Dark Light Chaser Chapter 385


Chapter 385 Reservation

In order not to be disturbed by group news at night, Ai Liang blocked the conversation in advance.

So that in the middle of the night, people in the class ask other questions in the group, and this guy can't make up his mind and ask himself again.

"Besides, since you have become the acting squad leader, it's best to check the weather conditions for next week first. Remember to look at the weather in Neihua City, not the Thousand Flower Market."


"Yes, yes, I almost forgot about this."

Jin Pingan hurriedly added another entry to the notepad.

After the recording was completed, he relieved: "Thank you! Now I won't be in a hurry, didn't expect Ai Liang, you actually said so much, I was prepared to be rejected by you. ..."

Can you speak? Shut up if you can't speak.

Ai Liang gave Jin Ping'an a blank look, then swallowed the last spring roll: "Goodbye."

"Hey, wait for me!"

Jin Ping'an I saw Ai Liang get up, put away the phone, and plan to leave with a plate.

Because he also wanted to chat a couple of times on the road.

Ai Liang did not speak, but raised his finger and pointed to the dinner plate in front of him.

It was only then that Jin Ping'an realized that he was busy looking for Ai Liang to ask all sorts of questions, but the lunch on the plate didn't move at all.

Wasting food is a shameful act. Jin Ping An stared at the food on the plate and sat down angrily.

By the time he raised his head again, Ai Liang was far away.


It’s Saturday afternoon.

With Yu Xin's dismissal from school, the temporary class will officially end.

The students in the key classes dispersed in a rush, leaving the classroom and rushing to the cafeteria.

Anyway, they don't have to study at night tonight. They have a lot of time to go back to the dormitory to pack up and prepare for the next trip.

Ai Liang and Ye Qing are no exception.

The two students did not need to go to self-study, and went home as usual.

For this joint entrance exam, Ye Qing asked the supermarket for ten days off.

Like her, she asked for leave every three days, but she has not been fired.

Sometimes even Ai Liang couldn't help but wonder if Ye Qing was Zhu Lan's illegitimate daughter.

Back home.

Ai Liang doesn't have much to pack here, just pick up a few sets of clothes and throw them in the suitcase, even if they're ready.

After all, he doesn't need to review the exam papers with books in the hotel, and he doesn't have the excitement of traveling.

It's easy to pack up without a bunch of miscellaneous things.

And Ye Qing next door is not so simple.

Girls have more things to prepare than boys.

In addition to school uniforms, you need to bring a lot of personal clothes, hygiene products, cosmetics, skin care products, shopping bags, etc. to wear when traveling.

When Ai Liang made dinner and knocked on the door, Ye Qing was still busy in the bedroom.

dong dong dong.

Ye Qing's house did not have an electronic doorbell, so Ai Liang could only knock on the door manually.

"Got it! I'll be there soon!"

Ye Qing didn't come to open the door, but informed Ai Liang through the door.

Ai Liang turned around and went home to serve dinner without urging.

Not long after, Ye Qing stepped on the slippers pa ta pa ta and walked into the living room.

She rolled up her sleeves to the crook of her arms, clearly not packing her bags.

After washing her hands in the bathroom, Ye Qing sat down beside Ai Liang: "Wow, I only found out after a long trip that I have so many things to bring. It's a hassle to pack up."

Ai Liang picked up the chopsticks and put the chopsticks head and mushrooms into the bowl: "Anyway, you don't have to go to work today, it's not too late to clean up after dinner."

"After eating I also have to wash and clean the house.”

Ye Qing picked up the bowl and took a sip of the rice: “This is a week’s walk, so I have to clean up the house and clean up some commonly used furniture. Cover it with a dust-proof film... I don't see you doing a lot of cleaning."

Do you still need to use other things to clean up when you are motivated?

Use psychic power to roll around the house, making sure not even a grain of sand is left.

"I usually finish cleaning before you get off work."

Ai Liang casually made up an excuse to deal with Ye Qing.

"No wonder."

Ye Qing didn't think much about it, and naturally accepted this reason.

"By the way, A Liang, is there any interesting place in Neihua City, please tell me about it."

Why is this question again.

Ai Liang looked at Ye Qing speechlessly.

In the past two days, Jin Ping'an is asking, Chen Zili is asking, and you are also asking?

It feels like a person who learns web design. A friend knows that his occupation is related to computers. Whenever there is a problem with the computer, he asks him if he can repair the computer.

“What do you think?” Ai Liang asked rhetorically.

Ye Qing smiled hehe and replied: "I think so, you probably don't know."

Then you still come to ask me?

Ai Liang glanced at her and said nothing.

Ye Qing's words changed at this time, and her little hand grabbed Ai Liang's cuff and gently tugged: "However, you are also a native of Neihua City, so you can't ignore the way, take me around. Let's go shopping."

"Isn't there a tour guide from a travel agency?"

Ye Qing pouted and said, "It's boring to follow a tour guide, it's nothing more than an introduction according to the contents of the manual. Going to a scenic spot and taking a group of people for a walk, it's better to plan it yourself."

Ye Qing raised her hand and gently shook Ai Liang's forearm, "Okay, okay, anyway, you definitely won't. Follow the tour guide, why don't you take us with you."

Ai Liang caught the key word in Ye Qing's mouth: "We?"

Ye Qing nodded: "Silly Na, she is sure I'll come with you, so I can't drive her away."

Ai Liang thought about it, if he was only with Ye Qing, he might refuse to avoid trouble, but he would bring two more people No problem.

He counted the time: "If it's next Saturday or Sunday, it's fine. I have something to do on Friday, so you can go with the tour guide first."

"I have something to do."


Ye Qing tilted her head and asked.

"Well, November 5th coincides with two friends' birthdays, so let's talk to them."

Ai Liang was held down by Ye Qing's right hand, so he switched to his left hand To hold chopsticks, left and right hands are the dominant hands anyway.

Hearing Ai Liang's explanation, Ye Qing was silent for two seconds.

Immediately released his hand and said, "tsk tsk tsk, it's really popular, classmate A Liang, if that's the case, then I'll make reservations for next Saturday and the weekend, so don't forget about it. Just let me go."

Ai Liang nodded and replied: "If there is no accident."

Ye Qing spit out: "If there is an accident, say this. A sentence is usually unexpected."

"Compared to this, if you don't eat, the food will be cold."

"OK! OK!"

Ye Qing picked up the bowl and began to bury her head in cooking.

In order to make it easier for her to serve the rice, Ai Liang specially moved the rice cooker to the dining table, so that she would get up and run to the kitchen after eating a bowl.

It didn't take long for Ye Qing to scrambled pork with mushrooms, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, sautéed eggplant with sauce, and added half a rice cooker to Ye Qing's stomach.

This amount of food can support at least five Ai Liang.

After dinner, Ye Qing took the initiative to clean up the table, took the pots and dishes to the kitchen, and then took out the cleaning utensils from the closet with ease.

This is the task assignment that the two of them said before.

Ai Liang is in charge of cooking and Ye Qing is in charge of washing dishes after meals.

Half a month later, she knows Ai Liang's kitchen like the back of her hand.

(end of this chapter)

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