Dark Light Chaser Chapter 70


Chapter 70 It would be nice if the three of you were together

Yue Qihua didn't say a word to Ai Liang until he got off the Ferris wheel talk.

She was like a frightened bird. Ai Liang raised his leg and turned his head a little, making any small movement to startle her.

It really made Ai Liang extremely embarrassed. Looking at Yue Qihua's shy appearance, he thought she and Yang Xingyue had exchanged souls.

As soon as the cabin door opened, Yue Qihua took the lead and rushed out of the cabin without looking back.

Yue Qihua's actions made the staff next to him and onlookers look at his expressions all wrong.

Ai Liang looked at Yue Qihua's back and sighed helplessly.

First Xingyue and then you... Do you two have to make everyone in the amusement park treat me as a scumbag?

Soon, Yang Xingyue's group also got off the Ferris wheel.

"Ai Liang, why is Huahua running so fast?" Yang Xingyue asked immediately after getting off the Ferris wheel.

"I don't know, I'm going to get my backpack first. You don't have to follow me. We'll gather at the gate later."

Ai Liang didn't explain, mainly because he didn't know what was going on with Yue Qihua.

Yang Xingyue extend the hand seems to be trying to catch something, but Ai Liang is running so fast that he disappeared in less than two seconds.

Fang Xiaoxiao looked at Yang Xingyue's back with a complicated expression.

Ma Yu was still staring at the phone.

He had just reconnected to the game, and was fighting hard with the remaining two teammates who were not hanging up, enjoying the thrill of being tortured.

"Follow me!"

Yue Qihua appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Yang Xingyue's hand and ran straight to the bathroom.

That speed can definitely break the world record in the 100-meter sprint.

For a time, there were only two people left under the Ferris wheel.

Ma Yu saw that everyone had walked, and only Fang Xiaoxiao was left, he took off his headset to release the disabled mode, and quit the game with the greetings of his teammates.

He took Fang Xiaoxiao's hand and said, "Let's go too."


"Xingyue, what are you thinking about? What! Why did you push me up and run with Xiaoxiao and the others?!"

Yue Qihua found a quiet corner near the bathroom to yelled.

“I just want you to stay with Ai Liang a little longer. Recently, whether it’s home tuition or KTV, it’s me and Ai Liang alone…”

Yang Xingyue He waved his hands and said eloquently.

However, Yue Qihua's explanation did not satisfy Yue Qihua.

"Then what? What does this have to do with me?"

Yue Qihua interrupted Yang Xingyue a little impatiently, she was sure that this time it wasn't because of the young sister's emotional anxiety, but It's because I'm worried that some kind of emotion that I've been suppressing deep in one's heart will explode completely.

Yang Xingyue said with some grievance: "Of course it does matter, don't you also like Ai Liang."

This sentence is like a bolt from the blue, and directly makes Yue Qihua feel completely Stupid.

It took a long time for her to respond with a stammering explanation: "Me, me, Ai, Ai Liang...just friends! Iron buddies! Not..."

"Huahua, how long have we known each other."

Yang Xingyue looked at Yue Qihua with some dissatisfaction: "How could I not find out your feelings for Ai Liang?"

Yue Qihua endured the grief in his heart and made an indifferent look on his face: "Don't you like Ai Liang, my feelings for him are only sincere and unyielding, and I don't like much..."


Yang Xingyue pressed Yue Qihua's shoulders and stared into her eyes very seriously.

Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue looked at each other for a few seconds, but she finally turned her head away with a guilty conscience.

"So you're going to give me Ai Liang, what's the difference between that and..."

Yue Qihua's voice was so low that only he could hear it. see.

Why is Hua Hua so sad?

Yang Xingyue scratched his head suspiciously as he looked at the lonely Yue Qihua.

"Uh... what is it for you? We can get in touch with him, grandfather told me before, we can share things we both like, no need to fight. ."

Yue Qihua had been brewing sadness for a long time, and even his own three views were completely shattered by Yang Xingyue's words.


Yue Qihua's volume was seriously out of control, so loud that Yang Xingyue couldn't help covering his ears: "At the same time dating... your brain is burned out. Come on! Ai Liang is a person, not an item! Boyfriend still shares it with him? You should be a bicycle!"

"Shhh! Huahua, please be quiet."

Yang Xingyue covered it. Yue Qihua's mouth then glanced around, after confirming that there was no one around, he continued: "What does it matter, I like Ai Liang, you like Ai Liang too, it's better if everyone is together, and I I don't want to be separated from you, Huahua, and the three of us will live together in the future..."

"Stop! It is now a head two big.

Dating together? Where did this girl go wrong in the process of growing up to have such an outrageous idea?

I obviously grew up with her, but I don't remember what heretical books she has been exposed to!

Yue Qihua, who couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time, had to continue: "Even if the two of us are willing, Ai Liang may not be willing! He is not a cowherd, and there will definitely be one person when the three meet. Being left out, when the time comes..."

"But isn't that how we usually get along?"

Yang Xingyue tilted his head and asked, "Did Ai Liang help you in the past? I'm tutoring, Huahua, do you feel like you've been left out?"

"This...this is different! At the same time, when you interact with one person, your daily life will definitely...will..."

Yue Qihua wanted to refute, and tried to find in his mind the conflicts that occurred when the three of them got along, but after searching for a long time, he could not find any memory that could be used as refutation material.

The three spend most of their time together on weekends.

Because Ai Liang helps Yang Xingyue with tuition every weekend, Yue Qihua usually accompanies him.

He was playing games when he explained the knowledge points to Xingyue. When Xingyue was doing the papers, he called him to play with him. After the tutoring, we went shopping together (Ai Liang dropped by the bus station) and chatted and then went back to their respective houses. , It seems... the three of us usually get along very well?

Yue Qihua was surprised by his own thoughts.

Yue Qihua, who couldn't find a point of rebuttal, had to avoid the important and start from other aspects: "What if Uncle Yang finds out? Although Uncle Yang does not object to your relationship with Ai Liang, but if you are with us at the same time, what will you do? Don't you worry that Uncle Yang will find a reason to handcuff Ai Liang into the game?"

"The father will hide it first. In the future, we will all graduate from college and have our own jobs. When we are really not satisfied, we can confess to our family. At that time, even if they don’t support it, we can move out and live.”

Yang Xingyue described the future scene in a straight-forward manner, obviously not the first time to consider it. this problem.

"Hiding it? Have you been a detective for Uncle Yang all these years for nothing?"

Yue Qihua sighed helplessly.

"Then let's go to the grandfather, the grandfather will definitely support us!"

Yang Xingyue said solemnly vowed, waving a small fist.

Yue Qihua's voice gradually dropped: "What about Ai Liang? How can you guarantee that Ai Liang will agree to date both of us at the same time, knowing that he doesn't necessarily have sex with us until now. The goodwill between the two."

"Sincereness is the most important thing! The relationship needs to be brewed..."

"It's been three years...no! I was almost led by you, this girl. I'm here! When did I promise you to date at the same time?!" Yue Qihua, who had been poured into the ecstasy soup by Yang Xingyue, came to his senses and slapped her head with a knife.

This time the knock was heavier than ever, and Yang Xingyue's eyes suddenly burst into tears: "It hurts..."

"Don't think about those messy things, hurry up and find them Ai Liang and they meet!"

Yue Qihua noticed his inner shake and quickly changed the subject.

She took Yang Xingyue's hand and moved towards the gate of the amusement park.

The three are dating or something...

I'm digging a hole for Second Volume recently, thinking about the plot, the update is a bit slow


(end of this chapter)

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