Dark Light Chaser Chapter 235


Chapter 235 Deity?

"The deceased had bruises on his wrists and ankles, and the ingredients of sleeping pills were detected in his blood. He must have fainted."

Xu Cheng was worried that the two could not understand the report, and was very worried. Kindly explained.

On this point, Tian Hao and Jin Ping'an have already learned through retrospect.

<>Just slightlyp nodding.

"By the way, why do you have to be in the dissection room every time to see the corpse again?"

Xu Cheng asked curiously.

This is not the first time Kim Ping An has come to the dissection room.

Logically, before being sent to the dissection room.

At the scene of the crime, the police should have already conducted preliminary tests on the outside of the body.

Sent to the forensic doctor for dissection, just to further confirm the cause of death and look for some clues that are not visible on the surface.

For these clues, just go directly to the report from the doctor.

It's not that they found any new clues, so there's no need to go to the dissection room and pull out the corpse for observation.

Because it doesn't make much sense.

as the saying goes

Although forensic doctors are also part of the police force, their professional knowledge is not possessed by the overwhelming majority of the police.

Tian Hao knew some pathological knowledge, but the corpse had already been sewn up.

What can you tell just by looking at the exterior?

Is it any different from before delivery?

As for Jin Ping'an, not to mention, in Xu Cheng's eyes, he is basically illiterate.

When Jin Ping An first came to the Criminal Police Force two years ago.

He watched a dissection.

It just so happened that the body was just dug up from the soil, and some of the muscle tissue had begun to dissolve.

How would you describe that scene?

If you want to give an example, you can use the whole body as a large acne, and the whole body is thick.

And also exudes a physically disgusting stench.

The dissection has just started.

Jin Ping'an, who had never seen such a disgusting scene, ran to the bathroom and vomited.

It's not his fault, for a non-medical professional.

Observing this kind of corpse is like burying your head in a dry toilet in the countryside.

Fortunately, Jin Ping'an gradually got used to it.

Tian Hao stood in front of Xu Cheng: "This kid was not at the scene at the time. When he came over, the body had already been transported away, so I brought him here to have a look."

"But didn't you take pictures?"

Xu Cheng was confused, and Jin Ping'an didn't know any medical knowledge.

If you want to reason about clues, it is very convenient to look directly at ready-made photos and reports.

Why take time and effort to see corpses in person?

"This is his quirk. He has to see the scene of the crime or the deceased in person, and then he will have a state of explosion of inspiration. If he does not let him see it with his own eyes, his brain is blank."

Tian Hao took out that set of words to fool the members of the Criminal Police Team.

It's normal for geniuses to need some special stimulation to activate the mind switch.

After all, that's what it's all about on TV.

In order to cover Jin Ping'an, Tian Hao pointed to the blood test report and asked, "Morphine-like medicine residues were detected in the deceased?"

Xu Cheng's attention was really caught by Tian Hao. Attracted by the question: "Yes, according to the test results, the deceased should have been taking illegal medicine for a long time, the most recent one, no more than 24 hours."

Tian Hao complexion stiffened, feeling that things have changed It got tricky: "Addicts...the guys in the anti-drug team are not easy to deal with."

Xu Cheng spread his hands: "If they were easy to deal with, then no one could cure them. Drug dealers who kick the goods.”

The existence of drugs is involved in criminal cases, and the anti-drug team can’t get around it no matter what.

In drug-related cases, their authority even exceeds that of the Criminal Police Force.

Have the right to give priority to the detention, custody, interrogation and other processes of drug-related elements.

The criminal police team wants people, so they can only wait for the anti-narcotics team to finish their work.

Tian Hao took advantage of this before, and asked Wu Ke to detain the fake Wang Sheng in the anti-drug team to prevent him from being silenced by Hu Yingshao's people.

Forget it, let's take a step by step.

Tian Hao let out a long sigh and simply didn't want to think so much.

The deceased is a drug addict, and although there will be functional differences with the anti-drug team, at least it is much easier to identify.

Take the fingerprints of the deceased and go to the drug rehab center for comparison.

Identity will be confirmed shortly.

At that time, based on interpersonal relationships and personal travel records, it can be determined when and where the deceased was kidnapped.

Then, by retrieving the surveillance video of the day the deceased disappeared, compare the two faces drawn by Jin Ping'an.

Find the killer.

Of course, this is an ideal scenario.

There is a high probability that the murderer will not appear within the monitoring range.

