Dark Light Chaser Chapter 309


Chapter 309 Code of Conduct

Ai Liang's words were a reassurance.

Moose calmly started the repeater: "The cat's eye is in the basement of the wood house, he is not an ordinary mask, but a mask with a certain strange adaptation to physique, the scanning device of ordinary armor cannot find his true identity. body."


1208 and 1209 immediately put away their idle attitude when they heard this word.

"Are you sure that the mask named cat's eye is a mask?"

1208 asked Moose again for proof.

"Well, yes, he is indeed a mask."

Although Moose doesn't know what a mask is, he doesn't know anything about it anyway.

Since the hermit says the cat's eye is a mask, he is.

1209 was very irritable, he spat hard on the ground: "Fuck, I'll tell you how to deal with a small mask, and two armors to act together."

"If it's a mask, it makes sense to be on the safe side."

1208 followed suit.

What the hell? Is a mask a tricky thing?

Moose was suspicious, but remained calm on the surface.

This time 1208 and 1209 dare not underestimate this mission.

Masks and regular mask users.

Although both use the power of masks, the difference between them can be called one in the sky and the other in the sewer.

Ordinary person uses a mask, and doing more is to download some knowledge, transform his body, and expel himself from membership.

And with a mask that adapts strangely to the physique, you can develop the power of the mask itself.

The subordinates of each member of the Apostolic Society will wear masks of different styles to distinguish the objects of their service.

For example, the crying face of the Thousand Faced Man, the Yin-Yang expression of the Disciple, the wild laughter of the tyrant, the joke of the trickster...

The mask, although it is made by Thousand Faces in batches, But it is still a strange thing in essence.

And it's also a weird creature with a high level.

No matter how bad this thing is, once it falls into the hands of someone with a weirdly adapted physique.

The power they exert is not much lower than that of the user of the armor.

But 1208 and 1209 were more surprised by Moose's power than the mask.

They thought that the guy named Mole was the kind of person who was biased towards the intelligence side.

His own strength and physical fitness are not too strong.

Otherwise, it is not possible to apply for support to the Countermeasures Bureau.

But Moose's strength so far is no worse than his normal armor.

This makes the 1208 and 1209 somewhat unexpected.

As to why it is normal.

A restriction device is installed on all armors of the Bureau.

This is a plug-in specially developed to take care of some people with low adaptability to weirdness.

Until the contact limit, the user of the armor cannot fully utilize the full power of the armor.

It can't be weird and unresolved, people will collapse first because of the erosion of armor.

If you encounter an emergency, it is not impossible to turn on the power at full power, but to prepare for a mental breakdown.

As for the sudden explosion of seeds like the protagonist, completely controlling the strange armor...

Unfortunately, that is an impossible thing.

If you can fully control the strange armor, it represents the potential to become a fusion warrior.

How could it be so hard to go out to work haha.

To put it bluntly, the weird armor is a fighting method for those who have a certain weird adaptation physique, but this physique is not very high and mediocre.

It is the inverse product derived from the fusion warrior experiment data.

Xia Qiyuan and the others are exceptions. The armor on their bodies is a special product, such as 1208 and 1209, and they will die suddenly if they wear it.

More dangerous than fusion weirdness.

"Mus, how dare you betray Lord Janus..."

Nata got up from the ground clutching his arms and said.

Because Nata had fastened his seat belt well before driving.

So the big rollover just now caused very limited damage to him.

It's just a bump on the head and a slight fracture of the arm in the process of waving.

Overall, the injury is not serious.

"Master Janus and the master will definitely give you..."

Muss appeared in front of Nata, and then stabbed him in the abdomen with a straight fist, performing physical Banned.

Nata immediately knelt on the ground clutching her stomach, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

The sharp pain paralyzed the nerves in an instant, producing a suffocating pain.

All he could do was open his mouth as hard as he could to let in the oxygen.

When the severe pain subsided, it was another upset stomach.

"Um, ah... uh..."

A mouthful of food scraps mixed with gastric juice flowed out of the corner of Nata's mouth.

Pain in the abdominal cavity, plus the effects of suffocation.

As a result, he didn't have the strength to spit out the filth in his mouth, so he could only open his mouth like a fool to let the filth flow out naturally.

Moose commented on Nata who fell to the ground and said: "The little child is a little child after all, I have already done this, am I still afraid that they will fail?"

After speaking, he walked to the taxi that turned over and pulled the kidnapped man out of the trunk.

This one is not as lucky as Natta.

I saw this naked man with scratches and Red Seal all over his body.

I don't know if my head was smashed, or something else, face covered in blood.

Look at this guy, breathing more and more and less.

Moose asked the 1208 and 1209 on the side, "What about this guy?"

1208, who was discussing the battle plan with 1209, heard Moose's cry, come over.

He pressed his left hand, which was wrapped in a mass of black unknown substance, on the chest of the passerby.

After a brief inspection, 1208 opened the mouth and said: "There is a bit of internal bleeding, but it should be able to hold out until the Rangers come to finish it off. Just leave it alone."

1208 didn't Like normal police, give priority to the injured.

For the people in the Countermeasures Bureau, the first priority is to deal with strange events, and the second is to protect themselves.

Furthermore, there is concern about casualties.

Although it may seem cold-blooded to say so, their importance is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

There are very few people who have the weird adaptation physique.

It is extremely difficult to add one less to one death.

Unless the incident occurs in a densely populated area, they simply don't make the protection of ordinary people a priority.

Moss doesn't care about the life and death of passers-by when he sees other officials.

I don't mind my own business, I have to send people to the hospital first.

Moose untied the restraints on passers-by's hands and feet, and placed them on their backs in the mud without questioning them.

By the time he returned to 1208 and 1209, the two had knocked Nata out.

"Wait a minute, take him with you," Moose said, pointing to Nata.

1209 grabbed Nata's arm and lifted the man up: "Is he still useful?"

Moose explained: "Some doors may require fingerprint verification..."

"Can't his fingerprints be copied directly with the armor?" 1208frowned said.

Moose: "..."

How many new tricks do you have that I don't know about?

(end of this chapter)

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