Dark Light Chaser Chapter 92


Chapter 92 is coming for you

"cough cough, hmmm..."

This hmm He hummed for a long time, but he didn't see him open his eyes.

Ai Liang stretched out his foot and kicked his head.

"Who... huh?!"

The boy who seemed to have been sucked up finally woke up. He first looked around in a daze, and when he remembered what had happened to him, A carp rolled on the ground and turned over.


The anesthetic effect of ether has not completely faded away, and his body is still a little bit weak.

"Why am I so unlucky... um, my brothers are really unlucky."

The teenager was talking to himself about the book, but he suddenly found that, Ai Liang, who was leaning against the wall, was staring at him.

"That...my name is Jin Ping'an, what's your name?"

Jin Ping'an looked at this expressionless, motionless stare at him. Unlucky egg number two, asked in a low voice.

“Ai Liang.”

“Haha, we are really unlucky. In this day and age, we can still meet a bank robber with a gun...”

Jin Ping'an looked a little nervous, and was not worried about his own life at all.

"They came after you, and I am the innocent who got involved."

Ai Liang said coldly: "Who are you, they are yours? Enemy?"

Jin Ping'an struggled to sit up from the ground and said, "Brother, are you kidding me, I'm just an orphaned student, and I'm not a rich Eldest Young Master, where did the enemy come from?"


"You must have heard that the robber said that the target had been caught, so they thought they were trying to catch me, but ended up catching the wrong person."

Jin Ping'an is still there. That eloquently said: "This group of people just want to take hostages, the third one is putting money in the counter. I don't know that they have taken a person hostage, so they arrest you."

"They are just a bunch of ordinary robbers, and soon..."

Ai Liang was too lazy to listen to Jin Ping's nonsense and interrupted directly: "They are not ordinary robbers."

"Ordinary robbers don't have such a comprehensive plan for robbing a bank. They came for you from the very beginning." Why don't you tell the robbers if you have the ability?"

In Jin Ping'an's eyes, Ai Liang was obviously too scared, and pointed everything at himself, trying to use this method to Express your inner fear and depression.

It wasn't the first time he had seen such a thing.

But Ai Liang's next words made Jin Ping'an feel a little surprised.

"Ordinary robbers will wear masks and gloves, but they will never wrap the cuffs with tape. They all wear long sleeves, obviously to cover some features on their arms. It is very likely that It's someone on the road."

"And when they entered the lobby, they immediately turned their eyes to the direction of the automatic card issuing machine, and only looked away after seeing you, and began to control the situation."


Ai Liang combed through the doubts and clues he found.

Jin Ping'an was still a little dissatisfied: "You're too unreasonable, right? Just based on this, you can conclude that their target is me?"

Ai Liang ignored him, and It is to continue talking about the performance of the robbers in the hall.

"This group of people is clearly articulated, and they are very clear about each person's responsibilities. One person breaks into the counter to grab money, the other person controls the lobby to coordinate the overall situation, the other person guards the door, and the other person is responsible for responding. This is obviously planned in advance. It has been drilled."

"After the incident, they cleaned the scene with disinfectant mixed with chili peppers to prevent the police dog from tracking."

"Exit the bank and sit in the passenger seat. The robbers on the Internet easily found the 'bait money' prepared by the bank from the money bag, and even used the mobile phones of both of us to create false tracking clues for the police."

"You think they are Not a professional robber?"

Ai Liang asked rhetorically.

"This...is that right?"

Jin Ping'an was a little hesitant. He lowered his head and didn't observe the situation carefully.

At this time, Jin Ping'an looked towards Ai Liang with a little more admiration.

'This guy is so courageous that he would have been scared to the ground if he were an ordinary person. '

"Because they are gangsters, they take hostages!" Jin Ping'an explained.

He saw that Ai Liang was not vexing himself unreasonably, and he also began to explain to Ai Liang what he knew.

"Usually gangsters will use the means of kidnapping hostages, because in this way, the chasing police can be forced back, and after escaping, they will directly take the hostages..."

Halfway through, Jin said Ping An seemed to realize something, and a cold sweat broke out on his body.

His expression changed as he looked towards Ai Liang.

'Does this guy know that we are bode ill rather than well, so he hypnotizes himself and says they are kidnappers? '

"No, it's fine...the police will definitely be able to save us and get us out..."

Jin Ping'an began to comfort Ai Liang.

"They are not gangsters, only someone has given enough money to let them tie you up under the guise of robbing a bank." Ai Liang said in a tranquil voice.

"Yes, yes, yes, they are not gangsters."

Jin Ping'an seems to have said this to Ai Liang and to himself, but he I haven't reacted yet, if it is the latter's own end, it may be even worse.

Ai Liang looked at the person in front of him, who was not on the same channel as him at all.

He didn't bother to ask Jin Ping'an any questions and answers, and directly put out all the doubts.

After all, not everyone is as observant as Xia Qiyuan and Shi Feng.

"Which bank robber have you seen that stuns hostages with ether?

Also, after stunning us, they tied them up and threw them into this place. A small dark room full of debris, aren't you worried about us breaking free?"

"Obviously, they don't know the duration of anesthesia with ether. If they don't know, why use ether?"

"They acted very cautiously in the front. When they got out of the police pursuit, they seemed to have changed into a group of people with no vigilance. It was obvious that their previous actions were instructed by others."

Ai Liang did not tell the details of Jin Ping's coma, because when the police came to confess, he couldn't explain how he knew.

Also, Ai Liang had confronted gangsters before, and they were eager for the hostages to stay awake.

It's better to cry in front of the police more often to create public opinion pressure on the police.

And they completely regard human life as a must. After getting rid of the police's (river) lock (crab) net, the first thing is to solve the hostage problem.

A robber with a little "conscience" will throw the hostage directly out of the car. It depends on the fate of life or death;

After talking about the doubts about his behavior, Ai Liang began to talk about the most important issue, which is the distribution of the spoils.

"The Communications Bank they robbed was just a small branch with less than one million cash flow, and the one they robbed was the front desk. I counted it when I poured out the money, and it was about 200,000."


"Make a careful plan, risk being wanted by the All-Asia Union, and finally get tens of thousands of dollars per person. With this skill, you can watch the scene, kill the order, ride the goods, do the game, catch the horse, which one? It’s not as risky as robbing a bank and getting money faster.”

Ai Liang this remark is like an enlightenment, and Jin Ping’an immediately discovered the doubt.

How can the money from the robbery be divided among four people.

That is to say, their purpose is not to make bank deposits, but to make noise.

The real purpose is someone in the bank.

Thinking of this, Jin Ping'an's face became gloomy because he thought of something.

Seeing Jin Ping'an seems to have thought of the reason.

Ai Liang continued: "According to my speculation, you are likely to offend some people, but because you are a kind of public figure, or someone you are familiar with, so they I don't dare to do anything to you blatantly, I can only use this roundabout way."

Jin Ping'an lowered his head and said nothing.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "Okay, I admit, they may be coming at me."

Jin Ping'an thought about it, reluctantly. Accepted Ai Liang's point of view.

However, there is one more thing he wants to ask Ai Liang, and that is...

Why are you so proficient in slang! Hello!

(end of this chapter)

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