However, there is still Kim Ping An in the Criminal Police Force.

As long as he backtracks successfully, it doesn't matter if there is no monitoring.

The police were still able to find the killer's hideout.

Jin Ping'an can play a vital role in such a criminal gang with excellent aftermath.

"Old Tian, go back."

While Tian Hao was still mediating with Xu Cheng, Jin Ping'an had already completed his backtracking.

So fast?

Tian Hao was startled in his heart. Could it be that he used the very stressful method from last time?

Thinking of this, Tian Hao didn't dare to delay, he put his hands on Jin Ping'an's shoulders and turned him around.

But the latter's face was a little dazed and nervous, but there was no hint of nausea.

Jin Ping'an opened his palm slightly, revealing a strand of black hair.

Tian Hao understood in seconds, this kid didn't look back at all.

Backtracking requires only one medium.

Whether the medium is a piece of paper, a leaf, or even a piece of sand.

As long as it is visible matter, Jin Ping'an can backtrack.

But it's better to have something visible to naked eye.

That way he can hit consciousness on it, lest he go back to something else.

For example, your own clothes and the like.

Jin Ping An took into account the presence of Xu Cheng, an outsider, and stood motionless in front of the corpse for a long time.

Even if Tian Hao helps to cover, it is very likely that Xu Cheng will notice the difference.

Back in the past, Xu Chengcheng was quite busy. After taking out the body, he went to do his own business.

I don't care about the two of them at all.

However, during this time, the appraisal center was relatively quiet.

That's why I'm with them.

Xu Cheng is the Chief-In-Charge here, and they can't drive people out. Jin Ping'an had to take some samples from the corpse and go back slowly to find clues.

Tian Hao understands everything that Jin Ping'an can think of in seconds.

He let go of his hand calmly.

"What's the matter, Brother Tian?"

Xu Cheng didn't understand why Tian Hao's complexity greatly changed when Jin Ping'an made a sound.

Tian Hao put his hand on Jin Ping'an's head: "It's nothing, I was just startled by this kid's sudden voice."

Xu Cheng came over curiously and asked: " Oh... did Ping An see any clues?"

I encountered some difficult cases before.

For example, a corpse that has been severely ossified was found in a ravine.

In cases where the identity of the deceased and the exact time of death are uncertain.

Jin Ping'an just came over and stood in front of the corpse for a while.

It took only three days for the police to catch the murderer and bring him to justice.

Xu Cheng was very curious about this, how did Jin Ping'an observe the details of the crime.

I was busy dissecting corpses before, so I didn't have time to come and ask.

This time it was a chance.

Jin Ping'an was a little sorry: "This time... I haven't seen it for the time being."

"How did you find the murderer in the previous burial case? If the transformation is so serious, it will take a long time just to confirm the identity of the deceased?"

Xu Cheng asked about his most curious case.

Like this kind of person who has been dead for many years.

Or in the end, because the identity of the deceased could not be found, he was treated coldly and classified as an unsolved case.

Or spend months, bit by bit, comparing missing persons, sometimes as long as a year or two.

Jin Ping'an restored the original appearance of the deceased in less than half a day.

The deceased's area and job were estimated over the course of the day.

This shocked the police force.

At the same time, this case is also the battle of Jin Ping'an's fame.

Jin Ping'an looked bewildered: "Uh, what you said is..."

It's not that Jin Ping'an doesn't remember this case.

It's just that it's been too long, and the confession and reasoning process that Tian Hao handed over to him has long been forgotten.

The content of the retrospective is directly recorded in Jin Ping'an's mind, and he can remember it no matter how long it has passed.

The retrospective picture of that case, he still remembers clearly to this day.

But this does not mean that he can subjectively remember the confession Tian Hao taught himself.

It's like you can put knowledge from books directly into your brain.

However, just memorizing knowledge will not necessarily lead to high scores.

Also learn the corresponding problem-solving knowledge.

It's the same as letting the scumbags take an open-book exam and not get full marks.

Jin Ping'an was equivalent to getting the answer directly, and the problem-solving process taught by Tian Hao was completely forgotten.

"At that time, I was...was..."

Jin Ping'an racked his brains to recall those technical terms, how to build a three-dimensional model of so-and-so based on the structure of the skull, and then Based on the skeleton shapes of the arms, thighs, and spine, we can infer the occupation...

