Dark Light Chaser Chapter 37


Chapter 37 One-sided battle

"Have all the guys brought them?" The leader took out his pistol and loaded it. asked.

The rest of the people took out items such as daggers, folding knives, restraint belts, tapes, anesthetics, sacks, etc. It was a professional team at first sight.

Seeing that the guys are all ready, the lead big brother is ready to go in and kidnap people.

Mus had explained that he had to live. He had to knock out the hands of the group of people who smashed his bar, and then deal with them.

This matter must use thunder means to establish prestige, otherwise his stronghold will be smashed, but the so-called No. 1 intelligence businessman in China does not dare to act due to the unknown identity of the other party, and spreads it out. It will directly become the laughing stock of all underground forces.

The side door of the warehouse was not locked, they easily picked the lock and slipped in.

After entering from the side door, there is a staircase, together with the office building next to it. They wanted to touch the office quietly and tie people up, but as soon as they entered the door, they saw the mission target and a person with a The man in the crying face mask leaned against the wall.

"I told you a long time ago that I would let you learn some anti-tracking skills, but you don't even know if someone came to you." The masked man said taunted: "Even if you can't learn it, you can directly copy the relevant memory through the mask. I have a treasure trove of skills but don’t seek to make progress, it’s really a waste.”

Wang Dafu said in a tranquil voice: “When people are old, their spirit strength is not as good as you youngsters, I just want to be the one in charge of intelligence. The logistics staff."

The masked man raised his head very high, deliberately lowered his eyes to look at Wang Dafu, and said in a charitable tone: "I have acquired some hacking knowledge yesterday, you come to me Saying it's useless, my team doesn't need waste, but for the sake of friendship in the past, I can let you go."

"Boy, I can't control your infighting, obediently and honestly follow me Let's go." The lead big brother interrupted their cross talk performance and aimed the gun at the masked man. Compared with the fatty who was fat, the strange man with the mask in front of him was more threatening.

"It's very impolite to interrupt someone's speech, but for the sake of your imminent death, I will forgive you mercifully." The masked man narrowed his eyes and looked at him contemptuously : "Who is your name Gao Bin?"

The leader only thought that this guy was a mental disorder and directly instructed his subordinates: "Tie him up."

He didn't want to be involved in this mental disorder. Disorder is wasting bullets, and there will be time to torture this bad-mouthed guy.

The masked man twisted his neck contrivedly.

"Just use you guys to experiment with your fighting skills."

"Fighting skills?" It's time to talk about fighting skills, the times have changed a long time ago, SB!"

"The times have changed." The masked man's bare skin began to congeal and turn red, "But how have you changed? I don't even know!"

tone barely fell , the masked man was like a bullet out of the chamber, and the bullet shot in front of the leader, the latter didn't realize what happened, only felt that something was rushing towards him , so he subconsciously shot forward.

The bullet hit the steel support of the warehouse with the sound of sou sou and echoed.

Without aiming, this shot is naturally empty.

But he didn't get a second shot.

A red, hot, powerful fist had reached his abdomen.

There are many internal organs in the abdominal cavity, especially rich in nerve distribution. The sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves that innervate the organs are intertwined to form a neural network. neural connections.

Blowing the part below the sternum sword and above the navel with a fist can stimulate the Sun God meridian in the abdominal cavity and cause a strong neural response, which can immediately cause severe abdominal pain and cause people to be unable to breathe and stand up and abdominal muscle spasm.

The leader of this momentum is big, power is deep punched directly, his whole body was stiff and his eyes widened, his eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets, desperately bulging out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a tumult in the stomach, and he spit out all the food he had eaten at noon, and then lay on his side on the ground and curled up into a ball, vomiting food residues from the corners of his mouth.

Looking at the leader who was unconsciously trembling on the ground, the masked man said in admiration: "I thought this fist could kill you directly, or even knock you unconscious, didn't you? 't expect your physical fitness is pretty good, but you shouldn't survive for two minutes with internal bleeding."

Said, the masked man picked up the pistol and aimed it at the peng~ peng~ peng~ above. clip.

"Although the pistol is not very threatening, it still hurts to hit the body." The four-person masked man who was shocked explained with a smile, and then threw the pistol aside.

The four of them also knew that this time they encountered a stubborn stubble, but they also came out of the black zone, so how could they easily surrender.

One of them took out a dagger and rushed up. The masked man gently dodged right and avoided the stab in advance. Before the other party could react, his left hand was already restrained.

He was horrified to find that he couldn't break free, just like a person trying to push a building one centimeter with all his strength, no matter how hard he struggled, the palm was hot and red like a ghost hand. It made it hard for him to move.

Not waiting for him to express this panic, the masked man continued to exert his strength, pulling his left arm back while grasping his wrist.

There are so many masked men not just to bring him down. In the process of pulling down, the masked man's left foot suddenly bounced and kicked between his legs.

The spectators seemed to hear the sound of something shattering, and their crotch suddenly felt cold.

And the client had already passed out, but the masked man obviously didn't intend to let him go. Throw it aside.

Looking at this monster with a red mask, the other three dared to step forward and ran away.

The masked man, picking up the dagger, aimed at one of them.

xiu xiu!

Under the blessing of Juli, the dagger was inserted directly into the neck and pierced through the carotid artery. The blood flowed like a spurt, and the man soon struggled to die.

The remaining two people did not dare to look back when they heard the movement. They ran even harder, but it was all useless. The explosive power of the masked man has exceeded the limit of the human body. , grabbed a person's neck with one hand and threw it back.

"Ah, I forgot to ask them who Gao Bin is." The masked man looked at the two corpses and the leader who acted recklessly, and then he remembered that he was still looking for Gao Bin. come.

The masked man came to the remaining two and asked, "Who is Gao Bin?"

The two surviving people gasped heavily and looked at the band in horror. The weird person wearing a mask with a crying face. When they first entered the door, they only thought this mask was funny, but now it is like Death God. They even suspected that behind the mask is simply not a human face, but a monster in human skin.

"I'll ask again, who is Gao Bin?" The masked man pressed closer and came to the two of them.

The man responsible for injecting anesthesia into the hostage gave a shivered, and the dive light flashed in his head immediately shouted: "I'm Gao Bin! I'm Gao Bin! Don't kill me!"

The accomplice next to him was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized the meaning of what his accomplice did. Before he could speak, an air needle was injected into his neck.

He looked at his companion who was close to his brother in disbelief, and stared firmly at the pair of frightened eyes with a desire to survive. Before he died, he saw fear in the eyes of his companions. I saw the desire for life, but I didn't have the guilt I wanted to see.

'This is the life of drowning in the black zone. '

After he laughed at himself in the bottom of his heart, his consciousness fell into darkness.

"Oh? Are you Gao Bin?" The masked man looked at the man with interest, and didn't care that he stabbed his companion to death.

"That's right! What do you want to ask?"

The man with a flattering smile rolled and crawled to the masked man.

This kind of casual Sovereign other people's life and death, the pleasure of being flattered and flattered makes the masked man intoxicated.

He slowly crouched down and said, "It's nothing, I didn't seek you for any information."

The man was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and continued to tout: "I'll hang out with you in the future. Whether it's going up Blade Mountain or going down fire sea, as long as you say a word, I'll never frown!"

"Eh, eh, it's serious."


The masked man patted the man on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't be so troublesome, I just got an order from above to find you."

The man was relaxed in his heart, and finally escaped.

However, the masked man pulled him back to hell in the next sentence.

"The boss told me to kill Gao Bin."

The man's flattering smile froze.

(end of this chapter)

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