Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 346 365: Bolato’s strength!

Chapter 343 365: Bolato’s strength!

"Polato, today I will take the place of Lord Demon God and destroy you, the traitor!" Viril said loudly to Polato. Polato snorted coldly, threw a piece of armor directly to the ground, and gave a strong blow with his big hand. With a wave, a huge steel stone demon appeared on the ground.

Viril smiled disdainfully. Although the Steel Stone Demon was powerful and could rebound extremely terrifying damage, it was a nightmare for all melee combat, but to Viril it was nothing at all.

She is a long-range unit. No matter how powerful the Steel Stone Demon is, it cannot be so powerful that it can rebound long-range damage. This is not the ability that the Steel Stone Demon should have.

"Boom!" A pillar of fire instantly erupted from the Steel Stone Demon's feet, instantly enveloping the Steel Stone Demon. However, Bolato on the side smiled disdainfully, as if he didn't care at all.

"Huh? Not good!" Viril exclaimed, and she saw the red iron body of the Iron Stone Demon, illuminated by the pillar of fire, suddenly erupting with an unparalleled red light.

In just an instant, the surrounding fire pillars were completely absorbed. The soaring fire pillar instantly became the food of the steel stone demon and was swallowed up completely.

"Boom!" A ring of fire erupted directly from the Steel Stone Demon's body. Viril's eyes widened immediately, because at her level, she could clearly feel that the power of the Steel Stone Demon instantly increased several times.

"How could this be?" Viril said in disbelief, while Polato smiled disdainfully. Does Diavolo really think that he has nothing to do and only cultivates human geniuses all day long?

I haven't lost a single point in my mutation skills. Although it is impossible to give it to Diavolo, my mutation ability is the best way to improve my combat effectiveness.

"Roar!" Not far away, a roar came, and a huge flame giant stood up from the forest fire and rushed towards Viril crazily.

That was the meteorite just now. Bolato came to delay Viril's skills. It was also a fire stone demon summoned from the universe. It had more powerful fire power than ordinary fire stone demons.

The forest within a radius of dozens of kilometers burned crazily. As soon as the flame stone demon appeared, it was like a meteorite that destroyed the earth fell. Fortunately, this meteorite was small enough, otherwise the entire planet would be destroyed.

Fire Golem, Stone Golem, Steel Golem.

Three stone demons stood in a triangle, surrounding Viril in the air. The three stone demons were each dozens of meters tall, and their huge bodies looked particularly terrifying.

If these three stone demons were stacked up, they could probably compete with Hellfire in height. But now the three stone demons are just fighting on their own. If it were Hellfire, they could easily defeat them.

However, what they faced was not Hellfire who was comparable to the Demon King, but Viril who was a bit stronger than Bolato, a fallen person who had been personally strengthened by the Demon God Diavolo.

"Why, don't you Necromancers have four stone demons? Where are the flame stone demon, the steel stone demon, the stone demon, and your blood stone demon? Release them too!" Viril looked at the people surrounding her. The three stone demons were protected by a burst of fiery red light.

Prevents the Fire Golem's "Holy Fire Aura".

The Holy Fire Aura, like Julian and Chen Feng's "Holy Freeze", is a halo damage, which can cause periodic fire damage to enemies within the range, and is more powerful than Holy Freeze.

However, Viril's other personality is Cassana, who is a flame mage. In addition, Diavolo is in hell and is in charge of hell flames and hell thunder. Flame immunity is simply a problem for Viril. easy.

Have you ever seen a fire dragon being cooked by the fire?

"Hmph, Blood Stone Demon, you'll see it later!" Bolatu laughed disdainfully and took the lead in launching an attack, and streaks of red thunder struck down crazily in the sky.

That was hell lightning. The ability that Diavolo originally gave to Bolato was now used to kill Diavolo's lackeys. I wonder if Diavolo is going crazy with anger now.

"Polato, I will let you behead me today!" Viril roared angrily, and saw a long bow condensed instantly. The bow was made of flames condensed directly, and it looked like flaming amber, especially beautiful. Gorgeous.

However, behind such beauty was the power of fear. A pillar of fire instantly condensed into an arrow, and the arrow was aimed directly at Bolato.

Bolatu's pupils shrank, and countless bone shields suddenly appeared in front of him, surrounding him layer by layer, protecting him tightly in an instant.

