Dark Light Chaser Chapter 47


Chapter 47 one after another

The air in the classroom is very dull, and the chatter of the students is mixed with the hum of the electric fan The hum, the temperature of the classroom continued to rise like a microwave oven.

In the morning, everyone was quietly studying every minute and every second. However, with the return of the students who asked for leave, those who had been sitting in the classroom for a month could no longer bear the loneliness.

We will enter the examination room tomorrow, and the three-year classmate relationship will end today. Everyone is filling in the classmate record and chatting in a frenzy.

Only a small number of people still want to take advantage of this time to consolidate themselves, Yang Xingyue is one of them, after all, her goal is the key class of the experimental middle school, even if she is affirmed by Ai Liang, she will not. Take it lightly.

Different from Yang Xingyue, who ignored the external environment and worked hard to write questions, Yue Qihua was not so calm.

Since morning, there has been a steady stream of love letters handed to her through the rest of the class.

For her, for Yang Xingyue, and even for Ai Liang.

After asking Yang Xingyue's consent, Yue Qihua wrapped the love letters sent to the sisters in plastic bags and threw them into the trash together.

The love letter to Ai Liang was stuffed into his desk drawer.

I don't know if it was influenced by the atmosphere of the classroom, Yue Qihua just felt very irritable, but at this time, she couldn't pull a few people to play games together as usual.

Although Yue Qihua wanted to talk about recent events together, she suppressed the thought.

She and Ai Liang can not care about the exam, but Yang Xingyue and Ma Yu can't. They can't pull others into the water just because they are bored for a while. When the exam is over, there will be time for small talk, so let's just bear with it now.

Yue Qihua thinks so and does it too.

Fortunately, the arrival of Ai Liang relieved this anxiety a lot, and she didn't know why, maybe it was an additional partner who also didn't need to care about exams.

“Ai Liang, look at your desk bucket.” Yue Qihua pointed to the desk.

Pop, the crisp sound of a pencil lead breaking from the front.

Xingyue, ah Xingyue, now is not the time to think about that kind of thing. If you slack off at this time, you will regret not being promoted to the same high school!

Yang Xingyue fiddled twice, resisted the desire to turn back, and bent down again into the sea of questions.

Ai Liang knew what was inside the table fight when he saw the performance of the two of them. In fact, when he entered the classroom, he noticed that there were a few obscure gazes peeking at him.

Ai Liang reached out and grabbed a handful of love letters.

It is true that people say that Ai Liang and Yang Xingyue are a couple, but it does not mean that they do not have their own thoughts, otherwise there will not be so many love letters.

After all, a hoe is something everyone can use.

"You didn't help me throw it away?" said Ai Liang.

"Do you want me to be the target of public criticism?" Yue Qihua said angrily: "It's yours and not mine, handle it yourself!"

If it's someone else There is no problem in throwing the challenge letter handed over, the key love letter is this thing, she is not Ai Liang's girlfriend, so she is not qualified to deal with it privately.

Ai Liang knows that Yue Qihua has always been paying attention to the boundaries between people, and what she said just now was just a casual remark. It would be strange if she really helped herself.

Ai Liang didn't mean to open it, he asked Ma Yu for a garbage bag and stuffed the love letters neatly arranged from big to small into it, fastened it, and then got up and walked towards the garbage in the back row. bucket.

Ma Yu couldn't sit still when he saw that Ai Liang was about to feed a piece of the girl's heart to the dog.

"Wait a minute! Little Ai, you're not going to throw it away, are you?" Ma Yu hurriedly grabbed him, "That's a love letter, didn't you even open it and take a look?"


Ai Liang glanced at him and said, "You want to see it."

"Hehe, look, after all, it is also a girl's heart, so please respond well." Halfway through, Ma Yu felt as if he was locked by a sight full of resentment.

You don't have to wonder where this line of sight comes from.

Ma Yu smiled shyly, put out the gossip, put up the textbook and buried his face behind.

Yang Xingyue then turned her attention to the paper on the table, but she couldn't get into the state.

