Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 378 396: Seriously Julian! (Please subscribe, thank you

Chapter 375 396: Seriously Julian! (Please subscribe, thank you!)

The Storm Tree and the Rock Skeleton punched each other, but what made Chen Feng laugh was that the Rock Skeleton did not move at all, but the Storm Tree took several steps back.

A large number of charged bombs burst out from the body of the Storm Tree crazily. Chen Feng frowned. He really hoped that the lightning resistance of this rock skeleton could be very high. After all, you are a rock, right?

What pleased Chen Feng was that the rock skeleton could almost completely ignore hundreds of charged bullets. All the long-range targets behind Chen Feng were firing at the Storm Tree, and the terrifying charged bullets were densely packed in an instant.

"Hmph, if it weren't for your lightning immunity, I would have more lightning than you!" Divina looked at the storm tree unwillingly. The storm tree is lightning-strengthened and comes with lightning immunity. Although Divina's The skill reduces the enemy's lightning resistance, but in front of the Storm Tree, Divina still decisively refused to take action.

After all, even if the enemy's lightning resistance is reduced, according to Divina's current reduction level, the effect on the enemy will not be obvious, and it will also have a visual impact on one's own people due to the light of lightning.

You know, there are already a large number of charged bombs around the Storm Tree, just like thousands of high-energy light bulbs rolling on the ground after being powered on, which looks very dazzling.

And if Divina strikes a few more lightning strikes, it is estimated that there will only be one color in the world: white, so Divina resolutely refrains from taking action in order not to impress everyone.

On the other side, Julian's aura of faith has been turned on. Although this aura can reduce the enemy's resistance, Julian still tells Divina not to take action because Lilith has already lurked over there.

All along, it was Chen Feng who was fighting head-on. Once it came time to fight, the girls would stand by Chen Feng's side, but this time none of the girls were afraid.

This is the entrance exam. If you don't dare to take action here, there will be no need to take action later, so a group of girls also started to take action.

"Plague Spear!" Emily shouted, and a javelin was projected directly, hitting the Storm Tree instantly, and the golden Storm Tree immediately turned into emerald green.

"I won't get involved with the Storm Tree. Leave the other thornwood demons to me!" Tavina said with a smile. Divina's eyes suddenly lit up and she immediately asked Tavina to seduce the other monsters. , ran to the side to kill.

With such a large number of summoned beasts, Divina was happy to output from the rear. Under the effect of her and Julian's auras, the enemy's lightning resistance was greatly reduced, and Divina could output with peace of mind.

Lilith, on the other hand, has become invisible and hiding in a tree. Because the charging bomb travels from the ground, there is no danger as long as it leaves the ground.

Lilith suddenly jumped down from the tree, and two sharp daggers pierced the body of the Storm Tree. Suddenly, the Storm Tree roared, and her head was instantly opened.

"Good opportunity, definitely a punch!" Chen Feng roared angrily, and the rock skeleton immediately stepped forward. Lilith immediately jumped and appeared on a big tree, leaving the Storm Tree completely powerless.

"Boom!" All the rocks fell off the left arm of the rock skeleton, and then they gathered crazily on the right arm, aimed at the Storm Tree, and punched hard, causing the entire Storm Tree to fly backwards in an instant.

"Pull back!"

Chen Feng roared and shouted, and all the girls were stunned. Pulling back, the girls looked at the corpse vulture. Although the corpse vulture was in the sky, it did not act immediately.


Suddenly, dozens of ropes suddenly sprang out from the ground, binding the Storm Tree tightly, and then they all pulled down hard as if one person was exerting force.

The Storm Tree, which was originally flying upside down, was instantly controlled by this force and fell hard to the ground. Suddenly, a large number of charged bombs burst out from the body crazily.

"Crack, click, click!" A skeletal sound came from the ground, and one by one scorpions were electrified out of the ground by the charging bullets. Originally, if the tail was not exposed, it would not be able to be electrified, but as soon as the tail appeared On the ground, it immediately became a lightning rod, and all the charged bullets were directed towards the tail.

"Scorpion skeletons?" The girls exclaimed. This group of skeletons was clearly called out by Chen Feng in order to take care of the old man in District 1 in the ice and snow.

It turns out that what was just there was not a rope, but the tail of a scorpion skeleton!

But now it has exerted such a strange effect. Everyone can clearly see that when the Storm Tree fell to the ground hard, the blood bar on the Storm Tree's head immediately lost a lot, making everyone Shocked.

"Hey, the fun is yet to come!"

Because of the heavy blow from the sky, the Storm Tree was not only hit with a large amount of blood, but also fell into a dazed state with great cooperation. Chen Feng suddenly smiled and saw a huge fireball rushing down from the sky.

