Dark Light Chaser Chapter 260


Chapter 260 Undercover Reemployment

Moose, who put down his mobile phone, immediately changed his face.

He looked towards Ai Liang with a worried and tangled expression: "That, can you not..."

Ai Liang ignored Moose's pleading gaze and said The last thing he wanted to hear.

"You go back and investigate the relationship between Song Jie and Janus. It's better to collect some clues and evidence."

It's coming, it's starting again.

Why are you asking me to attend work? You are clearly telling me to lie in a coffin for the funeral!

In the past, Ai Liang asked Moose more than once to sneak behind enemy lines to provide intelligence.

This time he couldn't escape either.

Well then.

Mu Si was once instructed by Ai Liang, where are the undercover places?

Including, but not limited to, the Institute of Spiritual Medicine, the Headquarters of the Population Trade Association, the Underground Information Exchange Center and many other dens.

It is the kind that will be sent to the small dark room if you are not careful.

And the activities inside the house are more exciting.

What poison insect cans, wet towels, electric chickens, hallucinogens, vise, take turns serving.

Those people didn't plan to let people leave alive, they were punished according to the standard of Internet Yama.

Tiger stool chili water is light.

Moose takes this risk every day, being directed by Ai Liang to go undercover here and undercover there.

The notoriety on the Tao was left at that time.

It was really a slave to tears when he saw it, and the Jews were heartbroken when they saw it.

Moose said with a sad face: "big brother, you have already stripped off the engraving. If I go back now, if I am found, wouldn't it be a dead end?"

Ai Liang did not answer, but Walk up to him.

Then in Moose's puzzled expression, he raised his hand and banged the pendant on his palm again.

"Hi...what are you doing?!"

With the normal human nerve reaction speed of Muss, when he felt pain.

The process of branding is over.

Looking at the lost and found engraving.

Moose's deep desire for superpowers was once again overwhelmed by fear.

"I should have said just now that the Divine Chain that imprinted on the original owner has been cut off by me, so don't worry about being possessed."

Ai Liang in order to appease Mo Si The nervousness began to explain to him the principle.

"This engraving was not made by Janus, and his abilities have nothing to do with spirituality.

Even if you stand in front of him, he will not notice it, the engraving has been Completely out of control."

Moose was not relieved by these two brief explanations.

"But you didn't mean to cut it off, so what kind of fine Divine Chain connection, wouldn't it be perceived by the owner of the engraving?

Also, no one can guarantee, Ya. Is there any other thing that can read memory on Nus?

Even if there is not, doesn't it mean that this thing can cause a mental breakdown?

In case Janus Let me use the engraving to read the mind, will it reveal anything?

In addition..."

Muss pointed out the loopholes in Ai Liang's words keenly.

Ai Liang only said that Janus could not perceive it, but did not mention the maker of the imprint.

The word "cut off" Divine Chain picks up the word, as soon as you hear it, you will know that it is not the kind of offline single-player game.

Obviously connected with someone else.

It's like playing a black game, and your teammates have dropped the line, so you can't see it, right?

Once your own safety is involved.

Moose's thinking and logic ability will be like an explosion, breaking through the limit in an instant.

Xia Qiyuan was ashamed of being inferior.

Seeing that Moose was eloquent, he planned to list a dozen security risks.

Ai Liang closed his mouth directly with his psychic power to implement physical silence.

"The Man with a Thousand Faces... is the maker of this engraving. As the creator of the mask database, the world's five major political regimes are conducting hacking operations through masks all the time.

Just as the interviewer will not patiently read every resume, a Divine Chain connection with abnormal fluctuations will not attract attention.

More importantly, in order to maintain the integrity of the members of the Apostles Privacy, people with a thousand faces will only observe the status of the engraving every month, and will not watch it anytime, anywhere."

After Ai Liang finished explaining, Mo Si still kept yelling, as if he was still Have something to ask.

"I only allow you to ask the last question, and then you can speak after thinking about it."

After Moose's nodded confirmation, Ai Liang released his chin.

"hu hu, how long will it be before the man with a thousand faces will observe the engraving next time?"

Moose gave up his struggle and asked the most crucial question.

Ai Liang's side is obviously determined to let him go to inquire about information, no matter how many hidden dangers are listed.

Might as well ask some questions that relate to the next action.

The meaning of his last sentence is obviously that the Man with Thousand Faces observes the engraving, which is when he is exposed.

