Dark Light Chaser Chapter 222


Chapter 222 Meeting Ceremony

Moose observed his surroundings while walking.

Based on his years of experience in intelligence work.

This should be an abandoned electronics factory.

Along the way, he saw more than once that there were transparent sheets like stickers on the ground.

This is the material inside the phone.

'Electronic factory? Are there some assembly lines in here? It's not a place where you can make any kind of black technology, or is it that they shipped the equipment themselves, and they just borrowed the venue? '

Moose is a little unsure, what exactly is this place for.

You should call it a stronghold.

Isn't Song Jie's underground bar inconvenient?

Mu Si is also Song Jie's colleague and the same level boss.

It's not hard to see from the bar layout, elevator and parking lot.

The speakeasy isn't the lowest floor, there must be a floor or two below.

Use this place as a base.

There are not only delicious food and wine to solve the problem of eating and drinking, but also can take the elevator directly to the parking lot if you encounter any trouble or urgent matter.

What's more comfortable than this abandoned factory?

As for concealment.

Song Jie didn't say, apart from the insiders, who knew that there was a place of charm and beauty under the underground bar?

If there is anything bad about Song Jie's base, it is located in the urban area.

The to-and-fro of them are not very noticeable.

But some special industries are different.

'Could it be that this is the business of knocking down goods? It's unlikely...'

Moose didn't even think about breaking his head to understand what this place was used for.

With the recluse's attitude of treating money as dung, people like them are impossible short of money.

So the black industry can be excluded.

Since it's not a for-profit industry, it can only be that after excluding all possibilities.

It's that kind of villain experiment that every superhero movie does.

apart from this, Moose really can't think of other possibilities.

In front of him, Janus was humming a little tune and seemed to be in a good mood.

The Hermit treats them with a tight-lipped attitude.

But Mus did not observe any dissatisfaction from Janus.

On the contrary, the other party is still very happy for the arrival of the hermit.

This complicated relationship made Moose's head bigger.

There is a clear connection between the Hermits and the Apostles.

But he had no idea about this complicated relationship.

After all, Moose survived under the banner of a hermit.

In case something is exposed somewhere.

Let the other party know that he is not actually a subordinate of the Hermit.

The previous stratospheric bagless skydive, that's for sure.

In order to hide it better in the future, it is also for the sake of my own life.

Moose decided to test the relationship between the Hermits and the Apostles.

"Well, Mr. Janus, what is the relationship between the hermit and your apostles?" Musi asked cautiously.

Janus instantly turned his head and stared at Moose: "Why are you asking this?"

"Well, don't you think I can't contact the hermit now, if I am right? If he knew more about his past, wouldn't it be better to follow his wishes and make all preparations for his comeback?"

Moose showed his signature flattering smile.

"Is it okay for subordinates to inquire about their boss's privacy at will?"

Janus asked with a faint smile.

Moose looked at the half-crying half-laughing mask, brace oneself and said, "It's just that I seldom heard the hermit talk about his past before, if you knew..."

The burgundy eyes behind the mask stared at Moose without blinking.

He stared at him furiously.

Janus said meaningfully: "Well...the idea is very good, if my subordinates are as smart as you."

Smart? What does it mean.

Did he see that I wasn't a hermit? !

No, it must be an illusion, Moose, Moose, don't scare yourself!

Moose kept comforting himself in his heart.

"No no no, it's not an illusion."

Janus suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Moose: Huh?

Huh? !

Σ(°△ °|||)︴

"That's right, it's just what you think, I knew at first that you and the hermit are not related to each other. level relationship."

Moose covered his mouth subconsciously.

"It's useless, even if you close your mouth, I can read your inner thoughts."

Janus took out a pendant-like pendant from his arms. Thing: "Although I don't have mental abilities, it doesn't mean I can't use props."

"A stranger who has just come to Qianhua Market, how could I bring it without reviewing it? You came to a place that Song Jie didn't even know about?"

Mus looked at the pendant in Janus's hand, as if 10,000 fuck your mother were running in his heart.

