Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 8: Monthly Updates and Acknowledgments List...

Book Pages Collection Catalog Setting Day and August Updates and Acknowledgments List...  

2021-09-03 Author: Qian Nanwang

August owes and credits list...  

The first is the reporting of debt repayments and more outstanding balances.

A total of 130,000 words were updated in August.

The 186,000 words guaranteed to be updated in August were removed, and 56,000 words were added, which is about 28 chapters.

The monthly increase in the number of monthly passes in August is 177, which count as 2 chapters.

The total reward in August is 18.04 yuan, which is not enough for one chapter to be added. (Continue to sincerely thank JETYGUO, I sincerely thank you!)

August is set as 1007, and 10 chapters are added according to the long-term change rule.

37 new chapters due to update...

After the debt is repaid, the new debt is added and there are still 198.5 chapters of debt, 397,000 words.


The day to pay off the debt is far away, I will try a little harder this month...

It will eventually be over...

Arrears will not become bad debts due to the completion of the book... At that time, a free extra account will be issued to repay the debt...

Thank you very much for your generosity, readers.


Thank you very much for the support of the book friends, thank you very much.

Next is the reward and thanks:

Thanks to book friend JETYGUO for the 1500 points.

At this time, I would like to thank JETYGUO book friends for their continuous support.

I have received the encouragement from Master JETYGUO, thank you again.

So I want to ask my grandfather again what kind of extras do I need to customize?

Please leave a message.

Customized fanfiction will not be counted in the number of words for debt repayment, this is a little thought of the stupid author...

Thanks to the book friend Wuwei for the 300 points rewarded by death.

Thanks to the book friends for the 4 points rewarded when the black and white are reversed.

Thank you book friends for the 4 points that you won't be rewarded for as long as you don't have much time.

And thanks to everyone who voted.

Thank you so much! ! !

The chapters related to debts will not be deleted, and naturally there will be no default or bad debts...

Thanks! Thanks! ! !

The author nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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Dark savages come to the United States - August owes and credit list

2021-09-03 Author: Qian Nanwang

August owes and credits list...  

The first is the reporting of debt repayments and more outstanding balances.

A total of 130,000 words were updated in August.

The 186,000 words guaranteed to be updated in August were removed, and 56,000 words were added, which is about 28 chapters.

The monthly increase in the number of monthly passes in August is 177, which count as 2 chapters.

The total reward in August is 18.04 yuan, which is not enough for one chapter to be added. (Continue to sincerely thank JETYGUO, I sincerely thank you!)

August is set as 1007, and 10 chapters are added according to the long-term change rule.

37 new chapters due to update...

After the debt is repaid, the new debt is added and there are still 198.5 chapters of debt, 397,000 words.


The day to pay off the debt is far away, I will try a little harder this month...

It will eventually be over...

Arrears will not become bad debts due to the completion of the book... At that time, a free extra account will be issued to repay the debt...

Thank you very much for your generosity, readers.


Thank you very much for the support of the book friends, thank you very much.

Next is the reward and thanks:

Thanks to book friend JETYGUO for the 1500 points.

At this time, I would like to thank JETYGUO book friends for their continuous support.

I have received the encouragement from Master JETYGUO, thank you again.

So I want to ask my grandfather again what kind of extras do I need to customize?

Please leave a message.

Customized fanfiction will not be counted in the word count of debt repayment, this is a little thought of the stupid author...

Thanks to the book friend Wuwei for the 300 points rewarded by death.

Thanks to the book friends for the 4 points rewarded when the black and white are reversed.

Thank you book friends for the 4 points that you won't be rewarded for as long as you don't have much time.

And thanks to everyone who voted.

Thank you so much! ! !

The chapters related to debts will not be deleted, and naturally there will be no default or bad debts...

Thanks! Thanks! ! !

The author nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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