Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 873: Temptation and "Fairness"

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Cassius looked at Madam Shiva in front of him with sincere appreciation in his eyes.

A warrior with great skill and determination doesn't get stronger, it's just talent that limits her.

If such a person can become a Nephalem, he must be able to become stronger.

And her powerful speed will make it difficult to react quickly!

But that's after the battle!

Lady Shiva was not fit to be a barbarian.

In the past, young people had no choice, but now the situation is different.

Ulena is waiting.

It would be best if Lady Shiva could become a monk.

"Come on, I'll try to make the fight between you and me a little fairer.

Although I do not do defense will make a lot of your superb skills useless.

But it's at least a little more fair than if I started defensive. "

Cassius explained an additional sentence.

The skill of fighting between people is a very important part if breaking through the defense of the opponent itself.

And Cassius' undefended stance will indeed make many pinning techniques meaningless.

Even if Cassius could control his own power, he could not weaken his own endurance.

The battle wasn't fair from the start.

"The very purpose of skill is to give the weak a chance to outcompete the strong.

To make the strong become stronger.

I can't beat you, it just shows that my strength and skill have room to move forward.

Mr. Cassius, although I know you may not fight the way I want.

But I still want to say, please do your best as you can! "

Ms. Shiva is extraordinarily serious.

She gently jumped in place several times, adapting to the changes in her body.

The muscles that protect the spine are given other functions by her!

Exercise with muscles that force the spine!

This approach will bring sequelae.

But in order to win the battle, Ms. Shiva is willing to pay such a price!

"I will try my best.

You want to win.

I want to have fun in combat.

Out of respect, I will consider your request.

But only if you can make me feel the joy of fighting! "

Cassius was rude.

He took the initiative to walk in the direction of Ms. Shiva.

The arms are still randomly placed at the sides of the body.

This approach is considered contempt in battle!

Madam Shiva took a deep breath.

This breath made her lungs expand violently.

No breath hits!

This approach does not enhance the strength of the attack.

But it can avoid the movement interval that must exist because of breathing!

Many times people feel like they are releasing their greatest strength when they hold their breath.

It's just an illusion.

In fact, regular and rhythmic breathing combined with the attack is the heaviest.

The meaning of holding your breath lies in the high-frequency attack in a short period of time! ①

This is the fighting style that Ms. Shiva chose by herself!

She can definitely break through a person's body defenses.

In this case, create a lot of wounds on the opponent's body!

Blood loss can give the other person a feeling of physical recovery when they are exhausted.

But in fact, weakening has already happened here.

Cassius still did not raise his arm to defend.

Just looking at Ms. Shiva's somewhat "delicate" fist, like a bee sting!

The next moment Cassius lost his skin directly on his jaw!

The blow was originally aimed at Cassius' throat!

The defense must be broken, then the effect of attacking the position of the throat will be more obvious!

And Cassius just bowed his head in the face of such an attack!

The skin of the lower jaw was rubbed off with a bit of flesh.

But Cassius' jaw didn't shake in any way!

This is the difference in absolute power!

Even Cassius wanted to respond in accordance with how ordinary people would respond to such an attack.

He can't do that either.

Because he couldn't use such weak power to stun himself...

Even when his body instincts were restrained, he couldn't even shake his head.

As a result, such an attack naturally cannot really work.

But the first punch is just the beginning!

Lady Shiva's uppercut is here again!

This time, a wound was drawn on the bridge of Cassius' nose.

The flesh was cut open, revealing the pale bridge of the nose...

The next moment Cassius' brow bone was cut open by an uppercut!

The bloodstains flowed down, finally affecting Cassius' sight!

After part of his vision was covered by blood, Cassius finally fought back!

The raised right fist is stretched behind you!

It looks like this is a very rough and simple swing punch.

But in any fighting event, it is rare to see this kind of swaying.

This action looks extraordinarily powerful, but it is very difficult to work!

