Dark Light Chaser Chapter 414


Chapter 414 Dress Up

"Stop talking!"

Yue Qihua turned his back to Ai Liang, The way to hide the red ears, and then speed up the pace to get into the room, closing the door with a thud.

But you can't go out and wear this dress...

Yue Qihua only heard the first half of the sentence, and before Ai Liang finished the second half of the sentence, she covered it. She hid in the room with her ears closed.

Ai Liang shook his head and refocused his attention on his phone: "Forget it, the result is the same anyway."

Ai Liang didn't bother to hear only the first half of the sentence Yue Qihua, will not misunderstand anything.

It is indeed his true opinion that Yue Qihua is cute in that dress.

There is no misunderstanding.

Based on Yue Qihua's understanding of herself, it is not difficult to tell whether this is a simple compliment or a slapstick with a special meaning.

After all, Yue Qihua is not a girl like Yang Xingyue.

Ai Liang believes that martial power can be a school bully, and the game can get five kills. He is called a woman by heroes from all walks of life, and the impossible name confuses his heart.

As Ai Liang thought, Yue Qihua who returned to his room, after losing Ai Liang's gaze, his pounding heart gradually returned to calm.

She walks to the closet and takes off her cartoon pajamas, revealing her mature body curves far beyond her peers.

But looking at the pajamas in his hand, Yue Qihua didn't put it in the closet, but left it out of the way, planning to wear it at night.

Yue Qihua's style is one word.


It didn't take long for Ai Liang to see Yue Qihua again.

At this time, the other party has changed into a strong dress, a gray turtleneck sweater and black tight cotton pants.

This outfit shows off your curves without appearing revealing.

It's very suitable for a girl with a good figure like her.

Yue Qihua deliberately stood in front of Ai Liang for two seconds, wanting to see Ai Liang's reaction.

Yue Qihua is very confident about her figure.

It's a pity that Ai Liang was typing on her phone from beginning to end, and she didn't say anything except for a glance when she came out.

The wink was thrown at the blind man, making Yue Qihua both annoyed and discouraged.

I couldn't help but start thinking about Ai Liang's preferences.

'Does Ai Liang like that kind of childish and cute style? Or is he sorry? Uh, the probability of sorry shouldn't be big...'

However, before Yue Qihua could figure it out, Yang Xingyue called her to help in the kitchen.

Compared to Yang Xingyue, which can't even heat hot dishes with ten fingers, Yue Qihua knows which ones can be heated directly in a microwave oven and which ones need to be put in a pot.

So, after Yue Qihua entered the kitchen, Yang Xingyue resolutely slipped back to his room to change clothes.

Ai Liang wanted to go to the kitchen to start a fight, but watching the information bombing on his mobile phone, he thought about it and felt that the two sisters would not be able to do small things like hot dishes well, and they sat on the sofa again. sit down.

It was none other than Ye Qing who sent Ai Liang a message.

Ai Liang took out his mobile phone to tell the head teacher that he might be going back later when he was watching a movie.

After all, even if he is a native of Neihua City and disappears without a word, it will still cause a lot of trouble for the head teacher.

As for the permission of the head teacher, it is not within the scope of consideration.

After greeting the head teacher, Ai Liang explained the matter to Chen Zili in the group leader and asked him to skip himself during the rounds.

Who made his room only one person?

Ye Qing seized the opportunity at this moment, grabbed Ai Liang who was about to dive, and started the private message bombing mode.

[Hello? Hey? Hey? Are you there? ] - Ye Qing.

[Aliang don't hide, I know you're watching. ] - Ye Qing.

[Agreed to take me out to play tomorrow, you don't really plan to stay home at night, right? ] - Ye Qing.

Ye Qing sent Euler Euler Euler's boxing cat emoji while sending a message.

The special message prompts pop up one by one on the lock screen interface, and Ai Liang will not be able to reply.

【What's the matter? ]

Ai Liang asked directly.

【Where are you now? have you eaten? 】 Ye Qing asked immediately.

[At the classmate's house, they are preparing to have dinner. The apartment they live in is in the apartment building across the road north of the hotel. Did you ask? ]

Ai Liang answered all the questions Ye Qing might ask in one breath, very consciously.

Ye Qing sent a detective emoticon.

[Wow, I did everything without asking you anything, it seems that you have a ghost in your heart jpg]


Yes Damn you, whoever has a ghost in their heart would explain it so clearly.

[Forget it, forget about it. ]

Ye Qing did not worry too much about Ai Liang's current environment, and she quickly shifted the topic to the next two days of travel.

[This rain has ruined the original plan of the tour. The aquarium and museum were originally arranged in the morning the day after tomorrow, but I heard that the class teacher is going to allocate class fees and take us to the playground tomorrow morning. , I don't know if it's true. ]

[So what? ]

Ai Liang knew that Ye Qing was definitely not concerned about these.

[So you are not allowed to release my pigeons. You will be my tour guide for two days after you agree. ]

Ye Qing said solemnly.

[Didn't I say, I'll be back after watching the movie. ]

Ai Liang looked at the phone helplessly.

[For the sake of your answer so clearly, I will reluctantly believe you once. ]

[By the way, when I came back, help me buy two skewers of grilled chicken wings at the barbecue restaurant near the hotel. The chicken wings in that restaurant are old and fragrant, so I have to eat them a few more times while still in Neihua City. ]

Ye Qing sent a red envelope, plus a drooling emoji.

Ai Liang accepted the red envelope and returned an OK gesture.

Ai Liang didn't ask which store's grilled chicken wings. Because of the exam in the past few days, Ye Qing took him to the nearby snack street almost every night.

After dealing with Ye Qing, Ai Liang put down the phone.

Yang Xingyue took longer to change clothes than Yue Qihua.

She didn't come out of the room until Yue Qihua started putting food on the table.

If Yue Qihua's dress is a mature sister style, then Yang Xingyue is taking the pure and lovely line.

Yang Xingyue wears a pure white little pointed collar shirt top half with a deep blue bow tied at the collarbone.

The lower body is a plaid skirt similar to the color of the tie.

The slender and round legs are wrapped in velvet white stockings, and they look extremely Q-bounce, making people almost unable to control the desire to go forward and knead.

Yang Xingyue stood in front of Ai Liang, turned around shyly, and then asked in a soft and sweet voice, "Does it look good?"

Ai Liang nodded. : "It's cute."

To be honest, Ai Liang's vocabulary in praise is very lacking.

A few months ago he couldn't even speak, let alone boast.

But even such a simple compliment still made Yang Xingyue's face burst into a peach-like smile.

As the saying goes, love is in the eyes of a lover, and a sweetheart's praise is better than any outsider's sweet words.

(end of this chapter)

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