Dark Light Chaser Chapter 412


Chapter 412 Pajamas

"What do you mean? Stop eating?" Ye Qing wondered.

Yi Wenna was not happy with this, she wished Ai Liang didn't come to the banquet hall for dinner.

She was the only one sitting beside Ye Qing at the dining table.

Yi Wenna took Ye Qing's arm: "Aiya, Ai Liang is definitely going to accompany his old classmates to dinner, so let's not disturb him."

Yi Wenna deliberately accentuated the word 'old classmate', for fear that Ye Qing would not misunderstand.

Ye Qing had no choice but to let go of her doubts and walk into the hotel under Yi Wenna's half-pull and half-push drag.

Ai Liang walked to the other side of the hotel according to the positioning sent by Yang Xingyue.

The students of Qianhua Experimental Middle School live in the south area of the hotel, and the apartment where Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue live is in the north area of the hotel.

As they say, it's two steps across the road.

Ai Liang stood downstairs in the apartment and dialed Yue Qihua's mobile number and asked her to help open the door.

Then take the elevator and go all the way to door 401 on the fourth floor.

The door was ajar and not closed.

Ai Liang stood at the door and knocked: "Qihua, Xingyue?"

"Come on!"

Yang Xingyue's voice was the first From inside the house, she trotted on her slippers and ushered Ai Liang in: "The door is specially reserved for you, just come in directly."

"I have to make sure this is where you live. That's it."

Ai Liang casually found a reason to explain.

If you tell Yang Xingyue that this is a matter of politeness, she will definitely express her position immediately, saying "don't be polite to us", "just treat this place as your own" and a series of words that imply her attitude.

After being together for nearly three years, they don't necessarily know the real Ai Liang, but Ai Liang can be said to have pinpointed their personalities.

The air conditioner has been on for a while, and the temperature in the room has climbed to the point where you can wear a shirt directly.

Yang Xingyue, who just came back from outside, was wearing a cartoon fleece warm pajamas, and the whole person was pink, and the girl's heart was bursting.

Yang Xingyue went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot milk and brought it to Ai Liang: "It's cold outside, let's have a warm drink to warm up first, Hua Hua is taking a bath and will come out soon."


Holding the milk, Ai Liang looked strange for a while.

Why do you look like the bustard in the store?

Looking at Yang Xingyue with an innocent smile, Ai Liang shook his head and decided to change the subject: "Why do I have to take a shower as soon as I get home?"

"Simple Get down, I've been stuck in the car all day today, and I always feel stuffy if I don't take a shower."

Yang Xingyue looked away and sat next to Ai Liang with a hairdryer, his tone slightly raise.

Her hair was wet, and there was a fragrance of shower gel on her body, apparently she had just come out of the bathroom not long ago.

However, the two of them took a bath at this time, probably not just because they had been in the car all day.

A large part of the reason is that I learned that someone was coming, and I was going to wash up and dress up in advance...

Ai Liang took the milk and sipped it.

The chandelier in the living room casts a warm yellow light, and the warm air from the vertical air conditioner dissipates the chill in the air.

The fragrance brought by the hair dryer around me from time to time dances lightly and gracefully on the tip of my nose.

Everything looks warm and beautiful.

"...Xingyue, come here."

Yue Qihua in the bathroom shouted through a frosted glass door.

"What's the matter?"

Yang Xingyue asked in a high voice, but he was still firmly pinned to the sofa and did not want to get up.

"Come here!"

Yue Qihua shouted again.

This time, there was a hint of shame in her tone.

Yang Xingyue tilted her head and looked puzzled. She turned to Ai Liang and said, "Ai Liang, wait a moment, I'll see why Hua Hua called me."

Yang Xingyue opened the door of the bathroom compartment and walked in.

Ai Liang did not listen carefully to what the two were arguing inside, but focused on the layout of the apartment.

The apartment where Yue Qihua and the others live is much larger than that of Ai Liang, about 160 to 180 square meters, which is more than twice the size of Ai Liang's rental apartment .

The apartment has three bedrooms and one living room, one kitchen and two bathrooms. There is a small utility room at the edge of the living room, which is used to store cleaning tools such as vacuum cleaners and sweeping robots.

After observing the layout of the room, Yang Xingyue pulled Yue Qihua out of the bathroom.

There is no glamorous welfare scene. Due to the drop in temperature, both of them are dressed very tightly.

It's just Yue Qihua's clothes, a little out of the way.

Yue Qihua is wearing a very childish yellow animal pajamas.

She has two pointed feline ears on the hat on her head, a short furry tail drooping down the waist of her clothes, and a big "王" character printed on her chest.

To tell the truth, children in elementary school may not be able to wear this kind of clothes, at least the age of the audience should be reduced to kindergarten.

Ai Liang quietly looked at Yue Qihua's pajamas, and after holding it for a long time, a sentence came out of his mouth: "The clothes are very cute."

"These are not my clothes. !"

Yue Qihua blushed and yelled frantically: "I asked Xingyue to bring me a set of clothes before taking a shower, who knew she brought me her pajamas! "

"It's obvious that the clothes that Aunt bought for you have been kept at my place."

Yang Xingyue pouted and forcibly took Yue Qihua's hand to come. Sit down on the sofa.

"Didn't I say it long ago, this outfit is for you!"

Yue Qihua curled up and tried to reduce the display area of the clothes.

If Yang Xingyue hadn't been holding on, she would have run back to the room long ago.

"But I didn't say I wanted it."

Yang Xingyue blinked and smiled slyly: "Besides, this dress is so cute, I've wanted to see it for a long time. You are wearing it, Ai Liang, you think so too, right?"

Seeing Yang Xingyue throwing the topic to himself, Ai Liang had to cooperate with nodded.

To be honest, I'm used to seeing Yue Qihua's mature dress, but now I see her wearing cartoon pajamas, there is indeed a kind of contrast.

Especially the king character on the chest looks very happy.

"What are you looking at!" Yue Qihua said fiercely.

This tone, coupled with the blush and angry face... always gives people a feeling that the door to the New World has been opened.

Ai Liang discovered for the first time that Yue Qihua had such a lovely side.

After Yang Xingyue dried her hair, Ai Liang took out the prepared gift and handed it to the two of them: "Happy Birthday."

Yue Qihua looked at the jewelry box in front of him, The body started to stiffen a little not knowing what to do .

Yang Xingyue was much more straightforward and asked directly: "Can I open it and take a look?"

Ai Liang put the jewelry box in his left hand into Yang Xingyue's palm: " It was originally a gift for you, please do."

Seeing that Yang Xingyue had already accepted the gift, Yue Qihua quickly extended the hand and put the gift into his arms, and then continued to keep his knees curled up. Posture, do not let Ai Liang see his clothes.

(end of this chapter)

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