She stared at a big question in a daze, her mind filled with the faces of the girls who wrote love letters to Ai Liang in the morning.

Yang Xingyue shrugged the head hard, tossed the faces out of his mind and focused on the test paper.

"Ai Liang, someone is looking for it!"

Pop, the refill that was just installed is broken again.

Yang Xingyue opened the cap of the mechanical pencil, lay on the table in a fit of anger, and stuffed three or four pencil leads in a row.

And Ai Liang had just opened the novel when he heard someone looking for him outside and had no choice but to get up and leave his seat.

The specially raised voice at the door, he couldn't even pretend that he didn't hear it. The last time Gao Jiajia came over, it was also what this arch-fire leader shouted for help.

In spite of the gossiping eyes of his classmates, Ai Liang came to the corridor again and stood still, looking at this unfamiliar classmate.

"Are you free after school this afternoon? I have something to tell you."

The girl blushed.

Familiar location, familiar words, familiar plot.

Why, you also want to be hanged at the door of the class?

Ai Liang showed a business-like smile and said, "Sorry, I may not be free in the afternoon. If you have anything to do, just talk here."

The girl stared at Ai Liang's smiling face for a while. Living.

No, doesn't it mean that Ai Liang has always been expressionless! Could it be that!

The girl had the idea of one of the three major illusions in life, her heartbeat increased again, and her wheat-colored cheeks were instantly dyed with a hint of crimson.

She looked back a little not knowing what to do and looked towards the few best friends who accompanied her.

Ai Liang smiled! come on!

You have a show!

Come on!

The girl read the eyes of her best friends and gathered up her courage to say, "Well, have you read the letter I wrote to you!"

She continued before Ai Liang could answer. Shouting: "I like you!"

"Sorry." Ai Liang replied before she could finish her sentence.


The girl was stunned for a moment. She was just about to brew her mood and enter the process of waiting for a reply, when Ai Liang poured cold water and quenched all her expectations.

"Is there anything else? If I'm fine, I'll go back and read."

Ai Liang asked if there was anything else, but he had already walked to the door of the class. .

"It's all right"

The girl replies mechanically.

Ai Liang nodded and went back to his seat to pick up the novel and read it.

The group of guys watching the fun in the class also refocused on the people around them and continued chatting in a frenzy. A few live treasures even opened a bet on how many Ai Liang could win today. People cut.

Outside the classroom, the girl's three best friends were outside, comforting the victim with every word:

"Ai, aren't you all ready to be rejected? ."

"It's alright, it's alright, just treat it as not leaving any regrets for this relationship."

"Eight-legged toads are hard to find, and there are many two-legged men. The only thing is, don't be sad, that kind of genius is not for you."

"Hey, it's Prince the frog, what the hell is a toad."

"Is the eight-legged toad still a toad?"

Several people chirp chirp twitter twitter went back to their class, and while talking, they put the parties aside and the topic didn't know where it went wrong.

"Wu wu, you obviously encouraged me to confess." The girl who was rejected by Ai Liang and didn't cry cried out.

After she finished speaking, she caught up with the plastic sisters in front of her with red eyes.

In the classroom.

"Rejected?" Ma Yu asked, sticking his head out.

"en. ”

Ai Liang un'ed gently, wouldn't he refuse to keep this kind of thing for the Chinese New Year?

Everyone's mind is not on the same level, Ai Liang doesn't plan to be a young dad.

"Little Ai, you have to be mentally prepared. Many people have come to you this morning."

When Ai Liang picked up the novel again, Ma Yu taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Ai Liang was thinking about what Ma Yu meant when the teacher's voice came again: "Ai Liang, someone is looking for it!"

Are you playing a hat-trick? The first group of people just left, and the latter group of people came. You confessed that you came in line?

Ai Liang didn't feel joy and pride because of the confessions of a bunch of girls, he just regretted why he came so early, he knew it would be better to read novels at home and wait for the class meeting to come.

This time Ai Liang did not smile, but walked to the door of the class with a blank expression as usual.

Stay out of the classroom.

Looking at the shy girl in front of him, Ai Liang thought to himself.

(end of this chapter)

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