Dark Skeleton King

Chapter 567 582: Fusion completed!

Chapter 564 582: Fusion completed!

The sky suddenly darkened. The Supervisory Angel Qiurui was a very beautiful angel, but because he really didn't like fighting, he was assigned to the Supervisory Angel and was responsible for observing the B13 area.

The B13 area, which was originally clear and clear, suddenly began to be covered with dark clouds. In less than three minutes, the entire sky suddenly became extremely dark. The B13 area is a large area under surveillance, covering an astonishing 100,000 square kilometers. If placed on the earth, , which is equal to the size of Zhejiang Province.

"Call, call, there is indeed something abnormal in B13, please support!" Qiu Rui actually knew that he was just dawdling, and the lifespan of an angel was extremely long. Qiu Rui, who didn't like fighting, only stared at the B13 area every day.

But unexpectedly, a lava demon appeared in the B13 area a few days ago. As a result, the entire area turned into a lava ocean with one move, which directly caused the supervisory angels in other areas to be particularly envious of her, because after turning into a lava ocean, this place What happens will become very small, and basically there will be no abnormal situations.

And even if there is any demon passing through her area, Qiu Rui can pretend not to see it, because this is a sea of ​​lava, and of course she cannot see the demon passing through the lava.

"Qiu Rui? What's going on?" Several angels rushed over. Seeing that the entire B13 area was covered with dark clouds, they were shocked and immediately began to report back layer by layer.

After a while, the top management of the angels were alarmed. Although it was just a sky full of dark clouds, for hell, the B13 area was not a rainfall area.

In other words, there has never been a drop of rain here for hundreds of thousands of years, but now the sky is full of dark clouds and there are bursts of thunder. Everyone knows that it may rain here, and there are even other strange noises.

Immediately, some angels from the top quickly appeared and inspected the area.

"Huh? Zalida is in this area?" Looking at the list marking the population in the area, Zalida and her daughter Anna suddenly appeared, as well as many humans and angels. One of them looked very majestic. The angel suddenly frowned.

"Yes, Congressman Fulier!" The person in front of him was a Congressman. Like Zalida, he was a Congressman Angel who lived in the Sky City and was in charge of the Sky City and the angels who protect human beings.

"Then let me ask him what's going on over there!" Fulier looked at it for a while, unable to find out why there were dark clouds in the sky. In the end, she could only ask if it was something created by Zalida.

"Zalida, Zalida!" Fulier closed her eyes, and suddenly bursts of mental power turned into communications and were directly transmitted to Zalida's mind.

This is the power of angels, just like the "private chat" function in online games. Angels integrate their spiritual power into their wings, and then use their wings as receivers and transmitters, just like satellites in satellite stations. Same.

Send the message towards the person you want to communicate with, and the message will be connected to the person you want to talk to at an incredible speed, so that both parties can talk.

In fact, to put it bluntly, angels use themselves as telephones, their wings as antennas, and their mental power as radios to communicate.

"Fuli'er? Why did you contact me?" Zalida suddenly answered, but her voice was hoarse, and Fuli'er was startled.

"What's wrong with you? Why does your voice sound like this?" Fulier asked hurriedly, fearing that something would happen to Zalida. Zalida is indispensable in the Sky City.

"Oh, it's okay. I was stimulated by someone. I swallowed too much saliva and my throat is a little dry!" Zalida was silent for a while and said helplessly. Fulier's eyes suddenly widened.

"By the way, I'm not talking nonsense. Are you in area B13 now?" Fulier asked.

"B13? Oh yes, the place I am at is B13. What happened? The devil attacked?" Zalida asked.

"Oh my God, wouldn't you look up at the sky? The whole sky has turned black, and you don't know yet?" Fulier asked helplessly.

"The sky has turned dark? What's going on? I'm in a cave and I can't see the outside. Wait a minute!" Zalida immediately terminated the communication and turned into light in an instant. He appeared outside the cave and was shocked. .

"What's going on? Could it be caused by that boy Chen Feng?" Zalida looked at the sky in disbelief, and saw that the entire sky was already covered with dark clouds, the surrounding wind began to howl, and streaks of lightning continued to fall from the sky, and even You can clearly see that dozens of kilometers away, a tornado is slowly taking shape, connecting the magma and the sky.

"Fuli'er, I'll contact you later. I'm here, don't worry!" Zalida immediately gave Fuli'er a comfort medicine and hurried back to the cave.

