Dark Light Chaser Chapter 210


Chapter 210 Temptation

A basement somewhere in Neihua City.

Song Jie pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"Boss, I'll set you on fire."

As usual, Mu · flattery Jing · Si picked up the lighter and moved to Song Jie's side.

For some reason, Song Jie shuddered and leaned back unconsciously when he looked at Moose who was approaching.

Song Jie looked at Moose and narrowed his eyes.

Why does this guy suddenly give me a very dangerous feeling?

This feeling comes and goes quickly.

Song Jie sat upright again and let Moose light the cigarette for him.

This guy is so desperate now that he needs my shelter, what else is there to be in danger, it seems that I was really scared by Janus.

Seeing Mo Si who was flattering, exhibit one's feelings in one's speech, Song Jie shook the head and laughed at himself in his heart.

After half a cigarette, Song Jie pressed the butt into the ashtray.

"How's the matter with Wang Youde?"

Hearing Song Jie's words, Mu Si immediately picked up the tablet on the table: "It's been dealt with, those who have seen Wang Youde's neighbors have all moved to other cities, and the surveillance along the way has been cleaned up when he escaped."

Mouse's fingers pointed on the tablet, and he recounted the whole story. again.

"Wang Youde's hiding place was in a shantytown at that time, where people are very easy to pass up, as long as they give money, they will shut up.

The police want to track down Wang Youde, and there is a high probability that they will follow suit. The route of Shuimu City was traced, so I spent a small sum of money and sent them to Neihua City."

"How much is a small sum of money?"

Song Jie took it again smoked a cigarette, but this time he pushed away Moose's outstretched hand and lit it with his lighter.

"The family spent 20,000 yuan, and a total of 120,000 yuan." Moose said obediently and honestly.

The number say high is not high, say low is not low.

The reason why there are so many witnesses.

It was because Wang Youde lived in a hotel, but he went to the shantytown to escape for his life the day he was chased by Janus.

Many people in shanty towns live in shipping containers. As long as they are not blind, if they glance outside, they can see that Wang Youde escaped that way.

This added a lot of trouble to Song Jie's aftermath work.

Song Jie knocked on his thigh and said, "Although this money is nothing, it is not appropriate to spend so much money on those who pick up junk."

Mus After listening, I immediately realized that this was Song Jie testing his attitude.

"Of course, fists are sometimes better than money for those beggars, but this can't keep them tight-lipped, Tiaozi always has a way to pry open their mouths, then we will even take revenge afterwards. , their few bad lives can't change the exposed facts."

Mu Si began to enumerate the meaning of what he did to convince Song Jie.

“Even if they are at the bottom, the overwhelming majority will not look there, but there will always be nosy people watching their lives, so it is not realistic to deal with so many people directly. "

"In my opinion, coercion and temptation is the best choice."

After listening to Moose's explanation, Song Jie smiled: "But why do I listen to others?" , Some people promised to move, but you still have to pay hush money?"

"Well, you see, it's far better for them to move on their own initiative than for us to expel people with great momentum? Give them a little travel expenses. It doesn't cost much money, why not do it?"

Mu Si kept rubbing his palms with a pleasing smile on his face.

Be upright when you should be upright, and be weak when you are weak. Like the fox which exploits the tiger's might, you can help the toiling people, or you can be humble and flattering to please others.

This is Moose, a cunning man with a flexible moral bottom line.

"It's a good story."

Song Jie cast an admiring look at Moose: "The most important thing for us to do intelligence is to reduce the impact of the situation to The lowest."

Moose said with a smile: "hehe, you taught me well."

"Don't shoot flattery with me, I'll just look at the results here."

Song Jie pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray again, but this time his expression changed completely: "I will ask you one last time, why did you give up everything in Neihua City to join me?"

The moment Song Jie spoke, his originally dark eyes moved towards a deep purple, his left hand in the pocket of his trench coat curled up, holding a pistol tightly.

Song Jie activated the strange object that Janus gave him. This strange object has no other function, it can only detect lies and perform superficial mind reading for a very short time.

According to Janus, without the physique of the qualified person, using this kind of lowest thing might kill him.

