Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 608: The Last Treasures of Vorusk

"I thought you would delay a little longer, Burkeseau."

Vorusk on the floor raised his head vigorously and said.

The reason why he is in this position is because his injuries are not much better.

Even the first ancestor jumped out and handed out a life to the ancestors on the holy mountain.

But Dudu seems to have missed Volusk, and it is said that the first ancestors would not have made such a mistake.

"If I leave a little longer, I'm afraid I won't know what the holy mountain will look like when I come back.

I think you know, Vorusk, how important the Holy Mountain of Harrogath is to us, and to me. "

Bulkesso looked at Vorusk lying on the ground with deep eyes, and then sat directly next to Vorusk.

"Do you need me to hand-feed you some wine?

Or are you finally going to stand up? "

Bulkasso took out a few bottles of wine from his backpack and placed them in front of Volusk.

"Heh, you didn't take existence outside of you as a thing from the very beginning.

Honestly, who else do you think you can trust besides yourself?

I don't know if it's your nature or Uldyssian's admonition, but if it's the latter, I can only commend Uldyssian for his foresight. "

Vorusk lowered his face directly, and his face was flat on the ground, as if the towering bridge of the nose did not exist.

"Shadowfang was brought to the holy mountain of Harrogath, what do you want to say?

In addition, Kanai and Diablo are both in the dark soul stone,

If you have something to tell them, just say it and they can hear it.

Of course, you can if you plan to meet them in person. "

Bourcaiso casually crushed the mouth of a wine bottle and poured it into his mouth with his head up.

Is drinking in moderation good for your health?

That's true, but it's for the alcoholics.

In fact, once the wine gets into the body, it is only bad.

It's just that Nephalem's physical condition is much better than that of ordinary people, and barbarians are even more famous for their physical strength among Nephalem.

This did not allow these warriors to fall under the influence of alcohol.

"What do I have to say?

I want to say that no one can beat death, but you'd say I'm a fart. "

Volusk's face was still stuck to the ground, and his voice became a little weird.

"No, it is true that no one can overcome death, at most it is to escape the arrival of death.

Even though our lifespan is still an unknown, it is undeniable that we will still die.

This is people, isn't it? "

Bulkesso patted the ground of the Temple of the Elders, and waves of power surged up and poured into Volusk's body.

The energy might not be enough to bring Volusk back to his prime, but it was more than enough to give him the basics of mobility.

"You can use Ancestral Summon now, I'm back with Kanai.

Are you not happy that your strongest side can finally appear in front of these guys? "

Bourkesso's face was indifferent, just looking at his expression, there was no way to be happy.

What was Vorusk like when he was most powerful?

Taking the form of Berserker's Wrath, Kanai's Ancestral Spirit stands beside him.

A single Kanai is enough to match the three ancestors. Although Kanai did not like this path chosen by Vorusk,

But there is no denying the power of Volusk.

"Why call him out?

See how embarrassed I am now?

Instead of talking about Kanai with me, think about how the strongest in this world see us. "

Volusk's body sat up and took a bottle of wine by the way.

"They won't thank us because we're here to confront an enemy they shouldn't have.

Putting this kind of thing on you and me, you and I will not like guys who bring danger.

Then there is no reason to ask others to do what we cannot. "

Bourcasso tapped his head, and the confrontation between Diablo and Kanai was a little too noisy.

"I thought you had full confidence in that mage."

A sneer appeared on Vorusk's face.

"Of course, I trust them.

But that doesn't stop them from hating us in the face of disaster.

The big deal is just fighting, the one who lives is the victor, and the victor deserves the right to speak. "

Bourkessel tilted his head and tapped the ground lightly with his hands, as if he planned to hum a ditty at any time.

Bourkesso has never concealed his selfishness and sexuality, and the strong must always get something more vivid.

Otherwise, what is the difference between you and the common people?

Sing the loudest!

When scolding, use the dirtiest words to express your anger.

Of course, there should be no grief when dying in battle.

