Dark Light Chaser Chapter 30


Chapter 30 Departed

As the distance between the two continues to shorten, there are still a few steps away from the bench Ai Liang could almost see the negative emotions condensed into reality.

This feels like an important branch option in galgame that affects the direction of the plot. The difference between Yue Qihua and the heroine is that there is a golden exclamation mark on the top of the head.

“Why are you sitting here alone?”

Ai Liang decisively used the fixed universal sentence in the game to open up the topic.

“.Ai Liang, the tutoring is over?”

“Just finished, sat here all afternoon? Isn’t it hot.”

Ai Liang asked after taking a seat on the other side of the bench.

"It's really strange, you actually take the initiative to care about people?" Yue Qihua's smile was a little reluctant, "It should be that girl Xingyue who asked you to come here."

"Part of Well, I'm also a little curious about what the trouble is that makes you like this, this dejected look doesn't look like you at all." Ai Liang turned his head and glanced at her.

"Then tell me what I look like in your heart?"

"Interrupt the gangsters who are scolded by subordinates who make mistakes, or who are 'accidentally' Sanda champion with a few bones." Ai Liang immediately gave two examples.

"Although I'm not as gentle as Xingyue, I'll be very angry if I say that. Am I a violent woman in your heart?"

"I It means that if you have any worries, just say it directly as usual, keep it in your heart, and the people around you will be very worried."

"That girl is always special in this kind of place. Keen." Yue Qihua couldn't help but rubbed the temple sighed, "Don't worry, try to get back to normal and not let her worry about it."

"I'll be worried too."


Yue Qihua's movements froze immediately, his mind went blank, "What do you mean."

Ai Liang didn't look at Yue Qihua's face, but went straight to Looking at the lake surface, he said, "Literally, when you first arrived at this junior high school, you were the first person to talk to me, and you have taken care of me a lot. We should be friends, right?"

Yue Qihua looked at Ai Liang's face as the heartbeat began to accelerate dong dong dong, and his cheeks soon stained with a hint of crimson.

But she quickly reacted and said, "Yes, yes, but what happened to you today, it feels like a different person, you wouldn't say such things before. "

Ai Liang leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the sunset in the sky, "I have figured out some things in the past two days.

Yue Qihua secretly observed Ai Liang's profile and hesitated, but under the influence of inner pressure, she finally chose to tell the secret she discovered yesterday.

"I secretly used Uncle Yang's computer permissions to check the relevant information yesterday. It is true that a perverted serial killer appeared in Neihua City, so grandfather hired a lot of bodyguards."

Yue Qihua chose to tell Ai Liang the truth.

"en. ”

Ai Liang pretended to be waiting for the next paragraph, but he actually started to think about whether he should find an opportunity to solve this problem. He had planned to no longer pay attention to this kind of thing, but Yue Qihua was his friend anyway, so since she was troubled by it, it should be resolved easily.

"That killer only kills the most heinous people, and likes to slit the victim's throat."

Said here, Yue Qihua felt a tumult in his stomach when he recalled the photo he saw yesterday, strong Endured not to spit out.

A violent vigilante like me?

Ai Liang had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't think much about it. Maybe it was a guy who was influenced by the hermit who decided to inherit his Legacy to hunt criminals after the hermit disappeared.

If that's the case, it's fine to hunt down those scumbags who are enough to be sentenced to death ten times, as long as you don't shoot at ordinary people, you can let him go.

"That extrajudicial sanctioner started ten years ago."

(ー_ー)! !

"Wait? What did you say the killer was called?" Ai Liang interrupted Yue Qihua.

"Extrajudicial Sanctioners. This is the code name taken by the police internally."

Looking at Yue Qihua's gaze, Ai Liang could only fool the past with a haha: "It's nothing, It just feels like the name is like acting in a movie."

The pervert killer is me?

But after learning the source of Yue Qihua's worries, Ai Liang's dangling heart also let go. It was all a misunderstanding.

Yue Qihua spent a long time, intermittently speaking out what he saw.

"The father of Xingyue is still a policeman. If you only kill the most heinous people, it should have nothing to do with your family. Don't worry." Ai Liang only thought that Yue Qihua was frightened by the internal information and put his hand on top of her head Lightly patted on.

