Dark Light Chaser Chapter 215


Chapter 215 Class Meeting

"Ye Qing...you..."

Ye Qing just finished speaking, Yi Wenna His eyes immediately became wet.

"Hey, don't cry, didn't you get used to saying it so many times before?"

Ye Qing didn't expect, Yi Wenna would actually be scolded by herself. Say so.

I used to comment on her like this before, why did she become so sensitive after a summer vacation? Unless...

Ye Qing suddenly thought of something.

Starting to stare at Yi Wenna intently, the other party soon couldn't hold back.

She dodged her eyes: "Why, why are you staring at me?"

Ye Qing grabbed Yi Wenna's face: "When are you pretending to cry? Become so tall?"

Yi Wenna said vaguely: "I don't, I didn't..."

"Stop doing this!"


It was fine that Yi Wenna didn't speak, but Ye Qing used her other hand as soon as she opened her mouth to quibble.

Two hands together, pulling her cheeks frantically.

During this period, Ai Liang silently read the novel and did not choose to insert topics.

He is well aware that he is not very social.

Not to mention having a good relationship with everyone in the class, even the established relationships may not be able to be maintained.

Just as Yi Wenna was being ravaged by Ye Qing, the head teacher's voice came from the door: "Student Yi Wenna, come out."

"I'm calling you."


Ye Qing let go of her hand and said.

Yi Wenna rubbed her face: "Hey... you're so cruel..."

She moved towards the door while complaining softly.

After Yi Wenna was called out by the head teacher, Ye Qing relaxed.

"What's the matter?"

Ai Liang turned her head and asked, noticing Ye Qing's gaze.

"You are also amazing, no matter what time you are, you can ignore the surrounding environment and calm down and read."

"I'm used to it."

"Ai, Ben I thought she could get rid of her in high school, but who knew that her father sent her to the key class because of the relationship."

"Aren't you friends?"

"The relationship is the relationship. Okay, but Yi Wenna is a little weird. She used to think that I was too tired to work part-time jobs, so she asked me to work as a part-time worker at her house, and after shimmying, I finally agreed because I couldn't hold her back."

said At this point, Ye Qing's expression became strange and tangled.

It's like finding out that a world-class chef didn't wash his hands after using the toilet and made himself a big table full of Chinese.

"At that time, she often asked me to do this and that. I knew she didn't have any ill intentions and didn't take it seriously, but once I saw her flushed and holding my jacket in both hands...you You know what I mean."

Ai Liang thought for a while: "Is she a T or a P?"

Ye Qing was stunned by Ai Liang's straight ball question: "… ...Can you not speak so directly?"

Ai Liang still had the same expression that never changed: "So what? I must be surprised, or is it normal to look at her in a strange way?"

"It's really like what you would say."

Ye Qing couldn't help sighing: "You are like a robot, always looking at it from an objective point of view. Others."

Ai Liang glanced at Yi Wenna outside the classroom: "My question will be put aside for now, this should be Yi Wenna's personal privacy, right? Can you say it casually?"

"It's all right."

Ye Qing quickly waved her hand: "She doesn't really care, she's interested in me, it was a well-known thing in junior high school, because this matter , I was called to the office many times by the head teacher."

Ai Liang: "..."

Ai Liang has a new understanding of the atmosphere of Qianhua Market.

This is really not an ordinary open.

"That's why I want to keep my distance from her! I don't want high school to be famous for this kind of thing, and I'm a normal person, so I don't have that weird hobby!"

Ye Qing rested her chin on the table weakly, and straightened her left arm with a smack, poking Ai Liang's shoulder.

"Although she doesn't care, you'd better not talk nonsense... Forget it, you can't make friends with your paralyzed face anyway."

Ye Qing originally Want to remind, but think of Ai Liang's character.

It is estimated that Yi Wenna has publicly admitted her orientation, and he will not talk too much.

It didn't take long for Yi Wenna to come back, and there were two people who came in with her.

Jin Ping'an and Cheng Lejia.

When the head teacher called her out just now, she seemed to be talking to the three of them.

Ai Liang guessed that it was probably a conversation between related households.

It's not hard to guess.

Let's not mention Cheng Lejia for the time being, Jin Ping'an and Yi Wenna came in through special means.

