Dark Light Chaser Chapter 43


Chapter 43 Chaotic Memories

After everything was settled, the Rangers of the Countermeasures Bureau arrived slowly.

This is not because the organization is bloated and the dispatch speed is slow, but it requires sufficient time to prepare related items.

The negative Spiritual Fluctuation emitted by the mask at the moment of death will leave reverberations on the scene. Depending on the size of the mask's own spirit strength, it will take about one to five years for it to be completely dissipate.

Reverberation can easily affect a person's mental state, just like a person living in a cemetery all year round, Essence, Qi, and Spirit will never get better.

The main task of the Rangers is to deal with the reverberation left by monsters or people.

Although the members of the Rangers are all elites in the major units, unfortunately, in the face of some special strangeness, they are no different from lambs that are slaughtered by others.

Sometimes the negative energy of the monster's presence alone drives these people crazy.

even more how this time also involves a thousand-faced man, his spiritual attainments are definitely the highest group of people in the world.

He only needs to leave a little bit of backhand in the mind of the mask under him, and he can easily cause all the ordinary persons within five kilometers to go crazy.

Of course, generally speaking people with a thousand faces don't do that.

But who would risk his life to bet that he didn't leave behind?

You can win a dozen or even dozens of times, but once you hit it, you're done.

And this time, they not only have to deal with the reverberation, but also explore the reason why Gao Bin's strong colony armor lost signal.

For this they need to be fully prepared, so they come very slowly.

Three armored vehicles lined up outside the warehouse.

A group of people, wearing special protective clothing similar to military uniforms, rushed down from the car.

This kind of protective clothing is a lower-level product of the powerful armor, which can be used by anyone and can isolate pollution to a certain extent.

They quickly pulled up a cordon around the warehouse, and put down a dark green cylinder every ten meters to surround the warehouse.

In a group of hidden azure protective suits, the man with shorts and short sleeves and slippers looked particularly eye-catching, even though he was wearing the same coat.

It made him look a little nondescript.

A coat alone is not enough to hide the fresh and refined temperament of flip-flops.

Like a pack of wolves mixed in with an Erha, this Erha is still the leader of the wolf pack and looks very awkward.

"Congratulations Captain, the armor still hasn't responded."

One of the team members said with a tablet.

"Congratulations to Captain?"

The team member next to him repeated.

He Jun then turned his head to look at him: "If there's a fart, let it go, do you want me to respond before I know how to continue?"


The team members who have been trained for a while are not annoyed and continue to analyze with the tablet: "According to the on-site analysis, the signal of the strong colony armor is very weak, and although there are related remnants of the mask in the warehouse, the main body is missing. It is speculated that The target is likely to have left, please give the next step!"

"Stand by, I will go in to see the situation, within ten minutes, no one will be allowed in without my permission."

He Jun, who was originally observing the details of the clues around the warehouse, was interrupted by him and didn't bother to continue reading, and went straight to the side door of the warehouse.

He Jun didn't rush to check the people lying on the ground, but took out white gloves from his coat pocket and put them on.

He walked slowly around the warehouse wall, looking carefully for any traces of human beings.

"Tsk, just as I thought, the five people 1, 2, and 3 should belong to the same group." He Jun quickly came to a conclusion after briefly examining the five corpses with gloves.

After reading the five corpses, he came to the fainted Wang Dafu again, and swept the watch on him.

"The degree of mental erosion is very low, so I probably haven't used the mask a few times."

After checking everyone, He Jun walked to Gao Bin and picked up the mask The box of the armored core, and then looked at Xu Zhihai's body.

"The carotid artery was cut, and the direction of the incision should be from the back. Gao Bin did it?"

He Jun wrinkled frowned, this result is in accordance with the scene. The inferred conclusion is slightly wrong.

"In other words, in addition to the mask that escaped, the six corpses on the ground, and the two comatose people, there was at least one person at the scene."

Can remove the core from Gao Bin's body Taking it out is definitely not something that ordinary masks can do, so the person who performed the operation must have a higher level than the other two masks.

Based on the blood outside the warehouse, one of the masks must have escaped.