"Hmph, mutated bone shield, Bolatu, you are indeed a genius, all your skills have been completely mutated!" Viril said with a smile, but the fierce light in his eyes became more intense.

"But, even if all your mutations mutate, you still can't stop my arrow!" Viril yelled, and the bow and arrow in his hand instantly released, and the arrow disappeared instantly.

"Poof!" Bolatu only heard a dull sound in his ears. He was shocked and felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down at his chest in disbelief.

A fiery red arrow suddenly penetrated Bolatu's entire chest. The tail of the arrow that appeared outside the chest seemed to be mocking Bolatu's overestimation of his abilities.

"Absolute power, Diavolo actually strengthened the absolute power into you!" Bolato said incredulously, and all the bone shields in front of him burned instantly, and there were impressively visible on all the bone shields. A small hole.

That's what the arrow penetrated.

"Roar!" Bolatu's three huge stone demons roared angrily and rushed towards Viril crazily. However, in front of their tens of meters tall bodies, Viril was only 1.6 meters tall. , looks so tiny, and is in the sky, becoming even more unnoticeable.

"Boom!" A huge ring of fire erupted directly from Viril's body. In an instant, all three stone demons were pushed aside. The red bow and arrow were nocked again, and they shot directly at Bolatu again. An arrow.

"No!" Bolatu yelled, and his whole body instantly turned into a black mist. However, the black mist had just covered half of Bolatu's body when a red light penetrated his body directly.

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood erupted directly from Bolatu's mouth. Bolatu's body slowly appeared in the air again, but he was staggering and weak.

"Hmph, Bolato, I thought you were very powerful, but you are nothing more than that!" Viril said disdainfully, lining up the bow and arrow in her hand again, hoping to kill Bolato directly with the last arrow.

Suddenly, at this moment, bursts of blood spurted out from Bolatu's body. The rich blood was like the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood that Chen Feng had encountered.

In just less than a moment, Bolatu's entire body was surrounded by blood. Viril was startled by the sudden move, but the bow and arrow in her hand did not stop and shot directly at Bolatu. .

"Hmph, do you think I'm really that weak?" Bolatu's voice came out from the sea of ​​blood, and a blood stone demon as tall as a person was slowly floating in the air.

"What is this?" Viril exclaimed, is this a blood stone demon?

But why is it different from other stone demons? Other stone demons are extremely huge, tens of meters high, but this blood stone demon is only one person tall.

However, Viril felt a very terrifying pressure from the blood stone demon, which was more terrifying than the three stone demons combined.

"Where's Polato?" Suddenly, Viril kept looking around. In just a moment, Polato was hiding somewhere, and Viril immediately sensed the surroundings.

"Humph, idiot!" The Blood Stone Demon suddenly spoke, saying something disdainfully. Viril's eyes widened and she looked at the Blood Stone Demon in disbelief, only to see the Blood Stone Demon disappear in the air in an instant.

"You actually turned into a blood stone demon? Impossible, the Necromancer actually knows the transformation skill?" Viril roared in disbelief, and suddenly felt a terrifying pressure coming down from behind.

"Nothing is impossible, just like killing you, everything is possible!" A voice came from behind Viril. Viril turned her head in horror, only to see a claw pointing directly in front of her.

Viril raised the bow and arrow without saying a word, but she felt a sudden regret in her heart. However, the bow and arrow in her hand had already been raised, and Viril could only be cruel.


It turned out that the moment Bolatu's claws collided with Viril's bow and arrow, the flame energy in the bow and arrow was completely unbalanced, and a huge explosion occurred instantly. Viril suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew directly out.

"Hahaha, aren't you very powerful? Come and kill me!" Bolatu, however, was not affected at all. He stood in the void and laughed at Viril, which made Viril's eyes filled with tears. Incredible.

"Impossible, my flame bow exploded, a self-destruction blow from at least a level 80 dark gold flame-enhanced monster, and you didn't get any injuries?" Viril exclaimed.

Bolatu smiled disdainfully and licked his paw. Only then did Viril realize that the paw was actually filled with blood. She couldn't help but look at herself and saw a row of deep scars on Viril's chest. Paw prints.

"Hmph, a junior actually dares to be so arrogant in front of me. He doesn't even understand the basic abilities of the Blood Stone Demon, and yet he wants to be extremely powerful?"

"Don't think that because Diavolo has strengthened you, you are invincible. There are too many things in this world that you need to understand!"

Bolato said disdainfully.

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