In the beginning of the school year, the head teacher asked them to talk to them alone. Apart from this, I couldn't find any other reason to gather these people together.

Ai Liang recalls the news about Jin Ping'an.

Underage detectives...

Just like in the movie, all kinds of strange events will always happen around such people.

Abbreviated as Thing B.

The next three years of high school, It shouldn't be monotonous.

As Ai Liang thought, Jin Ping'an was recognized not long after entering the door.

I receive relevant notifications every day, even a pig will look familiar, not to mention Jin Ping, a primate stronger than pigs.

"Hey, I always think that man looks familiar."

"You too? I actually think he looks familiar too."

"I used to be with us. A junior high school student?"

"Isn't that Jin Ping'an! It's the guy who pushes the news every day!"

"I remember! That student who was a consultant in the criminal police force? "

"He was really in school? And he was in the same class with us?"

The discussion in the class became more enthusiastic. appear beside you.

This kind of feeling is similar to when the anchor finds a water friend to play a game and just finds it on his head.

In that instant, it was as if you had become a celebrity too.

Jin Ping'an listened to the discussions in the class, laughed shyly, and then came to the last row of the classroom and sat down by the window.

In his eyes, this kind of corner is generally a place of exile in the eyes of a teacher.

Ideal for poor students.


The number of people in the classroom has grown over time.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, almost all the people in the class have arrived.

The head teacher cleared his throat: "introduce myself, my last name is Yu, my name is Yu Xin."

Yu Xin turned around and wrote his name on the electronic blackboard with a touch pen: " Under normal circumstances, the key class will not change the teacher and head teacher. I will lead this class for the next three years. I will name it first.”

“Ai Liang.”


“Fang Xinlei.”


“Ye Qing.”

“ Arrived."

"Peng Yuan."

No one answered.

Yu Xin made a mark on the roster and proceeded to say the next name.


With the names popping out of Yu Xin's mouth.

Yi Wenna held the edge of the T-shirt with both hands, and the order of the roll call was obviously based on grades.

She was mentally preparing herself for the ending.

“Yi Wenna.”


Yi Wenna whimpered in her heart.

"Cheng Lejia."


"Jin Ping An."


'Eh? And there are related households who have been transferred in? '

Yi Wenna followed the voice, turned her head and looked towards the two people in the last row.

It is Cheng Lejia and Jin Ping'an.

She recalled that Yu Xin called the three together just now, and immediately understood the meaning of the motivational conversation just now.

This made Yi Wenna even more ashamed and unable to show one's face.

'Wait! I worked hard for a summer vacation. After the thorough examination, I will definitely not be the tail of the crane! '

Yi Wenna swore in her heart.

After calling the name, Yu Xin sat down on the podium, and the class meeting officially started.

"Everyone is a top student in every school. The three years of high school are the most important three years, and the three years that change fate. I'm too lazy to talk about this kind of superfluous nonsense.


Since you can be assigned to this class, it proves that you have worked hard, and you should be aware of the importance of three years in high school."

Yu Xin said half-jokingly: "If it wasn't for the Principal to force I'd like to save some saliva for asking us to say these words."

There were bursts of laughter from under the podium.

This witty way of speaking is very popular among students.

Yu Xin picked up the thermos cup and took a sip of wolfberry water.

The moment he put down the cup, he put away his smile and his expression became serious.

“When you applied to our school, you should have heard that we don’t have two days off each week for self-study in the morning and evening. Whether we can learn well depends on our self-consciousness.

Is it true? Wrong, but that doesn't include our key classes."

Yu Xin wrote a number on the blackboard.

“If their ordinary direct promotion is the mainstay of the school, then our two key classes are a sharp knife and guarantee the admission rate of elite universities.

Here you can enjoy Free tuition and a basic subsidy of 1,000 yuan per month, the school needs to spend nearly 1 million every year for this alone."

The figure of 1 million was written by Yu Xin with a red pen Circle it.

He then added a few more numbers below.

"Every three months, there will be a joint entrance examination for key classes in each city. The top five will be rewarded by the school, the first place will be 10,000, and the second to fifth will be reduced by 2,000."

Hearing this, Ye Qing, who had been listless, instantly regained her energy and stared at the blackboard with burning eyes.

