Dark Light Chaser Chapter 28


Chapter 28 Awakening

Before the sun rises, the sky is already bright, and the birds chirp chirp twitter twitter One after another in the forest.

They shuttle back and forth between the branches, looking for early bugs to feast on.

A sparrow landed on a boulder with a caterpillar in its mouth, pecking at the hard-won breakfast like a sewing machine.

Suddenly, the boulder moved, and the sparrow was frightened by the movement. It quickly picked up the insect and flew to the side. As soon as it left, the boulder was overturned to the ground, and a white palm lifted the leaves. The ground is built on the edge of the pit.

"This is what it feels like to be alive."

Ai Liang climbed up from the pit, breathing in the fresh air, his face full of intoxication.

Just looking at his current performance, it's hard to associate him with that cold-faced scholar. If others see him, they'll probably think he's Ai Liang's twin brothers.

"Five years, the ghost knows how I've spent these five years."

Ai Liang is like an old ghost who has just body possession of a young body or an old ghost Muscular dystrophy patients who have been paralyzed for many years have recovered, constantly flipping their palms and repeating the simple movements of clenching, releasing, and clenching their fists.

Ai Liang felt everything around him with his body, the cool breeze on his cheeks, the touch of his feet on the ground, the fragrance of wild flowers in the air, all of which were so nostalgic that he could not help but recall the past.

Ten years ago, Ai Liang just woke up not long ago, with a mind in his twenties and a five-year-old body, he embarked on the road of superheroes with great anticipation, but just a few months later he I have tasted the consequences of misuse of superpowers.

In the course of a police pursuit, the criminal gang got the news in advance due to the leak of information, and the police rounded up and rushed to nothing.

When everyone was helpless, Ai Liang, who was secretly observing the police's progress, planned to be a hero. He covered the entire Neihua City with his spirit strength, trying to find the criminals who escaped by this method.

There must be more troubles than happiness in this world, and tragedy far surpasses comedy.

At that time, Ai Liang read not only the voices of a few people who were arrested, but also the voices of nearly 10 million people in the entire city.

Hidden murders, organ smuggling, patients' wailing, campus bullying, those hidden in the dark corners of the city were clearly seen by Ai Liang.

The despair and fear before death, the torment of illness, the anger in the victim's heart, and the jealousy and greed of people on weekdays are all accepted by Ai Liang.

By contrast, those positive emotions of happiness and optimism are not worth mentioning at all under the great malice.

Since then, Ai Liang has never provided any criminal information to the police. The assessment file in the police station has a 180-degree reversal of his evaluation. Morning sun with justice in mind. The masses turned into executioners who regarded human life as a must-have, and from the very beginning Ai Liang's self-proclaimed 'hermit' became the code name 'cut-throat demon' by the police.

For the next five years, Ai Liang put on a trench coat and short blade as Ai Tusheng.

Later, Shi Feng changed Ai Liang's code name to 'Extrajudicial Sanctioner' under the banner that the title was too bloody. Although the old title was erased from the archives, the black zone has survived. .

Five years later, when Ai Liang is ten years old, Neihua City has steadily entered the top three in the annual crime rate of the Asian League, and the notorious crime capital has become an excellent model city with good law and order.

At that time, there was a saying in the black zone: 'If you are caught by the police, you may still be saved. If you are targeted by the cutthroat maniac, you can choose to end yourself or turn yourself in.

The former can give himself a good time. If his schedule is full, how long you can live with the latter depends on how many years you have been sentenced. '

Ai Liang was the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all criminals at that time. As long as he crossed a certain line, he would definitely be attacked by him. He would not accept mediation or communicate. Just like a Tindalosian hound hiding in the dark, secretly watching your every move, once you touch that blurred line, he will be dragged into the darkness and ripped open by his throat.

Because Ai Liang knows everyone's secrets, he can find the perpetrator only by following the impressions in his memory. In the first two months, he cleared out more than a dozen underground forces.

Therefore, he was once rumored to be a ghost of vengeance, and there have been versions of various strange and chaotic gods. One of the reasons for his retirement listed by Mu Si was adapted from this.