When he stammered and didn't know how to explain, Tian Hao came out to relieve the siege: "Okay, brother Xu, the file of this case , it's in the archives, I'll show it to you later."

Tian Hao took out his mobile phone and checked the time: "We still have other work to do, so we might as well wait for the next time. Let's talk again?"

Xu Cheng said disappointedly: "Oh, that's fine."

Although Xu Cheng was very curious about Jin Ping's reasoning process, there are still cases to be made. check.

I didn't hold on to this matter, after all, work came first.

It's just that Xu Cheng still has a little regret in his heart.

Because judicial dissection almost everyday all has.

It's just the last two days, and it's been a bit more leisurely by chance.

In two days, I'm afraid I'll fall into endless dissection work again.

At that time, I'm afraid I didn't have time to look at any files.

Leaving the appraisal center, Tian Hao and Jin Ping'an came to the lounge of the Criminal Police Team.

After Tian Hao locked the door, Jin Ping'an immediately backtracked the hair in his hand.

Tian Hao wanted the information of the hermit in Jiang Kaiji's hands while backtracking to find clues.

Every person who was sent by Shi Hongfang to Neihua City to investigate the hermit can obtain a part of the information to assist in the investigation.

But these information are often the personal information of the hermit.

The interpersonal relationship of the hermit is rarely involved.

Tian Hao heard from the gossip that his own Captain also has Captain Shi from the Neihua City Criminal Police Force.

Even Yang Xingguo, who has been promoted to director.

In those days, I had friendship with the hermit.

This statement is vividly passed down in the criminal police force.

Tian Hao disagreed, how could this kind of thing be true.

This case is very likely to involve a hermit, and Shi Hongfang is no longer hiding.

I will disclose all my information to everyone in the Criminal Police Force.

I just want to find the hermit through this case.

Jiang Kaiji directly sent the electronic data files to Tian Hao's mobile phone.

After saying "don't bother me", I continue to categorize the data.

Although Shi Hongfang directly disclosed all the information, some things cannot pass the trial after all.

Jiang Kaiji needs to filter out the information that can be distributed to members of the Criminal Police Force.

It seems that the hermit had reached a cooperation with the Neihua City police before he became a cutthroat maniac, provided the criminal police with information on the black area, and had certain personal relationships with Shi Hongfang, Shi Feng and the others. what.

A similar kind of information, which absolutely cannot be released.

The release of these things will not only be of little help in solving the case, but will also attract a lot of gossip.

As Jiang Kaiji, who is specially responsible for file management, when he saw this information, his head grew big.

Although Shi Hongfang took the initiative to release these things, Jiang Kaiji was still shocked when he learned that his leader actually had friendship with the hermit before.

So when Tian Hao asked for this information, he sent all the information to Tian Hao without saying a word.

Tian Hao is very strict and never gossip about others in private.

Secondly, such a big thing has been kept in the bottom of my heart. Jiang Kaiji is afraid that he will suffer from a heart attack. It is always a good thing to have someone to share it with.

But Tian Hao doesn't know Jiang Kaiji's "good intentions".

He opened the document after finding the folder of the hermit relationships.

Tian Hao took a breath of air from the air conditioner when he saw the relationship diagram at first glance, causing the room temperature to rise slightly.

Centered on the hermit, all kinds of arrows are tangled and complicated, some heads are piled together, and some are solitary.

There is a double-headed arrow that connects the hermit with an avatar.

In that picture, there are Shi Hongfang, the current Captain of the Qianhua City Criminal Police Team, Shi Feng, the current Captain of the Neihua City Criminal Police Team, the former Captain Xia Qiyuan, and the current Director Yang Xingguo.

And among the four, there is a special role.

This person Tian Hao had met not long ago. It was the messenger who made great contributions to the detection of the kidnapping case planned by Hu Yingshao.

And this double-headed arrow is labeled "Partnership".

Tian Hao's heart began to shiver.

He felt that he was standing alone on the endless prairie at this time, as if at midnight.

The screams of the wolves came from all directions, and he only had a small flashlight to illuminate the square inch around him.

You may be torn to shreds by a pack of wolves at any time.

The restroom of the criminal police team not only failed to bring any sense of security, but instead was like a cage, trapping him here.


Could it be that the Hermits slaughtered countless people at the behest of these people? !

The reason why Team Shi is so attentive is that the corpse is actually a special code left by the hermit? !

In an instant, all kinds of conspiracy theories played out in Tian Hao's mind.

(end of this chapter)

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