So Song Jie cherishes every minute and every second of this ability.

As long as Moose's next words contain half a lie, Song Jie will kill him without the slightest hesitation.

The light in the basement was dim, and Moose didn't notice the change in the color of Song Jie's eyes and the surging killing intent in his heart.

He looked embarrassed, thought for a while and said, "Boss Song, I know all your doubts about me, but I really don't have any bad intentions.

Since you think like this, you know me The reason why I came to rely on you, then I simply said it.

I am really reluctant to give up the foundation of Neihua City, but I have no choice because the official forces have already targeted me.

They considered me to be completely detained, and Yue Chongshan's old bastard not only fueled the flames on the surface, but also began to erode my power secretly. In order to survive and be free, I can only give up my foundation."

Is what Moose is telling the truth?

The answer is yes.

There wasn't a single lie in these words, but he didn't tell the whole truth.

Muss did not say outright which official force was targeting him.

Said, but not fully.

Speaking halfway, splitting a piece of information into two or three pieces for sale, these are the professional instincts of intelligence dealers.

How much detail you want to get depends on your bid.

The overwhelming majority of intelligence dealers will do this. Only a very few people, who occasionally want to improve their reputation and performance (referred to as involution), will sell all the intelligence at one time.

Not always, but generally.

"The official of Neihua City, there is no reason to attack you, right?"

As a member of the general public, Song Jie will naturally not because of the truth of Mu Si. , while disarming vigilance.

Because some truths can be linked together into a huge lie.

At this moment, Moose finally noticed Song Jie's hands in his pockets.

Thinking about these questions again, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"They do plan to attack me, and I can guarantee that I have no ill will towards you! I came to Qianhua Market just to have a meal, and then retire at the age of fifty, looking for a nice view. It’s just a place for old age!”

Moose stepped back while raising his hands, indicating that he had no intention of resisting.

He retreated all the way to the corner, cornering himself.

As for why not run to the door.

Every time Song Jie decides to talk, it's either in the speakeasy or in the basement, what do you think he wants.

Let's not talk about what Song Jie is carrying in his pocket.

Whether it is the door or the elevator stairs leading to the upper floor, Song Jie's subordinates are in charge.

No one can go up without his permission.

You can also jump off the building to escape on the ground, and you can't escape with wings on the ground.

Song Jie didn't say a word. He first took out a cigarette from his right hand pocket and put it in his mouth.

And then from inside, he took out a hand-sized pistol and pointed it at Moose, and motioned Moose to light a cigarette with his eyes.

How dare Moss approach at this time, he just keeps begging for mercy.

"Boss Song! Brother Song! It's not that bad! I really have no ill intentions, I just want to hide with you for a while to avoid the limelight!"

Watching step by step Approaching Song Jie, Moose put his head in his hands and slowly squatted down, still persuading him.

Even if Song Jie was only two steps away from him, he had no intention of taking a gun to fight back.

"Raise your head," Song Jie said.

Moose Zhan looked majestically towards Song Jie, the muzzle of the gun was only twenty centimeters away from his forehead.

Musborne thought he had escaped.

Who knew that the other party opened the safety directly, put his finger on the trigger, and didn't wait for him to continue begging for mercy.

Song Jie pulled the trigger directly.

Under the high tension and despair, the flow of time all around seemed to have slowed down a lot, but Moose only had time to close his eyes.


A cluster of flames emerged from the muzzle.

"Haha, don't be nervous, I'm just joking with you."

Song Jie patted Moose's shoulder with a smile, and then lit a cigarette with a flame.

"You used to be at any rate. The intelligence dealer who controlled all the intelligence networks in a city. Although it is now in a down state, the imposing manner you used to be can't be lost. Otherwise, where will my face at the same level as you be?

I like your old, stingy profiteer more than that, you are so humble all of a sudden, I'm really not used to it."

You have TMDmental disorder!

Musborne wanted to scold him for that.

But now people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

"That's all in the past. Now I just want to eat and eat, so I retire and live in seclusion."

Moose licked his face and said with a smile.

"You're sincere, why don't you say it now, you want to contribute to my power building?" Song Jie asked with a smile, taking back the lighter.