Seeing this, everyone should think of Ai Liang as a super-powered teenager who was blackened by negative emotions and embarked on the road of hunting wicked people, but this is not the case.

Ai Liang was indeed influenced, and he was indeed hunting criminals, but in fact it was just a means he chose to vent his negative emotions.

After receiving the malice from the whole city, Ai Liang quickly used spiritual ability to transfer all these negative emotions, but it was inevitably affected to some extent.

Ai Liang was worried that one day he would break the bottom line and turn into a tyrannical demon. In order to vent the darkness in his heart, he took up the short blade and aimed at the criminals.

If he insisted, the ratio of punishing the wicked and venting was about 55%, and he could see clearly from this that he was actually not suitable to be a superhero.

If you want to divide camps, Ai Liang is likely to belong to the kind of chaotic kind, and will only do what he thinks is right. On weekdays, he will obey the rules and behave politely, but in some special cases. Time will be like nothing according to the rules.

For example, a friend who is not in a good relationship handed over a bottle of beer and asked Ai Liang to drink two, then he would politely thank him first, then refuse, and then throw the beer in the trash. .

Or, while cleaning up the gang, he would accept commissions to make money, but he dismissed the gold banknotes in the safe in the villa and didn't take it at all.

From the age of ten to fifteen, Neihua City's public security environment was very good, and there were hardly any major criminal cases, so Ai Liang retired and focused on his campus life. Three years of junior high school.

Because he was deeply affected by negative emotions, and his five-year hunting career made him completely different from normal students in temperament.

Ai Liang had no choice but to choose a stupid method, that is, to pull his consciousness away from his body. The reactions of emotions, emotions, and joys are controlled by the brain and are passive. And those memories that belong to the soul consciousness are controllable, so you only need to ensure that the memories remaining in the body will not affect you.

Everyday life is like playing a virtual reality game, manipulating his body to complete various actions, which causes Ai Liang to have very little emotional fluctuations on his face and almost never smile.

As a result, he became a cold-faced weirdo in the eyes of his classmates, an arrogant genius, and no one wanted to be friends with him, but this result was better than making people cry at a glance.

Ai Liang had a total of three psychotherapy sessions in ten years: the first when he first received malice, the second when he retired as a 'hermit' five years ago, the third Three times just now.

This time he has cleared more than 90% of the negative memory in his brain. To explain in the words of the game, the level of confusion has dropped from 99% to 9%, which will no longer affect normal life. .

Ai Liang pressed the power button, the phone just vibrated and then stopped moving.

"The phone is out of power, so it seems that I slept for a long time this time."

Stuffing the phone in his pocket, Ai Liang turned around and walked to the edge of the pit.

"I'd better bury these things here, anyway, I won't be able to use them when I bring them back."

I saw Ai Liang's toes lightly, and the surrounding dust was pouring out. After entering the pit, he buried the motorcycle and tent. Afterwards, he moved the big stone to the pit and compacted it.

After doing all this, Ai Liang stretched out, and it was not so troublesome to go back, only to see Ai Liang floating in the direction of in midair moved towards Neihua City and flying straight away.

The reason he came out to ride a motorcycle was to show the camera. After all, he couldn't hide his meeting with Moose. The current Nevada is not the 'San Andreas' of ten years ago. Nearly 70% of the underground forces are more or less manned by the police.

When you come back, you don’t need to pay attention to the monitoring along the road. You don’t need to follow the road when flying, just lock the destination and just rush forward. The route chosen by Ai Liang is all mountain forest and wasteland. Perception will never be discovered.

In order to avoid sonic booms, Ai Liang flew at a speed of more than two hundred meters per second. I have to say that telekinesis is really convenient.

Ai Liang stopped as he approached the city.

He stared at the city where he had lived for more than ten years, and the joy of regaining his five senses was also washed away by the memories of the past.

Ai Liang knew from the bottom of his heart that if he continued to use his spiritual abilities such as mind reading, sooner or later he would fall into darkness again.

No one is perfect, and no one can guarantee that they have never done anything wrong.

There is no virtuous person under the reputation, and there is no sage under the heart-reading.

Moreover, some abilities are not controlled at all, telepathy, perception of good and evil are passive skills, Ai Liang can clearly perceive the true feelings of others hidden under the smile mask.