Back in the cave, Zalida looked at the ice cocoon floating a hundred meters in the air in amazement. Behind the ice cocoon, a huge shadow stood.

That's right, the phantom has been successfully condensed.

The huge shadow stood behind Chen Feng, but this did not mean that the fusion of Chen Feng's Skeleton King body had ended, but that it had just begun.

Because the next step is really crucial.


Although the phantom is a phantom, it can be condensed into a solid body, just like the Bloody Skeleton King. Although the phantom is powerful when it is illusory, once it condenses into a solid body, its strength will become even more terrifying.

The original Scarlet Skeleton King could only torture the Scarlet Ripper at first, but after materializing, he slapped the Scarlet Ripper away with just a few slaps, allowing the Ripper to escape.

Therefore, although the shadow will be attacked after being materialized, it will become more powerful. The strength is naturally self-evident!

At this time, Chen Feng had already begun to materialize the phantom, and a large amount of cold air from behind gathered directly towards the phantom crazily, and the surrounding walls were shattered to pieces.

"Why isn't it better yet?" Bit was a little anxious. Chen Feng had been like this for two days, but the shadow behind Chen Feng had not changed at all in the past two days, and Chen Feng had not made any movement either.

Only countless cold air gathered towards the phantom, but everyone could still clearly see that the phantom had become extremely clear, as if it were real.

Just when Zalida first came in, he heard a violent thunder outside the cave, and then a golden soul fire burned in the eye socket of the shadow behind Chen Feng.

The originally white head turned golden in an instant, and then a skull slowly flew out of the ice cocoon.

"It's started!" Bit exclaimed, and Anna immediately covered Bit's mouth to prevent Bit from disturbing Chen Feng at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the skull quickly flew to the shadow and began to continuously enlarge. After a while, the head of the shadow began to materialize.

Ten minutes later, a bright skull like a huge diamond appeared on the shadow's head, and then the body of a Skeleton King flew out of the ice cocoon again.

However, the body's condensation was much slower than the head's. A full hour passed before the condensation was completed.

"Do you feel it? It seems like it's raining outside?" Suddenly, an angel said doubtfully. Everyone thought he was crazy. This is a burning area. How could there be rain? The demons here want to evaporate all the water. .

"It seems real. It seems like it's really raining? I heard a sound!" A human assassin suddenly said, and everyone couldn't help but start to doubt.

Three people became tigers, one person said that no one believed it, but the second person and the third person started to say it, then some people believed it. Everyone began to listen carefully, and the whole cave was empty.

"Sure enough, it's raining!" A group of people stared at Chen Feng suddenly. Obviously everyone thought it was caused by Chen Feng, but it was really caused by Chen Feng.

A large amount of cold air was emitted from the mountain peak, because Chen Feng had mobilized all the cold air around him, but there was still a small part that could not be absorbed. However, it was because of this part of the cold air that could not be absorbed that the whole sky instantly started to thunder and flash. got up.

Chen Feng didn't know it at all, because at this time he felt a strong crisis and was waiting for it, and this crisis was attacking from below.

Crisis does not mean that there is something that can kill Chen Feng, but that something is aiming at Chen Feng. It is like there is a gun aimed at your head. The strong sense of crisis makes Chen Feng involuntarily slow down. The steps of materialization.

"Boom, swipe!" Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the ice beneath the ground, and then tentacles emerged from below crazily. The tentacles were like roots, rushing towards Chen Feng crazily. .

"Seeking death!" Zalida roared angrily, and the long sword in his hand swept across the cave in an instant. A large number of tentacles were cut off directly, but the tentacles shrank and continued to charge forward the next second.

"Hmph!" Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and the phantom that was materializing suddenly turned around and punched downwards with a fierce fist.

I saw countless cold air burst out from the fist in an instant. In an instant, the entire cave was sealed with ice, and the tentacles stood blankly in the cave, obviously frozen.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng began to absorb the cold air around him with all his strength, and a large amount of cold air roared toward Chen Feng's shadow crazily. In less than ten minutes, the legs of the shadow behind Chen Feng's ice cocoon finally materialized successfully.

And just when the legs were successful, there was only a "click" sound, and the entire ice cocoon suddenly shattered, followed by a loud explosion, scattering into countless ice and snow, but Chen Feng waved his hand, and the ice and snow suddenly exploded. It condensed and turned into a sharp spear.

"Snow Thorn! Go"

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