Dark Light Chaser Chapter 8


Chapter 8 The Pain of Relatives

"When Xingyue and I came to school, the police had sealed the corridor Well, there weren't many students in the stairs at that time."

Yue Qihua retracted her palms and pressed her lips against her index knuckles as if sucking her fingers.

"Ai Liang, you caught a glimpse of someone wiping tears secretly, but at that time the body was covered with a white cloth, and no one knew who died except you and the girl.

We only knew that it was Gao Jiajia who died after Gao Jiajia's father arrived at the scene, but the man secretly wiped away tears when the police just sealed the corridor. At that time, Gao Jiajia's father hadn't come yet. Why did he know that the deceased was Gao Jiajia? ”

The three Yang Xingyue, who originally had the attitude of listening to the story, felt a chill in the hot weather after hearing Yue Qihua's analysis.

"So that person has a high probability of knowing that the deceased is Gao Jiajia at first. How did he know that except for two witnesses? So his identity is likely to be the murderer himself!"

Thinking of this, Yue Qihua couldn't sit still, and stood up on the table and approached Ai Liang: "Am I right?"

The distance between the two is not wide. At thirty centimeters, Ai Liang could feel Yue Qihua's warm breath slapping his face, and Yue Qihua's T-shirt wasn't too tight, the neckline slipped a little, and he could go down along the gap of the neckline. Seeing the delicate collarbone, Ai Liang had to look away.

"Ah, cough cough."

Yue Qihua seemed to have noticed it too, and sat back down with a dry cough.

At this time, no one cared about the distance between Yue Qihua and Ai Liang. They were all thinking about what Yue Qihua said just now.

"You're right."

Ai Liang's agreeable answer set off everyone's panic.

"Ai Liang! Ai Liang! Does that mean that the murderer is Wang Zi! Hurry up and go to the police to explain that he should be arrested!"

Fang Xiaoxiao is the most popular among them. The flustered one, after all, he was in the same class as Wang Zi, and she felt goosebumps at the thought of sitting in the same classroom with a classmate who killed her classmates.

"I have already reported the details to the police at the Interpol team at noon today."

"Then why didn't he arrest him!"

Ma Yu was also a little anxious. Can his girlfriend and the suspected murderer be in the same class? If Wang Zi noticed that the matter was revealed and wanted to pull a few more backs, Ma Yu didn't dare to think further.

However, Yang Xingyue, who should be the most nervous at this time, was much calmer than Ma Yu and Fang Xiaoxiao.

"Xiao Xiao, Ma Yu, it's not that easy for the police to arrest someone."

At the end, he added: "A arrest warrant is required to arrest someone."

"Yeah, and what I said is just speculation, and there is no substantive evidence to prove that Wang Zi is the murderer." Yue Qihua said casually, taking a sip of orange juice.

Because of family reasons, the two naturally knew something about arresting people.

"But if he is really the murderer"

"Without evidence, he will always be a suspect."

Yue Qihua interrupted aloud Fang Xiaoxiao, "What if the real murderer is found out after he is taken away? When he returns to school, there must be rumors everywhere, which may ruin his life.

He may also It is through hand accessories or other physical characteristics that the deceased is judged to be Gao Jiajia, so we cannot treat him as the real murderer because of preconceived inferences."

"hu hu. What, scare me. Jump."

Fang Xiaoxiao gently caressed her barren chest and relaxed: "I almost thought that Wang Zi's tears were all faked, if it is faked, he must be a psychopath. ."

With the explanation later, the tension between the two suddenly eased a lot, but Fang Xiaoxiao was still a little scared, picked up the drink and took a big gulp to calm down her heartbeat.

In order to ease the serious atmosphere, Ma Yu took the initiative to change the topic and plan to talk about daily life: "Speaking of which, are you planning to take leave in the last month? My parents have found a tutor for me, and I plan to take Xiaoxiao to make up lessons together. ."

"That means you two won't come to school for the last month?"

Yue Qihua glanced at the conjoined couple, "Tsk, remember to be careful when you're alone. ."

"Sister Hua!" Fang Xiaoxiaojiao hugged Ma Yu's arm even tighter, and then she asked back, "Sister Hua?"

" Me?" Yue Qihua waved his hand impatiently, "I'm too lazy to go to school for the last month, anyway, I'll recommend it, it doesn't matter if I go or not."

After finishing speaking, Yue Qihua, Fang Xiaoxiao, Ma Yu and the three looked towards Yang Xingyue in a daze.

"Me? Actually"

Yang Xingyue glanced at Ai Liang uneasily, then lowered his head and fingered each other.

