Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 401: Black pot is coming towards Nick Fury's head

"I have to regret to inform you that the abduction of Ms. Peggy Carter was witnessed."

Agent Hill spoke carefully, unable to see the cheerfulness and atmosphere she had shown before.

Maybe she's acting in disguise now, but Steve isn't in the mood to care about it at all.

Agent Hill understands that such a news may have a more serious psychological impact on Steve than the shadow of a child's pocket.

Because the kidnapper was Peggy Carter, and the man in front of him was called Steve Rogers.

"Peggy? What happened to Peggy?"

Steve's eyes widened, and with some uncertainty, he initiated an application to retest his hearing.

The listening part of the English test is generally repeated three times.

So Steve's request is not excessive.

It's just that his body has jumped straight, he heard what Hill said, he just couldn't believe the news.

"Okay Steve, I think you don't want to hear this bad news a second time."

Bucky stood up straight and pressed Steve's shoulder to try to calm him down.

The Winter Soldier was one of Steve's few old friends alive, but it didn't work.

Steve can't calm down his mood, the power of the Crusaders is spreading vaguely.

Even Agent Hill felt the dangerous aura.

It felt as if the man in front of him was about to gallop behind a horse, causing Agent Hill to sweat a little.

The original Steve's physical fitness is no worse than the Winter Soldier Bucky, and Steve, who is now a Crusader, is even stronger.

If one day Bucky successfully stops Steve, it is definitely not that Bucky has caught up with Steve, but that Steve thinks he needs to think carefully.

Although compared to the cube-headed Steve, Captain America's Crusaders can't possibly match that guy in power.

That square-headed Steve shouldn't be called a human.

But in the current S.H.I.E.L.D., there are not many people who can set foot in the supernatural field who can stop the current Captain America.

"Agent Hill, tell me who did this!"

Mr. Steve walked directly in front of Agent Hill, and the cold breath exuding from his body made Hill feel a little uncomfortable.

Peggy Carter was not a lover who existed fifty years ago for Steve.

It's a lover who was going on a date not long ago.

Even though her life has come to an end, the wrinkles on her face tell the cruelty of time. Having a new family in a long time and then getting old.

But her name was still Peggy Carter.

For Steve, her beautiful face existed "yesterday".

Even as long as he closes his eyes in his spare time, Steve can clearly recall how magnificent Peggy Carter was in those days.

"I hope the following news is false, but unfortunately, according to our investigation, it was Colson who did it!"

Agent Hill hesitated to tell Steve the answer.

Both Integra and Frank of Helsing explained to S.H.I.E.L.D. what they knew.

This made Agent Hill have to believe the authenticity of the news.

Even for this reason, Agent Hill also mobilized the satellite authority over the Security Council, and only then did he find some tangible evidence.

"Why would he do this?"

Steve frowned, fists clenched tightly.

Bucky put his arm on Steve's shoulder, trying to reassure his friend.

"That's what we want to know too."

Agent Hill said so.

Compared to Nick Fury, Agent Hill is still too tender.

If Nick Fury handled the news, he wouldn't let Steve know at this time.

Because Steve is too important to this country.

The title "God's Righteous" is very noble, but Steve is still a soldier with blood on his hands.

His name is Steve Rogers, not Desmond Doss.

But Steve is Captain America, the bright conscience of this country.

If Steve found out about this and turned S.H.I.E.L.D. upside down, it wouldn't be much better than Steve yelling "Hey Hydra".

"Where is she now!?"

Steve lifted the shield in his hand and looked at Hill in front of him with serious eyes.

Although he didn't lose his mind in the rage, his tone was already threatening.

Steve's body was enveloped in bursts of pure white light, showing his anger.

Crusader talent, righteous fury.

Attacks generate more rage power.

Although both Crusader and Barbarian energies can be summed up as "Rage".

But there are still differences between the two.

The anger of the barbarians tends to be cathartic and destructive, while the anger of the Crusaders is more like the unwilling redemption of taking responsibility on their shoulders and carrying things that do not belong to them.

Regret is the very essence of the Crusader's anger.

Unwilling is the Crusader's insistence on self-belief.

For this reason, they were so sublime that they were almost detached from the mundane world~www.readwn.com~ Steve's eyes looked at Agent Hill calmly.

That silent oppression made the freshman Green Lantern a little nervous.

And the justice lamp ring worn by Steve is exuding light, explaining the power of justice to Agent Hill in front of him.

"On the snowy mountains in the XX zone, there is a base there. This is what the Security Council satellites observed. The S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites completely ignore this place. What that means, I think you know very well."

Hill said with some pain.

Colson is Nick Fury's subordinate.

Possibly Nick Fury's most trusted subordinate.

When Coulson does something like this, it's hard not to think of Nick Fury.

Especially since this happened after Nick Fury left S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents don't believe in coincidences, there must be some connection here!

After Steve glanced at Bucky next to him, he said to Hill, "I need someone who can stance the plane, and this matter is a race against time."

Coulson held Peggy Carter hostage not long ago, and appeared so far away in a short period of time.

Steve was the first to say no to Coulson without help.

And the location of the base can be hidden from the sight of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is likely to be another thing related to Hydra.

"That kind of place is really like the style of those guys." Bucky muttered: "Should I inform Rumlow? His hatred for those guys made me tremble."

As he spoke, Bucky walked directly to the elevator of S.H.I.E.L.D. He was going to the top floor, where there were vehicles that could take off at any time.

As for flying a plane, he had studied it when he was studying at Hydra.

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