Dark Light Chaser Chapter 295


Chapter 295 Fishing

After Chen Zili finished speaking, he and Ai Liang left the seat.

Ai Liang found that this guy's eyes were always looking out of the classroom, intentionally or unintentionally.

Ai Liang followed his gaze.

In the corridor outside the classroom, Fang Xinlei was leaning on crutches and slowly walked to the stairs.

“You know each other?” Ai Liang asked.

"Um...ah, what are you talking about?"

Chen Zili was subconsciously un'ed at first.

After reacting, he asked who Ai Liang was referring to in a slightly flustered manner.

Ai Liang raised his finger and pointed at the back of Xinlei below: "You and Fang Xinlei, do you know each other?"

"For the time being, let's say we know each other... I went to the same school as her, and we were in the beginning. San was assigned to a class, what's the problem?"

Chen Zili considered what he wanted to say, and nodded as he spoke.

As if reinforcing self-identity.

"Oh, do you like her?"

"cough cough, puff cough cough...what are you talking about?"

Chen Zili originally planned to talk to Ai Liang Talking about something else to change the subject, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard this, and he almost choked to death.

"Sorry, I didn't say anything."

"No no no, you just asked me if I liked her!"

"Since You heard everything, why did you ask me?"


Chen Zili was stunned.

For a while, I didn't know how to refute.

When did it become so difficult for people to communicate?

Chen Zili looked at Ai Liang and fell into deep self-doubt.

Ai Liang didn't stop and moved towards the stairs.

Chen Zili thought that Ai Liang was going to help, so he hurriedly tried to stop him.

But in the blink of an eye, Ai Liang was already near the stairs, and it was too late to stop him.

Chen Zili had no choice but to grit his teeth and follow.

At this point, Fang Xinlei was only halfway down the stairs.

She held the stairs to her right, first placing her crutches on the lower Level 1 steps for support, and then slowly stepping out of her disabled left foot.

Immediately with the support of the crutches and right hand, place the right foot on the lower Level 1 steps.

Fang Xinlei is just like this step by step, it is difficult to move down.

Fortunately, Ai Liang's class was on the second floor. If it was on the fifth floor, it would probably take her ten minutes to go down the stairs.

Ai Liang ignored Fang Xinlei, who was struggling to go downstairs, and directly passed her and left the teaching building.

Chen Zili, who was following behind him, was surprised to see that Ai Liang had no intention of helping.

He glanced at Fang Xinlei hesitantly.

But in the end, he did nothing and chose to trot all the way to Ai Liang's side.

“Aren’t you going to help her?” Ai Liang asked.

"Have you always spoken so directly..."

Chen Zili said with a bitter smile: "I helped her twice in junior high school, but she Nosy."

In order to prevent Ai Liang from misunderstanding, he hurriedly added: "Let's talk about it first, I just care a little bit, it's far from liking it."


Ai Liang had no comment.

Chen Zili felt like he had punched a sponge.

I didn't express my strength, and my whole body was unhappy.

He recalled the phone call between classes: "What about you, Ai Liang, is the girl who called you during class, is that your girlfriend?"

Okay, Hooked.

"No, it's just a good friend."

Ai Liang immediately denied Chen Zili's statement.

Chen Zili put one hand in his pocket and looked at Ai Liang suspiciously: "Really, it doesn't feel like it at all, I think she likes you very much."

Ai Liang remained silent.

Chen Zili saw that Ai Liang didn't want to say more, and felt that he had won mentally, so he turned the topic to Ye Qing.

"By the way, your relationship with Ye Qing seems to be pretty good since the beginning of school. Did you know each other before?"

"Well, we've known each other before. , Plus we live close together, so we go to school together."

Ai Liang used a vague statement.

For Chen Zili, there is enough room for free imagination.

Live close?

Could it be that you specially reported to Qianhua Experimental Middle School for Ye Qing?

Chen Zili just thought about these questions in his heart and didn't ask them out.

After all, this is the first time the two have communicated.

He doesn't have the kind of courage that Ai Liang has the courage to speak out to people who have just met.

Ai Liang deliberately stirred up emotional topics, that is, digging a hole and waiting for Chen Zili here.

No way, Jin Ping'an is too upright, he believes whatever he says.

Gossip simply doesn't spread through this guy.

In junior high school, Ai Liang relied on Yang Xingyue, a rumored girlfriend, to kill many troublesome confessions in the cradle.

And that's under the austere atmosphere of Neihua City.

Now that I am in high school, I have changed my school location to Qianhua Market, which has a very enlightened social atmosphere.

The ghost knows how many people there will be, and they will confess when they have nothing to do.

To know a lot of topics about girls' dormitories, in addition to handsome guys or handsome guys.

The first is to discuss whether there are any handsome guys in the class, who and what looks like, and whether it is his own food.

Talk and chat, the scope will expand to the whole grade.

I heard which class, who is so handsome.

It is estimated that in a few months, Ai Liang's reputation will spread throughout the grade.

So preparations must be done in advance.

Ai Liang and Chen Zili came, near the Tianyuan restaurant in the dormitory.

Different from high school seniors who often go to Zhiweixuan, many of the people who come to eat here are resident students.

It is convenient to go back to the dormitory for lunch break after eating.

Yes, the lunch break in Qianhua Experimental Middle School can be held in the dormitory.

This rule even applies to students in key classes.

The overwhelming majority will go back to the dormitory to do laundry after meals.

It's just that when the two came to the cafeteria, the bell for the first and second grades just rang, and there were not many people in the cafeteria.

Ai Liang, who ordered two random dishes, found a sparsely populated corner and sat down.

After a while, Chen Zili also came over with a fish-flavored shredded pork rice bowl.

To be honest, this guy is working hard to find a friend who can chat.

It's just that he eats and eats, and he always glances at the entrance of the cafeteria from time to time.

It is estimated that she is waiting for Fang Xinlei.

Although Chen Zili said that he didn't like it, this behavior clearly exceeded the level of concern.

It looks like the kind of junior high school student who silently follows behind the person he likes all the way to the door of the house, watching the other person enter the door.

He didn't look away until a large number of students poured into the cafeteria.

Chen Zili noticed Ai Liang's gaze and quickly explained: "I'm not waiting for her, it's just that something will happen next."


Ai Liang asked casually along the topic.

He neither cares nor cares about Chen Zili's emotional problems.

Anyway, my goal has been achieved.

Ai Liang has no interest in meddling in other people's affairs.

Just asking this question is just to continue the conversation and make the other person less embarrassed.

Seeing that Ai Liang didn't tease himself, Chen Zili relaxed: "It's Jin Ping'an in our class, he'll be scolded by Fang Xinlei in a while...

Ah yes, I think Jin Ping'an seems to know you very well, did you know each other before?"

(end of this chapter)

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