Dark Light Chaser Chapter 80


Chapter 80 Important Information

After leaving the interrogation room, Xia Qiyuan took Gao Bin back to the car.

"Have you found anything with clues?"

Xia Qiyuan asked after closing the door and opening the shielding device.

Gao Bin squinted his eyes slightly tired. He pinched his eyebrows and said, "Yes, although there is no trace of 'disciple', there is more important information."

Xia Qiyuan immediately took out a note and a voice recorder to prepare for recording.

This is a habit he left behind when he was a detective.

"Yesterday at 10:43, there was a slight explosion in the building. I guessed that this should be the death time of the 'black liquid' child, and then appeared at 10:45 The orange red fire is very likely that the disciple turned on the Hell Sect and took away the core of the black liquid daughter."

"The electronic clock at the construction site does not have seconds, and I should count one by myself. Two seconds off."

"Assuming they slip past the clock exactly 10:23, then adding my countdown is two minutes*** one hundred and twenty seconds. , if the time of the electronic clock is twenty-three minutes and fifty-nine seconds, it will be twenty-four minutes immediately after they turn their heads, that is sixty seconds."

Gao Bin said his own speculate.

"Does it mean that the transmission capability of the recipe requires a preparation time of 60 seconds to 120 seconds... This is indeed a very important piece of information."

Xia Qiyuan calculated After a while, the clenched brows finally stretched out, and there was a smile on his face.

"Maybe people didn't immediately open Hell Sect out of prudence. In fact, the discipline can open Hell Sect anytime, anywhere. Who can say that?"

Gao Bin has doubts about the credibility of this information.

Xia Qiyuan is a veteran who has worked as a criminal police officer for more than ten years.

He doesn't care about this: "Where is there so much nonsense, whoever takes this kind of analysis seriously is stupid, it's been a week since I was sent here, and I have to bring out some dry goods to facilitate the delivery. ."

He used suspicious, probably, and other vague words on the notes, so that no one would risk their own life to try.

"What's the difference, other squares are as anxious as you..."

"It's not because of you."

Xia Qiyuan Did not lift back the sentence.

The Countermeasures Bureau is not like the Interpol.

In the criminal police team, the leaders are usually friendly and cheerful, but when they encounter a case, they become like a man-eating evil spirit. I can't wait for you to eat, drink, shit 24 hours a day. and piss are resolved in the detachment.

Whoever is sleepy, drink enough tea and coffee, drink it to death.

If you want a result within three days, you must target the suspect within three days, and try to find out if you don't sleep for three days.

But countermeasures aren't dealing with ordinary criminals.

Strange power all kinds of strange things, one careless can kill Yellow Springs.

Therefore, the rules of the countermeasure bureau are much looser. As long as you are really doing practical things, the above will generally not embarrass you.

Except Gao Bin, of course.

This fish-loving bastard has long been familiar with the leaders. Almost every few days, the above will ask about the progress and beat him.

So even if it is a speculative guess, Xia Qiyuan will report it simultaneously.

Fortunately, Xia Qiyuan has worked in the criminal police force for so many years, and he has long been accustomed to rapidly advancing the case handling career, otherwise he would have to be mad at Gao Bin if he changed his partner.

After the report email was sent, Xia Qiyuan rolled down the car window, lit a cigarette, and began to smoke, searching for information about the discipline in his mind.

Gao Bin, who does not smoke, rolled his eyes at him, and after swallowing the gummy medicine in his mouth, he poured one out of the bottle.

"Tsk, the mango flavor that I hate the most can't be made into watermelon flavor."

Gao Bin chewed with disgust on his face. The cost is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, and eating gold is considered light.

Although it's not his own money, Gao Bin doesn't feel bad at all, but if he spit it out, he will definitely be punished by a bunch of people.

"Save your food, the people in the lab call you "gold-eating beasts", just one bottle and one medicine, I don't know how many new enzymes are used, I don't want to Ask someone if it suits your taste."

Xia Qiyuan couldn't help but reminded Gao Bin when he saw Gao Bin's attitude of taking medicine as candy.

Because of this matter, Lao Yue usually whispers in his ear.

"I have shed blood for the Asian Union, and I have contributed to the Countermeasures Bureau. What's wrong with eating two candies? If you hadn't been asking me to use my abilities, why would I eat this stuff?"


Gao Bin was obviously resentful to the group of people in the laboratory: "As soon as he recovered, he was sent to investigate the Apostles. I think they wished me to die sooner."

Gao Bin's mental state has only recently returned to the Safety Sector.

In the past two days, my stomach has been broken again, and I have been researched over and over again by the group of people in the laboratory.

After finishing his research, he was sent to Qianhua City to find 'disciple', one of the world's bosses.

This is such a terrible word for the fish monster.

"Don't talk nonsense, others who come to investigate are not sure if they are lies woven by thousands of faces."

Xia Qiyuan looked at Gao Bin with disgust. : "If it weren't for the fact that you are the only one with the ability to investigate the Apostles, who would send a salted fish here."

"Hey, that's too much."

Gao Bin thought He refuted, but thinking about what he had done, he couldn't find a place to refute, so he could only say a few words symbolically.

Xia Qiyuan sucked half a cigarette in one breath, and stuffed the cigarette butt into the cigarette butt box in the car: "Okay, the next step is the heavy one, can you hold it up?"

"Don't you have to go if you can't hold on?"

Gao Bin closed his eyes as if resigned, and rested on the passenger seat.

"I can apply with the above, at least the super-sensing black liquid sub-body can be delayed."

Xia Qiyuan inserted the car key and started the car.

"Yes yes yes, you go to apply, and then our boss thinks he can't be the master, so he applies again, and the boss decides to go through a group discussion to confirm the impact of this incident.


After the confirmation, the laboratory needs to sign and agree to delay the handover of the black liquid progeny. In the end, all departments agreed. It took two or three days for the application to be delivered. Call back and write again."

Gao Binsheng leaned on the seat reluctantly, not looking towards the window.

Xia Qiyuan was silent.

"Let's go, don't you have to wait for the pain to come to an end while you're finished now?"

Gao Bin urged.

"I can't hold it anymore, just tell me directly, because of your importance, I won't say anything if you are capricious occasionally."

After Xia Qiyuan finished speaking, he drove to the funeral home in Qianhua City. .

"Come on, I don't believe it. After I'm crazy, I can't find such a perfect tool person again."

Gao Bin despised the above as usual. After a while, he closed his eyes and didn't move, he was mentally preparing for the next super sense.

After all, the repercussions of the supernatural a few years ago have only been eliminated until recently.

Being hypersensical to weirdness is no different than playing Russian roulette.

No one knows what will happen next time.

The morgue.

A "corpse" is lying on a folding bed, which is exactly the outline of a human body that has been pieced together.

After these black things were delivered to the funeral home, they were immediately taken over by the relevant personnel. The forensic doctor only took a small piece for genetic testing to find out the identity of the deceased.

The rest is here.

(end of this chapter)

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