"Understand, Ai Liang is more useful than any tutor." Ma Yu pun and looked at Yang Xinyue with a faint smile.

"No, actually, my dad knows that Ai Liang helped me make up the class. My grades have improved so much because of Ai Liang. The teacher also told him about this, so he wanted to thank Ai Liang well"

Yang Xingyue held back a sentence for a long time, and sometimes his voice was so low that he couldn't hear what he was saying at all. In a hurry, Yue Qihua took over the words directly.

"It means that Uncle Yang wants to invite Ai Liang to their house for a meal and thank him, and wants to ask him to be a tutor for Xingyue in the last month, the kind that has a salary.

By the way, my grandfather also wants to see who it is, who can teach Xingyue this elm head, and in his eyes Xingyue is also a granddaughter."

"This is not quite the father-in-law. The test."

Fang Xiaoxiaogang was about to activate the cold field skills when he was interrupted by Yang Xingyue: "My dad just wanted to thank Ai Liang until now for his careful teaching! Nothing else!"

The flustered tone and flushed face are all about trying to hide.

"You guys talk first, I still have something to do."

Ai Liang took out his mobile phone, pretended to check the time, and planned to flee the scene.

Want to meet Yang Xingguo for a meal?

hehe, forget it.

Fang Xiaoxiao's hands were quick, and he let go of his hand holding Ma Yu's arm and grabbed Ai Liang: "You haven't answered yet!"

Ma Yu showed relief Expression, this girl finally did something.

"Little Ai, you're leaving now? It's hard to get an extra day off, why don't we go out to play together at night."

Ma Yu also kept Ai Liang from the side.

Seeing Yang Xingyue's expectant gaze, Yue Qihua's angry look from time to time, Fang Xiaoxiao and Ma Yu's smirks watching the excitement, Ai Liang raised his finger and pointed out the window: "Someone is looking for me."

Everyone looked out the window, a young man in a leather jacket on a hot day was waving at them with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Xingyue, thank Uncle for the invitation for me. The next month of tutoring will be carried out as usual. As for meals and wages, it will be exempted. That thank you is enough."


Ai Liang saw that it would be difficult to get away without giving an answer today, so he politely declined.

"Oh" Yang Xingyue was a little disappointed and complied, but he couldn't help laughing at the thought of getting along with Ai Liang every day in the next month.

'Why does that person look familiar? '

Yue Qihua by the window stared at Xia Qinian outside the window, always feeling as if he had seen this guy in the martial arts hall when he was a child.

"What's wrong with Hua Hua?"

Yang Xingyue sat back in his seat and found his best friend staring out the window without blinking.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the person looking for Ai Liang is a little familiar."

Yang Xingyue followed Yue Qihua's line of sight and said, "I seem to be there after hearing you say that. Haven't seen this face before."

"Maybe we came to my martial arts hall to practice when we were young, or we talked to Uncle Yang about something."

Ai Liang and Xia Qinian had already got into the car and left, and Yue Qihua also took his eyes back.

"Since you're sure that Ai Liang is all right, let's go home. It's a hot day, and the air conditioner at home is comfortable."

After leaving the milk tea shop, the four of them divided into two groups and went their separate ways. On the way home, meanwhile inside the car.

“Have you given up yet?” Ai Liang asked Xia Qinian first after getting into the car.

"We agreed to go see Gao Fuye together, but you left me to chat with the beautiful younger sister without saying a word."

Xia Qinian drove out a short distance, I found a parking space on the side of the road, parked the car and spread my hands: "Come and talk to brother about the two girls sitting opposite you, which one do you prefer? I think they both seem to be interested in you."

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Ai Liang's expression was solemn.

"tsk tsk, you are not being kind, I just helped you out. I greeted you outside for a long time and you ignore me.


Suddenly pointed at me, obviously trying to use me to get rid of them, plus the little girl who was just hugged and tugged at the corner of your clothes, there must be something wrong. is it possible that you started to mess up Give up? tsk tsk tsk, the more beautiful a man is, the more deceitful a man will be."

Xia Qinian turned into a great detective in an instant when talking about gossip, and the analysis was clear and logical.

Can't your eyesight be used in serious places?

Ai Liang glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

"Relax, I'm not interested in inquiring about brat's love affair. In short, I helped you, and it shouldn't be too much to repay me? And you still count the five hundred dollars as you said before. ."

Xia Qinian hit the snake with a stick, wrapped around him, and put the 500 yuan that Ai Liang didn't move before, and put it back into his trousers pocket.

Ai Liang saw Yang Xingyue and Yue Qihua approaching through the rearview mirror, so he had to promise Xia Qinian: "Then go to Gao Fuye's house now."

"Now? Is he at home at this point?"