Yue Qihua's next sentence made his movements freeze.

". The information on the police shows that the killer took my house as the next target."

Thinking of the photos in the file, Yue Qihua's body began to tremble, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Why, why, why is my grandfather being targeted by that kind of person! He is obviously a good person!" Hot tears, pea-sized tears fell on the shorts, "My grandfather is definitely not a bad person, absolutely not! Why should I be targeted!"

Fear and anxiety all broke out at this moment.

Yue Qihua was worried about attracting bodyguards, so he grabbed Ai Liang's clothes tightly and forcibly suppressed his cry.

In addition to being a little smart, she is just a fifteen-year-old girl. She suddenly saw the photo of the killer when he committed the crime, and also found that her relatives were being targeted by the killer. This performance is as it should be by rights.

Ai Liang didn't speak, just stroked her hair lightly, that's all she could do, after all, Ai Liang is just a middle school student who can be seen everywhere.

“Ai Liang, what should I do?”

Yue Qihua asked this question in tears and with a sense of panic. Now she is not the one who dominates the school. The central character is just a disturbed, ordinary little girl.

"The police will definitely do a good job of security, so don't worry too much." Ai Liang rubbed Yue Qihua's head like a dog. Touching the head can promote the secretion of endorphins in the brain and relieve tension and anxiety and other emotions, provided that the other party does not reject them.


"The police aren't sure the killer himself released this news, right? After all, he's been silent for five years."

Ai Liang looked at the sunset that was about to fall into the horizon, forced Yue Qihua to get up, then took her hand and moved towards the villa: "Don't worry, I promise this matter will be resolved soon."

Yue Qihua shook his head with a wry smile: "Your personality has changed too much, how can you guarantee such a thing"

"Trust me, it will end soon."

Ai Liang didn't explain, just repeated what he just said.

Seeing Ai Liang's confident smile, Yue Qihua froze for a moment, then blushed nodded.

After Ai Liang left, Yue Qihua went back to his room, lying on the bed and covering his flushed cheeks with his arms, recalling the conversation just now.

Ten minutes later, she suddenly stood up and said to herself with some doubts: "How did Ai Liang know that the killer had been silent for five years, I don't seem to have said it."

On the other side.

Ai Liang walked out of the limpid autumn water manor with a kind smile and took a taxi back home. The moment the security door was closed, his face turned gloomy.

Ai Liang took the old man's phone to a park, made sure there was no one around, and dialed Moose's number.


"Have you sold the news of my comeback?"

"Uh, it's been sold, and the share is still the same On your card, is there a question?"

Muss responded immediately.

"Give me the list of people who bought intelligence." Ai Liang turned on the computer and said.

"Hey, although we are partners, selling customer information in this way violates professional ethics."

Are you an intelligence dealer telling me about professional ethics?

It's as funny as a 40kg girl saying she's slim, and another 1.5m dwarf looking at 80kg and saying she's twice as slim.

"30,000 per person."

"The list will be sent to your mailbox, remember to receive it."

The so-called professional ethics have not been adhered to for ten seconds before being rejected Definitely betrayed.

"By the way, people on the road have been spreading rumors that you are going to attack Yue Chongshan. Is this news true?"

"I asked you for a list just for this one. ”

Although Ai Liang deliberately spreads information about his next target before every action, using fear to torment the group of choppers, is Yue Chongshan regarded as the next target?

Ai Liang can't remember when he spread the news.

The Old Master is the last conscience of the black zone. Ai Liang never thought of attacking him, although the words black zone and conscience together have a sense of humor.

"The group of people who looked for you last time blew up my bar. As you said, this group of people acted recklessly and were stubborn. Be careful, the news this time is very good. Maybe they deliberately spread it out."

Mu Si rarely cared about Ai Liang, his tone didn't seem to be fake, but his next sentence completely destroyed the emotion: "Wan Once you die, the special information package about the hermit won't sell."

So the last sentence is the point, right?

Faced with this impure concern, Ai Liang didn't bother to answer him and hung up the phone.

