Dark Light Chaser Chapter 213


Chapter 213 Students

Ai Liang's way of speaking is still the same as if he choked to death.

It makes it difficult to continue the conversation.

Fortunately, Ye Qing is used to it.

"Aiya, let's go for a walk, the class meeting will only start in the afternoon, are you going to read a Heavenly Book here?"

Ye Qing pursed her lips.

“School is a place to study. Is there any problem with my reading here?”

Ai Liang asked rhetorically.

Ye Qing couldn't help but spit out: "If you can replace the novel in your hand with a textbook, this sentence should be more persuasive."

Ai Liang's eyes were fixed. Staring at the novel: "Since the novel can be published, it proves that it has its own unique function. What's the problem with me learning some new things instead of repeating the knowledge that I have already mastered?"

"Okay, okay? , I can't tell you what to do."

Ye Qing waved her hand in disgust: "What I want to say is that it's almost eleven o'clock. Going to the cafeteria to eat, and waiting for two grades to line up together."

"...You are just greedy, right?"

Ai Liang saw it right at a glance Ye Qing's thoughts.

I was clearly in the milk tea shop, and I just finished eating a cup of milk tea, and it took a long time to get hungry again.

As for why eating instead of drinking... Ai Liang couldn't help but recall the appearance of that cup of milk tea.

Pearls, coconut nuts, double-skin milk caps, burning fairy grass, cold days, red beans, sandwich biscuits, chocolate bars, cream... Ye Qingchao added a lot of desserts to it.

Adding this big cup of messy stuff, is it still called milk tea?

Ai Liang felt that he couldn't understand the thinking pattern of girls.

If you drink milk tea, drink milk tea, why do you do so many fancy things?

If you want to eat dessert, go directly to the supermarket or dessert store to buy snacks.

"Have you seen it?"

Ye Qing said with a laugh: "I can't help it, who told me to have a big appetite, I simply eat those two bowls of beef noodles in the morning Not full."

As she spoke, she touched her stomach.

All the beautiful women have legs below the neck, do you have the stomach below the neck?

"It's not even lunchtime yet."

Ai Liang looked up at the electronic clock hanging on the classroom wall: "I'm not hungry now."


tone barely fell, Ye Qing immediately patted Ai Liang's shoulder: "Aiya, it's the same in the morning and evening, eat more if you're hungry, eat less if you're not hungry, walk around and eat."

Ai Liang couldn't resist her, so he closed the novel and got up.

When passing by the podium, Ye Qing also said hello to the head teacher Yu Xin: "Isn't Yu teacher going to eat?"

"We have a staff canteen, and the meals are not as good as yours. It’s crowded, and it’s not even dinner time yet.”

Yu Xin laughed: “Besides, today is the day for new students to report, so I can’t leave until noon.”

“ Teacher has worked hard."

After Ye Qing said a polite remark, she pushed open the door and left.

When Ai Liang went out, she found her standing by the window looking at the classroom.

Ai Liang followed Ye Qing's line of sight... well, Fang Xinlei was the only student in the classroom, and she didn't follow her line of sight and knew who she was looking at.

"You said if she lives on campus, how will she eat in the future?"

Ai Liang's gaze fell on Fang Xinlei's lap through the table.

Ai Liang noticed when she was in the office before that without crutches, she had difficulty even standing normally.

According to Ai Liang's medical knowledge, Fang Xinlei's disease should be neurogenic muscular atrophy.

It can be roughly understood that the whole leg is equivalent to a decoration, without perception and without strength.

It can be said to be the difference between Heaven and Earth with a fracture or a broken foot.

“If you want to avoid the crowded stairs, there is no other way except that and the others are almost walking.” Ai Liang replied, looking away.

“Of course I know this, but by then, there will still be a queue to go to the cafeteria, and we are the last to leave school, so by the time she arrives at the cafeteria, it is estimated that many dishes will be gone.”

Ye Qing said with some distress: "Doesn't this mean she has to eat leftovers for three years?"

Ai Liang said casually: "Don't you usually eat my leftovers? "

Ye Qing suddenly stared at Ai Liang with wide eyes: "So the vegetables you gave me were all leftovers?!"

So are you treating yourself Identity, there has been some kind of misunderstanding?

Ai Liang rolled her eyes at her: "If you can't finish or eat the leftovers, they are leftovers, then they are indeed leftovers."

Leftovers are just leftovers. Anyway, it’s just a noun. They’re all fresh out of the pot.

Ye Qing thought for a while and decided not to continue entangled on this topic.

