain an autopsy report, but also failed to obtain a decent photo of the scene.

This level of information blockade is not something that ordinary forces can do.

Song Jie stood up, holding his mobile phone behind his back, pacing the box non-stop.

Ten minutes later, he was heartbroken and dialed the number through gritted teeth.

"See?" the other party asked.

"I see." Song Jie replied.

"Since you saw the news of Hu Yingshao's death, you still contacted me, and you made up your mind?"

"I want to know how much you are sure of killing him!"

Song Jie gritted his teeth like a madman: "Can that kind of monster be killed by modern weapons?"

"I know what you are afraid of, it is nothing more than worrying that I am in the movie, That kind of stupid person who uses a hot weapon to attack aliens with blind confidence."

The man on the other end of the phone said slowly: "Trust me, he can be killed, It's not difficult."

"What do you use to prove it."

As an intelligence businessman, Song Jie never easily believes other people's rhetoric. .

"Prove? I don't need proof. You have no choice but to believe me now."

The tone is no longer as polite as last time.

"Don't forget, I can stab Janus about the matter you instructed Wang Youcai at any time. You did it very cleanly, but he never needs evidence to kill, just suspicion is enough.

As loyal as Hu Yingshao, they were all disposed of after the kidnapping case. Do you think you are more loyal than Hu Yingshao, or more valued than him?"

"Don't forget these You also have a share of the credit!"

Song Jie growled with a sullen face: "We are grasshoppers on a rope, you can't live even if I die."

" No, I can continue to live, because I am different from you, someone can protect me."

Song Jie's eyes widened.

WDNMD! Your dog thing actually has a backing? !

The amount of information contained in this sentence is enormous.

Song Jie didn't say a word for a long time, instead he kept analyzing the meaning of this sentence in his mind.

If you can protect someone from Janus, the backer of the other party must be the same person as Janus.

Only the monster can deal with the monster. Does this mean that he really has the means to kill Janus?

Song Jie took a deep breath, suppressed the grief in his heart and asked, "That means the person behind you has a grudge against Janus?"

The other party obviously did not intend to answer This question: "This has nothing to do with you."

Song Jie had long expected that the other party would say this. Intelligence is not something that can be easily solved, especially if the other party knows his profession. case.

But he had no choice but to compromise: "I promise your terms."

Hu Yingshao's fate made Song Jie see his own situation clearly, whether it be betrayal or not, He could not escape death.

Since Wang Youcai had already made a tentative assassination attempt, then he simply did not do two rests and went all the way to the dark.

But Song Jie is not a fool who is being used as a tool. He intends to mediate while he still has value: "Can you recommend your backer for me?"

Song Jie said frankly and openly: "I won't let you guarantee my life safety, even if you guarantee it, I won't believe it, so you just need to help me and It is up to me to see if your backer can win asylum, how about that?"

A qualified intelligence businessman will not entrust his life to the verbal guarantee of others.

They are better at showing their value, so that the other party has the idea of cherishing their talents and takes the initiative to protect them.

As a well-known figure among them, Song Jie naturally knows this.

I'm sorry, I'll try to finish the rest...

I'm vomiting and diarrhoea now, I'm really not feeling well...

(end of this chapter)

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