Dark Light Chaser Chapter 336


Chapter 336 Chinese Language Test

After the lunch break, Yu Xin took the sealed test paper and storage bag 15 minutes earlier into the classroom.

It's just an afternoon break.

There must be a lot of people going from the dormitory to the teaching building.

But today, there isn't a single empty seat in the classroom.

The vast majority of people are on guard.

Seeing the attitude of the students in the class, Yu Xin was nodded.

As for Ai Liang, who was reading a novel in the corner of the first row, he was directly ignored by him.

Any preaching at this stage is meaningless, because grades are irrefutable facts.

If Ai Liang's grades are not good, Yu Xin has an excuse to educate him.

"Before the exam, let me briefly talk about the exam discipline."

Yu Xin put the paper bag on the podium: "First, regarding cheating, anyone found cheating, no matter what No matter what form or means, you will be expelled from the key classes! There is no room for negotiation!"

"Second, during the exam, everyone's mobile phone must be handed in, even if you don't bring it, it will be given now. I'll go to the dormitory to get it, and now, hand in the mobile phone in the order of seats."

Yu Xin said, hanging the storage bag on the edge of the podium.

Looking at the performance of the class, no one should have left their cell phones in the dormitory.

Ai Liang was the first to put his mobile phone in the storage bag.

Then Ye Qing, Yi Wenna...

Fang Xinlei's front desk saw that Fang Xinlei had difficulty moving, and wanted to help her bring her mobile phone.

As a result, Fang Xinlei had a cold face, ignoring the kindness of the other party, and walked to the podium with a cane.

It made her mutter in a low voice: "What a weirdo..."

This exam is not a formal exam, and the invigilators are all teachers from various subjects.

The first stage of the thorough examination is the Chinese language taught by Yu Xin.

The exam papers Ai Liang and the others did were all the questions that the school teacher gave out by themselves. The difficulty and the exam papers that can be bought in the market are not of the same order of magnitude.

Perhaps it was for the purpose of inspiring students' confidence that the subject of Chinese was put in the First Stage.

After all, in the subject of Chinese, even Jin Ping'an can write something.

If he switched to other subjects, he would probably start staring at the paper after completing the multiple-choice questions.

The class bell rang and the exam officially started.

For Jin Ping'an, Chinese is one of the few subjects he can write twice.

But for Ai Liang, this kind of text-based questions affected his speed.

The word count is one thing.

Science test paper, Ai Liang sees the question type, and the problem-solving ideas and steps will appear in his mind, and then he will get the answer instantly.

And comprehension questions like Chinese.

He must first read the short text and analyze the main idea.

It's not like math, which can be solved with formulas.

The short article this thing, each one has its own content.

You have to read and understand before you can answer.

Therefore, Ai Liang usually writes very slowly in the subjects of Chinese and social.

This is very slow, relative to his speed in science.

In the eyes of others, Ai Liang's problem-solving speed is still terrifying.

For example, when Chen Zili had just finished his first chapter essay, Ai Liang had already started his final essay.

The composition of the Chinese examination here is not the kind of composition that asks you to write a self-proposed composition for an event.

Not to say that there is no, just that the probability is very small.

At least four out of ten times in the college entrance examination of the Asian Federation are self-proposed essays.

The remaining six times are all excerpts and analyses of the contents of famous works.

These masterpieces cover philosophy, literature, and even modern social sciences.

For example, "Who do you think has the greatest influence on you?" "What do you think about modern society?" "What difficult choices have you faced? How did you overcome them?" and so on.

As long as you have read the relevant books, you can find the standard answer from the book, and you can get at least 20 points if you copy it directly.

If you haven't read it, you can only analyze it yourself.

If your analysis is brilliant and reasonable, you can also get a passing grade.

But if your analysis doesn't impress the graders, it doesn't have anything to do with the standard answers in the book.

Unfortunately, you won't get any of these thirty points.

The essay questions of this fundamental examination are very tricky, and the questions are excerpted from a philosophy book called "Logic and Sensibility".

Allows you to analyze the relationship between reason, emotion and society.

If it is purely rational and emotional, the impact on society will be talked about.

Then the composition can only get 10 points at most.

But students who haven't read this book and haven't been in contact with society, how can they talk about it?

The full score for Chinese is 100%. This composition, which accounts for 30%, is actually such a topic.

This is a bit of a no-brainer.

A serious high school student, who would read this stuff?

Yu Xinming is clearly trying to make things difficult for the students in the key class, so that they can give them a disservice.

However, coincidentally, Ai Liang just read this book when he was a child.

This question is exactly what the second chapter is about.

Ai Liang retrieved the contents of this book from the memory bank, and copied the analysis of Chapter 2 intact.

To be on the safe side, he added 200 words of personal opinion.

Not to mention getting full marks, at least 27 or 8 points.

The Chinese test is only halfway through, and Ai Liang has already answered all the questions.

He took the paper and walked towards Yu Xin, who was sitting on the podium invigilating the exam.

"What's the matter?"

Yu Xin asked in a low voice.

Ai Liang said succinctly: "Submit the paper."

"Are you finished?"


Yu Xin frowned, feels things are not simple.

He took the paper, but instead of letting Ai Liang leave the classroom, he turned the paper directly to the final composition in front of Ai Liang.

This further confirms Ai Liang's guess that this composition is specially used to embarrass people.

Yu Xin stared at Ai Liang's analysis for a while: "Have you read "Logic and Sensibility"?"

Ai Liang answered truthfully: "I read it when I was a child."


Yu Xin showed a constipated expression, and reluctantly pressed Ai Liang's test paper under the portfolio.

"Go out with your cell phone."

Ai Liang> nods

and takes out his cell phone from the storage bag: "Is there any other classes in the afternoon?"

Ai Liang asked because he was worried that he would have to attend class after the exam.

If there is no class after the Chinese test, he will go home directly.


After getting the desired answer.

Ai Liang took out his novel from the table bucket and left the classroom with Yu Xin's white eyes.

Chen Zili at the bottom of the podium, at first thought that Ai Liang was due to a problem with the printing of the test paper, and planned to go to the stage to replace the test paper.

As a result, they handed in the papers directly!

The conversation between Ai Liang and Yu Xin was very low, but Chen Zili could not stand under the podium.

When I heard Yu Xin ask Ai Liang if he had read "Logic and Sensibility", Chen Zili also turned to the end of the test paper and looked at the composition title with a blank face.

What is this?

I'm just a teenage child!

Chen Zili involuntarily put on the mask of pain.

Half an hour later, many people gave him the same strange look at the podium.

Yu Xin finally felt relieved as he watched the students scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks.

(end of this chapter)

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