Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 357 376: Flame Black Bear (3 updates today, please adjust and think)

Chapter 354 376: Flame Black Bear (3 updates today, adjust your thinking)

At level 30, Chen Feng finally reached level 30. More than twenty fallen people just rushed out. The level of this group of people happened to be enough to give Chen Feng enough experience.

Just after these guys were all dead, Chen Feng just upgraded to level 30. Chen Feng burst into laughter. As long as he upgraded to level 30, Chen Feng no longer had to hide.

Anyway, level 30 is Chen Feng’s goal. As long as this goal is achieved, everything else will come slowly. Although I don’t know if the people inside have escaped, as long as I upgrade to level 30, Chen Feng, the fallen one there, will ignore it. It will be all right.

"Let's go in!" Seeing Julian and others packing up the things exploded by a group of fallen ones, Chen Feng immediately rushed in with groups of skeletons, with the corpse vultures taking the lead.

"Why did someone come in again?" There was an alarm throughout the enchantment, but because there were too many alarms just now, no one was alerted.

Everyone knows the story of the boy who cried wolf, and no one took it to heart, but when the wolf really came, he regretted it.

And Chen Feng would not give these people a chance to regret.

A skeleton rushed in like a wolf and a tiger. Julian's aura instantly enveloped all the skeletons, and the strength of all the skeletons surged forty or fifty times in an instant.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Suddenly, a fallen person saw such a large number of skeletons, and immediately shouted at the top of his lungs. Chen Feng smiled disdainfully, and saw the crossbow skeletons behind him, attacking four or five times in a row. There were four or five arrows stuck in the man's body. Ya, fell directly to the ground.

"How come the people inside are less beaten than those outside!" Chen Feng got an advantage and behaved well, and said to the girls. Suddenly several girls rolled their eyes.

It was a normal battle outside, but inside it was a one-sided massacre with Julian's blessing. Any of Chen Feng's skeletons had the ability to fight the Fallen.

"Asshole, you're looking for death!"

Suddenly, a roar came from the sky, and a person was seen falling directly from the sky, but it was not flying, but there was something like a watchtower above, and the person just jumped down from the top.


The rock skeleton waved his fist calmly, and the man who was still roaring didn't even have a chance to land, and was knocked away by the rock skeleton's fist.

However, what was unexpected was that the guy was not dead yet, but was flying in the air. Chen Feng smiled faintly, and the corpse vulture suddenly came out from the side, grabbed the fallen man with one claw, and threw it directly towards the ground. Come down.

Suddenly, two silver guys appeared next to Chen Feng again. The Silver Bone King Kong rushed forward, one suddenly grabbed his left hand and left foot, and the other grabbed both hands and feet.

Then, amid the screams of the fallen man, he tore it apart crazily on both sides.


A body was easily torn in half, and internal organs and blood were sprayed all over the floor. Chen Feng looked at the group of fallen people watching from a distance with a ferocious expression on his face.

And behind them, a more deadly person appeared.


"Seal the battlefield!"

Sealing the battlefield can seal an area as the main battlefield. The enemy's all attributes are suppressed by 25% in the battlefield, and all attributes of oneself and the opponent are increased by 25%. During the sealing period, the outside cannot be viewed from inside. The strength of the barrier is equal to 5 times the caster's all attributes.

This is Julian's new skill. It was said to be a halo at first, but after it was used, it was realized that it was a barrier, but it still had the effect of a halo.

It’s just that the increase in all attributes is useless. Chen Feng’s King Skeleton’s all attributes are increased by 35%, but here it is only 25%. Because there is no superposition, the highest value is taken, so the 25% increase in all attributes cannot be activated.

However, it can still be activated to reduce all attributes of the enemy by 25%.

Inside the barrier, it's like the illusion barrier has been opened outside. You can't see the battle inside, you can only see the natural scenes of the forest and the like that the caster wants you to see.

Inside, the strength of the barrier is equal to 5 times Julian's defense and 5 times HP, and the blood recovery speed is also 5 times. Unless it is a one-hit kill, Chen Feng is really not sure who can break through this barrier.

Overall, this barrier halo is very powerful and very suitable for ambush warfare.

To put it another way, Chen Feng was already preparing to punish Julian. If this barrier had been used earlier, it would have been possible to create an illusion and lure the enemy in. However, Julian waited until the battle to bring it out.

He must want to watch Chen Feng's show.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng glanced at Julian. At this time, Julian was also looking at Chen Feng, with a cunning meaning in his eyes. Chen Feng suddenly looked like this.

This guy, it seems that Julian knew that Chen Feng was sure of victory, so he didn't use his skills. If Chen Feng couldn't seduce the enemy, then when the time came to rush in, Julian could still use his skills to trap dozens of people. , Chen Feng can still upgrade to level 30 by then.

