Dark Light Chaser Chapter 85


Chapter 85 Cha Meal

Soon, except for a small vacancy in front of the table, the rest of the place was full food.

Taking advantage of the barbecue time, Ye Qing was burying her head in solving the fried noodles and pork ribs on the plate.

Ai Liang slowly turned the barbecued meat over, and by the way, put meatballs and vermicelli into the pot to cook.

When Ye Qing finished eating the food in the bowl, she didn't go to get it, but picked up the clip to help Ai Liang turn the meat over.

at first Ai Liang was also worried that the atmosphere at the dining table would be stiff, after all, he didn't like talking and kept his face cold.

Especially if they are a man and a woman, it may be embarrassing if they don't say something during the meal.

But this worry is superfluous, since Ye Qing put down her chopsticks, she has been leading the topic, and when the previous topic ends, a new topic will be raised soon.

"By the way, what were you doing standing at the entrance of the alley? People walked over and didn't know how to run. If you went up alone, you would be beaten."

Ye Qing mentioned it again Just now, she took a drink to moisten her throat and said, "To be honest, I don't recommend you to help that uncle."

This is an unexpected suggestion.

A normal person would usually choose to call the police when they saw that scene, especially a person like Ye Qing who exuded kindness all over. It was hard to imagine why she refused to lend a helping hand to the vendor.

However, Ai Liang's expression did not change.

He didn't stand at the entrance of the alley for the sake of righteousness, and he didn't intend to save the vendor.

Ye Qing saw that Ai Liang was silent and did not feel embarrassed. Each minding their own business, she continued: "Seeing a fruit vendor being bullied by gangsters, most people would subconsciously bring him in. The identity of the victim, right? It's right to think so."

Ye Qing propped her head up with her right hand, and said while turning the barbecue: "But that guy is not a good person, he was originally a The Boss of a fruit shop, he became obsessed with gambling for some reason, and you can guess what happened to him by looking at him now."

"The scum not only lost the deposit, but Even the house was sold, and he even planned to let his wife accompany the wine, but luckily his wife escaped with the help of the neighbors, otherwise..."

Ye Qing didn't finish her sentence, but that The fate of women can be imagined.

She fixed her eyes on Ai Liang's face. She thought that Ai Liang's face would show regret after listening to it, but he did not waver and turned the barbecue quietly.

Ye Qing couldn't help but be a little curious when she saw this: "Is there nothing you want to say after listening to this? You almost got beaten up for being a scum."

"I I just happened to be passing by, and I was entangled in it after two glances, and I have no intention to act bravely."

After hearing Ye Qing's statement, Ai Liang replied calmly.

"Well, don't say this, know the person and the face but not the heart."

Ye Qing thought that Ai Liang was covering up her ignorance, she smiled and held her own For example: "Everyone has a misunderstanding. At first I thought he was pitiful. He borrowed a few hundred dollars. After learning about this, I felt regretful and wished I could go up and kick it myself."

Speaking of which, she picked up the scissors and fiercely poked it on the meat: "wisdom comes by suffering, just be careful in the future, there is nothing to regret."

However, Ai Liang gently Shaking his head, he said, "I didn't think that the vendor was a good person from the very beginning."

"Uh, why?"

Ye Qing asked in a daze.

"Those gangsters are looking for him to collect debts. Few normal people will ask gangsters to borrow money. If they are caught, they can definitely ask the police to solve it."

Ai Liang calmly analyzed, this is the observation method he learned from Xia Qiyuan.

"The left foot is disabled and the little finger of his left hand is cut off. This is a little warning from some casinos to the debt 'meat hog'. And he did not choose to resist when he was beaten, with a hint of flattery on his face. It's obvious that he is very familiar with the gangsters."

"In addition, one of the gangsters said that he was a waste of a divorced wife and son, and then contacting the above speculation, I didn't know it from the very beginning. He is a good person."

"Ah this."

Ye Qing opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

This is also Ai Liang's weakness.

Because of his strong ability, Ai Liang can do almost everything independently without the help of others.

In addition, the people Ai Liang met through childhood were not normal people. Over time, he became weaker in getting along with people.

Be polite and polite, but the human touch is worse after all.

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away. Ye Qing originally used it to comfort Ai Liang's self-exposure, but Ai Liang's reasoning prevented him from coming to the stage.

"You'll make me look stupid."

She picked up the scissors glumly, and ka-cha cut the ribs into two sections at once: "But look at the barbecue. For my sake, I forgive you, let's start eating."

Ai Liang was at a loss for words, and he just casually stated his observations.

Besides...you're not angry at all, are you?

Ye Qingcai didn't care what Ai Liang thought, she waved her hand, chopsticks directly clamped a row of meat slices and put them on her plate, but she didn't move the half of Ai Liang's side.

As soon as the meat is cooked, she turns on gobbling mode, which is fast but not vulgar.

After eating the meat on the plate, Ye Qing put the unbaked meat on the barbecue paper again.

The fat that comes with the meat is squeezed out at high temperature and squeaks on the barbecue paper.

The bright red pieces of meat begin to turn a taupe brown over time, giving off an enticing aroma.

Ai Liang's hands hardly stopped throughout the meal.

He kept flipping the roasted meat, roasted chicken wings, fish fillets, and occasionally put a few pieces on his plate, most of them all went into Ye Qing's stomach.

"I tell you, if you want to maximize these two hours, it's better to choose more cooked food and eat it directly. Secondly, to have more cooked food, it is more worry-free to pour it into the pot, In terms of barbecue, try to choose thin slices, so that they are cooked quickly, you can see that the chicken wings you take have been roasted for so long, but they are still raw.”

Ye Qing shared with Ai Liang while sweeping the sushi on the plate. With little self-help knowledge that he doesn't use.

Ai Liang didn't eat buffet for the sake of being full, he just tasted it, but he didn't refute it, just listened quietly.

Ye Qing was being sucked and panted by the hot soup in the beef balls, and she began to solve the things in the hot pot.


After Ye Qing stuffed the last small cake into her mouth, she leaned back on the seat and gently stroked her stomach. She had a very comfortable meal.

In the past, when she came to a buffet by herself, it was difficult for her to eat and roast meat at the same time, but this time, with Ai Liang as a tool, she had a good meal.

"I'm finally full... Do you want me to help you get some sushi, you've been helping the barbecue and haven't eaten much?"

Ye Qing is in While eating, I was quietly observing Ai Liang.

He finished the whole meal, only tasted two bites of everything, and spent the rest of the time roasting meat.

“No need.”

Ai Liang declined softly.

(end of this chapter)

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