Dark Light Chaser Chapter 229


Chapter 229 Joint Exam?

The test paper of Neihua Experimental Middle School is a bit out of line.

Most of the questions that Yang Xingyue is not sure about are things that are only learned in high school.

Probably want to see if the students in the class are previewing the content of high school during the summer vacation.

Although Ai Liang was in the middle and late summer vacation, he rarely had such direct communication with Yang Xingyue.

But he reckons Yang Xingyue and Yue Qihua should have taken the time to preview their high school classes.

Judging from these topics, Yang Xingyue has completely mastered the learning skills that he gave her.

As a result, it may be a little difficult for her to rank at the top of the key classes.

But it's not a problem to mix in the middle level.

Every school has a long class break.

It's only ten minutes after class, and logically speaking, it's not even half of the time between classes.

But the students in the key class became quiet as soon as they entered the classroom.

One by one, they all sat back to their seats and started a new round of preview.

More and more people came back in the classroom, and the atmosphere became quieter.

Students, who were still talking quietly, began to focus on their books.

In this case, Ai Liang, who was talking with earphones, seemed very out of place.

He raised his head and glanced back at the staff in the classroom.

The people who go to the bathroom, the bits and pieces that have come back.

Those who were still chatting also stopped talking.

Ai Liang thought about it and decided to take a pen and paper to the balcony outside the classroom.

He can wrap himself in telekinesis and keep his voice from leaking out.

But it's a bit strange that a person makes a video call with someone and can only see the movement of the mouth but not hear the sound.

It's better to go outside the classroom and say whatever you want.

"Wait for me."

After Ai Liang finished speaking, he put away his mobile phone, took his notebook and pen, and hung up his headphones and walked out of the classroom to the balcony outside.

Fortunately, the balcony of Qianhua Experimental Middle School is not equipped with metal railings like other schools.

It is a concrete balcony fence that is more than one meter high, allowing people to lie on it.

Originally, the school planned to install guardrails on the teaching building in response to the call for safety.

After thinking about it, I gave up.

On the one hand, guardrails are installed. From the outside, it looks like a prison, which will make the teachers inside feel depressed.

On the other hand, the school's requirements for grades are very loose, and no one will jump off the building because of the study pressure.

Installing guardrails is completely thankless.

There should be no one who will dance on the edge of the balcony when you are bored?

Ai Liang propped up the phone on the balcony and pointed the camera at his side face.

“How did you get out?” Yang Xingyue asked.

“Everyone in the classroom is doing self-study. I keep talking and disturbing others, so I just came out to the balcony.”

Ai Liang explained.

Yang Xingyue blinked twice, she was both moved and guilty now: "There's only one question left... or I'll talk about it after dinner at noon, the sun is shining over your side, Stop tanning."

I would be fine even if I go to the nuclear explosion site to do a radiation bath, and the sun can still tan me?

At this time, Yang Xingyue moved towards the side and looked: "Ah, Huahua is back, why don't I let her teach me the topic..."

Ai Liang tapped with a pen He tapped on his notebook: "I've already come out, don't waste time."

I just left the classroom with pen and paper and went back, I'm not doing performance art.

Now that it's out, let's do something.

There is a good saying, come here.

Ai Liang had this habit when he was still a hermit.

If he happens to come across a criminal business, he will follow this principle and take down the entire force.

Sometimes people who are scheduled at the beginning of the month don't get on the road until the end of the month.

This often leads to Ai Liang's original target of A that day, but found people from other forces on the road, so that the target BCD all died in front of A.

It didn't follow the hunt order sent by Moose at all.

Moose got a lot of flak for this at the time.

He didn't dare to talk to a hermit, so he could only hide in the safe room and wipe away tears.


Yang Xingyue pursed her lips and complied, lying on the table obediently.

The last question is not too difficult, just a few words.

Yang Xingyue quickly learned how to solve problems.

Five minutes to get the correct answer.

Just as Ai Liang closed the book and was about to meet in the classroom, Yang Xingyue suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Hua Hua, do you want to have a word with Ai Liang? You haven't called for a long time, have you? ."

Yue Qihua, who was sitting beside him originally, looked like he wanted to see Ai Liang, but didn't dare to.

Hearing Yang Xingyue's invitation, she widened her eyes and hurriedly wanted to refuse.

Because she wasn't ready yet.

