Dark Light Chaser Chapter 339


Chapter 339 Vacation Planning

Going to my house to sleep?

Ye Qing looked at Yi Wenna strangely.

"My guest room is a utility room, and there are no extra pillows and quilts."

Yi Wenna hit the snake with a stick: "Then I will squeeze with you. "

"I don't want to, the two of you are sleeping hot."

Ye Qingji tried her best to find various reasons to reject Yi Wenna.

The two walked all the way, bickering all the way.

Until she finished her lunch in the cafeteria, Yi Wenna could not get her wish.

She had no choice but to give up the idea of staying overnight.

However, when it comes to staying overnight, Yi Wenna has the mentality of raking grass and fighting rabbits.

I can be the best, it doesn't matter if I can't.

Anyway, the purpose of going out together on weekends has been achieved.

Yi Wenna quietly trailed Ye Qing half a step, moved towards Ai Liang and made a face where she couldn't see.

His eyes were full of pride.

So how did Ai Liang deal with this childish behavior?

He looked at his mobile phone with concentrated attention completely, and didn't have the slightest reaction to the two's action plan for tomorrow.

Everything Yiwenna does is equivalent to winking at the blind.

She was a little unwilling and took the initiative to slow down, deliberately blocking Ai Liang's way.

Ai Liang then raised his head and gave her a suspicious look.

In fact, what Ye Qing and Yi Wenna talked about didn't go through Ai Liang's brain at all.

After the eardrum receives the vibration, the relevant content is directly inserted into the relevant position by the automatic sorting mechanism of the memory library.

As mentioned earlier, Ai Liang suffered from a mental illness called hyperamnesia since childhood.

He could not effectively control the retrieval catalogue of his neuron system, sifting out complicated and useless memories.

The small stones on the roadside, the number of wildflowers in the flower beds, the occasional small advertisements, the gossip of passers-by... etc. Ai Liang is receiving a lot of information every minute and every second.

Memories such as these occupy his brain, and he has to maintain an ethereal state of mind at all times.

The original intention of the memory bank is to help Ai Liang process these memories automatically.

After years of transformation and upgrading, Ai Liang's memory database can accurately extract key information.

For example, the chat content of Yi Wenna and Ye Qing's chat was simplified into one sentence after being judged by the sorting mechanism of Ai Liang's memory.

Ye Qing and Yi Wenna are going to play in Jiuhua City tomorrow, Yi Wenna is showing off deliberately.

In one sentence, a simple and clear summary of the main content of the conversation between Ye Qing and Yi Wenna along the way.

Since Ye Qing didn't use herself as a shield, Ai Liang didn't bother to manage the schedule of the two girls.

He is not the nanny for the two of them, so there is no need for them to follow them wherever they go.

However, the more Ai Liang ignored, the angrier Yi Wenna became.

This kind of indifferent behavior fell into Yi Wenna's eyes, as if Ai Liang thought she had no threat.

"Ai Liang, will you come tomorrow?"

Ye Qing suddenly asked.

Ai Liang raised his head and glanced at her: "No."

"Oh, that's fine."

Seeing Ai Liang's rejection, Ye Qing No dissatisfaction was shown.

It was Ivana who was relaxed.

"Speaking of silly Na, you've already walked to the school gate, aren't you going back to the dormitory?"

After the three of them came out of the cafeteria, they moved towards the school gate.

Chen Zili turned back to the dormitory early on the way, only Yi Wenna followed Ye Qing perseveringly.

Yi Wenna giggled: "Isn't this a holiday, I haven't been to your house for a long time, I want to go see..."

Ye Qing said ill-humoredly: "I There's nothing at home, look at some wool, and I'm going to work, do you still plan to follow me to the store?"

"It's not impossible..."

"go go go, hurry back to the dormitory to do the laundry, don't come to the supermarket to interfere with my work, the boss will deduct money when he sees me chatting."

Ye Qing shook off Yi Wenna's arm and waved her wrist. Make an expulsion action.


After getting rid of Yi Wenna, Ye Qing finally had a chance to catch her breath.

Ai Liang handed her the drink she just bought from the vending machine next to the bus stop.

"Thank you."

Ye Qing took the unopened drink unceremoniously, unscrewed the bottle cap and took a big mouthful.

"You didn't know how to help me just now."

Ye Qing held the drink bottle in both hands: "It's very difficult for me to deal with silly Na alone."

Ai Liang lowered her head and brushed her phone: "Can't you handle this?"

Ye Qing poked Ai Liang with her elbow: "How do you see it, I promise her Are you going to Jiuhuacheng tomorrow?"

"If you don't want to go, you can completely reject her on the grounds of part-time work. Since you didn't reject it, it means you want to go."

Ai Liang leaned to the right and opened a little distance from Ye Qing: "Didn't you just use this reason to take away Yi Wenna?

You just said don't go to the supermarket. It hinders work, but I didn't say the specific time, I guess you should have asked for a whole week's vacation."

"Positive solution~"

It's too close to carry it easily. Hand, Ye Qing patted Ai Liang's thigh: "But if you see through it, don't tell it, it's too smart to make people stay away."

"Would you?"

"I Of course I won't."

"Then it's over."

Ye Qing was stunned for a moment and then said with a smile: "You mean, there are Is it enough for me to be by your side?"

"Yeah, after all, I don't like socializing very much. If there are too many people around me, it's not a good thing for me."

Ai Liang ignored Ye Qing's teasing tone and answered this question very seriously.

This time it was Ye Qing's turn to panic.

Her gaze subconsciously dodged for a while, and the hand that patted Ai Liang's thigh shrank back like an electric shock.

There are also bursts of inexplicable feelings in my heart.

But at this moment, a picture flashed through her mind.

Soon Ye Qing regained her composure.

And Ai Liang never turned his head to look at her from the beginning to the end, and quietly swiped his phone.

Ye Qing coughed twice to cover up her lost self-control: "It's my honor to take me so seriously."

"Well, I think so too."

"You bastard..."

Ye Qing was speechless by this straight steel man's speech.

I was clearly saying how important I was just now, but the next sentence gave me a sense of déjà vu, the master expressing affirmation to the servant.

It's like asking how much sorrow you have, just like a spring heart fed a dog.

Bang dong.

Ye Qing fiercely bumped Ai Liang's shoulder to express her dissatisfaction.

Ai Liang leaned in again.

The interaction between the two was quite normal.

But after being processed by the lemon filter, it falls into the eyes of unsuspecting people.

Ye Qing's various actions have turned into a little girlfriend who acts like a spoiled child to her boyfriend.

Especially Ai Liang stared at the phone from beginning to end without twisting his head.

This made passers-by more determined. Ye Qing started quarreling because she was dissatisfied with her boyfriend looking at her phone.

Fuck! Why can such a person find a girlfriend! This damn face-watching era!

Old Brother on the other side of the aisle couldn't hold back.

Cast a killing intent full of eyes at Ai Liang.

(end of this chapter)

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