Of course, an attack that crosses an arc is not as good as a straight line!

Cassius is still releasing water!

"So you're here to watch the fun?

Is Cassius kidding? "

Coutur's overly burly figure appeared nearby.

Then he asked carelessly.

There is probably no guy on the holy mountain who knows Cassius better than him.

"I remember that Cassius' punch was a bit like a freestyle swing. ②

But looking at him, he was actually quite serious.

So he's fighting a warrior he thinks deserves respect? "

Courtour went on to speak before anyone could reply to him.

"We were talking about your technology just now.

The ancestors of Cassius said that your skill in wrestling and wrestling is almost unmatched. "

Natasha said something casually.

She didn't even need to think about it when she said that.

It's all instinctive.

Natasha certainly doesn't think that wrestling and wrestling have no skills at all.

Only in these two fields, technology is more acting on itself.

The posture and game of wrestling, the shift and temptation of the center of gravity of wrestling...

These things can be said to be technology, but also experience.

"Looks like the respectable fighter feels insulted.

Cassius is not good at that.

The power he controls himself will never be the same as the opponent's.

Instead, it uses the power released by the opponent's muscle mass to convert it to itself.

And Cassius' muscles are definitely much stronger than most people. "

Coutur sat directly on the ground.

When he sat down, his height was on the same standard line as Natasha and the others...

This guy is too tall and burly.

"That's a fair one, right?

After all, this muscle is only attached to the body after training. "

Spider-Man said a little helplessly.

He didn't dare to think about the battle between himself and Cassius.

His size can only be said to be strong, but his strength is not small at all.

If Cassius compares the power released by the muscles and then changes to his own size.

The difference in power would be even greater.

If the relationship between Ms. Shiva's muscles and strength is that a muscle releases a lot of strength.

Then the number of muscles of Cassius is three, so the total amount of strength used by Cassius reaches thirty.

If it is Spider-Man, if his muscle mass is 1, then Cassius' muscle mass is about 2.5.

But the power released by Spider-Man's muscle mass is absolutely hundreds.

Therefore, the total amount of strength that Cassius uses at least will be more than 200...

The difference between "ten" and "thirty" is only "twenty" points.

But the difference between "two hundred" and "one hundred" is "one hundred points".

Under this algorithm, unless someone can have more muscle mass than Cassius.

Otherwise, this fairness is actually quite unfair...

Of course, there are such people among human beings.

It's a pity that this person has been killed before...

That's right, it's Kim...

If he's alive and lucky enough to have a "fair" fight with Cassius.

Then he may be one of the few guys who can take advantage of strength.

When Coutur comes and speaks loudly.

Neither Ms. Shiva nor Cassius, who was in the middle of the battle, paid attention to him.

This is a sacred challenge.

Focusing on other things is insulting on both sides.

Ms. Shiva's breathless punch has left a lot of wounds on Cassius' body!

Although the wound is showing signs of healing.

But now Cassius was not only blocked by the blood flowing out of his sight.

Even hearing was hit hard!

After Ms. Shiva first weakened Cassius' vision, she immediately attacked Cassius' hearing!

The phoenix fist directly scraped off Cassius' ear! ③


As before, when Cassius was talking, his fist was heavily swiped on Ms. Shiva's body!

That super arc swinging fist, Ms. Shiva herself has a chance to escape!

But she didn't dodge, but put a solid cross defense with both hands before the attack!

Cassius pursues fairness so he does not defend.

Then you can't blame Ms. Shiva for seeking fairness and not dodging!

It's a battle between two warriors who pursue a fair fight!

It's just that the two sides' understanding of fairness did not focus on each other!

The two are each pursuing the fairness that they recognize!


A muffled sound!

Although not loud.

After all, the power Cassius used was "fair".

But this level of strength was enough to knock down Madam Shiva's skinny body compared to a barbarian!

Cassius' fist is not a horizontal arc!

Instead, it was thrown diagonally!

Lady Shiva's defense is still somewhat effective.