"Want to run?" Chen Feng said disdainfully. Julian's barrier instantly surrounded hundreds of people. Chen Feng immediately rushed in with the skeleton, showing a crazy massacre inside.

Massacre, really a massacre, more than a hundred people were photographed alive and dead in front of two hundred skeletons, just like a small sailboat on the waves.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Continuous golden light burst out crazily from the girls and others around them. In just a moment, the level of these girls increased to an astonishing level.

After all the hundreds of fallen ones were killed, Chen Feng stared at everyone's levels in shock.

Chen Feng: Level 31.

Julian: Level 36.

Emily: Level 36.

Lilith: Level 38.

Divina: Level 35.

Tavina: Level 36.

Chen Feng was speechless for a while. He took a look at his experience value. It seemed that he was about to reach level 32. He immediately asked Julian to disband the barrier and then continued to recruit people. If he was lucky today, it would be possible to reach level 33.

"It's so cool, this is called upgrading!" Chen Feng said with a laugh. The corpse vulture immediately flew into the sky and began to look for enemies, while Chen Feng's skeleton began to collect things on the ground.

"That's him, that's him!"

There were bursts of angry shouts not far away. Chen Feng looked over and saw a group of fallen people not far away who rushed towards everyone without beating them to death.

"Be careful, level 70 degenerate!" Julian and others suddenly came to Chen Feng's side and said seriously to Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately became serious.

Level 60 and level 70 are a watershed. When you reach level 70, you can undergo the second blessing evolution, and this time it will definitely succeed, and your strength can increase dozens of times.

Such a guy could actually become a fallen person. Chen Feng could only pray secretly that this guy wouldn't have time to bless his evolution, otherwise it would be difficult to fight him this time.

"Damn professionals, you can actually find it here!" Foss roared angrily. As the most powerful person left in the Fallen camp, but watching the people he protected being slaughtered, Foss only felt that his My face was slapped hard several times and it hurt.

"Roar!" Foss roared angrily, and his whole body suddenly expanded, turning into a huge black bear more than 5 meters tall. Chen Feng and others immediately became serious.

Druid, the transformation type, is the most difficult to deal with, because the Druid who transforms into a bear has a very thick blood volume, and with the blessing of the transformation technique, the blood volume will become astonishingly thick.

And looking at the appearance of this big man, it was obvious that the bear transformation was mutated. This skill was definitely powerful. Chen Feng suddenly let the rock skeleton charge forward.

Strength versus strength, Chen Feng still believed in the power of the rock skeleton.

"Boom!" The black bear Foss watched the rock skeleton rush over. To be honest, the rock skeleton looked taller, more powerful, and more powerful than the black bear.

The two sides directly exchanged fists, but what shocked Chen Feng was that there was no blood on the black bear's head, and the black bear was still standing there.

"No way, it's blocked!" Divina exclaimed. She had witnessed the power of the rock skeleton with her own eyes, but she didn't expect it to be blocked like this. It was really amazing.

"Roar!" The black bear Foss roared angrily, and a group of fallen people behind him immediately shouted. Apparently Foss's power suddenly boosted their morale.

"Do you still want to watch the show?" Suddenly, a disdainful voice came from the ears of the group of fallen people. I saw that the body of a fallen person was suddenly covered with emerald green, and then a series of your spears penetrated fiercely. of his body.

Emily quickly passed through the group of people and instantly harvested a life. As an agility attribute, Emily's speed increased to an incredible level after incorporating agility. At least Emily and Lilith ran at full speed. Chen Feng and others No one can see clearly.

"Pfft!" Another dagger directly penetrated the throat of a fallen person. The fallen person covered his throat and fell down, looking at Lilith who had turned invisible with incredible eyes.

"Damn, damn, you actually attacked my subordinates in front of me. I, Foss, will kill you today!" Voss roared angrily, and a ball of flame instantly burst out from the huge black bear's paw, and charged directly towards Chen Feng. come over.

"Thunder Shock!"

The rock skeleton hammered the ground hard, and suddenly the ground began to tremble violently. The giant bear suddenly fell into a state of dizziness. Chen Feng smiled disdainfully.


Suddenly, the black bear broke free from the dizziness, looked up to the sky and roared, and suddenly the whole body began to burn with flames, not just its claws.

"No, that's such a strong aura!" Chen Feng and the others were suddenly shocked when they saw a terrifying aura spreading crazily from the flaming black bear.

"Roar!" The Flame Black Bear roared angrily, and a huge fireball appeared directly in its mouth and sprayed fiercely towards Chen Feng.

The fireball actually arrived in front of Chen Feng in an instant, and Chen Feng had only one thought in his mind.

"What a speed!"

A black shadow instantly appeared in front of Chen Feng, followed by a terrifying explosion, and the violent shock wave instantly knocked several people away completely.


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