What the hell! Can you read minds in addition to teleportation?

This is too outrageous!

Coach! Someone cheated!

Janus clutched his stomach laughed heartily: "hahahaha! You guys are really funny! Much more fun than my rigid minions!"

Laughed for a while, Ya Nus took off his mask and wiped his tears.

"Huh, I've been helping Gaia lately, and I haven't been so relaxed for a long time. Every day my subordinates are not thinking about backstabbing, rebelling, or infighting around the boring human forces, a little bit. No meaning at all."

Under the mask...

Well, the moment Janus raised his hand to take off the mask.

Moose immediately covered his eyes with his hands.

Janus walked up to Moose and forcibly removed his palm: "Why are you covering your eyes? You are so funny, I won't kill you casually."


"no no no, I understand the rules! Even if you don't have any ill will towards me now, but one day I will feel very boring, I will definitely not be able to live after seeing your true face!"

Moose screamed and squatted on the ground, refusing to open his eyes.

"You are really honest in your speech, unlike my group of subordinates, who are obviously afraid to die every day, one or two, but have to make a loyal appearance."


Janus put on his mask again, and said: "Okay, I'll count to three, quickly open your eyes, or I'll kill you if you don't."

" Three..."

As soon as Janus spoke, Moose stood up straight.

"It's really decisive." Janus couldn't help sighing.

Music smirked and didn't answer.

"Do you know why I didn't kill you?" Janus asked.

"...because of the Hermit?"

Apart from this, Moose couldn't think of any other reason.

However, didn't he already know that he and the hermit were not superiors? Why are you still...

"Because the hermits are our family."

Janus's sudden speech startled Moose again. He really couldn't adapt. This form of dialogue where you can "communicate" without opening your mouth.

"Although I haven't met him, I actually envy him. After all, he can do what he wants to do without any worries, but I have to fight Gaia. ."

Said Janus a little sighed in anguish here.

Family? Is the hermit his big brother or something...

"Don't use human blood relationship to define our apostles."

Janus said with a sneer: "As long as The hermit is an apostle, then he is our family, whatever he wants to do, as long as it doesn't hurt other apostles, we will support it.

Our bond is spirit and will, not human disgust of blood."

Mus was taken aback by the imposing manner of Janus.

He tried his best to restrain himself from thinking wildly, so as not to provoke the mental disorder in front of him.

"It's just that the Hermits were influenced by the Countermeasures Bureau and human beings, and they had a certain cognitive bias towards our Apostles and refused to contact us."

Janus Pointing at Moose, he said, "Although you and the hermit are only in a cooperative relationship, in our opinion, your relationship with him is better than imagined.

After all, you are the only one, until now. People who have had long-term communication with the hermit."

So I'm just a bait to lure the hermit?

"Yes, this is the meaning of your existence. If you die, I can't explain it to the hermit."

Janus looked at Moose and pondered. After a while, he suddenly said, "Put out your hand."

Muss had no choice but to do as he did.

Janus grabbed his left hand, and a burning sensation came from the palm of his hand.

Moose gritted his teeth and endured this pain like a branding torture without saying a word.

"Okay, this thing is my welcome gift, I don't use it very much, but it is quite useful for your ordinary person."

Ya Nus released his palm, turned and continued to walk forward.

Moose brow beaded with sweat panting in a low voice, looking towards the palm of his hand.

A pendant with the same pale red mark as Janus appeared in the center of his palm.

"I turned the strange object I just used to read the mind into a brand and engraved it on your palm. From now on, as long as you focus on the mark, you can read the mind of ordinary people. I'm done."

What did you say? !

You just gave me something so precious? !

Moose's expression gradually became dull.

But this time, no matter how much he said in his heart, Janus ignored him.

"It's just a small toy made by Gaia. Don't think too much about it. I don't really like this kind of stuff. It doesn't make any sense to walk through the game flow according to the guide."

Janus said without looking back.

There was a burst of sour gas in Moose's heart, it was really the death of drought and waterlogging.