She was just knocked down by a huge force shock.

But only after a few consecutive rolls on the ground to unload the force, he stood up again.

It's just that the arm she uses to block is slightly bent!

The bone is clearly broken!

"Your previous attack reminded me of the monk's Hundred Split Fist.

That taste is really nostalgic.

But since this is the fairness you seek.

Then I wouldn't ask you to start dodging either.

There is no other way to use it! "

Cassius raised his hand and wiped his eyes.

It doesn't feel good after the bloodstains fall into the eye sockets.

Madam Shiva's tumbling emptied the distance between the two of them!

This means that the two sides need to readjust their posture and tactics.

"I just feel angry!

Not only do you have no defense to pursue your fairness.

Even more so, I attacked with a swinging punch that I could easily dodge.

You don't respect me as much as you did before! "

Madam Shiva's voice was cold.

"Ha, you underestimate me!

If I dare to punch like this, I have the ability to make you unable to escape!

Don't think I'm slow because I look burly.

If you had chosen to dodge at the time, you would have known why I was sure that you could not dodge. "

Cassius' tone was eager to try.

How long has Cassius been around?

He was seven or eight hundred years old when he died in battle.

It has been thousands of years since he died.

In this process, his technique has long been so skilled that it is difficult to make any further progress.

Naturally, his movements could not be rough without the backhand.

"Ancestor Coutur, do you know how the previous punch from Ancestor Cassius was so unavoidable?"

Matthew asked curiously.

This kind of question may only be able to say a thing or two to Courtour.

Or let Cassius explain it himself.

"The strength of Cassius is his pace.

You will find it if you look carefully.

The previous blow Cassius only used the muscles above the waist.

His lower body is like two people with his upper body.

He is still moving forward.

If I'm not wrong, this guy has done something similar before.

When he feels that he is stronger, he will reveal a little bit of his habits to the other party. "

Courtour rubbed his chin.

He wasn't as fanatical about fighting as Cassius.

If it was just a simple wrestling, Coutur would be a little interested.

But let him fight this kind of battle, and he will only show a lack of interest.

As for the weird posture of Cassius...

It's his life.

Even in the ranks of the barbarians, Cassius was able to knock out other barbarians without the help of his lower limbs.

If Cassius is willing to take off his upper body armor.

Then you can see the latissimus dorsi like two curled wings...

That back looked even more terrifying than Coutour's.

If Cassius lay on the ground, his back would look like a tortoise shell.

This is something that Courtour has not done.

Although it's a little weird, Cassius' body is not ugly...

That's because in addition to the exaggerated exaggeration of his lats~www.readwn.com~ other muscles are also exaggerated...

The whole body is exaggerated, so it seems to be balanced.

"I just want to say that this fight is a little bit longer."

Spider-Man still looks lazy.

However, the matchup did take longer than expected.

It's also because both guys are looking for fairness before winning.

That's what made the fight drag on.

"It won't be too long.

After testing it twice, Cassius should not try anything next time.

As for the lady, it's time for a killer move. "

There was finally a hint of anticipation on Coutour's face.

Two rounds have been completed.

Also pulled two distances!

In the two rounds of confrontation, both sides have changed their fighting methods.

Temptation is no longer necessary.

And both sides seem to have no doubts about the victory they will go to!

① This is true. In a boxing match, the breath-holding sparring usually occurs in the inner latitude sparring.

However, most of the heavy boxers use a very normal breathing rhythm when using the heavy punches that determine the outcome.

By the way, I recommend a comic "The First Divine Fist", which is about boxing. Personally think it's good enough.

② The posture and technical movements of this punch are popularly called "Russian Big Swing Boxing". If you are interested, you can find the game of Fido, the fighting czar. This is also his most commonly used boxing style.

③ Fengyanquan is a fist shape. It can probably be understood as attacking with the second knuckle as an awl. Don't learn this... if the fingers are not trained, they will easily sag...

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