Dark Light Chaser Chapter 287


Chapter 287 Chatting on the Balcony

Ai Liang, who doesn't know what to do for the time being, is going to put the clothes that he has worn in the past two days first. Wash it again.

I don't have much to do at the moment anyway, so it's time to pass the time.

Ai Liang walked to the sink on the balcony with his arms around his clothes, just as his neighbors were doing laundry.

"After two days of wandering, are you finally willing to come back?"

Ye Qing said while rubbing her clothes.

Ai Liang turned on the faucet, took in half a bowl of water, and then a few drops of laundry detergent: "It's a holiday?"

"Well, it's a half-day holiday on the weekend, fortunately I have a night out. You don't have to go to the night for self-study, at least you can rest for a while."

Ye Qing rubbed hard, the stains on the cuffs of the supermarket work clothes.

"If you don't want to go to class, you can also ask for leave. It should be easier for you to ask the class teacher for leave than me."

Ai Liang raised his hand and stirred it up in the basin. , After the laundry detergent foamed, he left it alone and started chatting with Ye Qing.

"The proposal is quite good, but I don't have the confidence to win the top few places."

Looking at the empty laundry detergent bottle, Ye Qing showed an annoyed expression .

I don't know if I'm worried about what Ai Liang said, or because I forgot to buy laundry detergent.

However, the probability is the latter.

Ai Liang glanced at the clothes in Ye Qing's basin through the security window: "Pour some water into the bottle, should I be able to wash the clothes again?"

"I Of course I do, but I did it once the day before yesterday."

Ye Qing raised her eyebrows and pouted, "Yesterday, after working part-time, she was busy going home to make up her homework, and she was about to leave. I forgot to buy the front laundry detergent."

"If you don't mind, use mine first."

Ai Liang passed his laundry detergent through the gap between the security windows He handed it over: "By the way, is there any new homework assigned in the past two days?"

"Thank you, I've been very helpful."

Ye Qing also extended the hand and accepted Live laundry detergent.

She picked up the bottle and glanced at it: "I've never seen a brand before..."

"It's not common in supermarkets," explained Ai Liang.

"Really, I said why is there such a small bottle of laundry detergent..."

After muttering a few words, Ye Qing squeezed two drops on her clothes.

The effect of the laundry detergent was better than she expected. Just rub it twice, and most of the stains on the cuffs and arms were removed.

Ye Qing exclaimed: "Hey, you bought this laundry detergent on that website, it's pretty good, can you send me a link back?"

Ai Liang Hearing that Ye Qing also wanted to buy the same type of laundry detergent, she immediately looked at her with a very strange look: "Are you sure?"

Ye Qing was speechless: "What is there to consider, I just ran out of laundry detergent..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly realized something: "Let me ask, shouldn't this small bottle cost dozens of dollars?"

"That's not true."

Ai Liang shook his head, before waiting for Ye Qing to catch his breath, he continued, "This is bought in groups, 2,000 yuan per set, one set Three bottles, an average of more than six hundred a bottle."

Ye Qing was almost choked to death by Ai Liang's offer: "cough cough cough, what are you talking about?! Two thousand yuan for three bottles?! There is gold in it!"

She picked up the bottle and looked at the capacity, a bottle of 300ml.

"A bottle of more than 600, a bottle of 300 ml, an average of more than two yuan a ml... I said A Liang, have you been tricked?"

Ai Liang couldn't bear the eyes of the other party looking at him, so he took the initiative to look away: "My family has always used this brand of laundry detergent, I'm used to this smell and don't bother to change it."

Not only laundry detergent, but also laundry detergent. There are toothpaste, shampoo, and body wash.

Ai Liang has recently been replaced by a brand that was commonly used before.

It's mostly a habit.

In addition, online shopping and delivery are also very convenient, and there is no need to carry bags back and forth to the supermarket.

In fact, when Ai Liang was two or three years old, when he learned the prices of daily necessities at home, his performance was similar to that of Ye Qing now.

He once wondered if the rich were deliberately choosing those expensive daily necessities for the sake of face, in order to show their wealth and so-called style.

But after really using it for a while, Ai Liang found out.

These items, which cost hundreds of thousands, are indeed much more comfortable than the tens of dollars in ordinary supermarkets.

Ye Qing checked the bottle of laundry detergent over and over several times before returning it to Ai Liang: "Tsk, damn rich man, I'll go to the supermarket tomorrow night to buy it..."


"By the way, the math teacher assigned a lot of homework yesterday. I was so tired last night that I forgot to tell you, can you make it up in the morning?"

Ai Liang He didn't ask how many: "There should be no problem, it can be done in about ten minutes."

Ye Qing couldn't help but sigh with the appearance of a good student who completed her homework seriously: "It's obvious that he can't even go to class. If you don't go, but you are obsessed with handing in your homework, your character is really...with enough personality."

"Completing homework is a student's duty, so what's strange."

Ai Liang went back to the sink and washed his clothes.

Did you know that your words can choke people to death?

Ye Qing blinked her eyes and couldn't help but spit out: "It's strange that this is only coming out of your mouth, Ah Liang!"

"Forget it. , you didn't come to school to study anyway..."

Ye Qing sighed and continued to rub up her clothes.

Five minutes later, the laundry on her side was finished, and Ai Liang on the other side of the balcony just got up.

"By the way, are you going to eat out tomorrow morning or cook by yourself?"

Ye Qing hurriedly asked while Ai Liang was still on the balcony.

"I'm probably eating outside...Is something wrong?" Ai Liang asked after hanging his clothes on the clothesline.

Ye Qing patted her chest and said, "It just so happens that you have to go to school to make up your homework. I'll get up early tomorrow. Let's go out to eat together. I'll treat you."

Ai Liang nominates, No rejection.

Ai Liang would not refuse Ye Qing's invitation.

The other party should want to use this method to make up for the extra meals he gave her.

Don't look at Ye Qing's carefree appearance, she actually cares about the feelings of others.

Sometimes Ai Liang even felt that Ye Qing cared too much.

"It's settled then, I'll wake you up tomorrow morning!"

Ye Qing put on her supermarket work uniform with a 'it's settled' expression. After putting it on the drying rack, I went back to the house and didn't know what to do.

Ai Liang didn't pay much attention to it. He also hung up his clothes and went back to the kitchen to check the remaining ingredients in the refrigerator.

There are only a few bits and pieces of ingredients left in the refrigerator.

It's all leftovers from cooking on Thursday.

If you mix it all together, you can barely make a dish.

But Ai Liang didn't plan to use these, and kept the ingredients for several days for dinner.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Ye Qing: [I plan to order takeout tonight]

Ye Qing, who is next door, seems to be playing with her mobile phone at this time, and the message is answered very quickly : [Understood, I ate very full at noon]

After speaking, I also sent an emoji with a panda's face and belly touching its belly.

Ai Liang replied that he received it, then switched pages and ordered fast food casually.

He went back to the sofa in the living room and read popular science magazines while waiting for the takeaway.

I'm sorry...I don't know what's going on next door. I took an electric drill in the middle of the night from 0:30 to almost 3:00, and I really couldn't get into the state...

(end of this chapter)

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