When the time comes I also need the protection of this hermit thigh.

This must be asked clearly.

As for the risk of infiltration?

When has he ever done a risk-free job.

"On the 18th of every month, including today, you still have 15 days."

"It's only two weeks? Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"You already know what you should know. Believing or not is up to you."

Ai Liang didn't bother to talk to Moss, so he changed the topic from infiltration to engraving. .

"I checked, your body has a certain adaptability to strange things, and the cat's eyes stared at you back then, it should also be related to your physique.

As long as you don't abuse the engraving , use it once or twice a day, it will not have much impact on the body.

There is no change in the ability to engrave, except that it is disconnected from the mask database and loses the ability to copy knowledge and skills. Body strengthening, you can still use it as usual.”

The engraving is still the same engraving, and the difference between the front and the back is not too big.

It's just that after stripping, a dangerous function is missing.

For example, it is probably the difference between white rice and egg fried rice.

"Can the engraving you changed take effect on Janus?"

After listening to Ai Liang's explanation, Mu Si couldn't wait to ask.

If it works on Janus, then the rest will be easy.

However, this question was greeted by Ai Liang's eyes like the mentally retarded.

Well, obviously not.

Music smirked, choking off the last fluke in his heart.

"In other words, within two weeks, I will investigate the true identity and whereabouts of Janus, as well as the evidence of Song Jie's collusion with him, and report it to you?"

"Whether it's up to you, I won't force you to investigate."

Ai Liang's requirements are very "loose". .

Like the so-called "voluntary" overtime principle.

"Fuck, you can change your identity and leave, do I have a choice?"

When Moose heard Ai Liang's "heart-warming" answer, his heart suddenly felt Half cold.

"This is your problem, I'm wiping your ass."

Ai Liang doesn't get used to Moss, this is a melon in a greenhouse, You love the attitude of want or not.

If you want to maintain the current peaceful life, Moose must come forward in his place.

However, if Moose is really unwilling, Ai Liang will not force him to be an undercover agent.

I will still use the identity of the messenger to quietly solve this matter.

Please note that this is not Ai Liang's arrogance. It doesn't matter what he says in his mouth. In his heart, he actually attaches great importance to the old friend Mu Si.

It's because everyone slaps each other.

Moose lost only his life.

Ai Liang did not have it, but it was a hard-won fate and a new life!

In Ai Liang's mind, the two are like shit and cake, with no comparability at all.

"...Well, I'll do my best."

Moose sighed resignedly: "Can you leave a contact information, if I get any special information, I will also It's convenient to tell you."

Ai Liang walked to the door and opened the security door: "For the next two weeks, I will meet here at 5 pm every Saturday to exchange information, and when the matter is resolved, I will leave Qianhua Market as soon as possible. , don't let me see you again."

"Wait! Leave a contact information, in case something happens to me..."

Mus hurried to catch up, I want to hold Ai Liang.

Ai Liang was directly beside him, erecting a barrier of mind power to separate people.

Moose was caught off guard and dazed.

"It doesn't matter, I can sense your state through the engraving. Even if you die, I can read the memory from your brain, so you don't have to worry about the transfer of information."

Is the point of this sentence intelligence?

It's my life!

Moose covered his nose, two tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

Calm down, calm down Moose.

You are causing trouble for the hermit now. It is good that people are willing to help you. Don't ask too much.

It is you who owe others favors, not others who owe you favors.

Moose gives full play to the self-excusing spirit of the bastard's shedding shell.

Convince yourself not to be unsatisfied.

Seeing how sincere he is.

Ai Liang nodded with satisfaction and removed his hand from the holster around his waist.

I was Moss back then and offered to help with the aftermath.

He took this opportunity to collect a lot of bounties that Ai Liang could not despise.

In depth, it was Moose who owed Ai Liang a favor.

In the black zone, money is the most important thing.

You need money to buy a stronghold, you need money to pay wages to your subordinates, you need money to buy transportation, you need money to open up relationships... you need money no matter what you do.

Although the bulk of the bounty went to Ai Liang's account.

But the small part left is not a small amount either.

These bounties have laid a solid material foundation for Moose to become the No. 1 intelligence agent in China.

And he will naturally have to pay a corresponding or even excessive price for this.

Like a mortal trading with Mephisto, in addition to the price to be paid on the surface, there are also pitfalls hidden in the contract.

But, no one didn't expect.

This second price will come years later.

(end of this chapter)

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