Because when they are alive, they have been given enough time to enjoy everything they can enjoy, such as the flesh and blood of demons and the spring water of angels.

There are also delicious foods that you can occasionally come across.

"Do you think you are a good person?"

Vorusk became a little long-winded, and he used this question to ask Kanai back then.

It's just that Kanai didn't give him an answer.

"Good guy? Doing anything for someone else is a good guy, but when you help one person you can hurt another.

So what's the point of being a good person?

It's like you challenge death beyond your control, and then bring how much loss to the barbarians.

So are you a good person? "

Burkessel raised his head and gave Vorusk a careful look.

The tired eyes, the thin face, and the shriveled body seemed to be able to stand only by relying on that hard bone.

"Of course I am, who dares to stand in front of me and say that I am a bad person?

It's you? Or Kanai? Or those guys who enjoy the living space that I have exchanged from the devil with my life, but keep scolding me in their mouths?

No one dares to call me a bad person in front of me, so I am a good person. "

Vorusk tugged from behind, pulling out the stone hammer of the Immortal King with a little effort.

"I still remember the first time you imitated the gravel hammer. That thing was just right for hitting flies."

After speaking, Volusk took a sip of wine.

"I saw Odin's scars on Diablo's body, and it is clear that the world has begun to breed hatred.

They'll hate me, they'll hate you, they'll even hate the savages.

But when the devil appears in front of them, they are still worth believing. "

Bourkessel was talking endlessly.

This kind of thing has been proven.

The hatred between the nephalems is a mess in itself.

Barbarians and wizards, wizards and monks, druids and necromancers, witchers and wizards...

It seems that the mage's enemies are a little more...

But no matter how much hatred they had between them, they were still trying their best to face the devil.

Maybe it's because of those first-generation Nephalems, anyway, the devil has always existed as the biggest enemy.

"Thor didn't get my full power and opportunity, although I really admire him..."

"Nonsense! Your secret realm has been polluted, can he still see your power and authority as an immortal king?

But it doesn't matter, Rorschach is there, he will be the next immortal king.

Even though he now has the power of Diablo and Tyrael in his body, I still think so. "

Burkessel touched Vorusk with the bottle,

The two big men poured wine into their mouths together.

"Here again, although I'm not too impressed with Uldyssian, Kanai said Uldyssian would always do this sort of thing.

Speaking to himself, outsiders simply don't understand why he is so confident.

Are you Burkessel or Uldyssian?

Or shirtless..."


With a big mouth, Volusk turned around three times on the ground.

"I don't like this name, although I just feel very embarrassed, but I don't want to hear it."

Bourkessel stroked his beard, but showed no emotion on his face.

But there's no need to see his current mood from their faces.

Bourkessel's movements already illustrate his movements.

"Maybe you're not like us by nature, at least I figured it out after I knew what a tie was."

Vorusk shook his head and sat back up, then poured all the wine he had just tried to protect from spilling into his mouth.

"You and Uldyssian themselves should not have been born in our world,

Perhaps the Great Demon God is bound to appear, or perhaps after the destruction of the Holy Mountain of Arreat, the barbarians should have lost their foundation.

Perhaps, after the appearance of the Great Demon God, it was Sonya and the other young warriors who went to seek victory.

In all these trajectories, probably without you is the most normal development, right?

As I should have thought long ago, only guys born out of the world can escape their fate.

Even though that guy Maddock never said that, Recko kept quiet about you.

But I know that you are not favored by the harsh love of fate. "

Vorusk rubbed his swollen left cheek and muttered.

"Perhaps the right side of your face should also be stretched out for me to take a swipe, so that you will look a little like when you were young."

Burkesso did not answer Vorusk's question directly.

"I remember the first time I saw the first-generation ancestor, he was wearing a wasteland suit, with the two knives in your hands on his waist.

I thought I saw him the first time I saw you in this legendary outfit. "

Vorusk's voice became distant, as if telling an ancient story.

"So who asked Hilab to object to my name change?"

Burkeseau took up the subject in passing.