If it is the escape mask that kills the person doing the surgery, it is impossible not to bring the armor core.

It is impossible to say that Gao Bin drove him away.

If Gao Bin wounded the escaped man first, and then was tied to the operating table by sneak attack to take out the core, there would be no need for that man to escape.

You said that Gao Bin killed one of them in a sneak attack while chatting with the person who had the operation and the person who escaped, and then forced the other person away?

Don't be kidding, you can run away, and you are afraid of a guy who will be opened and broken without the strong colony armor?

Everything was done, He Jun opened the box again to check the status of the core.

"You can't look at the wounded first." Gao Bin, who was lying on the ground, suddenly said.

"Yo, don't you pretend? As soon as you enter the door, I can see that you are pretending to be dead here."

"The ghost knows whether you are an enemy or a friend." Gao Bin gritted his teeth Muttered.

He Jun squatted down in front of him and gave him a Catalyst, which was specially prepared for users of strong colony armor.

It can quickly heal injuries by intensifying a small part of the armor distributed in the human body.

Like Mama Rong's needle, it is refreshed with one stitch.

After playing Catalyst, He Jun checked Gao Bin's injury, "Live dissection, is this guy such a wild way?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, what can you do in a mask? How many normal people are there?" Gao Bin, whose labor pains were relieved, was no longer as weak as before.

"They used degenerate bombs?"

"No way." Gao Bin took He Jun's shoulder and said ill-humoredly.

"How many people were in the warehouse at the time?" He Jun carried Gao Bin out of the warehouse, and the surrounding Rangers immediately ran over with stretchers and put people on stretchers.

After He Jun waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, they dispersed, and then cleaned the scene with various obscure instruments.

"Except for the mask that ran away, the rest of the people are here. As for the identities of the people on the ground, even if I don't believe it, you should be able to see it."

Gao Bin was lying on a stretcher with his back to the sky.

It's great that I can extend my vacation for a while now.

"Impossible, there must be other people at the scene."

When Gao Bin fell into the beautiful fantasy of vacation, He Jun said firmly: "If there is no fourth-party force present. , it doesn't make sense in many places."

"The mask, me, and those five people who came to kidnap the ticket, where is the fourth group." Gao Bin couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He Jun asked: "Let's not mention the five people who came here to kidnap the ticket, why do you think you are here?"

"I'm going to investigate the mask, why else? ."

Seeing Gao Bin's expression of emptying his mind and not thinking at all, He Jun noticed something was wrong.

At such a time, Gao Bin should describe in detail everything he experienced and help himself to organize and analyze the details, but he is completely uncooperative.

"I think you were seduced here."

He Jun quietly put his hand in his pocket and pinched something like a ballpoint pen.

"That's right, it was Wang Dafu who brought me here on purpose. What's the matter."

Gao Bin said it confidently.

He Jun didn't answer.

"Since they brought you here with a purpose, what is their purpose, to strengthen the armor?" He Jun straightened out his thoughts and began to reason.

"No matter what their purpose is, it's impossible to let you go, but you're still alive and well."

"It must be armor, my chest They were all torn apart. Also, do you want me to die?"

Gao Bin's brain resisted answering what happened in the warehouse, involuntarily diverting the topic.

He Jun had already noticed this, and each minding their own business went on: "The Fallen Bullet is not something that every mask can use. It's just a salted fish to be slaughtered by others."

"I escaped from the knife after a burst of adrenaline."

Seeing his colleagues deny him so, Gao Bin couldn't help it speak up.

At this point, He Jun was completely sure that something was wrong with Gao Bin.

"Gao Bin, haven't you noticed yet, there is something wrong with your memory."

He Jun looked at him very seriously.

"No, I remember everything clearly."

"Tell me, how did Wang Dafu in handcuffs fall into a coma? Why wasn't the mask that escaped? You make up for the knife? If their purpose is your armor, why don't you take the core with you when you leave?"

He Jun held Gao Bin's head firmly and looked directly into his eyes: " Explain to me, Man with a Thousand Faces!"

(end of this chapter)

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