Dark Light Chaser Chapter 359


Chapter 359 Anti-Bone Boy

This time the ability has changed qualitatively, and it is more powerful than Ai Liang imagined.

He finally had the chance to combine what he had learned with his superpowers.

For example, the electromagnetic gun that everyone often talks about.

Ai Liang can now use telekinesis as a conductive track, and use electromagnetic force to launch metal out.

There are also common resonance effects.

It can destroy a building dozens of meters high with relatively small force.

Can also use infrasound waves to deform and rupture the organs of the ordinary person, killing people invisibly.

But these apps sound pretty bluffing, but for Ai Liang it doesn't really mean much.

These abilities can easily kill humans, but they can't hurt a single hair of the apostles.

Infrasonic weapons are extremely deadly to humans and theoretically more dangerous than nuclear weapons.

But what about spooks and apostles?

It's just a sound at best.

The human body is a very fragile thing, not weird.

After trying several unfinished experiments in the past, a bold and crazy idea popped into Ai Liang's mind.

Can psychic power control atomic nuclei and produce nuclear reactions?

If he can really control it, he is literally a humanoid nuclear bomb.

As soon as this thought occurred, it took root in my mind.

Ai Liang did not hesitate, cautiously perceiving the nucleus.

If the nucleus can be manipulated, he will immediately fly to an unmanned desert to conduct a nuclear test.

However, Ai Liang thought too much.

Atomic nuclei cannot be manipulated like interfering electromagnetic fields.

Ai Liang is a little disappointed, but at the same time full of expectations for the future.

Maybe the next qualitative change in ability will do?

If you really want to deal with the demons and ghosts of the Apostles, you still have to rely on the knowledge of physics related to particle energy.

These bald knowledge are not introduced here one after another.

Ai Liang continued to carry out the ability experiment, occasionally making some small disturbances.

For example, when the electric charge is mobilized, a large dark cloud is attracted, and a certain mountain is accidentally split.

But these are innocuous little things.

Anyway, no one in this wild country has seen it.

It's always impossible that there's a satellite right above his head, right?

You must know that satellite observation has a window period, and it is impossible to keep staring at a certain place.

It takes ten minutes or less to observe a place at most.

Besides, Ai Liang had a huge cloud above his head, and the satellite could not see anything.

As for the mountain that was struck by lightning...

This is an intermountain basin, all around are high mountains, and it belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, with plenty of water vapor above.

With a hard snort, you can disturb the air to accelerate the condensation of water vapor through the echo, causing air convection to experience the feeling of calling the wind and summoning the rain.

In this kind of terrain, it is not very common for the mountain to be struck by lightning.

Ai Liang glanced at the sky, ready to move to another place with a better environment to continue experimenting.

The weather here is too bad.


In a hotel in Qianhua City, a group of people just finished their dinner.

The protagonist of this dinner is a man in his forties with an elegant temperament.

The men, women and children next to him kept bowing to him to thank him, as if this man was their great benefactor.

The man smiled wryly and waved his hand, declining their request to take him home in person.

However, the other party also called a taxi for him, and took out a few whole bills and stuffed them directly to the driver.

Seeing this, the man had to get in the car and say goodbye to several people.

After the car turned a corner and the hotel disappeared from view, the man lightly sighed.

Before his breath slowed down, his expression was as if his heart was being pinched by something, which was very ugly.

“Master, get off at the red light ahead.”

The man said with a gloomy face.

"Ah? But didn't you just get on the bus?"

The driver's face was not very good-looking, after all, there was a commercial street in front of him. If the man in the back seat went to the supermarket to buy some stuff that takes a long time.

'Isn't this guy planning to use me as an order to pull the goods because of the high fare that the man just gave? '

The driver couldn't help but think.

But if you return the money directly to the family, then turn around and go back to wait for the next order.

He was a little reluctant, after all, there were hundreds of them.

Humans are good-natured creatures, and men's fares are given by others.

As long as you don't mention change when you get off the bus, the driver will not believe that the passenger is willing to make change for himself.

The man seemed to have guessed what the driver was thinking, and waved his hand impatiently: "I don't need to look for the money, but I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I got off at the front."

"Well, good."

The driver agreed quickly and didn't say a word of nonsense.

As soon as the accelerator is stepped on, it immediately turns to the intersection and stops.

As soon as the man got out of the car, the driver immediately turned around, for fear of the other party raising the fare.

After the taxi left, the man walked into an Internet cafe, then left the back door to a small alley.

There is no surveillance in the alley, and at this time, there are no Internet addicts who come out to smoke and breathe.

After all, at noon, all night long went home to sleep.

The man just walked into the corner of the alley when red light flashed and a man with a strange mask appeared in front of him.

It was Janus.

"It's so slow," Janus said, sitting cross-legged in midair.

"What's the matter with me?"

The man said neither humble nor arrogant.

He did not bow down to the apostles like the other masks.

"Tsk, it's okay, find a time to kill the drug lord who came to Qianhua Market with you, the guy called the wolf."

Yanu Si took the file to sharpen his nails, and the fallen horny powder turned into black smoke and dissipated: "Time is running out, we must finish before the end of the year, this guy knows that you can change your body, it is best to silence."

The man was silent for a while and said: "I am not him."

Janus sneered: "I don't care who you are, you will give every ant you raise a Name?"

The man couldn't help clenching his fists when he heard this remark.

But reason and instinct told him to obey the man in front of him.

Janus could see what the man was thinking, but he didn't care much less.

As he said, who cares what an ant thinks?

As long as he can complete the task he has given him, Janus is too lazy to care about what the people under his command think.

With some exceptions.

The man let go of his hands as if resigned: "I understand, is there anything else?"

"You don't say I almost forgot, there is indeed one more thing. "

Janus jumped out of the in midair and threw the file into the Transmission Gate: "I remember the bank robbery, Song Jie planned it, right? Is this the idea you gave him?"

The man heart trembled, subconsciously takes a half step back.

And Janus walked slowly towards the man, forcing him to keep retreating.

Boom, the man's back pressed against the wall.

He was driven into a dead end.

Janus condensed a scarlet long sword and inserted it directly into the man's ear.

"Why are you both born to be rebellious?"

(end of this chapter)

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