In case Ai Liang felt that it was not good to let others help deal with the leftovers all the time, wouldn't he have to eat leftovers in the future?

"Forget it, let's go too far, you said that with her physical condition, why must must live on campus?"

Ai Liang did not answer this question directly: "She Since she insists on living on campus, it proves that she must have considered this point, and she doesn't need outsiders to worry about it."

"Tsk, you are really indifferent, this is a major event to improve the favorability of beautiful girls. ”

Ye Qing argued with the courage of one’s convictions: “Girl’s mind is very delicate, even if she looks strong, what if the family has always longed for someone to help her?”

Ai Liang remain unmoved: "So why should I increase her favorability to me? If you want to help her, just go and talk to her."

Ye Qing suddenly became dumbfounded Speechless.

It took a while before he said: "It's a very irresponsible thing to interfere with other people's life choices at will, unless ... can take up that responsibility."

“ Then you asked me to interfere with others?"

Ai Liang turned his back on Ye Qing with a look of disgust and said, "If you want to go to the cafeteria, hurry up and don't mumble at the door."

Ye Qing looked at Ai Liang's back and showed a wry smile, but this wry smile was like a flash in the pan and soon disappeared without a trace.


This time, the two did not choose the Zhiweixuan canteen last time, but came to the Tianyuan canteen near the dormitory.

According to Ye Qing's words, this is a field trip.

In case the food at Zhiweixuan is gone, or the queue is too long, you can still eat here.

Although Zhiweixuan canteen is close to the teaching building, the canteen is mainly for resident students, and the overwhelming majority of day students will choose to go home for dinner.

Qianhua Experimental Middle School has a long lunch break. Almost all students will go back to the dormitory for a while after lunch.

The Tianyuan canteen near the dormitory has become the first choice for many people, but many people choose Zhiweixuan for quick meals.

There is only a slight difference between the two.

There are more people in Zhiweixuan at noon, and there are more people in Tianyuan when school is over at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

However, this is not the case today.

The second and third year of high school haven't finished school yet, but there are already many people in the cafeteria. These people are almost all parents who have just helped their children make their beds.

At first glance, the two thought they were coming to the staff cafeteria.

At this time, Ye Qing did not let Ai Liang accompany her to observe the dishes.

With Zhiweixuan as a comparison, Tianyuan's food should not be much different.

"Then I'll go make the dishes first, and we'll meet here in a while!" Ye Qing suddenly moved towards Ai Liang and waved her hand, then turned around and disappeared around the corner.

I don't know why she is in such a hurry.

Ai Liang withdrew his gaze and focused on the dishes in the cafeteria.

He's mainly looking for dishes he hasn't eaten yet.

Home-cooked dishes like scrambled eggs with tomatoes are not considered.

Ai Liang, who has regained his sense of taste, wants to try some new dishes that he has never tried before.

Ai Liang circled around the windows.

Tianyuan's cafeteria is completely different from Zhiweixuan.

The Zhiweixuan side is a straight line to the end, and all the windows are in a straight line.

The window here in Tianyuan is a rectangle, with three sides for three types of staple food.

Ye Qing went to the pastry category, while Ai Liang continued to wander around the longest staple food area.

Soon he chose the food he wanted to eat.

One serving of sweet and sour meatballs and one serving of braised eggplant, plus a small serving of dry fried mushrooms.

Ai Liang put down the plate at the agreed place and waited for Ye Qing to come over while eating mushrooms.

However, Ye Qing did not wait, but waited for an uninvited guest.

"Ai Liang? Have you finished reporting too?"

A voice of exclamation sounded a little bit two.

Ai Liang's good mood immediately turned cloudy and cloudy, and turned sharply down.

He looked up and saw Jin Ping'an's smirk face, while Cheng Lejia was standing behind him with a plate.

Ai Liang subconsciously looked away.

But he thought that he would be in the same class as this guy for the next three years, and he hesitated for a while.

In the end Ai Liang gave up the struggle and complied: "... um."

"Yeah, didn't expect you to come so early, I thought I had come enough. It's early, who would have known that the line to issue a student card is 50 meters long!"

Jin Ping'an naturally sat down opposite Ai Liang.

Cheng Lejia next to Ai Liang moved towards Ai Liang apologetically laughed, and then put down the dinner plate beside Jin Ping'an: "Do you mind if I'm here?"

"Please excuse me" Ai Liang said.

"By the way, Le Jia, he is the one who rescued me from the kidnappers!"

