Dark Light Chaser Chapter 68


Chapter 68 Stimulation

The five walked out of the video game center and moved towards the jumping machine.

As the distance got closer, the screams from the air gradually became clearer.

Yang Xingyue's face turned pale every time he took a step in the direction of the jumping machine.

When she arrived at the appointment, her flushed face had completely faded and she was pale.

"Ai, or Xingyue, you should wait with Xiaoxiao and the others."

Yue Qihua looked at Yang Xingyue whose legs were trembling and couldn't help but persuaded .

"It's okay, it's okay, I... can..."

Yang Xingyue looked up at the jumping machine dozens of meters high and his body was shaking slightly.

Yang Xingyue's legs were so weak that she almost fell over as she watched the jumper suddenly fall. Fortunately, Ai Liang, who was next to him, quickly supported her with his eyes and hands.

“If you don’t want to sit, don’t force yourself.”

Ai Liang said while supporting Yang Xingyue.

At first he thought that Yang Xingyue was just as afraid of heights as ordinary girls, but now it seems that this is a serious fear of heights.

Ai Liang felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

It's about the size of a soybean.

The rest is pleasure.

“I want to sit!”

No matter how the two persuaded, Yang Xingyue was determined to experience the jumping machine with them.

Ai Liang and Yue Qihua looked at each other with helplessness in each other's eyes.

The experience time of the jumping machine is very short, and there are not many people in line, so it will be three people's turn soon.

After the inspection by the staff, Yang Xingyue, who was sitting between the two, closed his eyes with the consciousness of going to the execution ground.

At this time, two palms held her left and right hands respectively.

Yang Xingyue opened her eyes in surprise, Yue Qihua would hold her as it should be by rights, didn't expect Ai Liang to take her hand.

She turned her head to look to the left, only to see Ai Liang pinning her head to the other side.

'Thank you. '

Yang Xingyue gently held Ai Liang's big hand with a sweet smile. At this moment, she felt that the jumping machine was not as terrifying as it seemed.

It turns out she was wrong.

The fear etched in human instinct is not something that can be easily overcome.

Yang Xingyue burst into tears when he got off the jumping machine, and his feet were even unsteady.

Although Yue Qihua's legs are also a little weak, it is more exciting, she eagerly wants to share her feelings with the two: "It's really comfortable! I feel that all the stress has been released recently. Come on, Ai Liang, do we want to sit again..."

Yue Qihua was very excited, and even wanted to invite Ai Liang to come again, but when she turned around and looked towards Ai Liang, she said His excitement slowly faded away.

Yang Xingyue, whose legs were too weak to walk, was leaning on Ai Liang and walked over with his support.

"Yes, yes, but we have to send Xingyue to Fang Xiaoxiao and the others first."

After saying that, Ai Liang pushed Yang Xingyue into Yue Qihua's arms.

"wu wu, Huahua, I don't want to sit on this thing anymore..."

Yang Xingyue lay in Yue Qihua's arms and whimpered softly, as if scared by a big wolfdog the same as the little child.

"Okay, okay, don't sit anymore, let's take a break and go ride the Ferris wheel, okay?"

Yue Qihua stroked her hair softly comforted.


“I remember that the Ferris wheel needs to make an appointment to line up, right?”

Ai Liang was beside him to break Yang Xingyue’s fantasy.

"No problem, there are not many people riding the Ferris wheel at this time. When I decided to ride the Ferris wheel, I made a reservation online. Before I took the jumping machine, I asked Ma Yu to buy drinks at the same time. Stop by and pick up the ticket, it's almost time to come back."

Yue Qihua arranged everything very clearly.

Seeing that Yue Qihua had made arrangements, Ai Liang didn't say anything more.


Yang Xingyue of spirit slowly recovers can walk independently, and the girls start to line up in front of the Ferris wheel again, talking and laughing.

It's past three o'clock in the afternoon, and unconsciously everyone has been at the playground for more than six hours since the morning.

After playing this last project, everyone should rush back to get the notice.

"I'm so hungry."

"To be honest, I'm a little hungry too."

"After all, I've only eaten one breakfast today... ..."

After playing in the amusement park for more than six hours, I ran and jumped all day, and when the excitement faded, all that was left was deep exhaustion.

Yue Qihua said angrily: "I patronize and play, and I asked you to buy something to eat at noon, and everyone said that they were not hungry."

Fang Xiaoxiao's face was down: "Then I'm really not hungry, and besides, the food in this amusement park is very hard to eat."

"If you want to eat, you have to wait until you get the notice."

Yue Qihua's tone is like a mother-in-law.

"Huh? Didn't my uncle tell you, he has already brought back the notice for the four of us." Yang Xingyue asked with a surprised expression on his phone.

Yue Qihua was silent for two seconds.


“Probably around noon when we took the seabed train at the water park.”


Yue Qihua turned her head in embarrassment, because she blocked the news of her uncle...

"Let's go straight to dinner later, just to see Little Ai off." Ma Yu clapped his hands and asked, "Why don't we discuss where to eat? I personally recommend..."

"Okay, the recommendation has been received, and we will reply to you within two working days. "Yue Qihua ignored Ma Yu.

"Huahua, do you want to go to the family restaurant?" Yang Xingyue asked, pointing to the location on the phone.

"Stone pot fish is pretty good too..." Fang Xiaoxiao recalled the new shop he saw on the flyer yesterday.

Before Ma Yu could say what he wanted to eat, everyone just skipped his suggestion.

Ma Yu has no flaws, but he is a little curious about what he eats. He usually likes to eat big-eyed fudge, creamy octopus whiskers, and starry sky.

Even if there is no problem with the taste, the SAN value will completely collapse just by looking at the appearance.

"Sister Hua, wait for me to say it's fine... I want to talk about hot pot."

Ma Yu sighed helplessly: "Can you guys not have any questions about my recipe? So much prejudice."

Prejudice? You really don't have a B number.

Ai Liang secretly despises Ma Yu's recipes, but...the hot pot is really good.

He recalled the past years, and it seemed that he had never eaten hot pot before. To be precise, he never went to the store to eat it. He made hot pot himself quite a few times.

As for why I don't go to the restaurant to eat, it's mainly because I can't find anyone to eat hot pot with...

"Hot pot? It feels like eating hot pot in such a hot weather..."


“I support hot pot.”

Ai Liang and Yang Xingyue opened the mouth and said at the same time.

"...But the store has air conditioning and it won't get too hot." Yang Xingyue, who was hesitant at first, instantly changed the wind direction.

Ma Yu, Fang Xiaoxiao and Yue Qihua looked at her blankly.

Yang Xingyue hurriedly explained: "Look, isn't this a farewell to Ai Liang, his opinion is the most important! And the food at home is a bit bland recently, I want to eat something spicy... ..."

"It's alright, I understand."

Fang Xiaoxiao waved her hand tiredly to signal her not to hide it.

'Mingming said yesterday that the boiled pork slices were too spicy. '

Yue Qihua put his hand on her head and rubbed it fiercely.

"It's our turn."

Ai Liang pointed to the Ferris wheel.

(end of this chapter)

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