"Boom!" The corpse vulture skeleton said that it had not used dive explosions for a long time. This time, it was really fun to hit a target that was completely unfamiliar to the ground!

A ball of fierce flames burst out from the Storm Tree's body. The HP of the Storm Tree's body was once again reduced by a large amount, and something that made everyone happy happened again.

I saw that the Storm Tree was actually burning with thick flames. The flames were devouring the Storm Tree's health every second, and very quickly.

"What's going on?" The girls looked at Chen Feng in disbelief. Generally speaking, although the Thorny Wood Demon is a wooden monster, it does not necessarily mean that it can be ignited.

Moreover, the stronger the Thorny Wood Demon is, the less likely it is to catch fire. However, this Dark Gold level Thorny Wood Demon, which was obviously strengthened by the Nightmare Moon, was actually ignited with flames. Everyone felt incredible.

"Look at where that guy is on fire!" Everyone looked at those locations in confusion, and suddenly realized that all the places that burned the most violently were actually the places where the tail of the scorpion skeleton had been entangled.

"I discovered that the venom of the scorpion skeleton can also burn, but obviously this is not enough, so I made the scorpion skeleton drill down desperately and found some good things!"

Chen Feng said with a smile. In fact, he was shocked at first. He originally controlled the scorpion skeleton to ambush silently, but one of the skeletons was controlled incorrectly and kept going deep underground.

When Chen Feng discovered it, the scorpion skeleton returned to the ground, covered in black gold.

What is black gold?


Generally, oil is found deep underground, but this is a forest. After many years of evolution, the oil content underground is very rich. There is a small branch road less than a thousand meters away, which contains A lot of oil came out.

Chen Feng estimated that when Hellfire was underground, it accidentally damaged the bottom layer, causing many cracks in the bottom layer, allowing oil to move upward.

But these are all speculations. Chen Feng plans to wait until the Storm Tree is killed before getting the oil out. Then, he will build an oil river outside the city. When the enemy comes, he will directly circle the oil to see if you still dare to come.

However, Chen Feng did not expect that the oil here was so powerful. He originally thought that it would be enough to ignite a little flame, but Chen Feng did not expect that it could actually cause such a violent flame in the Storm Tree.

"Beat the drowned dog, go ahead!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and all the skeletons rushed forward. The cooldown time of their skills was short, and he frantically activated his own skills.

In an instant, a large amount of charged bombs instantly flooded the entire place where they could stand, and everyone had to hide in a nearby tree. Fortunately, the place was still densely forested.



The Storm Tree finally roared and was killed alive by Chen Feng's long-range. The Rock Skeleton stood aside calmly. For the Rock Skeleton, standing with such a small charge bomb for half a day was not enough for the skeleton to sacrifice a health-increasing weapon. Bright.

Chen Feng looked at the flames still burning on the ground, which exploded into ashes, and burst out laughing. He had obtained the admission certificate.

Instead of helping Tavina and Divina, everyone stood aside and watched the show as the two men continued to kill groups of elite Thorny Wood Demons.

Divina and Tavina didn't ask for help either. This could be considered a test for them.

In the end, it was Julian who rushed forward. The Rock Skeleton was resisting the monster just now, and Julian had no chance to fight except throwing a few Holy Light Bombs or Heavenly Fists.

Now, there was a group of elite-level monsters. Julian immediately took out his shield and directly took over Xiaobai's job of fighting monsters. Xiaobai turned it into a sneak attack with tacit understanding.

The Thorny Wood Demon's power was very terrifying, but he didn't expect to encounter Julian. Although Julian's physical attribute disappeared, his own strength was already very high. The shield was directly moved, and he immediately fell back slightly. In one step, the attack of the elite-level Thorny Wood Demon was actually completely blocked.

"Okay!" Chen Feng immediately clapped his hands and shouted. Julian didn't pay any attention. Instead, Divina rolled her eyes at Chen Feng and struck down another Thorny Wood Demon. Julian's shield was directly positioned at an angle.

The Sinking Demon's fist seemed to have hit the glass and slid down. Chen Feng's eyes lit up again. This skill was incredible.

He needed to master the enemy's attack angle and the principle of force discharging, and he also had to accurately determine the protective angle of his shield. Chen Feng didn't know if he was blind, but looking at Julian's expression, he could tell that he was completely under his control.

"No way, so powerful?"

In fact, Chen Feng had only heard that Julian was very powerful. Chen Feng had never actually seen Julian fighting seriously.

This time, Chen Feng was in awe. Julian was obviously fighting very seriously.

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