He didn't think at first that his name would be "Bulkesso", although there was nothing among the barbarians that could not be named after their ancestors.

But the status of the first ancestors was also extraordinary.

"Maybe Maddock?

Anyway, when you were young, you couldn't see that you would become the most powerful warrior at all. At that time, you were dumbfounded every day.

I suspected you would starve to death from getting lost or something.

I put that worry aside until I saw you stuffing a lot of brown bread into your backpack. "

Vorusk crushed the empty wine bottle with his hands, shattering it like dust, and blowing it away in one breath.

"Even if you are dead, you still can't let go of the responsibility of the immortal king. You can close your eyes at that time."

"Close your eyes? It's simple. If you die in battle, you won't have any thoughts of revenge?"

"I don't know. I may have resentment in the past, but now I can't even feel fear, and I don't know if I will be very calm when facing death."

"Cut, I'm more of a believer that your soul will become whole at the moment of death, and then cry like a silly—beep—”

Say what you want to say in a muted voice, Volusk, it's yours!

"It's almost enough to gossip, and I'll give you the wine as a farewell.

Then Vorusk, the great second immortal king.

Are you ready to face Kanai? Of course you have to face your fears. "

Burkeseau said noncommittally.

If nothing else happens, Vorusk and Kanai will probably achieve their long-cherished wish.

After that, the two ancestors could close their eyes peacefully and enjoy the eternal tranquility.

Bourkessel doesn't know if this is a good thing.

"Ah~ I thought of this before, so I left a little something on Orek's side,

If that child of Thor returns to the holy mountain again, take him to Orek. "

Vorusk clapped his hands and stood up, then he picked up all the wine that was on the ground.

You can't go empty-handed when you go to see an old friend you've wanted to see for a long time.

"If I vomit in the dark soul stone, will you ask about the sour smell of the vomit?"

Vorusk squinted and smirked, looking a little more free and easy.

His body became burly as if inflated a little bit, and the shriveled muscles regained their elasticity.

"Probably not, but I'm probably going to be sick."

Bourcasso smiled, and then patted Rorschach, who was about to wake up, and fainted again.

Now is not the time for Rorschach to wake up.

As for what Vorusk left Thor, Bulkesso didn't want to know.

"Ha, I think you'll like it.

Love the boozy nutrients that Diablo's soul has turned into!

By then, you will be one step closer to realizing your dream. "

Vorusk twisted his neck, and now his face has changed back to what he looked like when he was at his best, but one side of his face was swollen and swollen, which made him a little less majestic.

"Seriously, why don't you let me slap me again, so that when you see Kanai, you can still say that you are fat."

Burkeseau rubbed his eyes, wondering if sand had gotten into his eyes.

"Let me tell you a little more advice, don't lose the face of the savages.

After you sit on the throne, your every move represents the barbarian.

We are called barbarians, even by default.

But we have civilization, heritage, knowledge, and everything that any civilization should have.

If you lose face one day, kill all the guys who see you ashamed!

Then you are still the perfect immortal king. "

Vorusk walked in the direction of Bulkesso, and as he walked, his figure gradually turned into a ray of light and rushed into the dark soul stone.

Only one bottle of wine fell into Bourkessel's hands.

"This is my last bottle, if you want to free Cassius ~www.readwn.com~ give it to him.

If he doesn't want it, then you drink it.

It's not very tasty anyway, it's soaked with Andariel's paws, and I always have a foot odor when I drink it. So it was taken as a reward for the warriors. "

Vorusk left the last words, and then disappeared in front of Bulkesso!

A gleam of light flashed on the dry throne, which had been broken everywhere, and it became brand new.

From now on, no one will tell Bourkesso what to do.

The savage is all on his own!

Vorusk's collection has always been small in number, used as a prize in praise of heroes, and this is the last bottle.

Anyway, what kind of hero was born among the barbarians after that, it should be Bulkesuo to reward.

This wine with the smell of feet depends on whether Cassius is willing to enjoy the eternal tranquility.

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