Every time Yue Qihua recalled what he said and did when he said goodbye at the station, he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Especially that night, she buried her head under the pillow and hammered the quilt with her fist for over an hour.

Still tossing and turning in bed and didn't fall asleep all night.

Thanks to the excellent sound insulation of the room, Yang Xingyue next door would guess... well, she didn't sleep either.

In short, the feeling of the parties is shame, which is too shameful.

Usually everyone in the group chats by text, but Yue Qihua is quite open.

After all, it wouldn't be too embarrassing if you couldn't hear the sound or see the person.

Yue Qihua subconsciously wanted to run away at the thought of talking face-to-face with Ai Liang.

Yang Xingyue obviously didn't worry so much, she directly pulled Yue Qihua over.

"Wait a minute! I haven't..."

Being pulled to the front of the phone by surprise, Yue Qihua's expression lost one's head out of fear.

Ai Liang indifferently said: "long time no see, Qihua."


The crimson on Yue Qihua's face spread to At the base of her ear, she responded in a soft, mosquito-like voice: "Okay, long time no see..."

"Aiya Huahua, you are so mature in normal times, why are you like a little child now, you have to say hello Ah."

Yang Xingyue encouraged by the side.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Yue Qihua seemed to find an outlet, moved towards Yang Xingyue's forehead, and had a brain break.

"Ugh...it hurts..."

A Red Seal appeared on Yang Xingyue's forehead, and he looked at Yue Qihua with tears in his eyes.

After such a fuss, Yue Qihua's state of mind has calmed down a lot.

She hesitated for a while and asked, "...how was your time there?"

Ai Liang looked at the phone speechlessly: "...can you tell me Talking like a funeral at a tomb?"

"It's so long-winded."

Yue Qihua whispered, "So how are you doing now? Is there any inconvenience? "

"The environment here is not bad, the public security is not as good as Neihua City, but in general it is passable."

Ai Liang sorted out the recent encounters.

Let's put aside the matter of Jin Ping'an.

The security of Qianhua City is not very good, but it is not too bad either.

It's probably a normal city, the standard it should be.

It's just going downhill.

The city of the Asian Union is roughly equivalent to the area of a province if Ai Liang's previous life is the benchmark.

In such a vast land, it is impossible to completely eliminate crime.

Even now, in Neihua City, which can be known as a model city for international public security, crime has never ended.

What the hermit can solve is only those who are extremely mad to the point of regardless of the law and of natural morality.

These people alone, Ai Liang killed a lot of people a day, and it took years for them to be cleaned up.

No matter how peaceful Qianhua City was, Neihua City was more attractive to criminals at that time.

There are always a few ruthless who are unwilling to move their nests for development.

And there are no hermits in Qianhua City to help remove these lesions.

The law and order is almost, excusable.

"I heard Uncle Yang say that the security situation in Qianhua City seems to be not very good recently."

A little worry appeared on Yue Qihua's face: "If there is trouble, Go to the Interpol to find a man from Shi Hongfang, he is an old classmate of Uncle Yang.

You directly say that you are our friend. For the sake of our family, as long as it is not illegal, he will help ."

Unfortunately, what I am going to do in the future will not be legal.

Ai Liang said silently in his heart.

Shi Hongfang has known him ten years ago.

The Shi Hongfang at that time was still hanging out with Yang Xingguo and the others, and the four of them fought crime together.

Later, whereabouts unknown Xia Qiyuan, the messenger left the stage sadly.

There are only two of the four, and Yang Xingguo and Shi Hongfang have a conflict over the messenger.

As Shi Hongfang himself was transferred back to his hometown by his family, their circle completely ceased to exist.

Yue Qihua said with a serious expression: "Ai Liang, promise me, don't be brave when you encounter problems, okay?"

"I look like the kind of person who likes to cause trouble. "I know your character. You don't cause trouble, but that doesn't mean trouble won't find you. After all, you're a foreigner, and you don't know anyone there, so it's very difficult to encounter problems. suffer.”

Yue Qihua earnest and well-meant advised. Ai Liang explained together: "There are people I know here, don't worry."

Yue Qi's heart skipped a beat: "The classmate you ate with last time?"

"It's not her, it's someone else, and I can't reveal who it is."

Ai Liang took out the usual tricks that everyone will use, I have a series of friends.

This friend knows astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom.

Emotional Master, and often emotionally divorced.

