Dark Light Chaser Chapter 78


Chapter 78 Construction Site Murder

It didn’t take long for the crack to disappear, and the two workers who were in charge of the vigil were almost out of power. Flashlight, dragged his weary pace moved towards the direction of the building.

"The fire just now was from the other side of the building?" one of the older workers wondered.

"Brother, did you see that too? I thought it was an illusion, couldn't someone smoke there?"

A young boy who looks immature, about eighteen-nineteen years old asked the person around him.

The boy has rough hands, a scratch on the back of his right hand, and blood blisters on his fingers. It seems that he has not adapted to life on the construction site.

He is now holding a flashlight in his left hand, trying to avoid rubbing the wound and causing infection.

"Such a big brighter, do you use a gas stove to light a cigarette?"

The boy's question was greeted with contempt by the big brother, and he pulled it out from the stockpile. Two short steel bars, and handed one of them to the boy.

"Brother, what are you doing with this..."

The young restless transferred the flashlight to the right hand, and then took the short steel bar.

"Where is the nonsense coming from, holding self-protection, you are new here, and you don't know this line of work."

The twenty-seven-year-old youth is impatient. said.

"There are always bastards around here who steal cement and steel bars to exchange for cigarettes, and some bastards have knives. They won't be polite to you."

"This fight Something will happen to people..." The young man's heart was very tangled, he was not only afraid of hitting people, but also worried about being stabbed.

The young man took the lead, and the young man followed behind him to illuminate him.

"The boss is ready at the police station. When he sees it, he greets them directly. Try to hit the thighs and not the head."

With senior's assurance, the young man There was a lot of peace of mind, but the next sentence made his heart that he just put down hang up again.

"The voice just now came from here, right? There are so many people, right?"

Hearing what senior said, the teenager became nervous again. There are only two people here. Wouldn’t it be a disadvantage if there were too many people facing each other? Is it safer to call a few more people over?

"Are there many people?" the boy asked.

"It sounds like it, go and see if you don't know."

After finishing speaking, the brick-moving senior held a flashlight in one hand and dragged the steel bar diagonally in the other to facilitate encounters with thieves. Then throw a whip.

The teenager followed behind him, cowering all over the place.

The two walked around outside and found nothing.

"Brother, slow down, my heart is a little fluffy, I always feel something." The young man whispered.

The moment he stepped into this half-built building, the young man began to feel inexplicably heart palpitations, and there was a voice in his mind urging him to leave quickly.

It's clear that tomorrow will be fine...

The teenager shrank, shivering in the hot weather.

"Then hurry up and walk around. It's better to walk around under the camera twice. If the fire wasn't too bright, I'd be too lazy to come over if the foreman's surveillance would see it tomorrow. Haha, I'm so sleepy. "

The building was empty, without half a silhouette, and the youth's vigilance immediately dropped.

He yawned and walked erratically, looking like he was running out of blood.

"Brother, do you think this place has died before? Why does it feel so cold?"

The young man followed behind the young man and asked.

"Don't be so rude, you have heard too many ghost stories, you are weak, go back and buy a bag of wolfberry hehe."

The youth did not take the words of the youth taking seriously.

"I mean the soles of my feet are cold."

The teenager added, and flashed a flashlight to his feet.

"That's your kidney deficiency, why don't you say there's a corpse under your feet? After reading it, go back and take a nap, I've been tiring all day and have to watch the night, I'm afraid I'll be walking by myself. I fell asleep."

The young man walked forward without looking back, still complaining: "In order to save money, the dog construction company let us migrant workers look at the materials..."

As he was walking, he suddenly found that the younger brother behind him stopped talking.

"What's the matter? Why don't you say anything, you still want to scare me, brother, I have worked on more construction sites than you have moved and you want to scare me..."

Youth Turning to look at the little brother, his face turned pale under the illumination of the light.

"Brother...Brother, brother, what is this..."

The younger generation illuminated a black thing on the ground, which looked like the internal organs of some kind of creature.

"...Maybe a feral cat died here."

The youth's tone also began to be restless.

It is because he has worked on many construction sites, so he usually listens to his colleagues telling ghost stories about construction sites.

Reminiscent of the sound and fire just now, the young man's heart began to tremble.

"It's alright, it's almost done. Anyway, the camera also saw the two of us getting up to patrol and ask, and there is a reason for the difference. Hurry back."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand. Lift your feet and go outside.

next moment His foot stepped on something round, soft and elastic.



Two terrified shouts resounded throughout the construction site.

second day.

The youth who moved bricks and the teenager were leaning against the sofa in the interrogation room and dozing off.

Yesterday, I worked hard to move bricks all day, and I kept vigil at night. I was taken to the police station for questioning in the middle of the night. After so many things happened, even if I really saw a ghost yesterday, I couldn't resist the temptation of the Sandman.

The caring policemen put their blankets on them on duty at night. If the air conditioner is not turned on, it looks like a steam oven.

Recalling the questioning of these two living treasures yesterday, the police wanted to laugh.

'Are you two the first discoverers of the corpse? ' The criminal police team asked with a serious expression when they arrived.

'Yes, comrade police, who would have thought of stepping on an eyeball while walking! '

'Have you heard any other voices related to the victim? '

'Yes, yes, there was a sound like a balloon popping before we came, and a little while later we saw fire. '

'Have you heard the victim scream? '

'No, no, it was my brother who screamed...'

'No...that's brother, your voice startled me...I Also followed by a snort...' The young man was whispered.

'Huh? You mean you're not afraid? When he came over, he was frightened like a chicken. '

'No, brother, your voice is too permeable, I...'

These two should go to talk about cross talk, it's just underpowered to move bricks on the construction site.

The police bit the bun and thought.

It was bright and sunny, and a man in his thirties wearing a khaki coat and a slender inch walked into the police station with steady steps.

The man's eyes were as cold as swords, making people dare not look directly.

Behind him was a young man with hair dyed dark yellow.

The youth wears T-shirts with anime characters printed on them, and wears a metal skull ring on each middle finger. If you look closely, they are actually quite young.

However, this yellow-haired man with Zhang Sima's face collapsed, reluctantly following behind the inch-headed man.

The moment the two entered the door, the policeman on duty thought that a new colleague had brought a thief to the door.

After checking the documents of the two, I realized that this was sent to investigate the case.

The two migrant workers should have been handed over to the criminal police team, but they were temporarily detained by their superiors. It seems that they are waiting for these two people.

The policeman was a little curious when he looked at the two people who had completely opposite temperaments. It was the first time he saw someone handling a case dressed so...chic.

(end of this chapter)

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