Jin Ping'an then remembered that the two didn't seem to know each other, so he hurriedly Introduce each other's identities: "Ai Liang, this is my best friend Cheng Lejia, and we are in the same class."

Cheng Lejia said in a timely manner: "Hello."

" Hello."

Ai Liang took advantage of the time to say hello and looked around the dining window, but didn't see Ye Qing's silhouette, and didn't know where she went.

He calmly looked back at Jin Ping'an and asked, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Ai Liang tone barely fell, and Jin Ping'an raised his face in criticism.

He propped his chin with his right hand, with an unrequited expression on his face: "Don't mention it, I had some stomach problems not long ago, and now I can only eat liquid food."

As he spoke, he took out a vacuum bag from his pocket, twisted the lid off, and took a breath.

Smells like rice cereal.


Ai Liang's unsavory words silently expressed his attitude.

He just asked casually and didn't really care about it.

But Jin Ping'an perfectly ignored Ai Liang's subtext and complained each minding their own business.

"You don't know how uncomfortable I am now. I don't care if I'm full, such as rice cereal, milk and fish soup. Stomach-acid-suppressing medicine..."

Halfway through hearing this, Ai Liang silently erected a mind barrier in his ear and began to eat lunch.

Cheng Lejia, who was next to him, hesitated, but in the end he could only move towards Ai Liang and make an apologetic smile, and let Jin Ping'an continue to talk about the mountains.

After a while, Jin Ping'an seemed to have a dry throat, so he picked up a vacuum bag and poured a mouthful of rice cereal.

Seeing this, Ai Liang removed the psychic barrier.

Jin Ping'an put down the vacuum bag: "The past few days are really boring."

"It's hard work."

Facing Jin Ping'an for a long time Ai Liang responded with a universal sentence.

Anyway, Jin Ping'an didn't know, and he simply didn't listen to him.

"That is to say, don't use too much force when you vomit. If your cardia is torn, you won't be able to eat for a month or two."

Jin Ping'an said in one sentence, Summarized the crap that was blocked.

This seamless dialogue made Ai Liang more determined to block Jin Ping's voice.

At this time, Cheng Lejia, who had been acting as the background board, suddenly said, "That crystal orchid, was it Ai Liang who gave it to Zhou Yinlian?"


Ai Liang said resolutely: "I'm just helping others deliver things."

"By the way, I almost forgot, you put the crystal orchid in the corner at that time, yes You know it can't be in the sun, right?

Why didn't you tell me, if it wasn't for Lejia's discovery in time, that crystal orchid would have died!"

Jin Ping'an Ren kept complaining.

"Who told you to believe oneself infallible, to put flowers under the sun?"

Ai Liang's words successfully made Jin Ping'an shut up.

Jin Ping'an remembered what the messenger had told Ai Liang before.

Warm kindness sometimes turns into deeper despair.

As soon as Ai Liang finished speaking, he put the crystal orchid next to the window, which is extremely ironic.

But Jin Ping'an is not a normal person, and this kind of thing can't hit him.

Instead of falling into self-doubt, he quickly established a new goal.

Hot-blooded idiots are the most enviable of this.

Ai Liang finished the main course and started to eat the leftover fried mushrooms.

And Ye Qing has not appeared until now.

Is it because I saw myself eating with others, sorry to come over?

Ai Liang felt unlikely.

According to Ye Qing's personality and social methods, after a few sentences, everyone is a friend.

There is no sorry or anything.

Ai Liang glanced at the cafeteria from the corner of his eye while eating fried mushrooms.

After being silent for a while, Jin Ping'an suddenly said, "I have made arrangements for Zhou Yinlian. After she recovers, I will find a babysitter job for her at the orphanage."


"Why are you telling me this?" Ai Liang asked.

Cheng Lejia put down his chopsticks: "Ping An actually wants you to help me and pass on these words to the messenger."

Ai Liang's expression instantly turned cold.

His eyes gradually became dark and deep: "Didn't I say, don't tell others about the messenger?"

Jin Ping'an told Tian about it before. Hao, this time told his best friend again.

Gao Bin is also in Qianhua City at this time, in case he also learns about this and uses supersensation for himself...

Although Ai Liang gave Gao Bin a hint to ignore it before Its own existence, but this suggestion also has a big hole.

That is, if Gao Bin has a super sense of himself, he will inevitably ignore some details, which will lead to many things that do not match the known content.

It's no problem to fool ordinary people, but Gao Bin's partner is not someone who is easy to deal with.


(end of this chapter)

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