This fellow used to rely on selling hermit information to scrape a layer of oil and water from the group of outlaws fiercely. If the hermit died, his income would definitely decrease.

Not only that, he also brought marketing methods to the black market, and the environment of the entire underground market was polluted by this guy.

Intelligence trading is a package sale. Neihua City's underground intelligence system is like a big discount for the opening of a supermarket, with all kinds of discounts.

Not only that, the crime rate in Neihua City plummeted due to the existence of hermits in the past few years, and the police seized the opportunity to carry out public security rectification, which is undoubtedly worse for the intelligence traffickers.

Ninety percent of the intelligence mongers couldn't get along. Those who could run away would have gone to another city to start a new business, and those who couldn't have chosen to find a side business to support themselves.

Because all the tigers are gone, Moose's cheapskate can get the title of the number one intelligence agent in China.

Let's not talk about those old things, Ai Liang received the list sent by Moss. The people who recently purchased the hermit intelligence are as follows: Yang Xingguo, Xia Qinian, Yue Chongshan, Mask No.3.

The moment he opened it, he felt that the money was completely wasted.

Except for the weird mask number 3, the rest are all acquaintances, and the relevant information is a briefing that I don't need to send when I'm already familiar with it.

Ai Liang's only mask No. 3, who was slightly interested, asked three questions, and the introduction was blank. The only information was that he led someone to blow up Moose's speakeasy.

Yang Xingguo is the son of Yue Chongshan, Xia Qinian's Uncle used to wear a pair of pants with Yang Xingguo, these three can be regarded as the same force, there is no need to direct and act.

Although the source of the rumors is uncertain, there is a high probability that it is the mask number three with a third-rate villain accent.

"It's this guy of unknown origin."

Ai Liang stunned.

But when I saw Xia Qinian's name, Ai Liang suddenly remembered, he seemed to be looking for him all the time.

Ai Liang took out the contact information note from Moose from his trench coat pocket, walked to the gazebo and dialed the number.

Xia Qinian was quickly connected.


Beep, beep, beep.

Ai Liang hung up without the slightest hesitation.

Ai Liang redialed the number a minute later.

Except for the marked person, the work mobile phone can only make one-way contact, and the opposite side cannot call back according to the incoming call.


“We are not that familiar with each other. If you continue to call that nickname, we will contact you from the bottle.”

Ai Liang interrupted Xia Qinian directly.

Ten years ago when Ai Liang and Xia Qiyuan collaborated, they called themselves a hermit, and then Xia Qiyuan was referred to as Lao Yin for short. In a chance encounter, Xia Qinian heard him as an eagle, so this belonged to the second uncle and nephew. This is how people's names are fixed.

on the surface Xia Qinian, who hadn't seen him in nearly ten years, pondered for a while, and then asked: "After cleaning the cat's eye gang, disappear from the face of the earth, where have you been for the past five years? Did you? Or you have been recuperating from a serious injury all these years?"

"The meaningless courtesies are spared, you're looking around for my news, you probably don't want to ask me how my life has been recently, right? ”

When Ai Liang turned into a butcher and started his activities, Xia Qinian has been asking around for his contact information. At that time, Ai Liang's mind was full of venting anger, and he never communicated with anyone except the intelligence dealer.

So he turned a blind eye to Xia Qinian's pursuit, and after retiring, he directly cut off contact with the black zone, which led to all kinds of outrageous rumors.

"I want to ask about my Uncle Xia Qiyuan." The other side was a little excited: "Why did Xia Qiyuan disappear during the arrest, why did you suddenly start killing and slaughtering the underground forces, What happened back then."

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Ai Liang said bluntly.

"Xia Qiyuan is my uncle!" His voice increased a lot, "I just want to know what happened back then, why are everyone, including Shi Feng, silent about it? Why am I Uncle Now there are no dead or dead!"

"I'm not interested in these things, Xia Qiyuan's discipline doesn't even know it, why do you think I'll know?" Ai Liang said, lying on the guardrail of the pavilion in the park. : "In the end, Xia Qiyuan and I are just a cooperative relationship, and the cooperation time is less than a year. The friendship between us is not as deep as you think."

(end of this chapter)

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