It's all my fault, and he's the one to blame.

It won't jump out and contradict you, it's very easy to use.

"That's it..."

Yue Qihua stroked his hair embarrassedly: "Then I trust you, but I'm in big trouble, remember to call me, Who told me to be you...you, your sister Hua!"

Yue Qihua wanted to talk about his best friend, but he couldn't say it when the words came to his lips.

After being revealed by Yang Xingyue, it is difficult to deceive herself with her character.

In the end, I can only use the identity of Sister Hua to show respect.

But as soon as she said it, she regretted it: 'Yue Qihua! you idiot! It's hard to get the name right back! Aren't you afraid that people will call you Sister Hua again! '

"Got it, Qihua."

Fortunately, Ai Liang didn't change his name because of this trivial matter, so Yue Qihua quietly relaxed.

Does Ai Liang need support?

No, he himself is the biggest supporter.

Just to appease Yue Qihua, he made up a friend verbally and explained it.

Yue Qihua at first faced Ai Liang, and it would be a little unnatural.

Occasionally look away at the desk, just not at the phone screen, as if comprehend the texture on the desktop.

Yang Xingyue saw Yue Qihua's embarrassment, but she watched with a smile and did not help out, forcing Yue Qihua to face Ai Liang.

However, Yue Qihua is Hua Jie after all.

After chatting and chatting, she gradually let go and regained the feeling she had with Ai Liang before.

"Your school is really loose, we will officially start classes this afternoon."

Yue Qihua's tone is full of exhaustion: "What is it for the city-level multi-schools? The college entrance examination is really troublesome."

"Our head teacher also mentioned this to me. He asked me to get a good place in the college entrance examination on the condition of day study."

Ai Liang echoed.

“speaking of which, I was called to the office just because of you.”

Yue Qihua suddenly aimed at Ai Liang.

"Because of me?"

Ai Liang asked in confusion.

"Yes, the head teacher called me to the office, just to ask if I had the results of the joint entrance examination, which exceeded your confidence."

Yue Qihua said with high morale: "When I got to high school , without me chasing after you, don't let your grades go down."

Ai Liang eyebrows raised: "Just because of this, the class teacher called you to the office?"

" Of course not."

Yue Qihua gave Ai Liang a sullen look: "Anyone didn't expect that you, the No. 1 in Neihua City, would go to Qianhua Experimental Middle School to go to school.

Because of this, the Principal scolded the teacher of the admissions office several times.

The head teacher didn't know where he heard that we were friends, and just called me over, except to ask if I had any I have more confidence than you, and I also asked if I could persuade you to go back to Neihua."

Ai Liang listened with black lines on his forehead.

The thinking of their head teacher is really not an ordinary escape.

In this case, shouldn't it be the parent teacher's advice?

Ai Liang asked his doubts: "Why do you want to persuade?"

"Nothing, I guess it is because we are all in the same class in junior high school, and we should know each other."


A trace of panic flashed in Yue Qihua's eyes: "Anyway, I knew you wouldn't agree, so I refused."

Yue Qihua didn't want to say anything, and Ai Liang didn't ask any more questions.

This topic has come to an end.

'What is a long-distance relationship! We obviously don't have that kind of relationship! If you have to say a couple, Ming Mingxing is more like him! Who the hell came up with this? '

Yue Qihua beat up the head teacher and Fiercely in his heart, and by the way, he scolded the person who spread the rumors.

Fang Xiaoxiao downstairs sneezed: "Ha Chi! Uh..."

"Have a cold?"

Ma Yu picked up the tissue Help Fang Xiao wipe his nose.

This interaction is more like father and daughter than boyfriend and girlfriend.

"No, I just felt the chill behind my back, as if someone was cursing me." Li: "Well, this way you won't get cold on your back."

Ma Yu looked around nervously: "Hey, come down, this is a classroom!"

Fang Xiaoxiao rubbed in her arms and narrowed her eyes comfortably: "It's the end of get out of class anyway, it doesn't matter."

Ma Yu smiled bitterly.

He raised his head and found that the girls nearby were all looking at him with the eyes of scumbags.

As if to say 'You can do it at such a young age! Scum! abnormal! '

Some people even looked away in fear when they met Ma Yu.

As if escaping from some kind of flood.

The boys are more simple, and the acid is over.

Ma Yu complained in his heart.

'You are really a little ancestor...'

(end of this chapter)

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