Dark Light Chaser Chapter 90


Chapter 90 Robbers

Ai Liang went to the express station first and asked the people at the express station to help him with his luggage All sent.

All afternoon, Ai Liang was packing, cleaning the house, and checking the daily necessities.

Before coming, Ai Liang in order to guard against the unexpected, the room on the other side of the hotel, he booked for a whole week.

He didn't leave the house after renting it out. He didn't plan to move in immediately until the house's daily necessities were ready.

A bed without anything, a narrow sofa, how could there be a big bed in a hotel to sleep comfortably.

After finishing the housework, Ai Liang took a taxi back to the hotel.

Ai Liang notified a few friends on his mobile phone that he had found a place to stay, then looked at the ceiling and slowly closed his eyes.


Second day, ten o'clock in the morning.

Ai Liang's trip today is to go to the Communications Bank in Qianhua City to apply for a bank card.

Because the scholarships of Qianhua Experimental Middle School are issued uniformly to the student's bank card, and the bank card must be a telecommunications bank that cooperates with the school.

After all, the number of scholarships from Qianhua Experimental Middle School is not small, and there will definitely be a fixed bank to transfer money.

Otherwise, for the dozens of students, you are a postal worker, and he is a commercial worker. It is very troublesome for the school to transfer money.

Although the school can handle it uniformly for students after the school starts, it still needs to collect the student's citizenship card at that time.

Ai Liang thought it was a hassle, so he planned to do it in advance.


Twenty minutes later, Ai Liang came to the Communications Bank.

There are not many people in the bank, and there are only a dozen people queuing in the lobby at present.

After Ai Liang explained his intention to the lobby manager, the female manager, who had just turned 30, enthusiastically led him to an automatic card issuing machine.

Beside Ai Liang, there was another student who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, and like him came to apply for a card.

But there seems to be something wrong with his machine, and the screen doesn't respond no matter what.

“Aunt, why is this machine not moving?”

The student asked the lobby manager for help.

The female manager, who was wearing a professional suit and light makeup, sank after hearing his shout.

The good professionalism keeps her smiling.

Her face doesn't change to return the page to the initial state, which directly resulted in all the identity information filled in for half a day for nothing.

The student froze for a moment, then said with a sullen face, "Thank you Aunt."


The lobby manager let out a long sigh and couldn't help shaking his brows.

Her fists hardened immediately, and there was a slight snapping sound between her fingers.

"Elder sister, my application information has been filled out, can you give me a fingerprint?"

With this cannon fodder as a demonstration, as long as you are not stupid, you all know How to talk to this menopause manager.

Ai Liang gave up half of his body so that this person could help him with his fingerprints.

The manager who was sulking one second and looked like a ghost in a Level 3 ghost movie, turned into a pretty daughter in a humble family when he faced Ai Liang the next second appearance.

No wonder they all say that women are born actors. The speed of changing faces is unmatched by the old drama bones of Sichuan Opera.

Ai Liang successfully got the bank card, and just as he was about to leave, mutation suddenly occurred.

Three masked men, one of whom was carrying a travel bag, got off an off-road vehicle with a covered license plate outside the bank.

They wore masks, long-sleeved solid black skinny hoodies, black sweatpants and black flat sneakers on a hot day, leather gloves over their hands, and loops of tape around their wrists.

On the steps entering the door, their hands stretched to their waists in unison.

Ai Liang felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the three masked men from next moment rushed in.


"Everyone get down! Put their heads in their hands!" The masked man in the lead moved towards the ceiling and fired a shot.

At this moment, Ai Liang couldn't help but secretly took out his phone to check the date, he felt as if he was back in Neihua City ten years ago.

Three masked men, one at the door, one in the hall, and one rushed to the iron gate leading to the interior of the reception desk. He kicked open the iron door that was hidden and entered the interior of the reception desk. , hijacked the front desk staff.

their three people have a clear division of labor and are well-trained.

The people in the hall first exclaimed and then began to flee in panic.

Someone tried to escape from the bank, but was stopped by the masked man guarding the door and punched in the forehead.

"Back up! Squat down with your hands on your head! If you want to die, I don't mind fulfilling you!"

The masked man at the door shouted with a gun, pushing the crowd back slowly.

The three moved their hands ruthless, spreading fear.

A staff member at the front desk was leaning against the wall with his hands full of blood covering his nose, while another staff member next to him was busy filling a travel bag with money.

The robber who entered the counter stood by and talked to the person holding the money: "I won't let you open the safe, because I know you don't have permission, you just need to help me with the front desk. All the cash is done, OK?"

The robber's tone was very calm, and it was completely different from when he beat another staff member just now.

This is a method only used by repeat robbers.

They generally do not threaten, yell, or physically violent toward the facilitator, but calmly and even graciously let the facilitator listen to his commands.

This is a living experience of Stockholm.

The masked man in charge of crowd control in the lobby walked up to Ai Liang with a gun, pointed it at the lobby manager and asked, "How many minutes does the security door lock?"

The lobby manager has been scared to the point of shivering at this time, she said tremblingly: "Five...five minutes..."


He slapped Throwing it on the manager's face, a trace of blood oozes from the corner of the manager's mouth.

The masked man sneered into her ear and said, "Be honest! I know it's 3 minutes!"

The masked man deliberately asked a question he knew the answer to, and he This is to see if the bank staff are ready to obey.

Obviously this result did not satisfy him.

"The police have already received the news, hurry up!" said the masked man.

Ai Liang heard a faint communication sound from the masked man's headset.

At this moment, the masked man suddenly grabbed the student next to Ai Liang, put his arm around his neck, and pressed the pistol to his forehead.

"The third one, hurry up! Bring someone and go!"

The masked man headed roared into the headset.

After all, the masked man guarding the door took out two bottles of strong disinfectant from his arms and swayed them in the hall.

It seems that something like pepper was added to the disinfectant. After the liquid volatilized, it gave off a pungent smell. There were several people in the hall who couldn't help sneezing because of irritation.

And the masked man inside the counter is doing the same thing.

After spraying the disinfectant, the masked man rushed out the door with the masked man guarding the door.

The masked man called the third child at the counter just finished loading the money. He quickly rushed out of the front desk, but was stunned as he passed the automatic card issuing machine.

"Damn." The third child cursed.

Like the masked man who just took the lead, he also controlled Ai Liang in the same way.

But at the moment of getting up, Ai Liang took advantage of the masked man's inattentiveness, took her phone from the lobby manager's pocket, and gave her a hint.

Ai Liang's mood was very complicated at this time.

In the past, he was the only one who hijacked other people's shares, and this was the first time he was hijacked by others.

Am I born to clash with Qianhua City?

Ai Liang, who was tucked into the back seat, thought to himself.

(end of this chapter)

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