In the eyes of the Apostles, this superpower is just a small toy?

If you just throw it to a college student, it will be an urban novel with millions of words in minutes!

The look in his eyes towards Janus also became complicated.

However, complex is complex.

Mus is a cunning and cunning social person after all.

You just want to make him feel grateful and pay his respects by giving him something casually?

does not exist.

Besides, this ability, Moss will only treat it as if it does not exist, and will never use it easily.

He clearly remembered the hermit's evaluation of the Apostolic Society, and the crazy look of the guy who smashed his bar with a mask.

If this kind of thing doesn't have any repercussions, he won't believe it if killed.

There is no such thing as a free lunch

Whoever eats is a fool.

Looking at the brand on the palm.

In Moose's heart, there is nothing but fear.

It was seen that he usually acted very unpretentious and cowardly.

But just relying on counseling, flattering and fawning, let alone becoming the number one intelligence agent in Neihua City, it is a question whether it can survive from that chaotic city.

Moos trotted to keep up with Janus.

These supernatural information gave him a new guess about the hermit's incarnation as a cutthroat maniac.

When the Hermit first debuted, he was just an intelligence monger who cooperated with the police.

Not the latter, the cutthroat maniac who made Neihua City criminals become terror-stricken at the news.

At that time, there were still many people who called the hermit henchman.

As for those who came later...and there is no later.

'From an investigative reporter who presides over justice to a murderous murderer... Could it be that the hermit was influenced by these things to become that way? '

Moose's guess was so close to the truth that he almost admitted it himself.

It's just that he doesn't have a chance to ask the hermit at the moment, and the hermit is also impossible to tell him the truth.

"Here it is," said Janus.

Unconsciously, the two had come to the end of the corridor.

What appeared in front of them was a sliding door of an ordinary operating room.

As soon as Moose came back to his senses, he immediately smelled the smell of disinfectant in the air.

This made Moose feel an ominous premonition in his heart.

Could they be doing some human experiments?

Pull me over and want me to be a little white mouse?

Without waiting for Moose to think about it, the push door was opened.

"Welcome, Mr. Janus, and...my old friend."

A slender, refined in manner man opened the door and made a gesture of please .

Moose's head tilted, his right eyebrow raised upwards, and his left eyebrow sank: "Who are you?"

Moose didn't remember seeing this, wearing a gold Silk glasses, a gentle scum in a blood-stained surgical gown.

Let's not say anything else, his scholarly flavor can't be concealed even if he wears bloody clothes.

He will definitely impress everyone who meets him.

Moose began to quickly recall all his acquaintances, but there was no face that could match the person in front of him.

"What a ruthless guy."

The other party smiled and took off his glasses and stroked his hair.

The original broken bangs have become middle points.

The smiling eyes gradually opened.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, look at those eyes without a trace of emotion and the familiar shape.

The person in front of him gradually matched the worst acquaintance that Moose knew.

"I spared your life in the freezer, but now you don't recognize me. It's really sad."

This sentence will make Mu Si's life difficult. The memory is completely awakened.

The impression of that person gradually overlapped with the person in front of him.

"Cat's Eye?!"

Moose was frightened and took a half step back: "Are you a human or a ghost?!"

Moose just recalled Many people are not fake, but he never thought about the dead at all.

The cat's eye.

This Neihua City is the most ferocious and cruel executioner.

Should have died long ago.

Moose saw with his own eyes that the cat's eyes were cut off by the hermit's tendons and hamstrings and thrown into the blender.

The minced meat and bone residue were mixed with cement and poured into iron buckets and sank to the bottom of the lake.

Mus was sure and certain that the person killed by the hermit was either a stand-in or Maoyan himself.

Because at that time, in order to reassure himself, he secretly picked up a piece of bloody minced meat for DNA identification.

It was indeed Cat's Eye who died at that time.

But who is this cat's eye?

Could it be that the Apostles can resurrect even the smashed dead? !

(end of this chapter)

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