Another titled Douluo, Luo Yan walked over slowly, not long ago, he beheaded a titled Douluo.

{Second Order} The sound of machinery sounded.

Unknown black metal covered the whole body, and Luo Yan stood not far behind Tang Hao, as if he was devouring a faint moonlight.

Feeling the breath behind him, Tang Hao turned around.

Tang Hao is not Poison Douluo Dugubo, he keenly discovered the difference in Luo Yan and directly opened his own God Killing Realm.

The killing intent condensed into substance and struck towards Luo Yan.


Tang Hao’s killing intent in the God Killing Realm was blocked three meters in front of Luo Yan’s body, and it was difficult to advance an inch.

{Second Order, Douluo, Ah Yin’s Power} The

mechanical voice sounded, making Tang Hao stunned, he was a little suspicious of his ears, he seemed to hear Ah Yin’s name just now.

In an instant, countless blue silver grass vines spread out around them, binding towards Tang Hao.

The soul technique was cast, and the Haotian hammer in his hand was like a sharp scythe, slashing the blue silver grass to pieces.

After cleaning up these blue silver grasses, a hammer pointed at Luo Yan, and his eyes widened angrily: “It’s you, you poached Ah Yin, right?”

“It’s me, so what?” After Luo Yan finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.


The entrance to the unknown black metal space opened, and a figure slowly walked out from inside, making Tang Hao’s eyes widen in disbelief.

The figure that had been sacrificed appeared in front of him again.

In an instant, tears welled up in my eyes.

Tang Hao’s voice trembled, “Ah… Ah Yin, really, is it really you?

Just as he was about to step forward, the dark Liu Erlong on the side suddenly attacked, and the flames swept through, and his body turned into a fire dragon.


Tang Hao used the Haotian Hammer to resist, and at the same time cast his eighth soul technique, wanting to quickly solve the Dark Liu Erlong.

What Tang Hao didn’t expect was that this blow of the Dark Willow Erlong was extremely powerful, and he was unscathed when he used the eighth soul technique.

Luo Yan stood not far away, and had no intention of acting, and said coldly: “Do you know, how did your son get beaten?”

As soon as the words fell, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin gave an answer.

The blue silver grass converged and twisted together, forming a tough whip, whipping towards Tang Hao, the strength was not particularly strong, but it was firmly pumped on Tang Hao. Looking at the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin

in disbelief, Tang Hao would not have thought that the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin would attack him.

“Ah Yin, I’m Tang Hao!”

Tang Hao tried to awaken the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

Unfortunately, the current Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin is very awake and knows what he is doing. It’s just that this body is not up to her.

When he saw Luo Yan manipulating Xiao Wu to deal with Tang San, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin thought about this scene.

I didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

Tang Hao’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the power of Hao Tianhammer was even more powerful to smash the Dark Willow Erlong, and he also had to resist the whipping from the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin.

Luo Yan found a slightly larger stone nearby and sat down.

Prop your head with one hand and rest your elbows on your knees. Observing Tang Hao,

in terms of strength, Tang Hao is stronger than Poison Douluo Dugu Bo I don’t know how much, and the sound of breaking wind when the Haotian hammer dances is strong and powerful.

When facing the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin, he became a little weaker.

After all, it is iron-blooded tenderness, and it can’t be done.

However, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin and Dark Liu Erlong still couldn’t get much on Tang Hao after all, and the gap in soul power between the two sides was there.

Can’t be like Xiao Wu kicking Tang San, Tang Hao in an instant. The

cold wind bleed, and Luo Yan stood up.

You have to come by yourself, and if you use Tang Hao as your opponent, you may be able to know what the second-order strength is.

Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, after all, it is still a little worse.

Without the blessing of poison, he is really too weak.

Walking towards Tang Hao, Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin and Dark Willow Erlong retreated to the sides.

“Boy, what did you do to Ah Yin?” Tang Hao scolded angrily, and Hao Tianhammer faced Luo Yan and directly opened the true body of the martial soul.

Luo Yan waved his hand and said, “I just turned her into my thing.”

“What?” Tang Hao felt a pain in his heart, and looked at the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin with sadness in his eyes, hating his incompetence, he didn’t protect the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin in the first place, and let her sacrifice.

Now, there is someone else to occupy!

Tang Hao’s Haotian Hammer was in the state of the true body of the martial soul, and he cast the Chaotic Cloak Hammer Method, showing even more power than before.

“Boy, you’re looking for death!”

Tang Hao was originally just an eight-ring soul Douluo, and he dared to fight with the title Douluo of the Martial Soul Hall, but now he sees the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin being occupied, and he is angry, and he just wants to beat Luo Yan in front of him.

“It’s not enough for you.”

{Second Order, Douluo, Liu Erlong’s Power} mechanical voice sounded, Luo Yan’s right arm burned flames, towards Tang Hao’s Haotian hammer, smashed over.

Bang ~ Hit! Tang Hao

felt his arm numb, and Hao Tianhammer shook back.

Luo Yan shook his hand, it is undeniable that this move just now was indeed unexpected, Tang Hao’s chaotic cloak hammer method plus the martial soul true body, the power is indeed very large.

{Second Order, Douluo, Little Dance Power} The mechanical voice sounded.

Luo Yan bent his legs slightly, half-squatting to charge strength.

As long as the body pressure is low enough…

Tang Hao was also not idle, and directly used his ninth soul ring soul technique, which was the 100,000-year red soul ring that the Blue Silver Emperor A Yin sacrificed to him.

The Haotian hammer fell down with a bang, and its power was much more powerful than just now.

A run, jump, fly kick.

Luo Yan directly kicked the Haotian Hammer that cast the ninth soul ring soul technique and the 100,000-year red soul ring soul technique in his second-order form.

Bang! A

brilliant explosion is produced.

Luo Yan rolled out, and it was really difficult to resist the current Tang Hao with second-order strength.

However, Tang Hao was no better, and there was a crack in the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul, which was the embodiment of the heavy damage to the Martial Soul. The martial soul

and the soul master are one, and although the martial soul can be repaired after it is broken, during this time, the soul master itself will be very weak.

“If the second order doesn’t work, then change to the third order.” Luo Yan said, activated the third-order form of the unknown black metal armor {third order, the

timing start}

After the unknown black metal armor entered the third-order form, Luo Yan felt that the time when he could use the third-order power increased a lot.

Tang Hao looked at the pitch-black armor on Luo Yan’s body, which had actually changed, frowned, and prepared to use the Ninth Soul Ring Soul Technique again.

The Ninth Soul Ring Soul Technique requires a lot of Tang Hao’s soul power, and in a short period of time, it is best not to use it continuously.

But looking at the Blue Silver Emperor Ayin, Tang Hao could no longer think calmly. The person who originally thought that he would never see each other again in this life appeared in front of him.

As a result, it was occupied by others.

No matter what, Tang Hao had to defeat Luo Yan and recapture the Blue Silver Emperor Ayin.

“Ah! ~~~” Tang Hao roared angrily, increasing his strength, making this time the ninth soul ring soul technique stronger than the last one!

100,000-year soul ring, red dazzling!

{Ultimate Technique, Release, Ah Yin’s Power}

To deal with Tang Hao, he naturally uses the power of the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin.

{Ultimate Skill, Charge}

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