Even if he doesn't use spirit strength to spy on other people's brains, Ai Liang will be disturbed by the junk information floating in the air, just like the neighbors use electric drills to decorate the next door every night when they sleep, making you want to make noise. Puncture the eardrum.

At first Ai Liang was also interested in observing other people's emotions, but it didn't take long for him to get bored. Would you care about the mood of passersby? This ability is still passive observation. Others are in a good mood. If you encounter a guy in a bad mood, it will feel like a perverted and wretched man who insists on showing you the women's underwear that he is wearing today.

Every five years, Ai Liang's ability will undergo a qualitative change, and a bunch of messy knowledge will suddenly pop up in his brain. The ability to close is exactly what he just learned in the past few days.

Ai Liang looked at the high-rise buildings in the distance and closed his eyes silently to shut off all his abilities, leaving only his mind power. Anyway, he had had enough for so many years.

The invisibility of psychic power is extremely high, so don't worry about being discovered, and it will be very unaccustomed to accompany him to disappear suddenly for many years, and it will not be too late to unblock other abilities when necessary.

When he got home from the balcony, Ai Liang opened the bedroom door, and the light in the room was still on, proving that no one had been there in the past few days.

Ai Liang looked at the electronic calendar. Four days had passed since the day he left, so it was no wonder that the phone was automatically turned off.

After turning off the desk lamp, Ai Liang connected the phone to the data cable. Although there is wireless charging, the cable is faster.

Five minutes later, Ai Liang turned on the phone and immediately popped up several missed calls.

It was all calls from Yue Qihua, Ma Yu and the others, exactly as Ai Liang imagined.

Ai Liang chuckled.

'Sure enough, I am a dispensable existence to them, they simply don't know that their son has been missing for several days, or they know but don't care. '

Ai Liang found himself in this home a long time ago, like a vending machine in front of a beverage store, a family, but a lot of excess.

through childhood Ai Liang had almost no contact with the two of them except for the Chinese New Year. The parent meeting of the primary school even invited a nanny to attend it. Even New Year's Eve took turns between the parents every year.

When he was ten years old, Ai Liang never celebrated New Year's Eve with his family, he read books alone in a deserted room.

But that's fine. When you're sixteen, you can justifiably draw a line with them and live on your own without any psychological burden. This is a decision that benefits both parties.

After thinking about it, Ai Liang called back Yue Qihua's number.

"Who is it, it's early in the morning." Yue Qihua's voice was a little hoarse, muttered in a low-pitched accent.

“Ai Liang.”

“Ai Liang.The past few days, where did you go, you didn’t answer the phone.”

“The phone suddenly Can't charge, just fixed it."

".I thought you blocked us all."

Yue Qihua They didn't call Ai Liang for several days. People answer, so this suspicion arises.

"Are you at home in the afternoon? I'll go get the schoolbag."

It's okay to leave the schoolbag in someone else's house.

As for why it is afternoon, the reason is also very simple. Yue Qihua once said in the school chat that the nanny hired by the family usually comes over in the morning to clean the room and make lunch, and then leave in the afternoon.

Ai Liang chose to meet in the afternoon to avoid meeting their nanny.

But Yue Qihua was eerily silent for a while after hearing this.

"What's wrong?"

Ai Liang asked with some doubts, he was keenly aware that Yue Qihua was a little different today than usual, and he seemed to be in a dull mood.

“.There is no one in that apartment now. Xingyue and I moved back to the grandfather house.”

Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue rented it in the vicinity for the convenience of going to school. one's house.

I'm graduating soon and I don't need to go to school recently, so it's normal to move back in.

It just didn't expect so suddenly.

"Then go out and meet at the library or bookstore, it's the same place."

Ai Liang took off his windbreaker and stuffed it back into the lockbox while talking on the phone.

"Actually, Xingyue and I can't go out recently. Why don't you come to my house."

Yue Qihua's voice sounded a little tired. There was a slight hesitation in every sentence.


“limpid autumn water manor, No.6 Yinxing Road.”

Ai Liang heard a familiar place name.

(end of this chapter)

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