Xia Qinian looked embarrassed, according to his guess, Gao Fuye, who had just finished his relationship, should be still socializing at the moment.

"Then I'm going home." Ai Liang pulled the door and left without saying a word.

"Hey, go go go, can't we go now?"

Xia Qinian hurriedly started the car to prevent Ai Liang from escaping.

No matter how he stirred up the topic along the way, Ai Liang never said a word.

After about twenty minutes, the destination arrived.

Gao Fuye does not live in a mansion villa like other real estate bosses, but an ordinary community.

Although the price is not cheap, it belongs to a family with a stable income and can afford it with a bite of the teeth.

Xia Qinian's car was released after explaining to the doorman that he had registered with his ID card.

He learned Gao Fuye's address from an acquaintance in the bureau, and he knew a little bit of relevant information, so he came prepared.

Ranging the doorbell, a haggard-looking middle-aged man opened the security door without even asking who was outside.

“Hello, Mister Gao, I’m not.”

Ai Liang raised his hand and twisted Xia Qinian’s waist in the blind spot of Gao Fuye’s perspective: “Hello, Gao Uncle, I’m Ai Liang, we met in the morning."

It's okay not to mention, Gao Fuye's eyes turned red again when he said the word "morning", but no tears came out, only a strong headache came. .

".Come in." Gao Fuye covered his head to give the two room to enter and exit.

This kid is really ruthless.

Xia Qinian rubbed her waist and walked into the room thinking to herself.

The living room smells of second-hand smoke. There are ash and cigarette butts everywhere near the sofa, and there is no ashtray in sight.

Except for the sofa area, Foreign Domain, the rest of the place is very clean and tidy. These cigarette butts should have been made by Gao Fuye in the morning.

After Gao Fuye closed the door, he planned to go back to the sofa, but when he looked at Ai Liang who was sitting on the sofa full of soot, he went to the water dispenser to pick up two more. glass of water.

Ai Liang took the disposable paper cup with both hands: "Thank you."

"No, I should say sorry, it's my fault this morning. Don't take it to heart. Go." Gao Fuye sat next to Ai Liang, took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth, just about to light it and put it down.

"I know, I don't blame you."

Ai Liang took the cigarette and lighter from Gao Fuye's hand and gently placed it on the coffee table. Let this weather-beaten middle-aged man cry, as Gao Jiajia did when he persuaded him not to smoke.

"Ugh Ahhh. Allison Ahhhh Allison Ah."

Both of his hands grabbed the gray hair and cried heartbreakingly, but the corners of his eyes could no longer flow. A tear was shed, and the atmosphere of grief accompanied by the smell of smoke permeated every corner of the living room.

Xia Qinian sat on the edge not knowing what to do , he wanted to say something, but couldn't say a word.

After crying for a while, Gao Fuye spirit slowly recovers. I don't know when Ai Liang took his old hand. Although his face was expressionless, Gao Fuye could read a trace of concern.

"Thank you. Thank you." Gao Fuye was still a little choked up when he spoke: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Ai Liang moved towards Xia Qinian and winked.

Xia Qinian, who didn't know what to do originally, quickly sorted out what he was going to say when Gao Fuye looked towards him.

"Mister Gao, I'm a Bounty Hunter. I'm here mainly because of some speculation about your daughter's murderer." Xia Qinian shamelessly embellished what Ai Liang said to him at noon today Then repeat it again.

After Gao Fuye heard this, a look appeared in his dull eyes. It was not the expectation of recovery, but the anger of scarlet. Xia Qinian waited quietly for Gao Fuye to speak.

Gao Fuye didn't gnaw, just motioned for the two to get up and follow, and he opened a door.

A room full of girlish style appeared in front of the two of them. Obviously, this was Gao Jiajia's room before her death, and her travel photos were placed on the table.

"The police have already come here in the morning, mainly taking Jiajia's mobile phone and computer. Other things have not been moved."

Gao Fuye walked to the table, I wiped my hand on the clothes, and then gently stroked the photo of my daughter with my hand.

Xia Qinian expressed regret after hearing that the mobile phone and computer were taken away, his main purpose is these.

Now that the things have been taken away by the police, I can only look in the room with a try one's luck attitude to see if there is a book or a diary that records the passwords of social software.

After searching to no avail, Xia Qinian made a request to leave, mainly because of the grief-stricken atmosphere.

Before the two of them left, Gao Fuye took out 10,000 yuan in cash from the room and handed it to Xia Qinian, saying that it was a special trip to pay for the hard work, but he accepted it without saying no.

However, Gao Fuye stopped Ai Liang at the moment he went out: "Can I wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

(End of this chapter)


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