Many students from ordinary families had the same reaction as Ye Qing.

Anyone who can be admitted to a key class is not a scholar?

Before the beating.

They still have this confidence.

“Of course, if you have an attitude of being a fool, the school also has its own countermeasures. The number of key classes is not fixed, if someone in the first direct promotion class surpasses you.

The sorry monthly subsidy of 1,000 is gone. The second time it is exceeded, please consciously work hard. If you are the third time, you will trouble the ordinary class and make room for you in the class.

However, the tuition fee will still be waived, which is the guarantee to recruit you."

Yu Xin had a cold smile on his face, and many students under the podium showed disbelief.

If the grades are surpassed by those who are directly promoted, will they be kicked out of the key class?

What kind of system is this? !

What about benefits?

Everyone in the class was taken aback by this shock.

Especially Yi Wenna, the self-confidence she had just built up was instantly destroyed, and she was about to cry.

As Eldest Young Lady, she doesn't care about tuition or grants.

What Yi Wenna is more concerned about is that after the grades are surpassed by those who have been promoted directly, the name will be remembered by everyone!

Although she came to enjoy the educational resources of the key class, she couldn't afford to lose that person!

"For those who are promoted to key classes, we will refund the tuition fees. This is valid until the college entrance examination. You also know that the tuition fees of our school are not low. Many people want to take this opportunity to save a fortune. Money."

Yu Xin, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, continued to add fuel to the fire and inflamed the students' nervousness.

"Although you are in the lead now, it does not mean that you will continue to be ahead. The teachers will not urge you, but your classmates will personally urge you.

There is no penalty system, only an incentive system for key classes.

By the way, most of the above rewards are for students whose academic performance exceeds that of key classes.

And the reward is increased according to the number of surpasses, and even more than the scholarship of the key class.

If you think you can't handle this kind of pressure, you can speak now, and I will let you transfer to the direct promotion class. "

After Yu Xin finished speaking, he picked up the cup and took a sip of wolfberry water. Most of the students below were shocked by the atmosphere of this wolf-like culture.

They thought it would be much easier to get admitted to this school, but who knew that this ease did not include key classes.

Those who are promoted directly can go to rest, sleep until they wake up naturally every day, and go out to play on weekends, but not for key classes.

If you don't want to be pulled down by the people behind you, you have to work hard and work hard all the time.

You must know that many of the top students in the direct promotion class only have several points of difference from the key class.

After the first exam, there will definitely be many people in the key class who will lose their monthly subsidy of 1,000 yuan.

Of course, this kind of thing will definitely not be said when recruiting.

After all, Qianhua Experimental Middle School is famous for its loose self-bishop education.

Many students who ranked at the bottom of the school scolded the school chicken thief in their hearts.

But none opted out.

The monthly subsidy of 1,000 yuan is an extra reward. Look at other schools, which one pays money to every student in the class?

If you can't get this thousand dollars, you will drop out of the key classes and give up the most elite teachers.

It can only be said that the person was able to get in, and it was entirely due to the smoke from the ancestral grave.

Some people in the classroom are happy and some are worried.

Apart from Ai Liang and Ye Qing, who ranked high, the trio at the rear of the crane were the calmest.

The three of them came in by way of relationship, not in the system at all.

Naturally, there will be no tension.

Even Yi Wenna thought it would be embarrassing to be at the back of the crane in the class.

A place where others squeeze their heads and want to enter is not worth mentioning in their eyes.

There is something to say.

90% of the people who can buy Martha are from the moment they are born.

Life is inherently unfair, so get used to it.

Although this wolf-like system is useless to related users, it is still very effective for ordinary students.

At this moment, there is no need for teacher earnest and well-meant advised to persuade them, they naturally have the motivation to study hard.

Yu Xin looked at the students under the stage, either nervous or anxious, wishing they were going to class now, nodded with satisfaction.

There were only Ai Liang and Fang Xinlei in the class, and they kept their faces expressionless.

Ye Qing is eager to have a try.

Ai Liang and Fang Xinlei have absolute confidence in their academic performance.

Ye Qing has long been accustomed to competing for jobs and has no two brushes in society. Why should they hire you?

(end of this chapter)

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