"You trust me so much, I can't lie to you, right?"

Moose stood up tremblingly from the corner, but the soles of his feet softened and he sat back down again. ground.

Song Jie stepped forward and gave Moose a hand: "Tsk, you have to practice so much courage!"

"Next time, definitely next time."

Moose stood up while supporting Song Jie's shoulders.

He followed Song Jie, walked into the elevator and returned to the ground.

As soon as the elevator door opened, it was the underground parking lot. In the past, Song Jie took Moose to leave the main entrance of the bar, and it was the first time to take the elevator to the parking lot.

This means that Song Jie has initially accepted Moose to join his core team.

"I have something to do next, let Ah Er take you back."

Song Jie got into his car and moved towards another bodyguard who was instructed.

A Da and Er Er are Song Jie's personal bodyguards.

The two brothers have been by Song Jie's side since records began.

A Da is responsible for driving Song Jie, while A Er is the personal protection.

Song Jaeken sent his confidant to send Mu Si, also with a hint of comfort.

Moose quickly waved his hand and refused: "No, no, I'll just take a taxi by myself, your safety is the most important."

"Well, you can go back by yourself, I have a task. I will contact you again."

Song Jie was not polite to Mu Si Duo, after all, he is now Mu Si's boss.

A'er got into the car and sat in the back row with Song Jie.

In case of being shot, this allows him to immediately use his body to block the bullets for Song Jie.

A Da started the car and left the parking space. Before the car left the parking lot, a black sedan not far away followed.

The car behind is also Song Jie's bodyguard group.

as the saying goes well, the more you know, the quicker you die.

Those who are engaged in intelligence may welcome the cooperation of multiple forces at any time. How can two bodyguards be enough?

Song Jie sat unceremoniously in the back row: "The suspicion of Moss can be temporarily removed, this person can be trusted."


Ah Er immediately picked up the tablet, found the relevant information about Moose, removed him from the danger list, and added him to the white list.

At this time, Ah Duo, who was driving, said, "He's only been here for a few months, right? Is it so easy to trust him?"

Song Jie shook the head: "Don't worry, I've just investigated, he doesn't have any malicious intentions, he just wants to use my power to take refuge and temporarily escape the pursuit of the official forces of Neihua City.

And I pointed a gun at him. His forehead opened the safety, and he didn't dare to grab the gun until the trigger was pulled."

So timid?

A Dawu frowned: "That is to say, when the limelight is over, he may leave the organization at any time, is it worth it?"

"His ability is worthy of it. Pay the price I paid."

Song Jie took out a bottle of champagne from the freezer and poured himself a half glass: "I'm a little timid, but if he's really a waste, it's impossible for him to run it alone. The entire city's intelligence network, and has insisted on leaving Neihua City now.

Yue Chongshan's Old Guy can't be trifled with.

And after so long, including his Including his subordinates, there is no one in Neihua City who knows his true identity. Based on this alone, he is absolutely impossible to be a simple character."

Ada didn't say anything more, but he still There is no way to associate that guy with a wicked smile with the words deep and unmeasurable.


Moose left the parking lot with his legs shaking.

After he walked into a public restroom, he immediately stood up straight, his waist didn't hurt, and his legs didn't feel weak.

"Fuck! Don't you mean that the people of Qianhua are simple and honest? Fuck, this murder without blinking an eye attitude is quite different from the thugs in Neihua ten years ago!"

Moose foul-mouthed washed his face by the sink.

MD! Song Jie has such a heart! Fortunately, I held back the gun at that time, otherwise when his people came in, I would definitely burp with a lighter!

And the shooting is so similar, one and two are all movie stars, right?

Fortunately, I have experienced a lot of undercover life, otherwise it would be difficult to pass today.

Moose frantically dissed Song Jie in his heart, and kept sighing that the world is hot and cold, will of the people is vicious, and there is no trust between people.

After washing his face, Moose looked for a mirror and was nodded with satisfaction.

Before leaving the bathroom, Moss fiercely pinched the hamstrings at the bend of his leg to restore his soft legs, and then walked out of the bathroom tremblingly.

A full set of dramas.

(end of this chapter)

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