One thousand and eighty degrees later, Xiao Wu did a graceful backflip, and the waist bow was launched for the last time, throwing Tang San’s body directly to the ground, and he also used the reaction force of throwing out Tang San to roll in the air for several weeks and fall towards the ground.


Tang San’s body was smashed to the ground in an extremely strange posture, and his whole body could no longer do anything other than twitching.

Look at the other side, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing found Dai Mubai, and his sharp claws slashed towards Dai Mubai’s lian.

“The third soul technique, White Tiger King Kong Transformation.”

“First Soul Technique, White Tiger Talisman.”

The use of his own strengthening skills and defensive skills fended off Zhu Zhuqing’s first raid.

Before he could slow down, Zhu Zhuqing’s speed was so fast that an afterimage appeared, forming a black circle around Dai Mubai.

Bang! Zhu Zhuqing’s

afterimage was still maintaining the encirclement, but Zhu Zhuqing suddenly appeared from one side and attacked Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Protective Barrier.

Dai Mubai could only passively defend, and could not find the target of the attack at all.


Zhu Zhuqing only attacked once at a time, but it appeared from different directions.

Most of Dai Mubai’s soul power maintained the White Tiger Talisman and the White Tiger King Kong Transformation, occasionally using the White Tiger Light Wave to attack the black encirclement formed by the afterimage of Zhu Zhuqing.

It’s a pity that the White Tiger Flame Light Wave is lonely.


Zhu Zhuqing’s attack is extremely explosive and an assassin!

Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Protective Barrier soon appeared cracked, and it was almost unsupportable.

After Zhu Zhuqing finished striking, he disappeared in the encirclement of the afterimage surrounding Dai Mubai.

It can be seen that in just a moment, Zhu Zhuqing’s true figure appeared again and again, and then disappeared.

All that was left was the gradually expanding crack on the White Tiger Talisman. Click~click~

Click~ The

White Tiger Talisman was covered with cobweb cracks, and under Zhu Zhuqing’s claws, it shattered into a star rain, shining brightly in Dai Mu’s white eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly attacked behind Dai Mubai, his hand was claw-shaped, and the nails condensed by his soul power were dark and long.

With his back to Dai Mubai, he drew a backhand, driving the movement of his body and drawing a black line in the air for a photo.

“Ugh!” Dai Mubai screamed, there was pain in the back of his waist, his clothes were directly cut, and the nails condensed by soul power pierced into the skin and cut out, like a sharp knife.

Several strips of flesh were torn apart from the body.

Reacting and feeling the pain, Zhu Zhuqing’s claw had been completed.

Waist, almost gazed!

There was no time to touch the blood stains on the wound, and Zhu Zhuqing’s claw strike came again, this time a frontal attack, straight towards the front door.

This is to disfigure Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing’s speed was too fast, not that Dai Mubai could react now.

In an instant, several blood-spilling scars appeared on Dai Mubai’s face, several diagonally slashed down from the left side, and several slashed diagonally down from the right side.

Don’t say, Zhu Zhuqing is very symmetrical.

At this time, Xiao Wu had just finished her explosive eight-stage fall, and was looking at Tang San lying on the ground with contemptuous eyes.

The other side.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar are both auxiliaries, but the performance is different at the moment.

Ning Rongrong opened the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Soul, but did not use the soul technique. Oscar, on the other hand, quickly made a few sausages to replenish the team.

The manufactured recovery sausages were all thrown to Tang San and Dai Mubai.

In the next order, Oscar’s recovery sausage did not reach the hands of Tang San and Dai Mubai, but was intercepted and killed by Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing!

Xiao Wu teleported, grabbed the recovery sausage, threw it on the ground, and then a raised leg split and a foot fell, instantly bursting the recovery sausage.

Zhu Zhuqing’s recovery sausage is also similar treatment.

Looking at the recovery sausage he made, just like that, the mud and flesh exploded, Oscar felt that a certain part of his body also felt like it was being blasted.

Hurriedly protected.

Thump! A sound.

Fall to your knees.

The last second-ring soul master, Ma Hongjun, directly faced the fourth-ring soul sect Meng Zhen.

Needless to say, the gap in soul power levels was there, and Meng still directly attacked with soul technique and toxin.

Ma Hongjun could not avoid it, and he was attacked by Meng Zhen, his body was highly poisonous, and his wound had begun to turn purple.

Everything went on in sync, and the four-on-four match took only a few breaths, not even thirty seconds.

Four students of Shrek Academy, all incapacitated!

Luo Yan didn’t even finish a cup of tea, he only read a few lines of a page of the book, and even the recliner didn’t sit for long.

“You guys lost, hurry up and leave our Lanba Academy.” Dark Liu Erlong said coldly, with a wave of sneering.

Not long ago, Friend was still praising the students of his academy, looking proud.

Now looking at Tang San, who was kicked and exploded by Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, who was injured by Zhu Zhuqing’s claws and wailed, Ma Hongjun, who was poisoned by Meng Still in seconds, and Oscar, who was paralyzed and kneeled in fright.

Yu Xiaogang and several teachers from Shrek Academy quickly stepped forward to check their injuries.

Tang San’s body was fractured in multiple places.

Dai Mubai suffered a very serious skin trauma, and the wound was deep in the bone.

Ma Hongjun is mainly poisoned.

Oscar was just frightened, and his legs were still shaking when he was helped up by two Shrek Academy teachers.

“Teacher.” Tang San was very willing, he didn’t even use the martial soul, as well as the external soul bone, the dark weapon…

“Don’t say it, it’s us who are not as good as others.” When Yu Xiaogang spoke, his eyes involuntarily looked at the dark Liu Erlong, full of sadness. The

heart that was once broken by Bibi Dong is now going to be hurt by Liu Erlong?

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang completely forgot who ran first, and now in his heart, he only wanted to accuse Liu Erlong of ruthlessness.

Let Oscar make a few recovery sausages for Tang San and Dai Mubai, and make detoxification sausages for Ma Hongjun.

Flender also understood, clenching his fists angrily and rattling.

What kind of golden iron triangle friendship, has long been a cloud of the past, four-on-four match, is simply a humiliation!

Flender opened Shrek Academy, picking and choosing a few students with the best talents, and in this four-on-four match, he was vulnerable.

“Erlong, do you really care about the friendship of the past?” Yu Xiaogang supported Tang San and questioned Dark Liu Erlong in a low voice.

“As I said, the friendship of the past was first abandoned by you.” Dark Willow Erlong held his head high and held it in a gesture of contempt.

Turning to Flender coldly, “The result is already obvious, people who don’t take you with them yet…”

“Get out!” The

teachers and students of Shrek Academy all felt a great shame, even more so than in the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

The Heaven Dou Royal Academy was still because of Poison Douluo Dugubo, that was a titled Douluo, and they had nothing to say.

But Lanba Academy, the dean is a former partner of Flender and Yu Xiaogang!

Unexpectedly, he was also treated like this.

They began to wonder whether to continue following Flander.

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